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3. The last time I went to Scotland was in May. The weather was beautiful at the time.

3. The last time I went to Scotland was in May,when the weather was beautiful.

题目来源:2016年周测月考直通高考高中英语必修3外研版 > 周内课时练24 Period Four Grammar & Writing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. —Whenever you are short of money Just come to me.-

   A. Do you really mean it?

   B. I can't believe it.

   C. That's something.

   D. 'What's up7


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


8. We walked around the town and finally settled at a cafe. We enjoyed a little dessert there.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Robots have been designed to do many things,such as saving people,working in a hospital,serving for us and so on.

   There are some robots working in the Jinjiang Robot Hotel in Tongren,Guizhou. One hundred customers can have a big dinner in it together. Two of the robots serve drinks,while the other four serve the food. But not all the work in the restaurant is done by them. There are also people working there,especially in the kitchen. The cooks are humans,because the robots don't have the skills to cook.[2013 贵州铜仁改编]

() 1. Robots can't .

   A. save people   B. work in a hospital

   C. serve for us   D. cook dishes

() 2. customers can have a big dinner in the hotel.

   A. 50   B. 80   C. 100   D. 120

() 3. robots work in the Jinjiang Robot Hotel.

   A. 2   B. 4   C. 6   D. 8

() 4. The passage may come from a .

   A. diary   B. newspaper   C. poster   D. story


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   It seems that these days the word “green” is everywhere. I don't just mean the color. It is a lifestyle that respects the environment and doesn’t hurt our environment. So what's the big deal? First of all,being green doesn’t just save the environment,but the green in your wallet as well. Second,it's a great way to stay healthy. So how can you be green? Here is something you can easily do.

   Use green transport 

   Ride your bike,or walk if it isn’t too far away for you. Meanwhile,biking and walking are by far the most environmentally friendly things on the planet which use no gas,and therefore produce no pollution. All of these options are environmentally friendly as public transportation carries many people at a time,rather than a car which usually carries one person at a time. Public transportation saves you money,too.

   Use reusable cups or bags 

   Many coffee shops now offer you a 10 cent discount (折扣) for bringing your own reusable mug (圆筒形的 有柄杯) . Reusable cups keep your drinks,like coffee hotter,and cold drinks,like water,colder. They can be a little expensive to buy outright,but they save the environment,and your money. You can also use reusable bags. You will save money by bringing your own lunch from home every day,and save the environment by not throwing away lunch containers. By bringing your lunch to work every day in a reusable container you are saving trees from being cut down for useless items.

() 1. The word “green ” in the first paragraph means the .

   A. color   B. lifestyle

   C. transport   D. cups or bags

() 2. Which is the most environmentally friendly transport?

   A. By bike. B. By bus.

   C. By car. D. By train.

() 3. You are saving trees from being cutting down by using.

   A. paper cups   B. paper bags

   C. reusable bags   D. All above

() 4. The passage is about .

   A. how to protect the environment

   B. how to stay healthy

   C. how to protect trees

   D. how to live a green life


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 他梦想有一天能登上春晚的舞台。

He performing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. There are plenty of good pubs and clubs in this area,most of arefriendlyandsafe.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

13. This is Mr Smith, I think has something in- teresting to tell you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. 他从市场上买了一些鱼,有几条还活着。

He bought some fish from the market,still .

