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Dawn graduated several years ago. She __31__________(be) a successful model, and  31________(find) a job had not been a problem ─ until _33_________(recent).

When Dawn did start trying to find another type of job , she found in interview after interview that computer literacy(能力)was a must to   34    _____(employ).

__35_______ Dawn had always been afraid of learning computer while in college ─ our school didn’t require to learn computer at that time — she managed to get a degree __36_______ ever confronting(面对) a computer.

Finally, after months of searching for a job, Dawn failed. She had to admit that sidestepping (回避) computer literacy(读写能力) hadn’t been a good idea. _37______, She enrolled in a computer course at  38   ____adult vocational school.

__39__________(surprise), although she had been afraid of learning computer, she took to computers __40________much that after about a year she opened her own computer-based business.

31. had been  32. finding   33. recently.    34 employment   35. Since

36 without   37. Therefore/Thus  38 .an    39.Surprisingly   40. so


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第二节:书面表达 (满分25分)

假如你叫李华,寒假期间要去英国Embassy English Language School (EELS) 进行短期学习。以下是英方学校寄给你的课程安排选择表。请你仔细阅读,按要求给校方回一封信。

                   Schedule for EELS Winter English Courses

English Courses

Total Hours of  Study

Total Hours of Part-time Job


six-week course



Feb 1-Mar 12

four-week course


No Job but Tour Instead

Feb1-Feb 27

Please include the following:

1. Your choice and possible reasons;      2. Your present English level;

3. Specific language skill you want to improve;  4. Other personal requirements.



Dear Sir,

    Thank you for your offer of inviting me to the winter English course in your school.



Yours truly,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. The painter does not ____________  (试图) to paint object as we see them with our eyes.

2. John Snow wanted to face the ________________(挑战) and solve this problem. 

3.  List poems have a ____________(灵活的) line length and repeated phrases which give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem.

4. You’ll find your colleagues very eager to ____________(帮助) you, so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if you’re interested.

5.  At first my new surroundings were difficult to ____________(忍受)。The air seemed thin, as though its combination of gasses had little oxygen left.

6.  Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression. Others try to c_______________ certain emotions.

7. John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognized the b________________ of ten people who had saved the life of another.

8. You can get burned by a v_______________ of the things :hot liquids, steam, fire , radiation, the sun electricity or  chemicals.

9. Y0u must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United kingdom e_________________ and worthwhile.

10. Art is influenced by the customs and f_______________ of a people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


第一节 阅读理解(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Dear Dad,

       Wow! Dad, I just had a great idea! Do you know how you and I watch U of L ball games on TV, and scream and yell at the referee when he makes a bad call? Do you know how we go wild when they win or made a great play? How about us doing that in person and going to see the real live U of L ball game? I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that we can’t afford it .But you wouldn’t know, I have a solution. I can pay for my own ticket out of my allowance. You might think we can’t get tickets because they’re sold out. But I could write a letter to Coach Denny Crum asking for two or three tickets and he might just send them. I’ll bet mom wouldn’t even want to go. We can leave her at home and you and I could spend quality time together.

It would be a spectacular father and son activity. You will probably say you can’t because of your job. But I’m sure your boss would let you off or let you take a vacation day. After all, he’s a very understanding man. You might say you don’t have the time, but what could be more important than your only son? I’m sure you could find time for me .You might even be concerned about the car-ride being too long. The drive to Louisville is only two and one half hours long. You took me to Florida in a car, don’t you think you could take me to Louisville? I can see it now! Thousands of screaming fans, are all cheering for Louisville. Louisville are blowing the other team out! You and I are loving every minute of it! Now, wouldn’t it be terrific if you could take me to a game?


Your loving son

1. What type of literature is this passage?

A、A letter.                                              B、An advertisement.

C、An announcement                         D、A novel

2. What’s the purpose of writing this passage?

       A、The son wants to watch the ball game on TV with his father.

       B、The son wants to persuade his father to go to see the live ball game.

       C、The son wants to persuade his father out of seeing the live ball game.

       D、The son wants to go to see the live ball game with his mother.

3. Where will the live U of L ball game be held?

       A、In Florida       B、In New York           C、In Louisville           D、In Boston

4. Father might worry about all the following except that ______

       A、they can’t afford the tickets.

       B、he can’t ask for leave and spare some time.

C、they can’t buy the tickets.      

       D、the game won’t be held as scheduled.

5. What can we infer from the passage?

       A、Father isn’t willing to see the real live U of L ball game.

       B、Mother is also addicted to seeing the U of L ball game.

       C、Both father and son are crazy about the U of L ball game.

       D、Only son is eager to see the U of L ball game.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

We should pay much attention to the plants which are       .

  A. dying away           B. dying out                 C. dying down       D. dying off


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(2010·福建省漳州市漳浦达志高三高考模拟试卷)    33. The European market has long been favoring a number of African and Caribbean countries, ________ former colonies of Britain or France.

A. many of whom    B. many of them   

C. many of which     D. and many of them


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(2010·浙江温岭繁昌高复学校高三第二次月考)17. After months’ practice, they decided to ____ in the face of a lot of difficulties till success.

A. carry on          B. carry out      C. put away  D. put out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Rather than _______ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _______ a bicycle.

  A. ride; ride          B. riding; ride        C. ride; to ride            D. to ride; riding


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

.(2010·宁夏银川一中高三上学期第二次月考)    23. My class teacher as well as other teachers_____ very kind to me.

A .are      B. is        C. do         D. does.

