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----What a beautiful picture!

----It’s years ______ I painted a picture as beautiful as this one.

A. that B. since C. when D. before


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山西大同市高二下3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

If he had taken the doctor’s advice and smoking and drinking, he would be much

better now.

A.cut in B.cut off C.cut out D.cut away


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东滕州第一中学高二上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Miss Wang,I feel very nervous with the competition approaching.

— .As long as you can finish it,it is a victory.

A.Take your time B.Take it easy

C.No problem D.It's hard to say


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江鸡西市龙东南七校高一上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错

It was time for supper. Mr. and Mrs. Beer were sitting at table and waiting their daughter Jennet to return back from work. It was late. The parents are worried about her. At last she came home and told them that was happened. “While I was shopping in a crowded shop after working, a thief picked my pocket, pushing the crowd and ran away. What could I do? I had to asked the police on duty for help and I got back my money.” Heard this, Mrs. Beer insisted that Jennet not go shopping alone any more, so Jennet said laughingly, “ April Fool!”


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江鸡西市龙东南七校高一上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Long time ago, there was a farmer who lived with his daughter. A young man fell in love with the farmer’s beautiful daughter and wished to her. One day, he went to the farmer to his permission. The farmer looked at him and said, “ Guy, stand out in that . I’m going to release (释放) bulls(公牛), one at a time. If you can the tail of any one of the three bulls, you can marry my daughter.”

, the young man got out and stood in the field, the first bull. The barn(牛棚) door and out came the biggest bull that he had ever seen. He that one of the next bulls had to be a better than this one, so he ran over to the side and let the bull .

A few later, the barn door opened again. Unbelievable! The young man had never seen any bull so and fierce as this one in his life. It stood there, pawing(扒) the and eyeing the young man. “What the next was like? It had to be a better choice than this one,” he thought. He did nothing but wait silently.

It was quite some time before the door opened. A came across the young man’s face. This was the weakest bull that he had ever seen. “ This one was my bull,” he to himself. As the bull came running by, he positioned himself just right and at just the exact moment. He threw his hands to catch ...... But to his , the bull had no tail.

Life is full of opportunities. catch the first one.

1.A. call B. recognize C. respect D. marry

2.A. remember B. copy C. ask D. answer

3.A. field B. forest C. river D. building

4.A. two B. three C. four D. five

5.A. see B. cut C. catch D. discover

6.A. Immediately B. Quietly C. Finally D. Proudly

7.A. talking about B. thinking of C. looking for D. waiting for

8.A. moved B. opened C. broke D. closed

9.A. decided B. noticed C. suggested D. learned

10.A. rule B. help C. choice D. reason

11.A. get up B. go back C. fall down D. pass through

12.A. seconds B. days C. hours D. months

13.A. famous B. big C. short D. beautiful

14.A. house B. wall C. ground D. door

15.A. fish B. horse C. bird D. bull

16.A. pity B. shame C. smile D. tear

17.A. explained B. said C. sang D. flew

18.A. jumped B. escaped C. stopped D. shouted

19.A. surprising B. surprise C. surprised D. surprises

20.A. Never B. Often C. Seldom D. Always


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江鸡西市龙东南七校高一上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

______ what the teacher says if you think it is important.

A. Make a note of B. Make a note

C. Make notes D. Make note of


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江鸡西市龙东南七校高一上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Peter was so excited _________he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing.

A. where B. that C. why D. when


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃武威市高二上模块终结性检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配

Easy way to get healthy

I always hate the first few weeks of the New Year, mostly because people all say, “Let’s diet! It’s a new year!“

You can always choose to switch it up! 1. Here are some simple ways to get your health on all year round.

Switch out bad habits for good ones. 2. Do something as simple as swapping nighttime cookies for nighttime vitamins.

Catch some sleep. One of the most important things we can do for our minds and bodies is to make sure we’re getting enough sleep on a regular schedule. 3.

Feed your mind. Keep your mind smart. Start a new hobby, read a book about something you don’t understand— and so on.

4. I’m not suggesting you take on a new sport. But taking the stairs, parking farther away, and finding a hobby you enjoy will allow you to be active.

Get organized. I’m not saying a whole repair of your entire world; start small. Organize a kitchen cabinet. Purge(清除) yourself of stuff you don’t need.

Get rid of the mess. That means your mind is included too! Make lists. Get a calendar and mark down important days. Clear your mind and your home. 5. .

Smile. Overlook some of the bad things that are going on in your life, and focus on the good. Staying positive can help in nearly every aspect of your life!

Chang your activity.

A. Change your activity up.

B. Try exercising your brain too.

C. You’ll find it improves your mood.

D. You are the one to improve yourself.

E. It’s time to take charge of your health!

F. Sounds boring, I know, but trust me—sleep is amazing for you.

G. Smart small, and don’t plan to change your entire life in a week.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建福州文博中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

With my money ______, I went back home.

A. ran out of B. ran out

C. running out of D. running out

