


Àý£ºHow much is the shirt?





1£®Who is coming for tea?




2£®What will the man do next?

A£®Leave fight away£®

B£®Stay for dinner£®

C£®Catch a train£®

3£®What does the mall come for?

A£®A lecture£®

B£®A meeting£®

C£®A party£®

4£®What size does the man want?




5£®What are the speakers talking about?

A£®Life in Southeast Asia£®

B£®Weather conditions£®

C£®A holiday tour£®




6£®What is the man doing?

A£®Giving a speech£®

B£®Chairing a meeting£®

C£®Introducing a person£®

7£®Why does the woman sing so well?

A£®She has a great teacher£®

B£®She teaches singing£®

C£®She is young£®


8£®What is the second gift for Jimmy?

A£®A car£®

B£®A watch£®

C£®A computer£®

9£®Why does Jimmy feel happy?

A£®He lives with his parents£®

B£®He¡¯s got what he dreamt of£®

C£®He¡¯s received lots of presents£®


10£®What is the relationship between the speakers?

A£®They are friends£®

B£®They are strangers to each other£®

C£®They are husband and wife£®

11£®Why does the woman come to talk with the man?

A£®To get a job£®

B£®To take a test£®

C£®To see the secretary£®

12£®What does the man mean by saying sorry?

A£®He can¡¯t hear the woman clearly£®

B£®He doesn't need a designer£®

C£®He can¡¯t help the woman£®


13£®What do we know about the woman?

A£®She lives close to the office£®

B£®She is new to the company£®

C£®She likes the big kitchen£®

14£®How does the man go to work?

A£®On foot£®

B£®By bus£®

C£®By car£®

15£®Why was Susan late for work?

A£®She missed the bus£®

B£®Her train was late£®

C£®Her car broke down£®

16£®What will the man do the next day?

A£®Go to work by train£®

B£®Visit Lily in her flat£®

C£®Leave home earlier£®


17£®Where can you most probably hear this talk?

A£®In a class of the English language£®

B£®In a class of the Greek language£®

C£®In a class of the French language£®

18£®How long does the class last?

A£®11 weeks£®

B£®13 weeks£®

C£®15 weeks£®

19£®What is ¡°the short-cut¡± to learning words according to the speaker?

A£®Taking more courses£®

B£®Reading basic words aloud£®

C£®Learning how words are formed£®

20£®Why is the class popular?

A£®It is not offered each term£®

B£®It¡¯s taught by Professor Morris£®

C£®It helps to master some useful rules£®


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1£®Which model did the man order most?

A£®Nokia 8210£®

B£®Motorola C266£®

C£®Sony-Ericsson T628£®

2£®What can you infer from the dialogue?

A£®The bus drivers seldom go on strike in England£®

B£®The bus drivers this time ask for different things£®

C£®The bus drivers this time again ask for less work and more pay£®

3£®What does the woman want to become?

A£®A teacher£®

B£®A translator£®

C£®An actress£®

4£®What is the woman likely to do during the festival?

A£®She may do anything that she will meet£®

B£®She will help her mother do some shopping£®

C£®She will help her mother do some cooking£®

5£®What can you learn from Jim¡¯s reply?

A£®He goes to most types of games£®

B£®Basketball is his only sport£®

C£®He plays basketball£®




6£®What is the relationship between the speakers?


B£®Caller and operator£®

C£®Secretary and boss£®

7£®What does the man want to do?

A£®He wants to know Ms£®Amanda Rhodes¡¯s telephone number£®

B£®He wants to find where Ms£®Amanda Rhodes lives£®

C£®He wants to tell the woman Ms£®Amanda Rhodes¡¯s name£®


8£®Where hasn¡¯t the man been in China?




9£®What did the man buy in Xi¡¯an?

A£®An ancient jar£®

B£®A wonderful knife£®

C£®A set of china£®

10£®When will the woman go to the man¡¯s house?

A£®This Saturday evening£®

B£®This Sunday evening£®

C£®Next Saturday evening£®


11£®Where did the man work before?

A£®In the bank£®

B£®In the shipping department£®

C£®In the shopping department£®

12£®How did the man find the wok and the workmates now?

A£®The work was tiring but the people were friendly£®

B£®The work was interesting but the people were impolite£®

C£®Neither the work nor the people were satisfying£®

13£®What was the woman¡¯s wish?

A£®The man¡¯s idea would come true£®

B£®She would make things better for the man£®

C£®The man would learn how to get on well with others£®


14£®Why is the woman worried?

A£®Because she can¡¯t speak French well£®

B£®Because she doesn¡¯t have friends in Canada£®

C£®Because she can¡¯t find her way to Quebec City£®

15£®What do we know about Montreal?

A£®It is the capital of Quebec Province£®

B£®It is the biggest city in Quebec Province£®

C£®It is far away from the St£®Lawrence River£®

16£®What can we learn from this conversation?

A£®Only French is spoken in Quebec£®

B£®All the buildings in Quebec City are old£®

C£®Most people in Montreal speak French£®


17£®Why is the No£®16 bus of no use to the man?

A£®It¡¯s always late£®

B£®It¡¯s always full£®

C£®It gets off after the No£®49 bus£®

18£®How long will the speaker wait for a bus sometimes?

A£®One hour£®

B£®Ten minutes£®

C£®Half an hour£®

19£®What is the maximum number of passengers a bus is supposed to carry?




20£®At what speed did a No£®49 bus drive on Saturday morning?

A£®60 m£®p£®h£®

B£®80 m£®p£®h£®

C£®50 m£®p£®h£®


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1£®What did the woman think of the lecture?

A£®It was popular£®

B£®It was boring£®

C£®It was moving£®

2£®What arc they going to do?

A£®Play basketball£®

B£®Go skating£®

C£®Do some cleaning£®

3£®How is the weather when the conversation takes place?

A£®Sunny but cold and windy£®

B£®Cloudy and freezing£®

C£®Cloudy and windy£®

4£®Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A£®In a school library£®

B£®In a hospital£®

C£®In a department store£®

5£®What does the man want to do?

A£®To return a ticket to the woman£®

B£®To return to Chicago£®

C£®To purcbase a plane ticket£®




6£®What are the two speakers talking about?

A£®Their future study£®

B£®The graduation party£®

C£®College entrance exam£®

7£®In what field is the boy most likely to work in the future?




8£®What do we learn about the girl?

A£®Her uncle has a company£®

B£®She dreams of becoming a doctor£®

C£®She wants to live in Hong Kong£®


9£®What is the main reason for the doctor's trip?

A£®A jazz concert£®

B£®A medical conference£®

C£®A wedding party£®

10£®At what time does the doctor's flight arrive in New Orleans?




11£®Which of the following statements about Dr£®Ellis is probably true?

A£®He is a jazz fan£®

B£®He is a sports fan£®

C£®He is a film fan£®


12£®What are the two speakers talking about?

A£®Cultures of Australia and New Zealand£®

B£®A plan to travel to Australia and New Zealand£®

C£®Similarities and differences between the two countries£®

13£®What arc the people of the two countries like?

A£®They are crazy about sports£®

B£®They like drinking and talking£®

C£®They are interested in shopping£®

14£®Which of the following is TRUE?

A£®New Zealand has a warmer climate£®

B£®Australian beaches are slightly better£®

C£®Both countries are attractive to travelers£®


15£®At what stage is the woman in her study?

A£®She is a junior£®

B£®She is a senior£®

C£®She is a teaching assistant£®

16£®What is the professor's first reply to the woman's request?

A£®He doesn't intend to offer the course£®

B£®He doesn't think the course will interest her£®

C£®He thinks the course will be too difficult for her£®

17£®What does the woman say to persuade the professor to help her?

A£®She is well prepared£®

B£®She wants to take an easy court£®

C£®She wants to read a book in his course£®


18£®Which is NOT among the purposes of camping?

A£®To learn to recognize plants and animals£®

B£®To learn how to feed the animals£®

C£®To get to know more about yourself and your place in nature£®

19£®Why do most campers travel to the National Park?

A£®Because they find it cleaner than other parks£®

B£®Because they have nothing else to do£®

C£®Because they like to relax£®

20£®What can be learnt from the passage?

A£®Campers should respect nature£®

B£®Campers don't hurt wild animals£®

C£®There are fewer people camping now£®


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1£®What does the man want to do?

A£®Take photos£®

B£®Buy a camera£®

C£®Help the woman£®

2£®What are the speakers talking about?

A£®A noisy night£®

B£®Their life in town£®

C£®A place of living£®

3£®Where is the man now?

A£®On his way£®

B£®In a restaurant£®

C£®At home£®

4£®What will Celia do?

A£®Find a player£®

B£®Watch a game£®

C£®Play basketball£®

5£®What day is it when the conversation takes place?





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6£®What is Sara going to do?

A£®Buy John a gift£®

B£®Give John a surprise£®

C£®Invite John to France£®

7£®What does the man think of Sara's plan?





8£®Why does Diana say sorry to Peter?

A£®She has to give up her travel plan£®

B£®She wants to visit another city£®

C£®She needs to put off her test£®

9£®What does Diana want Peter to do?

A£®Help her with her study£®

B£®Take a book to her friend£®

C£®Teach a geography lesson£®


10£®Why does the man call the woman?

A£®To tell her about her new job£®

B£®To ask about her job program£®

C£®To plan a meeting with her£®

11£®Who needs a new flat?




12£®Where is the woman now?

A£®In Baltimore£®

B£®In New York£®

C£®In Avon£®


13£®What does Jan consider most important when he judges a restaurant?

A£®Where the restaurant is£®

B£®Whether the prices are low£®

C£®How well the food is prepared£®

14£®When did Jan begin to write for a magazine?

A£®After he came back to Sweden£®

B£®Before he went to the United States£®

C£®As soon as he got his first job in 1982£®

15£®What may Jan do to find a good restaurant?

A£®Talk to people in the street£®

B£®Speak to taxi drivers£®

C£®Ask hotel clerks£®

16£®What do we know about Jan?

A£®He cooks for a restaurant£®

B£®He travels a lot for his work£®

C£®He prefers American food£®


17£®What do we know about the Plaza Leon?

A£®It's a new building£®

B£®It's a small town£®

C£®It's a public place£®

18£®When do parents and children like going to the Plaza Leon?

A£®Saturday nights£®

B£®Sunday afternoons£®

C£®Fridays and Saturdays£®

19£®Which street is known for its food shops and markets?

A£®Via del Mar Street£®

B£®Fernando Street£®

C£®Hernandes Street£®

20£®Why does the speaker like Horatio Street best?

A£®It has an old stone surface£®

B£®It is named after a writer£®

C£®It has a famous university£®


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1£®Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A£®In the hospital£®

B£®At a nursery£®

C£®In a library£®

2£®When are Jenny's parents coming?

A£®In April£®

B£®In June£®

C£®In July£®

3£®What will the woman probably do?

A£®Go to visit the writer£®

B£®Buy the writer's new book£®

C£®Write a book review£®

4£®What does the man mean?

A£®The lady's room is a long way from here£®

B£®She has to sign up for using the lady's room£®

C£®She is not able to use the lady's room right now£®

5£®Why won't the woman eat any more?

A£®She is losing weight£®

B£®She isn't feeling well£®

C£®She has had enough£®




6£®What do we know about Kate?

A£®The doctor's advice does her no good£®

B£®She hasn't got well though she has seen a doctor£®

C£®She's too busy to see a doctor£®

7£®Who will go to see Kate?

A£®The woman£®

B£®The man£®

C£®Both of them£®


8£®What does the man want?

A£®Less work£®

B£®More fun£®

C£®A holiday£®

9£®How does the man feel?




10£®What is the man's attitude towards his older generation?





11£®Why does the man hire some bikes?

A£®To visit the island with his friend£®

B£®To go to visit the bicycle rental(³ö×â)shop£®

C£®To go graveling abroad£®

12£®What does the woman suggest?

A£®See her tomorrow£®

B£®Go to the beach£®

C£®Hire a motorbike£®

13£®Where is the man staying?

A£®At Burt's Bicycle Rental£®

B£®At the Holiday Sun Hotel£®

C£®At No£®100 Teekman Street£®


14£®When did Meg hand in the report?

A£®On September 3rd£®

B£®On September 5th£®

C£®On September 1st

15£®What is the most important to Starbucks¡¯ success?

A£®The taste of its coffee£®

B£®Its selections of stores and service£®

C£®Its management£®

16£®What does the professor advise Meg to do?

A£®To leave out some figures£®

B£®To change a new topic£®

C£®To do more research£®


17£®How many American rivers are seriously polluted?

A£®One-sixth of them£®

B£®One-third of them£®

C£®Half of them£®

18£®When did Susan start the work of cleaning the river?

A£®Three years ago£®

B£®Last August£®

C£®A few weeks ago£®

19£®What did the students find when they came to the river this year?

A£®There was no garbage left to clean up£®

B£®The river had become to clean that a lot of water-birds came back£®

C£®The river was much cleaner and they had to search for garbage£®

20£®What was the expected reaction of the local people into the river£®

A£®Most of them would keep on throwing garbage into the river£®

B£®They would join the students in changing the situation£®

C£®They would become more aware of the pollution problem£®

