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. — I sent him the dictionary by mail this morning .

—You ____ that; he''s coming tomorrow afternoon .

A . needn''t have done   B . didn''t have to    C . needn''t do   D . mustn''t do



表示“不必做某事但事实上已做了,”应用“needn''t +不定式的完成式”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I had an experience some years ago, which taught me something about the ways in which people make a bad situation worse by blaming themselves. One January, I had to hold two funerals on successive days for two elderly women in my community. Both had died “full of years”, as the Bible would say. Their homes happened to be near each other, so I paid condolence(吊唁) calls on the two families on the same afternoon.

At the first home, the son of the deceased(亡故的)woman said to me, “If only I sent my mother to Florida and gotten her out of this cold and snow, she would be alive today. It’s my fault that she died. ”At the second home, the son of the other deceased woman said, “If only I hadn’t insisted on my mother’s going to Florida, she would be alive today. That long airplane ride, the sudden change of climate, was more than she could take. It’s my fault that she’s dead.”

You see that any time there is a death, the survivors will feel guilty. Because the course of action they took turned out bad, they believe that the opposite course keeping Mother at home, putting off the operation would have turned out better. After all, how could it have turned out any worse?

There seem to be two elements involved in our willingness to feel guilty. The first is our pressing need to believe that the world makes sense, that there is a cause for every effect and a reason for everything that happens. That leads us to find patterns and connections both where they really exist and where they exist only in our minds.

The second element is the view that we are the cause of what happens, especially the bad things that happen. It seems to be a short step from believing that every event has a cause to believing that every disaster is our fault. The roots of this feeling may lie in our childhood.

A baby comes to think that the world exists to meet his needs, and that he makes everything happen in it. He wakes up in the morning and summons the rest of the world to his tasks. He cries, and someone comes to attend to him. When he is hungry, people feed him, and when he is wet, people change him. Very often, we do not completely outgrow that childish view that our wishes cause things to happen.

The author had to conduct the two women’s funerals probably because____.

A. he was minister of the local church       B. he wanted to comfort the two families 

C. he was an official from the community    D. he had great pity for the deceased   

People feel guilty for the death of their loved ones because ____.

A. they couldn’t find a better way to express their sorrow.

B. they had neglected the natural course of events

C. they believed that they were responsible

D. they didn’t know things often turn in the opposite direction

According to the passage, the underlined part in paragraph 4 probably means that _____

A. everything in the world is predetermined

B. there’s an explanation for everything in the world

C. the world can be interpreted in different ways

D. we have to be sensible in order to understand the world

What’s the idea of the message?

A. Life and death is an unsolved mystery

B. Never feel guilty all the time because not every disaster is our fault

C. Every story should have a happy ending

D. In general, the survivors will feel guilty about the people who passed away


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

— I sent him the dictionary by mail this morning .

—You ____ that; he''s coming tomorrow afternoon .

A . needn''t have done B . didn''t have to C . needn''t do D . mustn''t do


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届浙江省杭州市萧山九中高三上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Cosmo Books Ltd.,                         14, Woodman Road,
Hertford Estate,                            Two Bridges,
Rickmansworth,                            West Sussex.
25th February
Dear sir,
Just over six months ago, I saw an advertisement in the Morning Mail for a set of the complete works of William Shakespeare. Your company, Cosmo books Ltd., offered this set ( eight books of plays and two books of poetry) at what was claimed to be a ‘remarkable’ price: fifteen pounds and fifty pence, including postage and packing. I had wanted a set of Shakespeare’s plays and poems for some time, and these books, in red imitation leather, looked particularly attractive; so I sent for them.
Two weeks later, the books arrived, together with a set of the complete works of Charles Dickens which I had not ordered. So I returned the Dickens books to you, with a cheque for fifteen pounds and fifty pence for the works of Shakespeare. Two more weeks passed. Then there arrived on my door step a second set of the works of Shakespeare, the same set of novels by Dickens and a six book set of the plays of Moliere, in French. Since I do not read French, these were of no use to me at all. However, I could not afford to post all these books back to you, so I wrote to you at the end of August of last year, instructing you to come and collect all the books that I did not want, and asking you not to send any other books until further notice.
You did not reply to that letter. Instead you sent me a bill for forty two pounds , and a set of the plays of Schiller, in German. Since then, a new set of books has arrived every two weeks, the works of Goethe, the poems of Milton, the plays of Strindberg; I hardly know what I have. The books are still all in their boxes, in the garage, and my car has to stand in the rain outside.
I have no room for any more books, and even if I read from now until the Last Judgement, I should not finish reading all the books that you have sent me.
Please send no more books, send no more bills, send no more angry letters demanding payment. Just send one large lorry and take all the books away, leaving me only with the one set of the complete works of Shakespeare for which I have paid.
Yours faithfully,
【小题1】Simon Walker wrote the letter to ________

A.complain about sending him books he had not ordered.
B.urge Cosmo Books Ltd. to take away the books he had not ordered.
C.laugh at Cosmo Books Ltd..
D.advise readers not to order books from Cosmo Books Ltd..
【小题2】The advertisement that Mr. Walker saw in the Morning Mail was for ____
A.unlimited number of Cosmo Books.
B.a set of 10 books of the works of Shakespeare.
C.a book containing all the plays and poems of Shakespeare.
D.fifteen pounds and fifty pence.
【小题3】 Mr. walker answered the advertisement because ________
A.he wanted a set of Shakespeare’s works, and this set was cheap, and looked attractive.
B.he claimed that the books were being offered at a remarkable price.
C.he had ordered the set and had been waiting for them to come for some time.
D.the set he already had was not particularly attractive.
【小题4】Cosmo Books have _______
A.sent bills for books that they have not sent.
B.continued to send books that Mr. Walker did not order.
C.still not sent Mr. Walker the books that he ordered.
D.made a gift to Mr. Walker of several sets of books.
【小题5】The tone of the letter is that of _______


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届黑龙江省哈师大附中高三第二次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Last year, around Labor Day, I read a “Happy Ad” in our local newspaper. There was a lady in a local nursing home, who was celebrating her 90th birthday and her family wanted everyone to know about it. It said that if you wanted to drop her a line, here was her address. So I did. I found a birthday card and dropped her a short note, wishing her a happy birthday.
A week or so later, someone knocked at my front door. I opened the door and found a middle-aged man standing on my doorstep. He introduced himself as the son of this woman to whom I had sent the card. He explained that he just wanted to drop by in person and thank me for sending such a nice card to his mom. Apparently, like many older folks, she did not receive much mail and was quite excited to receive mine. I just didn’t know what to say. I told him it was my pleasure and that I hoped his mom had enjoyed her birthday.
That year, I did not send out any Christmas cards, except to this lovely old lady in the nursing home. I just told her that I was thinking about her and hoped that she had a nice holiday. I sent her a Valentine and also a couple of notes in between. I just thought she might like to have someone write to her, to get some mail.
She passed away a couple of months ago. I never met this lady, but I did keep her and her family in my thoughts. I dropped them a line of sympathy. I hope that my few little notes were enough to brighten a couple of her days here on earth.
【小题1】The old lady’s address was given because ____________.

A.her family wanted to make her well-known
B.the old lady wanted to receive a birthday card
C.the son of the old lady wanted to meet the author
D.her family wanted to give her a happy birthday
【小题2】Which of the following best describes the author?
【小题3】Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.A Kind ActB.An Old LadyC.A Happy AdD.A Considerate Son


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年黑龙江省高三第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Last year, around Labor Day, I read a “Happy Ad” in our local newspaper. There was a lady in a local nursing home, who was celebrating her 90th birthday and her family wanted everyone to know about it. It said that if you wanted to drop her a line, here was her address. So I did. I found a birthday card and dropped her a short note, wishing her a happy birthday.

A week or so later, someone knocked at my front door. I opened the door and found a middle-aged man standing on my doorstep. He introduced himself as the son of this woman to whom I had sent the card. He explained that he just wanted to drop by in person and thank me for sending such a nice card to his mom. Apparently, like many older folks, she did not receive much mail and was quite excited to receive mine. I just didn’t know what to say. I told him it was my pleasure and that I hoped his mom had enjoyed her birthday.

That year, I did not send out any Christmas cards, except to this lovely old lady in the nursing home. I just told her that I was thinking about her and hoped that she had a nice holiday. I sent her a Valentine and also a couple of notes in between. I just thought she might like to have someone write to her, to get some mail.

She passed away a couple of months ago. I never met this lady, but I did keep her and her family in my thoughts. I dropped them a line of sympathy. I hope that my few little notes were enough to brighten a couple of her days here on earth.

1.The old lady’s address was given because ____________.

   A. her family wanted to make her well-known

   B. the old lady wanted to receive a birthday card

   C. the son of the old lady wanted to meet the author

   D. her family wanted to give her a happy birthday

2.Which of the following best describes the author?

   A. Brave.          B. Polite.       C. Caring.        D. Faithful.

3.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

    A. A Kind Act     B. An Old Lady     C. A Happy Ad      D. A Considerate Son


