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20.In the 21st century,increasing numbers of people want the freedom andindependence (独立) of working for themselves.

分析 在21世纪,越来越多的人热衷于自己创业的自由和独立.

解答 答案:independence 考查翻译填空.independence意为"独立",是名词.例如:Argentina gained independence from Spain in 1816.阿根廷于1816年脱离西班牙取得独立.

点评 考查翻译填空,准确地理解句子、翻译句子,然后根据句意及提示确定所填单词词性,正确写出单词完成句子,使句意更通顺.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Michelle,who visited China in March,is ______ to bridge a better understanding in cultures of the two nations.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.What to do with dehydration (脱水)?If you can,try not to get dehydrated in the fast place.If you're going outside,it's a good idea to drink water before,during and after you play,especially if it is hot.Dehydration can happen along with heat-related illness,such as heat exhaustion.In addition to drinking  water,it's smart to dress in cool clothes,and take breaks indoors or at least in the shade.
If you're sick,keep taking small sips of drinks like water or juice,even if you're not that thirsty or hungry.Eating an icepop (冰棒 ) is a great way.Other foods,such as fruits and vegetables,contain water,too.But if your stomach is not feeling well,you might not be ready for them.
The best drink is water,but milk is another great drink for kids.Juice is OK,but choose it less often than water and milk Sports drinks are fine once in a while,but water should be considered as champion of the drinks.Limit soda and other sugary drinks,which contain a lot of sugar.Some of them also contain caffeine,which can cause you to urinate  (小便) more often than normal.In other,it tells your body to get rid of fluids.
Some cases of dehydration can be handled at home,but sometimes,that isn't enough.A kid may need to go to the doctor if he or she has a heat-related illness that just won't quit.At the hospital,if necessary,you'll get a fluid infusion(补液)It will help you feel much better and recover faster.

50.To avoid dehydration,how many methods are suggested in the first paragraph?B
A.Two    B.Three.C.Four    D.Five
51.Which of the following is the best drink after sports?D
A.Juice  B.Milk     C.Icepop      D.Boiled water
52.What does the underlined word'it'in paragraph 3refer to?A
53.What does the last paragraph mainly tell usD?
A.Causes of dehydration.
B.Concept of dehydration
C.Symptoms of dehydration.
D.Treatment of dehydration.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.-How do you like the weight-loss pills?
-They can't help ______my weight and I can't help ______them away.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.Some people consider that cloning human embryos with theintention(意图)of destroying them shows no respect for human life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Rooftops covered with plants-called"green roofs"-could help fight global warming,scientists now suggest.
Green roofs are growing more popular in cities,with the number of green roofs increasing in the United States.In Germany,widely considered the leader in green roofing,some 12percent of all flat roofs are green,with the German green roof industry growing 10to 15percent annually.
These roofs can reduce heating and air conditioning costs,with a roughly 10percent reduction in natural gas usage and a 2percent drop in electricity use for a typical building.Moreover,green roofs last two to three times longer than standard roofs.They also store storm water,which could otherwise exacerbate(加剧)flooding."They can also bring in birds and butterflies,help improve biodiversity(多样性),"Rowe said.In addition to taking in pollution and noise,the plants in green roofs naturally absorb carbon dioxide,the leading greenhouse gas behind global warming.However,nobody had measured the potential effect of green roofs on carbon dioxide levels until now.
Scientists at Michigan State University found that replacing traditional roofing materials with green roofs in an urban area the size of Detroit,with a population of about one million,would take in more than 55000 tons of carbon.That is roughly similar to getting rid of a year's worth of carbon dioxide sent out by 10000 mid-sized SUVs and trucks.
  The challenges green roofs now face in the United States are something about policy and costs."The government should not necessarily mandate(强制执行) them,but it can provide support for them,just as they do in Germany and elsewhere,"Rowe told Live Science."And green roofs are more expensive,but only initially.Over time,they're cheaper once you consider their benefits energy-wise.It takes about 11to 14years to break even(不赢不亏)."

59.Which of the following can be the best title?C
A.Standard Roofs and Green Roofs      
B.Green Roofs Are Growing More Popular
C.Green Roofs Help Control Global Warming,Study Finds
D.Advantages of Green Roofs
60.Which of the following is NOT true?B
A.Green roofs can take in the leading greenhouse gas behind global warming.
B.It is easier for green roofs to break than standard roofs.
C.A building with a green roof takes less energy to be heated.
D.Green roofs are of higher building cost.
61.We can learn from the passage thatD.
A.Rowe is not optimistic about the future of green roofs
B.Germany has made it a rule to build green roofs
C.The United States is widely considered the leader in green roofing
D.Green roofs can provide habitats for birds and butterflies
62.The underlined word in the last paragraph is closest in meaning toB.
A.slightly       B.at the beginning        C.extremely      D.in the end.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Besides giving off gases and dusts into the air,humans produce waste that is poured on the environment.Often,this waste produced by major industries and people is harmful to both nature and human life.
One of the main causes of the large amount of dangerous waste is that people do not realize how large a problem it is.Because it can be simply removed and sent to a landfill(废渣填埋场),the problem is often believed to end there.In addition,industries have often shown an unwillingness to find ways to deal with dangerous waste because of the re-lated expenses.Many industries and governments build simple landfills to store waste,and often just pour waste chemicals into nearby bodies of water.Often,chemicals used for industrial production cause dangerous forms of waste.The amount of these chemicals has increased greatly in the past,but it is often difficult and expensive to get rid of these chemicals or to store them in a way safe to human life and the environment.
Every year,major health problems result from dangerous waste.Sadly,it is often only after someone has died or become seriously ill that governments will take measures to reduce levels of harmful waste.
Some governments have realized how serious the dangerous waste problem is and are now trying to settle this problem.They are also trying to limit the amount of waste industries are allowed to produce.
Not only governments but ordinary people as well must work together to solve the problem.They can choose not to buy those products which require the production of dangerous waste,and produce less harmful waste themselves.Many scientists think that waste production can be cut.The waste can be reduced by at least one third using existing technologies and methods.
56.What would be the best title for the text?B
A.Measures of Reducing Dangerous Waste     
B.Danger of Harmful Waste to Mankind
C.Dangerous Waste and Water Pollution      
D.Environmental Protection
57.According to the text,peopleC.
A.do not produce harmful waste in their daily life
B.do not know where to place the dangerous waste
C.are not clear about how serious the dangerous waste problem is
D.are not sure about where harmful waste ends
58.What troubles industries most in dealing with the dangerous waste problem?D
A.How to get government support.
B.How to increase their production.
C.How to store harmful waste.
D.How to cut down the related costs.
59.What can be inferred from the passage?A
A.To solve the problem requires the efforts of the whole society.
B.Present technologies have settled the harmful waste products.
C.Everyone should obey the government rules for the problem.
D.The polluting industries are not allowed to sell their products.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.The sudden death of such a young child deeplyshocked(震惊)the whole village yesterday.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.The traditional holiday is the most important to Chinese both home and abroad.
United Kingdom
Celebrations for Spring Festival in the UK started in 1980,with the first evening party held in 2002.Every new year,people get together and have a lot of activities.They sing songs,dance to music,share photos with friends or enjoy films in a cinema.
United States
Spring Festival has become a key time for Chinese living or working in the US.They join in a large evening party to welcome the traditional new year.It is a good chance for people to build a circle of friends and feel that they are not alone because they share the same culture and values.
The Chinese new year will be welcomed with three weeks of celebrations across Australia.Many people come to Sydney's Chinatown or Little Bourke in Melbourne.They enjoy fireworks,lion dances,dragon boat races and many other traditional activities.The celebrations are also a bridge towards better understanding between Chinese and non-Chinese.
The family dinner on new year's eve is an important tradition for Chinese whether they were born in Singapore or moved there from China.They place traditional food on a table as an act of remembering their past.Then the whole family enjoy their dinner together.They usually hold it at home because having it in a restaurant takes away the meaning of the tradition.
28.Celebrations for Spring Festival in the UK started in.B
29.At Spring Festival,American Chinese join in a large evening party toA.
A.say hello to the new year        
B.refuse a good chance
C.tell others they are alone       
D.share different cultures
30.Chinese in Australia enjoy the following activities exceptC.
B.lion dances
D.dragon boat races
31.In Singapore,Chinese families don't hold the new year dinner at a restaurant but at home becauseD.
A.they were born in Singapore      
B.they moved there from other places
C.the restaurant is far away       
D.they want to keep Chinese tradition.

