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Is there a job for you after college? What does the world of work keep in store for you? That largely    26    on who you are.

If you’ve enjoyed your studies in English and history,    27   , you’ll be glad to know that in a recent survey by Hobart and William Smith Colleges in New York State, a majority of CEOs said that the liberal arts (文科) are essential for    28    critical thinking and problem-solving skills. If you thought college was for acquiring specific work skills, only 37 percent of the CEOs in the survey agree with you.

If you plan to start your career as a secretary, be aware that this job is undergoing tremendous    29   . In offices where secretaries have not already been eliminated (消除), the    30    role of a clerk is now unrecognizable. Most bosses    31    their own mails and meetings and travel plans, thanks to e-mail and the Internet, so secretaries are    32    taking on higher-level tasks such as drafting contracts and handling customer service problems. Those willing to expand their    33    should do well.

If you are a woman interested in law enforcement (执法), note that some states and cities are working hard to reach    34    standards for female applicants. Although most small suburban police departments are deeply traditional, and some are

   35    even to employ woman, among the nation’s largest forces about 15 percent of the officers are female, five times as many as a generation ago.

Degrees in sports management are also    36   . Two hundred U.S. colleges and universities, 10 times as many in 1985, now    37    undergraduate courses in sports management, and some have advanced degree programs. At some schools you can also combine an MBA in sports management with a law degree.

   38   , if you’ve set your sights on a traditional MBA, take heart. MBA recruitment (招聘) is way up, and salaries are    39   . But money isn’t all today’s MBAs are looking for. A recent study of nearly 1,800 MBA students in the United States and Canada found that 68 percent    40    the statement, “My family will always be more important than my career.”

26. A. concentrates          B. depends                 C. takes                    D. passes

27. A. by comparison       B. as a result              C. for instance           D. in return

28. A. developing             B. discouraging          C. confirming            D. appreciating

29. A. troubles                B. pains                     C. tests                     D. changes

30. A. active                   B. small                     C. useful                   D. traditional

31. A. await                    B. handle                   C. transfer                 D. classify

32. A. increasingly           B. unwillingly             C. diligently              D. intentionally

33. A. horizons                B. activities                C. organizations         D. operations

34. A. medium                B. high                      C. fair                       D. legal

35. A. keen                     B. resolved                C. reluctant               D. qualified

36. A. displaying              B. ending                   C. resting                  D. rising

37. A. cancel                   B. offer                     C. register                 D. drop

38. A. Contrarily             B. Consequently         C. Finally                  D. Strictly

39. A. competitive           B. moderate               C. fixed                     D. regular

40. A. give out                B. agree with             C. wonder about        D. focus on

26-30 BCADD              31-35 BAACC        36-40 DBCAB


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河南省高三4月模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Is there a hospital around ____ I can get some medicine for my wounded hand?

A.that              B.which            C.where            D.what



科目:高中英语 来源:河北省石家庄市2009-2010学年度高一第二学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单词拼写


第四部分 写作(共三节,满分45 分)

第一节 单词拼写(共10题,每小题1分;满分10分)


76. I have ______ (道歉) to him but he still will not forgive me.

77. They hold the ______ (信念 that nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

78. To be healthy, we should keep a ______ (平衡的) diet.

79. ______ (不像) animals, plants can not run away when threatened.

80. The ship had a difficult time going through a ______ (激烈的) storm.

81. I'm not sick; on the ______ (相反), I'm in the peak of health.

82. The Greens are planning a trip to ______ (加拿大). 

83. Excuse me, is there a post office ______ (在附近)?

84. Wet and cold, they ______(寻找)shelter from the rain but failed.

85. After years of hard work, he paid off his ______ (债).       



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年广东省高一上学期期中测试英语卷 题型:单词拼写


1.The children are doing well a____________ (学业上).

2.Her abilities are not fully a____________ (欣赏) by her employer.

3.They brought back a few s____________ (纪念品) from their holiday in Greece.

4.Her husband’s death left a v____________ (真空) in her life.

5.Kids e____________ (精疲力竭) themselves by running wildly around the park.

6.Crowds poured into the Beijing Worker’s S____________ (体育场) to watch the performance.

7.She knew she hadn’t done enough r____________ (复习) for tomorrow’s exam.

8. With winter a____________ (临近), many animals are storing food.

9. I didn’t want to ask her a lot of e____________ (尴尬的) questions in front of her friends.

10.The singer got an e____________ (热情的) reception at the airport.

11.She’s a very i____________ (印象深刻的) public speaker.

12. “Artificial I____________ (智能)” is a famous science fiction directed by Steven Spielberg.

13. Many modern arts are being displayed in that art g____________ (美术馆).

14. A lot of small companies have to fight for s____________ (生存).

15.The captain gave the order to a____________ (遗弃) the ship since it was sinking fast.

16.The hotel room had a g__________ (美丽的) view over the lake.

17.He first went to France as an e__________ (交换) student from Beijing.

18.The baby was f_________ (害怕) of being left by itself in the house.

19. In general, the bride’s father gave her away at the wedding c____________ (仪式).

20. Is there a good restaurant in the n____________ (周围)?



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年四川省雅安市一年级上期期末检测英语试题 题型:其他题

—Ambulance(急救),please. —Ambulance.________1.

—I'm in a phone box outside No. 30,Nanjing road. _____________2.

—There,s been an accident. A man has been run over. He ’ s losing a lot of blood. Please send an am­bulance at once. —Is there a doctor there?

—No, there' s only me. The driver didn't stop__________. 3.

—Yes. Don' t move the patient.____________ 4. Keep the patient warm, but don ’ t give him anything to eat or  drink. OK?

—Right, please urryt

—Don ’ t worry. ______5.

A.What‘ s the trouble,sir?

B.What can we do for you?

C.Is there anything I can do?

D.Where are you calling from?

E. Try to stop bleeding.

F. Where is the patient?

G. The ambulance is on its way now.




科目:高中英语 来源:2009年全国各省市高考命题动态信息卷(辽宁专用)英语(四) 题型:单项填空

Long,long time ago,there was a mountain.At the top of the mountain _______ ,in which an old monk used to tell stories.

A.a temple stood

B.is there a temple

C.stood a temple

D.a temple was there


