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My dear,don't lose heart!Everyone has their________and weaknesses.No one is perfect.
[     ]
A. strengths  
B. energies  
C. characters  
D. differences

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

At a meeting, a well-known speaker lifted up a bill of 20 dollars before starting his speech.

Facing 200 people, he asked, “Who wants this 20-dollar bill?” A great many hands were put up. Then he continued to say, “I intended to give it to any one of you, but allow me to do a thing before giving it to you.” Suddenly he crumpled (揉)it into a round mass. Then he asked, “Who wants it? ” Still some hands were lifted up.

He asked again, “Well, how could it be if I do it like this?” he threw the bill onto the ground, stepped on it and twisted it. As he picked it up, the bill had become not only dirty but wrinkled.

“Who still wants it?” Still a few people put up their hands.

“My dear friends, you have had a meaningful class. No matter how I treated this bill, you still want it, because it is worth 20 dollars. On your life road, you may be knocked down(击垮) or even broken into pieces by your determination or unfavorable situations. We may feel ourselves worth nothing, but, my darling, remember that whatever happens in the future, you should never lose your value(价值) in the God’s heart. You’re particular ---- never forget it.”

How many times did the speaker ask the people whether they wanted the bill?

A. Once             B. Twice             C. Three times         D. Four times

The underlined word “wrinkled” in the third paragraph probably means ________.

A. broken     B. having small lines or folds in it       C. flat      D. having holes on it

The speaker did this test in order to _____________.

A. tell the audience that one should never lose one’s own value

B. tell the audience that God values money most

C. test if some of the audience were extremely interested in money

D. play a trick on the audience

What would the speaker probably talk about next?

A. How money can make people crazy.   B. How to avoid being knocked down in one’s life.

C. How to keep one’s value of life.       D. How to give a meaningful class


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届山西康杰中学高三第三次模拟英语卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

I looked at my beautiful Christmas tree and sighed. It was time. The New Year was a week old and my tree still stood in the corner of our room with its collection of memories proudly displayed in a shower of colorful lights. I’d procrastinated(拖延,耽搁)long enough.
I got up, went to the garage and dragged all the boxes into the room. The garland(花环)was the first to come down. The tree looked naked(光秃秃的)already. I took the large ornament(装饰物)off next. They made a large pile on our bed. An hour later, our bed was covered with Christmas memories. Each pile contained an ornament along with its matching brothers and sisters from sets purchased many years ago.
I prepared the boxes and carefully placed ornaments in their protective packaging, pausing every few minutes to admire a favorite. “Hey, little Santa!” I held the Santa from my childhood. “Thanks for being my friend for almost fifty years.” He was a little ragged but still gives me a flood of wonderful memories. “Until next year, my dear friend.”
There was a collection of handmade ones. My children made in the their first years of school, more than twenty years ago. Made by tiny hands, they are far from perfect in design, but every year they go on my memory tree-memories of young giggles(咯咯地笑)on Christmas morning and a smiling face when they handed them to me when I came home from work. “Look what we made, Daddy!”
“Oh! It is beautiful. Let’s find a special spot on the tree for it.” Every year since, they are displayed.
A few hours after I started, the filled boxes were back in the garage, the room was vacuumed(用吸尘器清扫)and I sat staring at a barren(空荡荡的)corner. The room seemed so empty. It took me two days of work to assemble(收集)and decorate my tree, but only a few hours to take it apart.
My tree is like a good marriage or a great friendship. Like the tree, they take a long time to assemble and decorate with memories, but can be torn down quickly.
Every year I have to put my tree away, but not my marriage or friendships. I take great care of those. They get to glow in the corner of my life for as long as I live. I get to analyze my tree and find memories for a few weeks every year. I can do the same with the loves in my life every day. Take great care of your friendships and your marriage. Once they come down, they aren’t as easy to put back together as a Christmas tree. Stand them in that special spot in the corner of your heart and admire their glow.
【小题1】In the author’s eyes, the Christmas tree      .

A.is a collection of childhood memories
B.is a symbol of long-lasting relations
C.takes too much time to decorate
D.is full of out-of-date ornaments
【小题2】To the author, a Christmas tree is similar to a good marriage in that      .
A.both take time to build but fall apart easily
B.both remind him of bittersweet memories
C.both need to be admired for some time
D.both get less attractive over the years
【小题3】What is the main theme of the article?
A.We’d better put away Christmas decorations and recycle them each year.
B.Friendships and marriages should be valued and managed carefully.
C.Memories with friends and family should be cherished and relived.
D.We should decorate Christmas trees with personal stuff and recycle.


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省银河中学2010届高三下学期3月月考(英语) 题型:阅读理解

FOR many young people, having to attend school with a parent would be their worst nightmare. However, Senior 1 student Li Qinmei is happy taking her father with her as long as she can go to classes. He is disabled and unable to take care of himself.
The 16-year-old country girl in Zhucheng, Shandong Province has experienced one disaster after another in her short life. Li lost her mother at three. Four years later, her father became paralyzed after a tractor accident. At 12, her misfortune returned with the death of her grandma. Since then she has been forced to shoulder all the responsibility for her broken family.
Li learnt to cook and managed to live a life with an allowance of only 24 yuan per month. The most difficult thing she had to deal with was helping her father bathe, dress and use the toilet as he could hardly move.
"I felt embarrassed, and so did my dad. It was really hard at the beginning," she recalled.
During most of her junior school years, Li went to classes only once a month as her father was seriously ill at the time. "I taught myself at home and asked teachers for help on my school days," she explained. Li's hard work paid off this fall. She was admitted by Zhucheng No 1 High School, a local key school, based on her good performance in the entrance exams. The school offered Li and her father a room on campus to live in so she could look after him during breaks.
Once in a while, Li felt sad when she saw her classmates going shopping or hanging out with friends. "I envy them sometimes because they have both mum and dad to look after them. However, I soon feel relieved as I still have my dear dad with me," she said.
Li admitted that the difficulties in life had taught her to be strong. "I believe I will go on and continue my studies at a good university," she said, in a confident tone.
Her teacher Mr. Wang has the same belief. Li made great progress in the recent monthly exams. "She works hard and is always eager to excel (好强的). It's not easy for her never to be late for school, but she has managed to make it work," Wang said.
56. Li Qinmei has to shoulder the family because ________.
A. her father was badly injured in a car accident  
B. her grandma died when she was 12
C. her mother passed away when she was 3  
D. misfortune in her life forced her to do so
57. From the passage we can infer that _________.
A. Li Qinmei doesn’t like others talking about her father
B. many young students hate going to school with their parents
C. Li Qinmei has made great progress in her study
D. Li Qinmei has lost three relatives and has to take care of her father
58. What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase “hanging out” in the passage?_________.
A. playing outside    B. working hard    
C. exchanging ideas    D. talking happily
59. According to the passage, which statement is Not True? __________.
A. Li Qinmei was admitted to a local key school because of his good scores in the exams
B. Li Qinmei is very embarrassed when she helps her father bathe
C. Li Qinmei often goes to attend her father after class
D. Li Qinmei is able to go to class on time though she has to attend her father


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年内蒙古巴彦淖尔市高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Dear XXX, 

As we drove off from Columbia, I wanted to write a letter to you to tell you all that is on my mind.

Do your best in classes, but don’t let pressure get to you. If you graduate and learn something in your four years, we would feel happy. Your Columbia degree will take you far, even if you don’t graduate with honors. So please don't give yourself pressure. The only thing that matters is that you learned. The only measurement you should use is that you tried.

Most importantly, make friends and be happy. College friends are often the best in life, because during college you are closer to them physically than to your family. Also, going through independence and adulthood is a natural bonding (结合的) experience. Pick a few friends and become really close to them — pick the ones who are genuine and sincere to you. Don’t worry about their hobbies, grades, looks, or even personalities. If you think you like someone, tell her. You have very little to lose. People are not perfect, so as long as they are genuine and sincere, trust them and be good to them. They will give back. This is my secret of success — that I am genuine with people and trust them (unless they do something to lose my trust).

College is the four years where you have:

  •the greatest amount of free time

  •the first chance to be independent

  •the most flexibility to change

  •the lowest risk for making mistakes

So please treasure your college years – make the best of your free time, become an independent thinker in control of your destiny. May Columbia become the happiest four years in your life, and may you blossom into just what you dream to be.



1.What is the most probable relationship between the writer and the receiver of the letter?

A. Friends.                                                                                    B. A parent and his or her daughter.

C. A teacher and a student.                                                  D. Sisters.

2.Which of the following suggestions is not given to the receiver in the letter?

A. How to adapt to the college life quickly.                 

B. To make new friends.

C. To learn to be independent in thinking.                 

D. Not to make herself under much pressure in grades.

3.According to the writer of the letter, college is a time _______.

A. during which one may make mistakes      

B. during which one has little free time

C. during which it is hard for one to change    

D. during which one needs to learn to be independent



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年广东省汕头市高三第一次模拟考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

It was time for Mr. Rocco to shut up shop when I hurried into the florist’s. “Now, what is it you want?” Mr. Rocco turned to me. “I want the most beautiful flower you have.” I replied. “And just how much do you have to pay for this most beautiful flower?” I held out a wet hand showing a quarter and dime. He nodded, and then showed me a plant on the counter. “I can give you this one for 35 cents.” he said. “Aw, gee,” I protested, “it looks like a weed!” About 18 inches high, the plant was in a small pot covered with faded red paper. “Now trust me, boy—I promise that tomorrow morning when you get up, you will find your most beautiful flower.” said Mr. Rocco. I knew him to be a good honest man, so I agreed to take it.

It was almost midnight when I arrived home. Mom was seriously sick and using the front bedroom. I looked in to see if she was asleep, and then quietly tiptoed in and set the plant on the table beside her bed. I wanted her to be surprised when she woke on Mother’s Day.

The next morning, I dressed and hurried downstairs. The sun was shining through kitchen window as I looked into Mom’s room. She motioned for me to come in, then glanced over at the table where the plant was. Holy mackerel! There were three big yellow trumpet-shaped(喇叭状的)blooms. It was just like Mr. Rocco said—the most beautiful flower I ever saw! When I looked at Mom, she was smiling as tears streamed down her cheeks. She held out her hand for me to come near, then pulled me close and hugged till it hurt. Then, remembering her contagious condition and that she wasn’t supposed to touch me, she quickly let me go.

My dear mom died the next night. The moment she hugged me turned out to be the most wonderful moment of my life. Not only had that beautiful plant helped show just how much I loved her, but I’d always know how much she loved me.

1.  The author didn’t like the plant recommended by Mr. Rocco at first because ______.

A. the packing of the plant was shabby

B. the plant was more a weed than a flower         

C. the plant appeared too ordinary to be the most beautiful

D. he thought Mr. Rocco was reluctant to do the deal with him

2.  Mother’s condition was contagious (Line 6, Para.3) for ______.

A. she was at the death’s door         B. she suffered from the illness

C. others were sick of her appearance   D. virus might spread from her to others 

3. When mother hugged the author tightly, she was showing that ______.

A. she liked being given gifts             

B. she valued what the author had done for her

C. she was aware of the approaching of death   

D. she was touched by the beauty of the flower

4. The story is mainly developed by______________.

A. time        B. logic            C. comparison       D. cause and result

5.Which may be the best title of the passage?

A. Flowers of Love                          B. A Son’s Love for Mother

C. Low Price, High Value              D. A Special Mother’s Day 


