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2.June 26,2000-the Human Genome Project,a great 3billion,15-year task aimed at drawing the genetic map of humans,is now more than 90percent completed.The scientific and medical communities are very excited about the chances genetic research provides for getting rid of diseases and prolonging human life.But those communities and policy makers also are careful about the scientific door they are opening as the project uncovers the mysteries of life.
For the last few years,the genetic advances in fast developing field of biotechnology(生物学) have provided material for all kinds of work,but the developments of modern science in unlocking the secrets of the human genetic code have opened a world of possibilities for human health,as well as for the popular imagination.
While European and Japanese researchers are making rapid progress in decoding human DNA,the leading organization for genetic research in the US,which began in 1990,is"unlocking the code"of the human body to learn how to defeat fatal diseases.Already,the Human Genome Project has become widely known and praised for finding the genes connected with terrible diseases,and making progress toward separating the genes that show a sign of breast cancer or AIDS.
Once these genes are found and studied,researchers can develop new ways to attack infections,and genetic diseases.Medical companies are very interested in mapping the human genome,as they expect to develop lots of new drugs for these diseases.

66.Why did the scientists work hard at mapping the Human Genome?B
A.Because it can destroy many illnesses.
B.Because its completion can help them get rid of many diseases.
C.Because it can provide a lot of chances of work.
D.Because they wanted to be better known than others.
67.Which country studied the genes most rapidly in the world?C
A.Japan. B.Germany. C.The United States  D.European countries.
68.All of the following statements are correct except thatB.
A.if the genes can be found,scientists can study many new ways to cure illnesses
B.the USA began the genes study early in the 19th century
C.many medical companies show great interest in drawing the human genome map
D.the scientists have made great progress in connecting the genes with the cancers
69.The author suggests that the Human Genome Project can causeD.
A.the policy makers to feel very worried and careful
B.the scientists to work harder
C.many people to find work easily
D.a lot of companies to produce many new drugs
70.The main idea of this article isC.
A.the great Human Genome 
B.the Gene's discovery
C.unlocking the Genetic Code 
D.the Genes and the Scientists.

分析 本文属于记叙文阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了人类基因组计划,美国早在二十世纪九十年代就开始研究基因,它是如今研究的领头人,人类基因组计划的完成可以帮助人们摆脱疾病以及延长寿命,它也导致了很多公司 可以生产新的药品.

解答 66.B  细节理解题,根据第一段The scientific and medical communities are very excited about the chances genetic research provides for getting rid of diseases and prolonging human life.可知人类基因组计划的完成可以帮助人们摆脱疾病以及延长寿命,故选B.
67.C  细节理解题,根据第三段While European and Japanese researchers are making rapid progress in decoding human DNA,the leading organization for genetic research in the US可知世界上研究基本最快的,领头的是美国,故选C.
68.B  细节理解题,根据第三段the leading organization for genetic research in the US,which began in 1990,可知美国是在第二十世纪开始研究基因组的,故选B.
69.D  细节理解题,根据最后一段Once these genes are found and studied,researchers can develop new ways to attack infections,and genetic diseases.可知作者认为人类基因组计划会导致很多公司生产许多新的药品出来,故选D.
70.C  主旨大意题,通读全文可知作者在这篇文章中主要向我们介绍了人类基因组计划的研究,故选C.

点评 考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.The British aren't having as many children as they used to.One reason is that people are having children much older than before,meaning they have fewer years in which they can have them.After years at university,they need a few years of work experience before they can get the job they want.They might then get married,but it's incredibly expensive to buy a house in the UK.
The above explains why young British people now don't move out of their parents'home until they are around 30years old on average.It is not until they are 30that they can afford their own home.Increasingly,it is not until that age that they can afford to get married and start a new life in a new home.It's only after this age that many young people start thinking about having a child.
So a British person manages to get a job,get a home and get married.Why isn't he or she then having at least two children on average?The main reason is that it is quite expensive to bring up a child in the UK.Why is it expensive?Well,these days,both parents need to work just to pay for their home and living expenses.Because both parents are at work,that means they then need to pay someone to look after their child during the day.Paying for this childcare is nearly always expensive.
The recent financial crisis is making things even harder for families,since unemployment is rising and even fewer people can afford to have children.With so much pressure on families,is it any surprise that the divorce rate is so high?
So what is Britain doing to try and save the British family?The government is trying to make it cheaper to have children.For example,there have been increases in money families can claim from the state each month.Also,there are increasing government subsidies for nursery schools,so that parents do not need to pay so much for child care.
The government is also trying to reduce the number of hours British parents have to work to earn enough money to pay their bills.If parents didn't have to work so many hours,they'd have more time to spend with their children and wouldn't need to spend so much on childcare.On average,a Briton works 49hours a week,which is the most in Europe.The state is now considering introducing laws to encourage companies to improve their employees'work-life balance.Let's hope they're not too late to save the British family.Otherwise,the British will always be too tired,and won't have enough time and money,to have children.

41.Young British people live in their parents'home until around 30becauseC.
A.They are allowed to get married at 30
B.they can't find jobs to support themselves
C.they can't afford a house of their own until then
D.they enjoy family life with their parents
42.The British are now having fewer children than before for all the following reasons EXCEPT thatB.
A.they have fewer years to have children
B.they live much shorter lives than before
C.it is more expensive to bring up a child
D.people are losing their jobs because of the recent financial crisis
43.To make it cheaper to have children,the British government isD.
A.bringing down prices         B.raising the salaries of parents
C.reducing family income tax   D.increasing subsidies for families and nursery schools.
44.It can be inferred from the text thatA.
A.with long work hours,it is hard for British parents to balance life and work
B.more and more families in Britain are breaking up because they are having fewer children
C.among Europeans,British people work hardest and earn the least
D.childcare takes up too much energy and time for the British
45.The underlined word"subsidies"in Paragraph 5meansD.
A.food paid by the government
B.school buildings for poor students
C.free transportation
D.money from the government to benefit the public.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.Having worked ( work) abroad for twenty years,the old man is on the way back to his motherland.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10."There is an out-of-date idea that children grow up and leave home when they're 18,and the truth is far from that,"says Mr.Larry Bumpass of the University of Wisconsin.Today unexpected numbers of young adults are living with their parents."There is a great change in the middle class,"declares Allan Schnaiberg of Northwestern University,whose son,19,moved back in after an absence of eight months.
       Scientists show a number of reasons for this return to the nest.The marriage age is rising,a condition that makes home and its pleasantness particularly attractive to young people.A high divorce (离婚) rate and a low remarriage rate make some differences.For some,the expense of an away-from-home college education has become so great that many students now attend local schools.Even after graduation,young people find their wings tied by terrible housing costs.
       Living at home,says Knighton,a school teacher,continues to give security (安全保卫) and moral(道义的) support.Her mother agreed."Its strange for the kids to pay all that money for rent.It makes sense for kids to stay at home."But sharing the family home requires changes for all.There are the hassles over bathrooms,telephones and privacy.Some families,however,manage the careful balancing act.But for others,it proves too difficult.Michelle Del Turco,24,has been home three times and left three times."What I considered a social drink,my dad considered an alcohol (酒精) problem,"she explains."He never liked anyone I dated,so I either had to hide away or meet them at friends'houses."
       Just how long should adult children live with their parents before moving on?Most scientists feel lengthy homecomings are a mistake.Children,can end up with a sense of defeat and failure.And aging parents,who should be enjoying some freedom,find themselves stuck with too many things.Many agree that brief visits,however,can work well.
52.According to the author,there was once a trend in the U.S.A.
A.for young adults to leave their parents and live separately
B.for middle class young adults to stay with their parents
C.for married young adults to move back home after a lengthy absence
D.for young adults to get jobs nearby in order to live with their parents
53.Which of the following does not lead to young adults returning to the nest?B
A.Young adults find housing costs too high.
B.Young adults are not old enough.
C.Young adults look for parental comfort and support.
D.Quite a number of young adults attend local schools.
54.The underlined word"hassles"in the passage probably meansD.
55.According to the passage what is the best for both parents and children?C
A.They should share the family expenses.
B.Children should leave their parents when they are grown up.
C.Adult children should live away from their parents and visit their parents from time to time.
D.Parents should support their adult children when they are in trouble.
56.One of the disadvantages of young adults returning to slay with their parents is thatA      
A.there will certainly be inconveniences in even-day life
B.most parents find it difficult to keep a bigger family going
C.the young adults try to be overprotected by their parents
D.public opinion is against young adults staying with their parents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.As Mrs.Thompson stood in front of class on the very first day of school,she told the children an untruth.Like most teachers,she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same.However,that was impossible,because there in the front row,back his seat,was a little boy named Teddy Stoddart.
  Mrs.Thompson watched Teddy,noticing that he did not play well with other children,his clothes were dirty,and that he constantly needed a bath.Besides,Teddy could be unpleasant.It got to the point where Mrs.Thompson actually took delight in marking his papers with a broad red pen,making bold X's and then putting a big"F"at the top of his papers.
  Mrs.Thompson was required to review each child's past records,and she put off reviewing Teddy's until last.However,reviewing his file,she was surprised.
  Teddy's first grade teacher wrote,"Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh.He does his work neatly and has good manners."
  His second grade teacher wrote,"Teddy is an excellent student,well liked by his classmates,but he is troubled because his mother has an incurable illness and life at home must be a struggle."
  His third grade teacher wrote,"His mother's death has been hard on him.He tries to do his best,but his father doesn't show much interest,and his home life will soon affect him if some steps aren't taken."
  Teddy's fourth grade teacher wrote,"Teddy is withdrawn (倒退) and doesn't show much interest in school.He doesn't have many friends,and he sometimes sleeps in class."
  By now,Mrs.Thompson realized the problem,ashamed of herself.She felt even worse when her students brought her Christmas presents wrapped in beautiful ribbons (色带) and bright paper; except for Teddy's.
56.The following descriptions about Mrs.Thompson are right EXCEPTA
A.careful        B.patient      C.unkind      D.strict
57.Why was Mrs.Thompson surprised when she reviewed Teddy's file?A
A.Because all his teachers spoke highly of him in every grade.
B.Because he was affected by his home life since his mother died.
C.Because school was already not his favorite place for him to go to.
D.Because people and things around him have a great effect on his growth.
58.________ made Mrs.Thompson ashamed of herself according to the underlined part in the second paragraph.B
A.Her wrong ways of marking Teddy's papers         
B.The problem that she didn't realize at all
C.Christmas presents sent by Teddy on Christmas       
D.Reviewing Teddy's file at her first class.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Students at the Hogook Middle School in South Korea have a unique homework:going online to message boards and write positive,cheerful comments.Teachers and other adults hope those comments will discourage others from leaving vicious(恶意的)and negative remarks.This is one of the activities in a nationwide program called the Sunfull Movement.
Online attacks are an increasing problem in South Korea.The  National Police Agency receives tens of thousands of complaints every year,but there is not much that can be done to stop it,since attackers seldom use their real names.In the worst cases,authorities say cyber-bullies(网络攻击)have pressured some people to take their own lives.That is why the Sunfull Movement's founder,Min Byoung'chul,a professor at Kunkuk University,began the program three years ago.
Min says research indicates ninety percent of the attackers are under the age of 30."Young kids,they're stressed out because of schoolwork.They have to prepare for their college entrance examinations and they just write whatever they feel.That's one of the ways to blow off their discontent and stress."explained Min.
Student Kim Hee-joo,15,says she writes thank-you messages to friends,family and teachers on her school's homepage.And when she sees people making bad comments about famous people,she leaves nice messages,because when people see positive comments they are more likely to stop saying bad things and change their attitude.
Teacher Kim Eun-young says Koreans do not really say"Thank you"or"I love you"to friends or parents.But being not face-to-face,they feel more comfortable saying those kinds of things.She also says violence at the school,both online and offline,has decreased and students and teachers get along much better now.

68.What's the aim of the Sunfull Movement?B
A.To teach students how to make comments on the Internet•
B.To stop cyber-bullying and create a positive atmosphere on the Internet•
C.To offer students suggestions on letting off their discontent and stress•
D.To serve as a model for other nations by gaining experience.
69.It can be inferred from the last paragraph thatD•
A.People in South Korea tends to express themselves frankly
B.Koreans sometimes are not polite to their friends or parents
C.Students and teachers don't get along well in Korean schools
D.Changes have taken place since the school began the program
70.The best title of this passage probably isA.
A.Battle Cyber-Bullying with Positive Comments
B.Keep Away from Negative Remarks Online
C.Students in South Korea Face Much Pressure
D.A Remarkable Concern in South Korea.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.A student is learning to speak British English.He wonders(想知道):Can I communicate with Americans?Can they understand me?Learners of English often ask:What are the differences between British and American English?How important are these differences?Certainly!There are some differences between British and American English.There are a few differences in grammar.For example,speakers of British English say"in hospital"and"Have you a pen?"Americans say"in the hospital"and"Do you have a pen?"Pronunciation is sometimes different.Americans usually sound theirs in words like"bird"and"hurt".Speakers of British English do not sound theirs in these words.There are differences between British and American English in spelling and vocabulary.For example,"colour"and"honour"are British,"color"and"honor"are American.
These differences in grammar,pronunciation,spelling and vocabulary are not important,however.For the most part,British and American English are the same language.
54.According to this passage,a student who is learning to speak American English might be afraid thatC.
A.the grammar is too hard for him
B.the spelling is too hard for him
C.British people cannot understand him
D.American people cannot understand him
55.What is not mentioned (提及) in the passage?A
A.How the differences between British English and American English came about.
B.Whether British English and American English are one language or two.
C.Whether there are differences between British English and American English.
D.How important the differences are.
56.According to this passage,British people and Americans haveD difficulty in  understanding each other.
A.great            B.much             C.some           D.little.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11._______,I was just about to phone you when you phoned me.(  )
A.Funnily enoughB.That's not the point
C.You may be rightD.It's really upsetting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.The boy went ________ in the forest and saved the lost child,so he was ________ praised for his courage.(  )

