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26. She is very diligent. She often studies _____ into the night.

A. deeply                 B. deep                     C. farther                      D. Later


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年甘肃省高三第二次诊断考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Freda Bright says, "Only in opera do people die of love." It's true. You really can't love somebody to death. I've known people to die from no love, but I've never known anyone to be loved to death. We just can't love one another enough.

A heart-warming story tells of a woman who finally decided to ask her boss for a raise in salary. All day she felt nervous and late in the afternoon she summoned the courage to approach her employer. To her delight, the boss agreed to a raise.                                                

The woman arrived home that evening to a beautiful table set with their best dishes. Candles were softly glowing. Her husband had come home early and prepared a festive meal. She wondered if someone from the office had tipped him off, or... did he just somehow know that she would not get turned down?

She found him in the kitchen and told him the good news. They embraced and kissed, then sat down to the wonderful meal. Next to her plate the woman found a beautifully lettered note. It read: "Congratulations, darling! I knew you'd get the raise! These things will tell you how much I love you."

Following the supper, her husband went into the kitchen to clean up. She noticed that a second card had fallen from his pocket. Picking it off the floor, she read: "Don't worry about not getting the raise! You deserve it anyway! These things will tell you how much I love you."

Someone has said that the measure of love is when you love without measure. What this man feels for his wife is total acceptance and love, whether she succeeds or fails. His love celebrates her victories and soothes her wounds. He stands with her, no matter what life throws in their direction.

Upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, Mother Teresa said: "What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family." And love your friends. Love them without measure.

1.The sentence in the first paragraph “Only in opera do people die of love.” means _______.

A.no love in the world is believable

B.love is one thing, and life is another

C.love in operas is truly touching

D.love can survive forever, though people die at different ages

2.That the husband prepared her a second letter about her raise suggests that______.

A.he loves her because he believes that she is sure to receive a raise

B.he has a great way to promote his wife’s love towards him

C.he had a false love for people even if the person is his wife

D.he loves his family members truly, whether they are in good conditions or not

3.From the text, we might say the author_____.

A.refuses any spiritual emotions as embraced and kissed

B.criticize the attitude of suspicion (怀疑) of the love

C.doesn’t believe there is true love in the world

D.thinks the true love does not expect repayment



科目:高中英语 来源:河北省2010届高三下学期第四次模拟考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解


         When you enter a crowded room or go on a picnic or to a party, who is the most attractive and appealing person? It is the person who is cheerful, has a smiling face and behaves as if he or she is enjoying every moment of the event! Such people have an optimistic opinion on life.They are the ones with a positive attitude.On the other hand, let’s see that fellow in the corner with a long face.He is most probably thinking about the time and money wasted in having fun.He is a pessimist, one with a negative attitude.

         A person with a positive attitude gets on well with the job at hand.He doesn’t worry about what’s gone before or what might happen in the future.If there is a problem, he quickly thinks of ways to solve it.If the problem cannot be solved singly, he seeks help from someone else.He doesn’t feel that it’s beneath his dignity to seek assistance.

         When Sonal lost her history notes days before an important examination, she sat down and cried.Then she pulled herself together, borrowed a friend’s notes, worked day and night and managed to copy down whatever she had lost.Sonal passed the exam with flying colors.

         It’s just not possible, even for the greatest optimist, to smile all the time and feel good all day.Everyone has a period of blues now and then, when everything seems sad and without cheer.But once you develop a positive attitude, once you realize that life is a series of ups and downs, dark clouds and bright sunshine, in no time at all, you’ve bounced back, ready to welcome the world again with open arms and a huge smile! So from this moment on, keep your face to the sunshine and you’ll never see the shadows.

1.What might be the best title of the passage?

         A.To live with an aim in life   B.To be a pessimist or optimist

         C.Life is full of ups and downs       D.Develop the positive attitude

2.The case of Sonal suggested that _______.

         A.a person can solve the problem once he thinks of a way

         B.Sonal made up for what she had lost by working day and night

         C.Sonal was a pessimist because he lost her history notes

         D.the history notes that she lost was not important for her

3.The underlined phrase bounced back in the last paragraph means_______.

         A.moved back and forth        B.jumped up

         C.returned to active state    D.came back

4.According to the last paragraph, which of the following statement is TRUE?

         A.If you always look at the shadows, you will be in high spirits.

         B.It is impossible for a person to be in a good mood all the time.

         C.A negative attitude will make you welcome life with a big smile.

         D.When someone feels sad, he thinks the world comes to an end.



科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省三校2010届高三下学期5月联考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解


Is there a magic cutoff period when offspring become accountable for their own actions? Is there a wonderful moment when parents can become spectators (旁观者) in the lives of their children and shrug, "It' s their life," and feel nothing?

When I was in my twenties, I stood in a hospital corridor waiting for doctors to put a few stitches in my son' s head. I was asked, "When do you stop worrying?" A nurse said, "When they get out of the accident stage." My mother just smiled faintly and said nothing.

When I was in my thirties, I sat on a little chair in a classroom and heard how one of my children talked incessantly, disrupted (打断) the class, and was headed for a career making license plates. As if to read my mind, a teacher said, "Don't worry. They all go through this stage, and then you can sit back, relax, and enjoy them." My mother listened and said nothing.

When I was in my forties, I spent a lifetime waiting for the phone to ring and the cars to come home, the front door to open.

My friends said that when my kids got married I could stop worrying and lead my own life. I wanted to believe that, but I was haunted by my mother' s wan ( 淡淡的 ) smile and her occasional words, "You look pale. Are you all right? Call me the minute you get home."

Can it be that parents are sentenced to a lifetime of worry? Is concern for one another handed down like a torch to blaze the trail of human frailties and the fears of the unknown? Is concern a curse? Or is it a virtue that elevates us to the highest form of life?

One of my children became quite irritable recently, saying to me, "Where were you? I' ve been calling for three days, and no one answered. I was worried! ! !"

I smiled a wan smile.

1.What can we know about the author’s mother from the passage?

A. She seems to laugh at the author.        

B. She is not concerned about the author.

C. She has a thorough understanding of the author.     

D. She tries to give the author some encouragement.

2.What did the author do in her forties?

A. She was less concerned about her children.          

B. She couldn't stop worrying about her children.

C. She would like her children to see her often.        

D. She became more patient with her children.

3.Why did the author smile a wan smile at the end of the passage?

A. She wanted to learn from her mother.                

B. She stopped worrying about her children at last.

C. She succeeded in tricking her children.              

D. She got a kind of satisfaction from her child's concern.

4.The main purpose of the passage is to tell us that ______.

A. the concern between parents and children is natural

B. parents’ love for their children is selfless

C. parents show more concern for their children        

D. parents will worry about their children all their lives



科目:高中英语 来源:2011年河南省南阳市高一春期期末考试英语题 题型:阅读理解

When Callie Rogers won almost 1.9 million pounds on the lottery(彩票)at l6,she hoped it would help her put her troubles behind her.The teenager came from a broken home,had dropped out of school and was living in lotal authority care.

Rogers, from Cumbria, England, won the National Lottery in 2003. Then she went on a massive spending spree, splashing out on four homes for her family, flash cars, designer clothes, partying and breast implants. A fortnight after her win she married and had two children. But then she spent 250,000 pounds on cocaine and suffered depression. Earlier this year she lost custody of her children because of her mental state.

She became addicted to drugs and attempted suicide three times as her life unraveled. She says the money brought her only misery - and now she is down to her last 100,000 pounds, she has never been happier.

Now 22, she said: “Just a few months ago I was taking too many drugs and hated myself. I simply did not want to live any more. But now I have a new man and am finally becoming the woman I want to be.”

“I need to get my act together and make my kids proud, and for the first time I really do think that's possible.” She credits her new boyfriend with giving her the stable home life she has always craved, and she now hopes to go to college and eventually become a counselor. “After all I've endured, I think I have a lot of advice to offer,” she said.

1.Why was Rogers not allowed to look after her children?

    A.She was in a bad mental state.    B.Her children hated her.

    C. She was not responsible for them. D.She was too poor to support them.

2.What can we learn about Rogers from Paragraph 3?

    A.Being addicted to drugs cost her everything.

    B.Money didn’t bring her happiness as expected.

    C.Rogers felt sad with her money gone.

    D.Too much money allowed her to do what she wanted.

3.What caused Rogers to change and start a new life?

    A.The loss of money.        B.Her bitter past.

C.Her husband and children. D.Her new boyfriend.


