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The police observed a man enter the bank.(  )

分析 警察察觉到一个男人进了银行.

解答 答案:D 考查宾语补足语.observe意为"注意到,察觉到;观察到",是及物动词,宾语后接动词时要用不带to的动词不定式和现在分词作宾语补足语.enter the bank是不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语表示结果.故选D.

点评 解答此类问题,要弄清楚宾语补足语的定义,哪些词,短语可作宾语补足语,然后根据题意及上下文选择最合适的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

4.David:Where would you live if you could choose?
Jane:It's very difficult to say.(6)E
David:What would you do if you lived in Paris?
David:You'd soon get tired of it.(8)B      
Jane:I wouldn't live in New York.It is too noisy.
David:How about Los Angeles?
David:It is said the sun shines every day in Los Angeles.I'd like to live there.
David:I would also like to live in a city with a lot of good friends.

A.I'd like to live there,too 
B.And what about the United States?
C.Los Angeles wouldn't be a bad idea.
D.Would you like to live alone?
E.If I were very rich,I'd certainly choose Paris.
F.As a matter of fact,I'd live in any city where I had friends.
G.Oh,I'd have a house by the Seine,and I could enjoy the scenery.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.New Era School
ELITE Learning Center-English teachers for Adults Requirements
1.Native English speakers with teaching experience in China
2.TEFL/TESOL qualification preferred
3.Caring and energetic
4.Available on weekends
5.Passionate about teaching
ELITE Learning Center-English teachers for Children Requirements:
1.Native English speakers with teaching experience in China
2.Passionate about teaching children
3.Highly responsible and caring
4.Able to create a dynamic classroom atmosphere
5.Work full-time
6.Passionate about teaching children
Listening and Spoken Department-Spoken English Teachers Requirements:
1.Native English Speakers with teaching experience in China
2.TEFL/TESOL qualification preferred
3.passionate about teaching
4.Caring and energetic
5.Able to manage a class of over on hundred students
6.Available on weekends
Corporate Training Department-Spoken English Teachers Requirements:
1.Native English speakers with teaching experience in China
2.Enthusiastic,caring and humorous
3.TEFL/TESOL qualification preferred
4.Corporate training experience or business background preferred
5.Available on weekends
68.To be an English teacher in New Era School,you have toA.
A.be a native English speaker       
B.work on weekends
C.manage a large class                         
D.have a business background
69.If you want to be a full-time English teacher,you can write e-mail toB.
70.If you major in university is business,___ will be your best choice.D
A.ELITE Learning Center for adults
B.ELITE Learning Center for children
C.Listening and Spoken Department     
D.Corporate Training Department.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.The New Year is the time to buy a new calendar(日历).Yet it can take a lot of time just to choose the right one.There are lots and lots of choices.There are small ones.Big ones.Calendars sit on a desk.Calendars hang on the wall.Calendars are carried around.In one way all calendars are the same.They all list the same days of the year in exactly the same order.
Calendars have become popular gifts because many are filled with beautiful pictures.Some have pictures of famous art works.It is like hanging a different painting on your wall each month.You can even learn from calendars.They often give information about their subject-such as famous writers or American Indians or flower gardens.
There are calendars about food and about beautiful places in the world.Calendars about sports and about movies.Funny calendars with popular cartoon characters.For pet lovers,there are calendars with pictures of cats doing unusual things.Three hundred sixty-five of them-one for each day of the year.There are calendars with pictures of cars,too.There are even calendars for children who can draw the pictures themselves.
Some people do not just look at their calendars.They use them to write down important things they must remember,like meetings or doctor's appointments.Busy people can buy small calendars to carry around to help them organize and plan their life.
Since there are so many choices,you must spend your time choosing your favourite calendars.
57.Why are the calendars the same?D
A.Because they are small.B.Because they are big.
C.Because they can be put on the desk.
D.Because they show the day in the same order.
58.To a dog lover,what kind of calendars does he want to buy?A
A.Calendars with pictures of dogs
B.Calendars with famous art works.
C.Calendars about movies
D.Calendars about beautiful places.
59.What are calendars for children special for?B
A.They can receive much information.
B.They can draw their own pictures.
C.They can about beautiful places in the world.
D.They can even learn from calendars.
60.From the passage we can know thatD.
A.You may see the same painting on your wall each month.
B.Some people do not even look at the calendars.
C.There aren't calendars with popular cartoon characters.
D.Calendars can help busy people to make a plan for the life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.After the long journey,the three of them went back home,___________.(  )
A.hungry and tiredlyB.hungry and tired
C.hungrily and tiredlyD.hungrily and tired


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.He is a strict and kind teacher,______ my son loves and respects.(  )
A.oneB.the one whoC.whichD.he who


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.The little boy wanted to go skating on the frozen river alone,but her father told him         .(  )
A.not toB.not do itC.not to doD.do not do it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.What do you think of British people and American people?You might think that there are no differences between the people in the two countries.After all they speak the same language,don't they?But if you ask a British or an American person,the differences are quite great.
What do British people think Americans are like?The British think Americans are very strange.They make a lot of noise and they laugh too loudly.They are rich,and they only think about money.But the British do say that Americans are kind,friendly people.They are happy to help you if you are in trouble.
What do Americans think of the British?Well,they think the British are cold and very unfriendly.They are not interested in success or in making lots of money.They think Britain is the best country in the world.They look down upon other countries.But Americans say that the British are quite good workers.They are brave and honest.And in time of trouble they face difficulties happily.
You can see that these ideas can cause misunderstanding between the British and Americans.But when American and British people become friends,they usually find things are not as bad as they expected.
39.What do you think of the differences between British and American people?B
A.Their differences are very small.
B.The differences are very great.
C.There are no differences between them.
D.Some people think there are,but some people don?t think so.
40.What do the British think Americans are like?A
A.They are strange but friendly.
B.They are poor.
C.They are rich but unfriendly.
D.They are happy in trouble.
41.The American and British people usually get along quite wellB.
A.when misunderstanding is caused between them
B.once they become friends
C.after they fight
D.when they help each other.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.Last week,I watched a movie.I noticed an actress(66)who/thathas very good eyesight playing the part of a blind lady.She played it so well that if you saw her(67)forthe first time,you would think that (68)she was blind.It seemed that this actress had spent her time(69)putting(put) a little more effort into her career so that she could play the part that the other actresses could not.
Have you ever seen people digging a well before?They don't just stop(70)whenthey see a little drop of water.They put in a little more effort to ensure that they get plenty of water.
A popular (71)saying(say)goes that it is only an average mind that would do the same thing all the time but expect another result.All you need to do is put a little more effort so that you can expect a(72)wholly(whole) different result.
You have two options in life either to focus on what's lost(73)orto fight for what's left.Fighting for what's left is all about(74)forgetting (forget) the past,putting on your arm or of courage and (75)bravery(brave) and putting in that extra effort.Be better than the best you can be.

