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I was walking around in a shop, when I saw a cashier (收银员) saying to a boy who was 5 or 6 years old, “I’m sorry, but you don’t have enough money for this doll.”

The little boy still stood there, sadly, holding the .

I walked toward him and asked who he wished to give this to.

“My sister wanted the doll so much for Christmas. She was that Santa Claus would bring it to her.”

“Maybe Santa Claus will bring it to her. Don’t be .”

But he replied , “No, Santa Claus can’t bring it to her now. I have to give the doll to my so she can give it to my sister when she goes there. My sister has gone to be with God. Daddy says that Mommy is going there very soon too, I think she can take it to my sister.”

My heart stopped.

The boy continued, “I asked Mommy not to go until I from the shop.”

Then he showed me a nice photo of him, “I want Mommy to take my picture with her, so she won’t me.”

I quickly my wallet (钱包) and said, “Let’s again. Perhaps you do have enough for the doll?”

“OK,” he said. I some money without him seeing and we started to it. There was enough for the doll and even some money.

The boy said, “Thank God! I asked God last night to make sure I had enough money for the doll. He me! I also wanted to buy a white rose for Mum, because Mum loves white roses. But I didn’t to ask God for too much. He gave me enough to buy the doll and a white rose. How it is!”

The that the little boy had for his mother and his sister me greatly.

1.A. bag B. money C. basket D. hands

2.A. doll B. shop C. sweet D. model

3.A. sure B. shocked C. excited D. proud

4.A. calm B. surprised C. amazed D. worried

5.A. easily B. angrily C. sadly D. happily

6.A. cousin B. friend C. mommy D. neighbor

7.A. but B. so C. or D. though

8.A. quicklyB. clearly C. simply D. nearly

9.A. held backB. looked aroundC. came back D. came around

10.A. changeB. forget C. need D. influence

11.A. picked upB. took away C. sent off D. reached for

12.A. cover B. beg C. check D. watch

13.A. addedB. borrowed C. returned D. connected

14.A. repeatB. count C. report D. show

15.A. uselessB. special C. spare D. unnecessary

16.A. heard B. understood C. followed D. recognized

17.A. dare B. expect C. agree D. stop

18.A. funnyB. strange C. dangerous D. wonderful

19.A. respectB. love C. patience D. suffering

20.A. upset B. puzzled C. troubled D. moved























1.1】B考查名词。bag书包;money金钱;basket篮子;hands手。根据前面的叙述“一个收银员正在和一个小男孩说话,并且告诉小男孩他的钱不够买洋娃娃的”。可知The little boy still stood there, sadly, holding the .小男孩伤心地站在那里,手里握着的应该是钱。故选B


3.3】A考查形容词。sure确信的;shocked震惊的;excited兴奋的;proud自豪的。根据句意:我的妹妹圣诞节非常想要这个娃娃,他确信圣诞老人会带给他的。be sure确信,故选A


5.5】C考查副词。easily容易地;angrily愤怒地;sadly伤心地;happily高兴地。But he replied , “No, Santa Claus can’t bring it to her now根据句意:圣诞老人不可能带给她的。所以他应该是“伤心地回答”,故选C

6.6】C考查名词。cousin堂姐;friend朋友;mommy 妈妈;neighbor邻居。I have to give the doll to my so she can give it to my sister when she goes there. My sister has gone to be with God. Daddy says that Mommy is going there very soon too,根据句意:我不得不把这个娃娃交给我的妈妈,当她去那儿的时候会交给我妹妹的。我的妹妹已经去了天堂,爸爸说妈妈不久也会去的。因此可知选C

7.7】B考查并列连词。but但是,表示转折;so所以,表示因果关系;or或者,表示选择关系; though然而,表转折。Daddy says that Mommy is going there very soon too, I think she can take it to my sister.句意是:爸爸说妈妈不久也将去那儿,所以我认为妈妈能带给她。前后是因果关系,所以选B

8.8】D考查副词。kuickly迅速地;clearly清晰地;simply简单地、仅仅、只是;nearly几乎、差不多。My heart stopped.根据句意可知当我得知实际情况后,我的心几乎停了。故选D

9.9】C考查动词词组。held back抑制、隐瞒;looked around看四周;came back回来;came around绕道而来。The boy continued, “I asked Mommy not to go until I from the shop.”男孩继续道,“我请求妈妈不要走,直到我从店里回来”。根据句意可知选C

10.10】B考查动词。change改变;forget忘记;need需要;influence影响。“I want Mommy to take my picture with her, so she won’t me.”我想让妈妈把我的照片带走,所以她就不会忘记我。根据句意应选B

11.11】D考查动词短语。picked up拾起、捡起;took away拿走、带走;sent off寄出;reached for伸手拿某物。I quickly my wallet (钱包)根据上下文的联系,应该是“我很快地伸手去拿钱包。”这也符合人之常情,故选D

12.12】C考查动词。cover覆盖;beg祈求;check核对;watch观看。“Let’s again. Perhaps you do have enough for the doll?”让我们再核算一下,或许你有足够的钱买这个娃娃。根据句意C项最合适。

13.13】 A考查动词。added补充、添加;borrowed借入;returned 归还、返回; connected连接。I some money without him seeing我趁他没看见给他添加了些钱。根据上下文联系added最符合意思,也合情合理,故选A

14.14】B考查动词。repeat重复;count计算、点数、称得上;report报到;show出示、展示。前面提到:让我们再核算一下,或许你有足够的钱买这个娃娃。我趁他没看见给他添加了些钱。所以此处应该是we started to it.我们开始数钱。故选B

15.15】C考查形容词。useless无用的;special特殊的、专门的;spare空闲的、备用的; unnecessary没必要的。根据前面提到的“我趁他没看见给他添加了些钱”。所以此处应该是There was enough for the doll and even some money.有足够的钱买洋娃娃,甚至有一些多余的钱。故选C spare空闲的,合情合理,符合语境。

16.16】A考查动词。heard听见;understood明白、理解;followed按着、跟随;recognized认出。The boy said, “Thank God! I asked God last night to make sure I had enough money for the doll. He me!...男孩说:“谢上天!我昨晚祈求上天确保我有足够的钱买洋娃娃。他听见我说了!---”。此处符合一个五、六岁男孩的想象,正合语境,故选A

17.17】A考查动词。dare敢;expect期盼、预测;agree同意;stop停止。I also wanted to buy a white rose for Mum, because Mum loves white roses. But I didn’t to ask God for too much.我也想为妈妈买一朵白玫瑰,因为妈妈喜欢白玫瑰。但我不敢向上天要太多。But表示转折,前后联系只有A想最合题意。

18.18】D考查形容词。funny 逗乐的、开心的;strange奇怪的、陌生的;dangerous危险的; wonderful极好的、精彩的。He gave me enough to buy the doll and a white rose. How it is!老天爷给了我足够的钱买娃娃和一朵白玫瑰的了。这好极了!选D,这正好能表达出孩子的喜悦之情。


20.20】D考查动词。upset使烦恼;puzzled困惑、疑惑;troubled麻烦、使苦恼;moved移动、感动。The that the little boy had for his mother and his sister me greatly.男孩对妈妈和妹妹的爱极大地感动了我。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏宿迁沭阳银河学校高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

So much of interest ________ that most visitors run out of time before seeing it all.

A. offers Beijing B. Beijing offers

C. does Beijing offer D. Beijing does offer


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏东台三仓中学高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Are there any English story-books for us students in the library?

—There are only a few, _______________.

A.if much B.if some

C.if many D.if any


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江绥化市三校高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

My deskmate admires my fluent English very much and I usually feel _1.___(encourage) by his compliments。

One day, _2._ we learned the new word “eccentric” in class, we __3.__(ask) to make a sentence with it. I volunteered to do it by saying “My deskmate is an eccentric boy __4.__ clothes never fit him。” _5.__(Hear) this, the whole class burst into __6._(laugh) and my deskmate’s face turned red. __7.__ class, I learned from the teacher that my deskmate would have dropped out of school if he hadn’t been helped by others. My mindless words must__8._(hurt) him deeply。

Not until then did I realize words could be powerful in_9.__positive and negative ways. We should avoid hurting _10.__(other) if we can’t always be encouraging when we speak。


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江绥化市三校高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Doctors are known to be terrible pilots. They don’t listen because they already know it all. I was lucky: I became a pilot in 1970, almost ten years before I graduated from medical school. I didn’t realize then, but becoming a pilot makes me a better surgeon. I loved flying. As I flew bigger, faster planes, and in worse weather, I learned about crew resource management(机组资源管理), or CRM, a new idea to make flying safer. It means that crew members should listen and speak up for a good result, regardless of positions.

I first read about CRM in 1980. Not long after that, an attending doctor and I were flying in bad weather. The controller had us turn too late to get our landing ready. The attending doctor was flying; I was safety pilot. He was so busy because of the bad turn, he had forgotten to put the landing gear(起落架)down. He was a better pilot — and my boss — so it felt unusual to speak up. But I had to: Our lives were in danger. I put aside my uneasiness and said, “We need to put the landing gear down now!” That was my first real lesson in the power of CRM, and I’ve used it in the operating room ever since.

CRM requires that the pilot/surgeon encourage others to speak up. It further requires that when opinions are from the opposite, the doctor doesn’t overreact, which might prevent fellow doctors from voicing opinions again. So when I’m in the operating room, I ask for ideas and help from others. Sometimes they’re not willing to speak up. But I hope that if I continue to encourage them, someday someone will keep me from “landing gear up”.

1.What does the author say about doctors in general?

A. They like flying by themselves.

B. They are unwilling to take advice.

C. They pretend to be good pilots.

D. They are quick learners of CRM.

2.The author deepened his understanding of the power of CRM when________.

A. he saved the plane by speaking up

B. he was in charge of a flying task

C. his boss landed the plane too late

D. his boss operated on a patient

3.In the last paragraph “landing gear up” probably means ________.

A. following flying requirements

B. overreacting to different opinions

C. listening to what fellow doctors say

D. making a mistake that may cost lives

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. CRM:A New Way to Make Flying Safe

B. Flying Makes Me a Better Doctor

C. The Making of a Good Pilot

D. A Pilot­ Turned Doctor


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江第一高级中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to film a beautiful sunset over the ocean, so that the audiences could see his hero and heroine in front of it at the end of the film as they said goodbye to each other for ever. He sent his camera crew (摄影组) out one evening to film the sunset for him.

The next morning he said to the men, “Have you provided me with that sunset?”

“No, sir,” the men answered.

The director was angry, “Why not?” he asked.

“Well, sir,” one of the men answered, “we are on the east coast here, and the sun sets in the west. We can get you a sunrise over the sea, if necessary, but not a sunset.”

“But I want a sunset!” the director shouted. “Go to the airport, take the next flight to the west coast, and get one”

But then a young secretary had an idea. “Why don’t you photograph a sunrise?” she suggested, “and then play it backwards? Then it’ll look like a sunset.”

“That’s a good idea!” the director said. Then he turned to the camera crew and said, “Tomorrow morning I want you to get me a beautiful sunrise over the sea.”

The camera crew were out early the next morning and filmed a bright sunrise over the beach in the middle of a beautiful bay(海湾)。 Then at nine o’clock they took it to the director. “Here it is, sir.” They said, and gave it to him. He was very pleased.

They all went into the studio(摄影棚)。 “ All right,” the director explained, “ now our hero and heroine are going to say goodbye. Run the film backwards so that we can see the ‘sunset’ behind them.”

The “sunset” began, but after a quarter of minute, the director suddenly put his face in the hands and shouted to the camera crew to stop.

The birds in the film were flying backwards, and the waves on the sea were going away from the beach.

1.One evening, the director sent his camera crew out ______________.

A. to watch a beautiful sunset

B. to find an actor and an actress

C. to film a scene on the sea

D. to meet the audience

2.Why did the director want to send his crew to the west coast?

Because he changed his mind about getting a sunset

Because he was angry with his crew

Because it was his secretary’s suggestion

Because he wanted to get a scene of sunset

3.The director wanted to film a sunset over the ocean because___________.

A. it went well with the separation of the hero and heroine

B. when they arrived at the beach it was already in the evening

C. it was more moving than a sunrise

D. the ocean looked more beautiful at sunset

4.After the “sunset” began, the director suddenly put his face in his hands __________.

A. because he was moved to tears

B. as he saw everything in the film moving backwards

C. as the sunrise did not look as beautiful as he had imagined

D. because he was disappointed with the performance of the hero and heroine.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河北唐山开滦第二中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配

Sharks are among the oldest animals on Earth. There are hundreds of kinds of sharks. Most are about two meters long. The dogfish shark, however, is less than twenty centimeters in length. A shark has an extremely good sense of smell. It can find small amounts of substances in water, such as blood, body liquids and chemicals produced by animals._ 1.__ Sharks eat fish, other sharks, and plants that live in the ocean.

Sharks grow slowly. About forty percent of all sharks lay eggs.__ 2.__Some sharks carry their young inside their bodies as humans do. Some sharks are not able to reproduce until they are twenty years old. Most reproduce only every two years. And they give birth to fewer than ten young sharks. For this reason, overfishing of sharks is of special danger to the future of the animal.

Sharks are important for the world's oceans. They eat injured and diseased fish. Their hunting activities mean that the numbers of other fish in ocean waters do not become too great. __3.__

People hunt sharks for sport, food, medicine and their skin. Experts say the international market for some kinds of sharks has increased because many parts of a shark are valuable.

Collectors pay thousands of dollars for the jaws of a shark. __4.__The skin of a shark can be used like leather.

In Asia, people enjoy a kind of soup made from shark fins. Experts say a fisherman can earn a lot of money for even one kilogram of shark fins. Sharks are among the oldest animals on Earth, but some sharks are in danger of disappearing from Earth. __5.__

A. Shark liver oil is a popular source of Vitamin A.

B. This protects the plants and other forms of life that exist in the oceans.

C. Sharks are valuable to us and we can make full use of them.

D. These powerful senses help sharks find their food.

E. If too many sharks in one area are killed, that group of sharks may never return to normal population levels.

F. They are a threat to other forms of life in the ocean.

G. The others give birth to live young.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃武威第六中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配


In China ,more and more middle school students are getting shorter sleeping time than before. 1. because they have much homework to do. Some homework is given by their teachers and some by their parents. Also2. .They are not careful enough while they do their homework, 3. .Some students spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games. They stay up very late. Some student have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus or by bike. 4. Schools and parents should cut down some of the homework so that children can enjoy more than nine hours of sleep every night for their health. For children, we should make best use of our time. 5._,we will find it much better for both our study and health.

A. Some homework is too difficult

B. Most students sleep less than nine hours every night.

C. When we have enough time for sleeping

D. It can be a long way from home to school

E. so it takes them a lot of time

F. Some students don’t know how to save time.

G. Some students like to stay up late


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建莆田第八中学高一上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

This is the first time that the Chinese woman astronaut ______ sent into space.

A. was B. Is

C. had been D. has been

