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The mystery had reached its climax (高潮) The man had undoubtedly been murdered. However, no one present knew who could have killed such a kind person. It was therefore time to call in the great detective, who gave one searching glance at the corpse (尸体), and then used a microscope.

"Aha!" he jumped as he picked a hair off the dead man's coat "The mystery is a mystery no longer. We have only to find the man who lost this hair, and the criminal will be in our hands. " The chain of logic was complete, and the detective started to do his search.

For four days and four nights he moved unobserved through the streets of New York, scanning closely every face, looking for a man who had lost a hair. On the fifth day he discovered a man pretending to be a tourist and his head was enveloped in a cap reaching below his ears. The man was about to board the Gloritania, and the detective lost no time in following him on board.

"Arrest him!" shouted the detective, and then, drawing himself to his full height, he took out the hair. "This is his," said the great detective, "and it proves his guilt. "

"Remove his hat," ordered the ship's captain firmly.

It was discovered that the man had no hair.

"Aha!" said the great detective without a moment's hesitation. "He has committed not one murder, but about one million!"

60. Before the great detective arrived, it seemed that______.

A. the man had died of natural causes   B. no one could possibly have murdered the man

C. the mystery would be easy to solve  D. the dead man was covered with hair

61. The detective declared the mystery would be solved soon______.

A. after he found the murderer      B. before he used the microscope

C. after he found a hair           D. before he looked at the corpse

62. The tone of this story is______.

A. scientific       B. serious         C. educational      D. humorous

63. The main idea of this story is that______.

A. those using logic are not always logical   B. mysteries can be solved by observation

C. detectives can never be trusted          D. guilt can be proved scientifically



60---63   BCDA  




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

   A week ago, I had the great pleasure of reading an e-book, When Money Talks, Listen! By Rich Ezzo. It took only about an hour to read.

   When I first received a copy, I thought it was a Get Rich Quick type of publication. Nothing is wrong with Get Rich Quick, but my mind just doesn’t chase after dreams of wealth. I think that if God ever wants me to be rich, he knows where to find my purse.

   When I began reading When Money Talks, Listen!, I was overjoyed to find that Rich Ezzo isn’t money hungry either. He, too, is hungry far more important than money.

Since I love this e-book so much, why wait a week to write the review? Simple. I wanted to see if the effect it had on me was a keeper. After reading the last word of the e-book, I totally agreed with the subtitle which promised to forever change the way we thought about money. I had so many thoughts running around my mind that I had to install(安装) a stoplight to stop some while others made their way into the picture, then I yielded(让路) them as a few ones arrived in town. I had a mental traffic jam, which only goes to show how slow the traffic usually is

   It has been a week and the effect is the same. I truly do look at money differently and have even done a few things differently this week. This is an e-book you’ll want to read, I promise. I often recommend books to my daughter, and this is one that I didn’t just “suggest”---I left it open at the bottom of the computer and told each one, “Read it, you’ll love it.”

   I would never point someone in a direction I wouldn’t go myself. I urge you to visit the author’s website, Myster Money, and to download the e-book. You won’t regret it.

The author wrote this passage to _________ 

A. strongly recommend an e-book.

 B. show the author's attitude to money.

 C. introduce the general idea of an e-book.

 D. point out Rich Ezzo isn't money hungry.

According to the passage, a Get Rich Quick type of publication ______.

A. is what the author really cares for

B. deals with how to make money

C. is also an e-book written by Rich Ezzo

D. is more popular than e-books

The author didn't write the review as soon as he finished reading the book because________.

 A. he was too excited to write anything

 B. he was not sure whether he did well

 C. he had to wait for Rich Ezzo's permission

 D. he wondered if the book would have long influence on him

By saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4, the author probably __________.

 A. shows that the book brought him many new thoughts

 B. shows how bad the traffic is in town

 C. describes the difficulty in understanding the book

 D. explains it's hard to change one's attitude to money

Which of the following is supported by the passage?

  A. The author had known Rich Ezzo before.

 B. The author hasn't dreamed of getting rich immediately.

 C. The author always prefers e-books to paper books.

 D. The author likes Get Rich Quick-type of publications.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A week ago, I had the great pleasure of reading an e-book, When Money Talks, Listen! By Rich Ezzo. It took only about an hour to read.

   When I first received a copy, I thought it was a Get Rich Quick type of publication. Nothing is wrong with Get Rich Quick, but my mind just doesn’t chase after dreams of wealth. I think that if God ever wants me to be rich, he knows where to find my purse.

   When I began reading When Money Talks, Listen!, I was overjoyed to find that Rich Ezzo isn’t money hungry either. He, too, is hungry far more important than money.

Since I love this e-book so much, why wait a week to write the review? Simple. I wanted to see if the effect it had on me was a keeper. After reading the last word of the e-book, I totally agreed with the subtitle which promised to forever change the way we thought about money. I had so many thoughts running around my mind that I had to install(安装) a stoplight to stop some while others made their way into the picture, then I yielded(让路) them as a few ones arrived in town. I had a mental traffic jam, which only goes to show how slow the traffic usually is

   It has been a week and the effect is the same. I truly do look at money differently and have even done a few things differently this week. This is an e-book you’ll want to read, I promise. I often recommend books to my daughter, and this is one that I didn’t just “suggest”---I left it open at the bottom of the computer and told each one, “Read it, you’ll love it.”

   I would never point someone in a direction I wouldn’t go myself. I urge you to visit the author’s website, Myster Money, and to download the e-book. You won’t regret it.

According to the passage, a Get Rich Quick type of publication ______

A. is what the author really cares for

B. deals with how to make money

C. is also an e-book written by Rich Ezzo

D. is more popular than e-books

The author didn't write the review as soon as he finished reading the book   


 A. he was too excited to write anything

 B. he was not sure whether he did well

 C. he had to wait for Rich Ezzo's permission

 D. he wondered if the book would have long influence on him

By saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4, the author probably _________.

 A. shows that the book brought him many new thoughts

 B. shows how bad the traffic is in town

 C. describes the difficulty in understanding the book

 D. explains it's hard to change one's attitude to money

Which of the following is supported by the passage?

  A. The author had known Rich Ezzo before.

 B. The author hasn't dreamed of getting rich immediately.

 C. The author always prefers e-books to paper books.

D. The author likes Get Rich Quick-type of publications.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010━2011学年度四川省高三4月月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

A week ago, I had the great pleasure of reading an e-book, When Money Talks, Listen! By Rich Ezzo. It took only about an hour to read.

   When I first received a copy, I thought it was a Get Rich Quick type of publication. Nothing is wrong with Get Rich Quick, but my mind just doesn’t chase after dreams of wealth. I think that if God ever wants me to be rich, he knows where to find my purse.

   When I began reading When Money Talks, Listen!, I was overjoyed to find that Rich Ezzo isn’t money hungry either. He, too, is hungry far more important than money.

Since I love this e-book so much, why wait a week to write the review? Simple. I wanted to see if the effect it had on me was a keeper. After reading the last word of the e-book, I totally agreed with the subtitle which promised to forever change the way we thought about money. I had so many thoughts running around my mind that I had to install(安装) a stoplight to stop some while others made their way into the picture, then I yielded(让路) them as a few ones arrived in town. I had a mental traffic jam, which only goes to show how slow the traffic usually is

   It has been a week and the effect is the same. I truly do look at money differently and have even done a few things differently this week. This is an e-book you’ll want to read, I promise. I often recommend books to my daughter, and this is one that I didn’t just “suggest”---I left it open at the bottom of the computer and told each one, “Read it, you’ll love it.”

   I would never point someone in a direction I wouldn’t go myself. I urge you to visit the author’s website, Myster Money, and to download the e-book. You won’t regret it.

1. According to the passage, a Get Rich Quick type of publication ______

A. is what the author really cares for

B. deals with how to make money

C. is also an e-book written by Rich Ezzo

D. is more popular than e-books

2.The author didn't write the review as soon as he finished reading the book   


 A. he was too excited to write anything

 B. he was not sure whether he did well

 C. he had to wait for Rich Ezzo's permission

 D. he wondered if the book would have long influence on him

3. By saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4, the author probably _________.

 A. shows that the book brought him many new thoughts

 B. shows how bad the traffic is in town

 C. describes the difficulty in understanding the book

 D. explains it's hard to change one's attitude to money

4. Which of the following is supported by the passage?

  A. The author had known Rich Ezzo before.

 B. The author hasn't dreamed of getting rich immediately.

 C. The author always prefers e-books to paper books.

D. The author likes Get Rich Quick-type of publications.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A week ago, I had the great pleasure of reading an e-book, When Money Talks, Listen! by Rich Ezzo. It took only about an hour to read. 

When I first received a copy, I thought it was a Get Rich Quick-type of publication. Nothing is wrong with Getting Rich Quick, but my mind just doesn't chase after dreams of wealth. I think that if God ever wants me to be rich, he knows where to find my purse.

When I began reading When Money Talks, Listen! I was overjoyed to find that Rich Ezzo isn’t money hungry either. He, too, is hungry for things far more important than money.

Since I love this e-book so much, why wait a week to write the review (书评)? Simple. I wanted to see if the effect it had on me was a keeper. After reading the last word of the e-book, I totally agreed with the subtitle which promised to forever change the way we thought about money. I had so many thoughts running around my mind that 1 had to install (安装) a stop light to stop some while others made their way into the picture, then I yield (使让路) them as a few new ones arrived in town. I had a mental traffic jam, which only goes to show how slow the traffic usually is.

It has been a week and the effect is the same. I truly do look at money different and have even done a few things differently this week. This is an e-book you'll want to read, I promise. I often recommend boos to my daughters, and this is one that I didn't just "suggest" – I left it open at the bottom of the computer and told each one, "Read it you'll love it."

I would never point someone in a direction I wouldn't go myself. I urge you to visit the author’s website, Myster Money, and to download the e-book. You won’t regret it.

72. What's the purpose of this passage?

A. To strongly recommend an e-book.              B. To show the author’s attitude towards money.

C. To introduce the general idea of an e-book.    D. To point out Rich Ezzo isn’t money hungry.

73. The author didn't write the review as soon as he finished reading tile book because ________.

A. he was too excited to write anything

B. he was not sure whether he liked the book

C. he had to wait for Rich Ezzo's permission

D. he wondered if the book would influence him

74. By saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4, the author probably ________.

A. shows that the book brought him many new thoughts

B. shows how bad the traffic is in town

C. describes the difficulty in understanding the book

D. explains it's hard to change one ' s attitude to money

75. Which of the following is supported by the passage?

A. The author has known Rich Ezzo before.

B. The author hasn't dreamed of getting rich immediately.

C. The author always prefers e-books to paper books.

D. The author likes Get Rich Quick-type of publications.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



A week ago, I had the great pleasure of reading an e-book, When Money Talks, Listen! By Rich Ezzo. It took only about an hour to read.

   When I first received a copy, I thought it was a Get Rich Quick type of publication. Nothing is wrong with Get Rich Quick, but my mind just doesn’t chase after dreams of wealth. I think that if God ever wants me to be rich, he knows where to find my purse.

   When I began reading When Money Talks, Listen!, I was overjoyed to find that Rich Ezzo isn’t money hungry either. He, too, is hungry far more important than money.

Since I love this e-book so much, why wait a week to write the review? Simple. I wanted to see if the effect it had on me was a keeper. After reading the last word of the e-book, I totally agreed with the subtitle which promised to forever change the way we thought about money. I had so many thoughts running around my mind that I had to install(安装) a stoplight to stop some while others made their way into the picture, then I yielded(让路) them as a few ones arrived in town. I had a mental traffic jam, which only goes to show how slow the traffic usually is

   It has been a week and the effect is the same. I truly do look at money differently and have even done a few things differently this week. This is an e-book you’ll want to read, I promise. I often recommend books to my daughter, and this is one that I didn’t just “suggest”---I left it open at the bottom of the computer and told each one, “Read it, you’ll love it.”

   I would never point someone in a direction I wouldn’t go myself. I urge you to visit the author’s website, Myster Money, and to download the e-book. You won’t regret it.

41. According to the passage, a Get Rich Quick type of publication ______.

A. is what the author really cares for

B. deals with how to make money

C. is also an e-book written by Rich Ezzo

D. is more popular than e-books
42.The author didn't write the review as soon as he finished reading the book   

 A. he was too excited to write anything
 B. he was not sure whether he did well
 C. he had to wait for Rich Ezzo's permission
 D. he wondered if the book would have long influence on him

43. By saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4, the author probably _________.
 A. shows that the book brought him many new thoughts
 B. shows how bad the traffic is in town
 C. describes the difficulty in understanding the book
 D. explains it's hard to change one's attitude to money
44. Which of the following is supported by the passage?
  A. The author had known Rich Ezzo before.
 B. The author hasn't dreamed of getting rich immediately.
 C. The author always prefers e-books to paper books.
 D. The author likes Get Rich Quick-type of publications.

