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You may have heard of Osceola McCarty, an 88-year-old woman in Mississippi who had worked for over 75 years as a    36    woman.

One day after she retired, she went to the bank and discovered that her small monthly   37    had grown to over$150,000. Then to everyone’s surprise, she turned around and   38    almost all of the money to the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) for a   39   fund for students with financial needs. Immediately, she made national   40  .

What you have not heard is how Osceola’s gift had   41   my life. I am 19 years old and the first   42   of an Osceola McCarty Scholarship.

I was a   43   student, and I was determined to go to USM. But I   44   being qualified for a regular scholarship by one point on the entrance exams, and a scholarship was the   45   way I could attend.

One Sunday, I came across the story in the paper about Osceola McCarty and her generous    46  . The next day I went to the financial aid office, and they told me there was still no money    47   for me, but if anything came up they’d call.

A few days later, I was going out with my mother   48   the phone rang. I was told I had been chosen to be given the first Osceola McCarty Scholarship. I was   49  !

McCarty worked hard her whole life, washing clothes by hand. Now that she is   50  , she sits most of the day and reads the Bible, that is, when she is not getting rewards. Every time I go to visit her, she has a new    51  . She’s even gone to the White House. She is so happy and proud. We have tried to talk her into getting a VCR (录像机) so she can tape the programs and see   52   on TV—she just smiles.

McCarty gave me much more than a scholarship. She taught me about the gift of   53  . Now I know there are good people in the world who do good things. She worked hard and helped others, and in turn she has inspired me to   54   when I can some day. So   55   I plan to add to her scholarship fund.

36. A. café                           B. buffet                      C. laboratory                D. laundry

37. A. expenses                    B. profits                   C. savings                     D. wages

38. A. returned                            B. donated                    C. delivered                 D. removed

39. A. welfare                      B. project                            C. scholarship               D. research

40. A. headlines                   B. customs                    C. sympathies               D. doubts

41. A. affected                            B. formed                     C. disturbed                  D. ruined

42. A. designer                   B. receiver                  C. contributor              D. reporter

43. A. considerate               B. dedicated                  C. casual                      D. sensitive

44. A. advocated                  B. regretted                  C. missed                            D. avoided

45. A. normal                      B. wrong                      C. legal                        D. only

46. A. gift                           B. idea                         C. decision                   D. plan

47. A. left                           B. raised                      C. available                  D. enough

48. A. since                         B. before                      C. though                            D. when

49. A. shocked                            B. excited                     C. puzzled                    D. encouraged

50. A. retired                       B. dismissed                 C. promoted                 D. transferred

51. A. job                                   B. hobby                      C. life                          D. award

52. A. everybody                 B. everything                C. herself                            D. us

53. A. giving                       B. understanding           C. receiving                  D. loving

54. A. give up                      B. give back                 C. give off                    D. give in

55. A. suddenly                    B. originally                 C. gradually                  D. eventually

36—40 DCBCA    41—45 ABBCD           46—50 ACDBA           51—55 DCABD


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省南京市第一中学2010届高三下学期模拟训练最后冲刺英语试题 题型:完型填空

What is it about maths, anyway? Why is it that a ___36___ who would rather die than ___37___ they found reading difficult at school will happily say he is brain-dead when it ___38___ to numbers?
“I was ___39___ at maths at school,” they say. “still am. Can’t ___40___ up to save my life. My little girl takes after____41___. Thinks take-aways are something to do with fish and chips. Ha-ha!” Oh, how we all laugh.
But how many of us remember it being ___42___ at the time? How many of us remember the blind panic of the Monday morning maths test when the ___43___ we could hope for was a miracle(奇迹) to make the numbers we ___44___ without thinking as answers somehow ___45___ the questions?
On the face of it, today’s children can ___46___ be considered happier and more satisfied. They have a daily numeracy lesson ___47___ to improving their maths skills. But if that sounds like hell to you, you may ___48__ find that your child surprises you by actually quite ___49__ it.
One of the __50___ is that over the last ten years or so, there has been a ___51___ in the way maths is taught. And many of those who teach it feel it’s been a ___52__ for the better. There’s generally much more emphasis now on __53___ arithmetic, getting children used to doing calculations without forever having a pen in one hand and a calculator in the other. Often the first question a teacher will ask is: can you do this in your___54___? And if they can, they do.
The whole approach is more___55___, the goal to get children understanding numbers, not just putting them through the uninteresting process of learning something by repeating it until they remember it.
36    A.    teacher    B.    parent     C.    pupil       D.    teenager
37    A.    understand      B.    admit      C.    observe   D.    pretend
38    A.    add  B.    relate      C.    comes     D.    reject
39    A.    good       B.    expert     C.    special     D.    rubbish
40    A.    add  B.    make       C.    look D.    pick
41    A.    stranger   B.    me   C.    herself     D.    somebody
42    A.    funny      B.    easy C.    attractive D.    remote
43    A.    worst      B.    prize       C.    best  D.    surprising
44    A.    missed     B.    lost  C.    found      D.    chose
45    A.    get   B.    foresee    C.    fit    D.    evaluate
46    A.    however  B.    frequently       C.    mostly     D.    hardly
47    A.    suggested B.    devoted   C.    intended  D.    adapted
48    A.    well B.    sometimes      C.    seldom    D.    extremely
49    A.    enjoying  B.    hating     C.    objecting D.    mastering
50    A.    consequences  B.    reasons    C.    findings   D.    incidents
51    A.    mistake   B.    program  C.    policy     D.    revolution
52    A.    preparation     B.    reputation       C.    requirement    D.    change
53    A.    difficult   B.    general    C.    mental     D.    basic
54    A.    class B.    head C.    textbook  D.    own
55    A.    logical     B.    unbelievable   C.    direct      D.    conservative


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省南京市2010届高三下学期模拟训练最后冲刺英语试题 题型:完形填空


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


What is it about maths, anyway? Why is it that a ___36___ who would rather die than ___37___ they found reading difficult at school will happily say he is brain-dead when it ___38___ to numbers?

“I was ___39___ at maths at school,” they say. “still am. Can’t ___40___ up to save my life. My little girl takes after____41___. Thinks take-aways are something to do with fish and chips. Ha-ha!” Oh, how we all laugh.

But how many of us remember it being ___42___ at the time? How many of us remember the blind panic of the Monday morning maths test when the ___43___ we could hope for was a miracle(奇迹) to make the numbers we ___44___ without thinking as answers somehow ___45___ the questions?

On the face of it, today’s children can ___46___ be considered happier and more satisfied. They have a daily numeracy lesson ___47___ to improving their maths skills. But if that sounds like hell to you, you may ___48__ find that your child surprises you by actually quite ___49__ it.

One of the __50___ is that over the last ten years or so, there has been a ___51___ in the way maths is taught. And many of those who teach it feel it’s been a ___52__ for the better. There’s generally much more emphasis now on __53___ arithmetic, getting children used to doing calculations without forever having a pen in one hand and a calculator in the other. Often the first question a teacher will ask is: can you do this in your___54___? And if they can, they do.

The whole approach is more___55___, the goal to get children understanding numbers, not just putting them through the uninteresting process of learning something by repeating it until they remember it.

36     A.     teacher    B.     parent      C.     pupil          D.     teenager

37     A.     understand      B.     admit        C.     observe    D.     pretend

38     A.     add  B.     relate       C.     comes      D.     reject

39     A.     good         B.     expert      C.     special      D.     rubbish

40     A.     add  B.     make        C.     look  D.     pick

41     A.     stranger  B.     me   C.     herself      D.     somebody

42     A.     funny        B.     easy C.     attractive         D.     remote

43     A.     worst        B.     prize         C.     best D.     surprising

44     A.     missed     B.     lost  C.     found        D.     chose

45     A.     get   B.     foresee    C.     fit     D.     evaluate

46     A.     however  B.     frequently         C.     mostly      D.     hardly

47     A.     suggested        B.     devoted   C.     intended  D.     adapted

48     A.     well  B.     sometimes       C.     seldom     D.     extremely

49     A.     enjoying   B.     hating       C.     objecting D.     mastering

50     A.     consequences B.     reasons    C.     findings    D.     incidents

51     A.     mistake    B.     program  C.     policy        D.     revolution

52     A.     preparation      B.     reputation        C.     requirement    D.     change

53     A.     difficult     B.     general    C.     mental     D.     basic

54     A.     class         B.     head         C.     textbook  D.     own

55     A.     logical       B.     unbelievable    C.     direct        D.     conservative



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解




Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not obtained through the senses. It is the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, objects or events that do not exist, are not present or have not happened in the past.

Everyone possesses some imagination ability. In some it may be highly developed and in others it may be displayed in a weaker form. It is shown in various degrees in various people.

Imagination is not limited only to seeing pictures in the mind. It includes all the five senses and the feelings. One can imagine a sound, taste, smell, a physical sensation or a feeling or emotion. For some people it is easier to see mental pictures, others find it easier to imagine a feeling, and some are more comfortable imagining the sensation of one of the five senses. Training of the imagination gives the ability to combine all the senses.

Imagination makes it possible to experience a whole world inside the mind. It gives you the ability to look at any situation from a different point of view, and enables one to mentally explore the past and the future. In your imagination you can travel anywhere at the speed of light without any problems. It can make you feel free, though temporarily, and only in the mind, from tasks, difficulties and unpleasant circumstances.

 Imagination ha a  great role and value in each one's life. We all use it, whether consciously or unconsciously, in most of our daily affairs. We use our imagination whenever we plan a party, a trip, our work or a meeting. We use it when we describe an event, explain how to arrive to a certain street, write, tell a story or cook a cake.    Imagination is also a creative power that is used extensively in magic, creative visualization and confirmations. It is the creator of circumstances and events. It is necessary for inventing an instrument, designing a dress or a building, painting a picture or writing a book. The creative power of imagination has an important role in the achievement of success in any field.

Imagination can change your whole life. When you know how to work with it, you can make your hearts' desires come true. But if you do not recognize the importance of the power of the imagination, your life may not be as happy and successful as you would have wanted it to be. You may create and attract into your lives events, situations and people that you don't really want. This is actually what most people do, because you don't use the power of imagination correctly.

Lack of understanding of the power of the imagination is responsible for the suffering, incompetence, difficulties, failures and unhappiness people experience, some reason, most people are tending to think in a negative way. They do not expect success. They expect the worst, and when they fail, they believe that fate is against them. This attitude can be changed, and then life will improve accordingly.

Understanding how to use your imagination correctly, and putting this knowledge into practice, for your own and others' benefit, will put you on the golden path to success, satisfaction and happiness.

Paragraph Topics

Detailed Contents

71 of  imagination

??      The ability to develop a mental image of something  72   the help of the senses.                  

??      The ability to build in one's  73  scenes, objects or events that do not exist, are not present or have not happened in the past.

Key features of imagination

??      Higher or lower, imagination ability is 74  by everyone.

??      Although different people may be strong in different aspects, imagination includes all the five senses and feelings.

??      The ability to combine all the senses can be developed by means of  75 .                           

Role and value of imagination

??      By imagination, people can 76  any situation in a different way.

??      Imagination can enable people to mentally explore the past and the future.

??      People can 77  their mind by imagination, as it can make them   feel   free   from   tasks,   difficulties   and unpleasant circumstances.

??      Imagination is used extensively in any field, either daily affairs or  78 work like inventing an instrument or writing a book.

Problems caused by lack of imagination

??      Unwelcome events, situations and people may enter your lives if you deny the importance of imagination.

??      Lack of imagination may __79      to the suffering, incompetence, difficulties, failures and unhappiness people experience.


??   Understanding and correctly using imagination will bring you success, satisfaction and happiness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


What is it about maths, anyway? Why is it that a ___36___ who would rather die than ___37___ they found reading difficult at school will happily say he is brain-dead when it ___38___ to numbers?

“I was ___39___ at maths at school,” they say. “still am. Can’t ___40___ up to save my life. My little girl takes after____41___. Thinks take-aways are something to do with fish and chips. Ha-ha!” Oh, how we all laugh.

But how many of us remember it being ___42___ at the time? How many of us remember the blind panic of the Monday morning maths test when the ___43___ we could hope for was a miracle(奇迹) to make the numbers we ___44___ without thinking as answers somehow ___45___ the questions?

On the face of it, today’s children can ___46___ be considered happier and more satisfied. They have a daily numeracy lesson ___47___ to improving their maths skills. But if that sounds like hell to you, you may ___48__ find that your child surprises you by actually quite ___49__ it.

One of the __50___ is that over the last ten years or so, there has been a ___51___ in the way maths is taught. And many of those who teach it feel it’s been a ___52__ for the better. There’s generally much more emphasis now on __53___ arithmetic, getting children used to doing calculations without forever having a pen in one hand and a calculator in the other. Often the first question a teacher will ask is: can you do this in your___54___? And if they can, they do.

The whole approach is more___55___, the goal to get children understanding numbers, not just putting them through the uninteresting process of learning something by repeating it until they remember it.

36    A.    teacher    B.    parent     C.    pupil       D.    teenager

37    A.    understand      B.    admit      C.    observe   D.    pretend

38    A.    add  B.    relate      C.    comes     D.    reject

39    A.    good       B.    expert     C.    special     D.    rubbish

40    A.    add  B.    make       C.    look D.    pick

41    A.    stranger   B.    me   C.    herself     D.    somebody

42    A.    funny      B.    easy C.    attractive D.    remote

43    A.    worst      B.    prize       C.    best  D.    surprising

44    A.    missed     B.    lost  C.    found      D.    chose

45    A.    get   B.    foresee    C.    fit    D.    evaluate

46    A.    however  B.    frequently       C.    mostly     D.    hardly

47    A.    suggested B.    devoted   C.    intended  D.    adapted

48    A.    well B.    sometimes      C.    seldom    D.    extremely

49    A.    enjoying  B.    hating     C.    objecting D.    mastering

50    A.    consequences  B.    reasons    C.    findings   D.    incidents

51    A.    mistake   B.    program  C.    policy     D.    revolution

52    A.    preparation     B.    reputation       C.    requirement    D.    change

53    A.    difficult   B.    general    C.    mental     D.    basic

54    A.    class B.    head C.    textbook  D.    own

55    A.    logical     B.    unbelievable   C.    direct      D.    conservative


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

What is it about maths, anyway? Why is it that a 1 who would rather die than 2 they found reading difficult at school will happily say he is brain-dead when it 3 to numbers?
“I was 4 at maths at school,” they say. “still am. Can’t 5 up to save my life. My little girl takes after6. Thinks take-aways are something to do with fish and chips. Ha-ha!” Oh, how we all laugh.
But how many of us remember it being 7 at the time? How many of us remember the blind panic of the Monday morning maths test when the 8 we could hope for was a miracle(奇迹) to make the numbers we 9 without thinking as answers somehow 10 the questions?
On the face of it, today’s children can 11 be considered happier and more satisfied. They have a daily numeracy lesson 12 to improving their maths skills. But if that sounds like hell to you, you may 13 find that your child surprises you by actually quite 14 it.
One of the 15 is that over the last ten years or so, there has been a 16 in the way maths is taught. And many of those who teach it feel it’s been a 17 for the better. There’s generally much more emphasis now on 18 arithmetic, getting children used to doing calculations without forever having a pen in one hand and a calculator in the other. Often the first question a teacher will ask is: can you do this in your19? And if they can, they do.
The whole approach is more20, the goal to get children understanding numbers, not just putting them through the uninteresting process of learning something by repeating it until they remember it.

  1. 1.
    1. A.
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    4. D.
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