精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】I have been living in Toulouse for over four months now and I can safely say that my ability to talk to French people has improved in an unbelievable way. I was told before I came out to France by a man I respected that living abroad would be the making of me.1Here is my four-step guide to living in a foreign country:

1.Integrate(融合) with the culture and the people. It is very easy to go to work and just come straight home but this will lead to periods of huge boredom and loneliness.2Until recently, I did not believe that a friend made on a year abroad is a friend for life but now I do.

2.3I joined a church in Toulouse and as a result I now have a place to go to practice my faith. If you are a religious person this point could really help you. If you enjoy your exercise, joining a gym is also a good idea.

3.Speak the language. Even if you can’t speak the local language well, at least make efforts to try and improve.4

4.Travel.5More importantly, it gives you memories that allow you to tell others of your experiences.

These are four things that allowed me to safely integrate into a totally foreign culture. Trust me, you don’t know how young and inexperienced you are until you live abroad for the first time.

A. Travelling around the country passes the time

B. I can tell you that his words proved to be true

C. Share with others some of the things you have

D. Get into organizations that help you meet people

E. Good luck to anyone who reads this and goes abroad

F. The best thing to do is to go out and meet people everywhere

G. This helps you become a more fluent speaker and more people will talk to you








1语义理解题。根据I was told before I came out to France by a man I respected that living abroad would be the making of me.可知选B。(我可以告诉你,他的话被证明是正确的,

2语义理解题。根据Integrate(融合) with the culture and the people. It is very easy to go to work and just come straight home but this will lead to periods of huge boredom and loneliness. 可知选F。(最好的事情就是外出,遇见不同的人。)

3语义理解题。I joined a church in Toulouse and as a result I now have a place to go to practice my faith. If you are a religious person this point could really help you. If you enjoy your exercise, joining a gym is also a good idea.这里提到了一些组织,所以选D。(加入能帮助你接触人的组织。)

4语义理解题。根据Speak the language. Even if you can’t speak the local language well, at least make efforts to try and improve.可知选G。(这帮助你能成为一个更流利的说话者并且更多人会和你说话。)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Barbara,
How are you? Today I've got a wonderful news to tell you. I have admitted to Berkely school in California. More than 3,000 students took exams for it, but only a few was chosen and I was one of them. Therefore, my parents are not happy about it. They are strong against me going there.They say it is too far away that they will not see me for a whole year and they are afraid that we will feel homesick.They can't imagine so young a girl like me live alone.They advise me to choose a university near my home instead.Then I would be able to continue living with them.How can I persuade them to accept the fact what I have grown up?
Yours Faithfully,
Jane Blair


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Health care is regarded as an important way to improve the health and well-being of people around the world. In many countries of the world, free health care is provided by the government. 1

Clearly, we all have to pay for this service through our taxes.

2 They say that people who lake unnecessary risks should not receive this free health care. For example, people who join in risky activities such as skiing arc more likely to have an accident. It has been suggested that these people should pay for any medical treatment they require.

3 Firmly, it’s difficult to say exactly what is risky and what is not. For example, not doing enough exercise is probably more risky than skiing in the long run. As a result, it isn’t fair to give free health care to an inactive person and make the skier pay.4 Clearly, these people should receive free medical treatment if they are hurt on the job.

Finally, I would like to say that I think free health care is a good thing. I understand that the system is not perfectly fair because some people use it more than others. Besides, not all the medical treatment is really necessary for the health of the patient. The taxpayer should not have to pay the costs of such treatment.5

A. It offers plenty of money to run.

B. Personally, I disagree with this point of view.

C. However, some people think this is basically unjust.

D. This means that everybody has a chance to see a doctor.

E. Free health care will decrease the economy of the country.

F. Besides, firefighters take risks, but they are necessary risks.

G. However, in my opinion, this is in a small price to pay for a healthier society.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Mother's Day Surprise: Baby born in car on way to hospital
A Kentucky woman received a Mother's Day surprise on Sunday when she gave birth to her son while on the way to the hospital. Christy High said her son was ready to come as she was 1in the back seat of the family car.
"I tried 2with the baby and asked for a few more minutes, but he wasn't 3,"High joked. "He4when he came out, and that was the first time my husband knew what was5."He said, "What was that?" and I said, "It's our new baby Oliver. It's 6."
"I wouldn't have it any other way than how it went 7,"she added. "He will always be the best Mother's Day 8I ever got. "High, who is now a mom of two, told ABC News that she went into9in the early morning hours of May 14. 10her husband, Jon High, was driving her to the hospital, her 11broke, she said. Oliver Joseph High was born two weeks 12at 6:10 a.m, 136 pounds,10 ounces. High, a brave mother,14her son herself and placed him on her chest 15she immediately began nursing it.
Staff Clark Memorial in Jeffersonville, Indiana, 16the family upon their arrival. High said her husband is extremely 17about the coming of the baby. "He was very 18being the driver, I'm sure, but he was my rock star," she added. "He got us here 19and he is a(n) 20father."
Oliver joins big sister Rowan,3,who was horn on St.Patrick's Day in 2014.
(1)A.carrying B.riding C.comforting D.attending
(2)A.arguing B.debating C.reasoning D.discussing
(3)A.acting B.answering C.working D.cooperating
(4)A.cried B.yelled C.shouted D.called
(5)A.going on B.moving on C.keeping on D.insisting on
(6)A.right B.awful C.OK D.thankful
(7)A.up B.down C.away D.off
(8)A.gift B.greeting C.ceremony D.party
(9)A.action B.effect C.business D.labor
(10)A.If B.Although C.The moment D.As
(11)A.car B.water C.leg D.seat
(12)A.early B.late C.sharp D.exactly
(13)A.feeling B.tasting C.weighing D.smelling
(14)A.patted B.kissed C.observed D.delivered
(15)A.which B.where C.what D.that
(16)A.questioned B.encouraged C.greeted D.shocked
(17)A.happy B.upset C.worried D.mad
(18)A.eager B.serious C.patient D.nervous1
(19)A.hurriedly B.skillfully C.safely D.gently
(20)A.amusing B.amazing C.warm-hearted D.strong-willed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






参考词汇:流行音乐俱乐部Pop Club










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华。你校国际学生中心(International Student Center)将在本周六举办一年一度的假日派对,请给你的留学生朋友Jack写一封邀请信。主要内容包括:















科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)The h of the door is off.
(2)Don't come to the c before you make a careful investigation.
(3)We d Lincoln High School in the baseball game yesterday.
(4)Some chemical are easily a into the bloodstream, while others are not.
(5)The opposition leader c the prime minister to call an election.
(6)How many people (参加) your wedding?
(7)They (怀疑) me of having a hand in the affair.
(8)She (责怪) him for the failure of their marriage.
(9)The air is (污染) so badly in some regions that people could hardly breathe.
(10)Good planning is one of the (特征) of a successful business.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)My shoes were covered with (泥) because of the rainy day.
(2)Because of some activities of human beings, vast areas of land have become (荒漠).
(3)Production of this new model, which is in great need, must be (加速) up.
(4)It was a 17-day journey and I learnt to speak English from the (女乘务员).
(5)Children often (忍受) fevers quite well, although high temperatures may cause parents a great deal of concern.
(6)The worker c the pipe to the cooker and then turned on the gas.
(7)The monkey is very smart and always i what people do.
(8)“I had been hoping for an o of talking to you, ” he said.
(9)My holiday plans are u because I don' t know how much money I shall have.
(10)Just p the button, and you'll start the teaching equipment.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:










My name is Li Hua. It's a great honor to be here to have this interview for an English guide in the summer vacation.








Thank you.

