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  Short people, studies have shown, are more likely to have a stroke(中风), suffer from high blood pressures and heart disease and be bullied in school.

  Now, researchers report that short people-at least in the past-were also more likely to die at a younger age than their taller peers.

  Their study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology(流行病学)and Community Health, found that short bones have something to do with short life for more than 1,000 years.The conclusion was based on 490 sets of adult skeletal(骨架的)remains from an archaeological site in northeastern England, dating from the 9th century to about 1850.

  About 55% of men and 73% of women died before the age of 45, and 39% of men and 56% of women died before age 30.The risk of death before age 30 declined as bone length increased.

  “This study provides evidence from an archaeological sample that long bone length is connected with age at death-those with smaller bones tend to die younger,”according to Dr.D.J.Gunnell of the university of Bristol in the UK and colleagues.

  While it is not clear why short stature(身材)might be linked to earlier death, the researchers point out that height is an indicator of childhood nutrition, which may have long-lasting effect on health.

  “Mechanism(身体结构)for height-mortality(死亡)associations in the past may differ from those today, for example, short stature may have increased the risk of death in childbirth and this may explain the higher risk of premature(未成熟的)mortality in women,”Gunnell and colleagues write.

  “However, short bones, it would appear, have always been a marker of a short life,”the authors conclude.


The title of the passage should be.

[  ]


Short people and their taller peers


Short stature and short life


Men and women


Long life and short life


“An indicator”in Paragraph 6 means.

[  ]


a study


a risk


a marker


an age


Which of the following statements is Not true according to the passage?

[  ]


Most people were more likely to die at the age of 30 in the past.


Women were more likely to die at a young age.


Women with smaller bones were more likely to die younger.


People with smaller bones were more likely to die younger.


Short stature may be caused by.

[  ]


high blood pressure


heart disease


some illnesses


less childhood nutrition


The topic in this passage is probably connected with.

[  ]


space medicine


social medicine


sports medicine


industrial medicine


科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054

Almost 50 years have passed since one-time beekeeper, Sir Edmund Hillary, became the first man in the world to conquer the world’s highest peak, Mt Everest. In an extraordinarily

   1   exposition (展览)Auckland Museum pays   2   to this great New Zealander, Sir Edmund Hillary: Everest and Beyond Exhibition at the museum until April 25.

  Hillary reached Mt Everest’s   3   on May 29, 1953—just in time   4   the Queen’s Conation (加冕典礼).

  Now 83 and   5   by New Zealand as its greatest   6   countryman, Sir Edmund, a Knight of the Garter, prefers to be called just   7   Ed. He and his wife June were guests of honor at the exhibition opening in February, coinciding(巧合)with the museum’s 150th birthday.

  Visitors are   8   into his adventure—packed and charitable world through a

   9   treasure chest of his memorabilia(大事记),from a well-worn passport to the ice

   10   he used to climb that mountain.

  A Nepalese schoolhouse, kitchen and Buddhist temple have been   11   to show the place he has   12   40 years of his charitable soul and money to   13   the Himalayan Trust, building schools, hospitals and all manner of infrastructure(基础设施)in the   14   stricken country.

  The exhibition also   15   Ed’s climbs in the Southern Alps, a tractor journey he

   16   to the South Pole in 1967 and a trip up the River Ganges by jet boat.   17   the exhibition closes it will go to the United States, to   18   Sir Edmund’s jubilee 50年节)year,

   19   a celebratory party in London and a   20   with his Sherpa friends in Kathmandu.

  1Asimple            Blarge           Cdetailed          Dgreat

  2Aattention           Brespect          Cadmiration        Dhonor

  3Atop              Bpeak           Cheight          Dlevel

  4Aat                Bof             Cfor            Dwith

  5Alooked upon       Bthought about    Clooked up         Dthought out

  6Aliving             Blive           Calive            Dlively

  7Ashort             Bplain           Cas              Dfor

  8Aput              Bpoured          Cled             Ddrawn

  9Aclear              Bdear            Creal            Dnew

  10Aknife              Baxe           Cfork             Dspear

  11Arecreated          Brecycled        Crecovered         Drepaired

  12Aspent           Btaken          Cdevoted          Dused

  13Aby             Bthrough         Cfor            Dfrom

  14Apoverty          Bstorm          Cdisaster          Dearthquakes

  15Acovers           Bshows         Ctells             Dexpresses

  16Apaid             Bdid            Cmade           Dtook

  17AWhile           BIf             CSince           DWhen

  18Asign             Bmark           Cdesign          Dcontinue

  19Abeginning with      Bjoining in       Cending up with    Dadding up to

  20Areunion          Brepetition       Creview           Drecovery


