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  With endless homework to do, today's students don't seem to have time or the desire for the investigation of the knowledge they have learned or are to learn.As a result, many may find they are at a loss while the teacher is giving the lessons.Why not have a try on the unit we are going to learn in the coming week?

  Doing Research

  In the 1700s, life in English colonies was not all the same.Choose one of the three main groups of colonies-southern, middle, or northern.Look in several encyclopedias and other books to find out how people lived in the area you choose.How did they make their living? What kinds of houses did they build? What kinds of tools did they use? What were their schools like? Can you think of some other questions to ask?

  Write a report based on the information you found.You may want to include some pictures or drawings of furniture, tools, or clothing.

  Looking at the Evidence

  Look again at the story about the Vikings on pages 56-57.The story mentions several pieces of evidence that historians think may help to prove that the Vikings visited North America long ago.

  Make a list of all those pieces of evidence.Pretend that you do not agree with the hypotheses historians have made about that evidence.For each piece of evidence, try to think of a different hypothesis that might explain it.Try out your hypotheses on your classmates.Do they think your hypotheses are likely to be true?

  Using Maps

  Find a modern map of North America.Compare it with the old French map on page 66.Can you find any shapes on the old map that match shapes on the modern map? Can you figure out what land the old map shows? Can you figure out which way is north on the old map? How can you tell?

  Comparing and Contrasting

  Compare and contrast the English colonists with the Spanish colonists.Were the English people's reasons for coming to America the same as the Spaniards’ reasons? Were their settlements similar? Did they treat the Native Americans in the same way? Can you suggest any reasons for any differences you noticed?

  Reading on Your Own

  Perhaps you would like to read a book about the people who came to America because they were forced to, not because ________ -the Africans.Here are two suggestions:The Negro in America, by Earl Spangler(Minneapolis:Lerner); A Pictorial History of the Negro in America, by Langston Hughes(New York:Crown).Look in your school or public library for other books on Africa or on black Americans.

  Now please evaluate your work and see whether there is any improvement in your efficiency in learning? Do you think you will still be at a loss when the teacher is dealing with the unit?

1.What is the main idea of the passage?(within 6 words)


2.What does the underlined word “it” refer to?(within 5 words)


3.Complete the sentence in the last part with proper words.(within 7 words)


4.Finish the following sentence according to the passage.(within 7 words)

Nowadays students are not motivated to explore the knowledge they are learning because they are always ________.

5.What kind of people came to America against they will?(within 4 words)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


[1]One Friday night in May 2010, Oliver and Ione Kleven heard angry shouts coming from their front lawn(草坪). Ione, 65, stepped onto the porch(门廊) and saw two men in dark clothes struggling with something on the ground—right where she and her grandson had planted a flower bed the weekend before.

[2] “Go fight somewhere else!” she shouted, worried her plants would get damaged. At the sound of her voice, the face of a boy appeared from beneath the two men. He looked 14. “They’re trying to kill me!” the boy screamed. Ione ran toward them and, without hesitation, caught the boy’s arm, pulling him out.

[3] “Leave him alone!” she shouted. When the men stood up, Ione saw what looked like a sharp object in one man’s hand. When she turned back toward the boy, he was moaning(呻吟) in pain and holding his stomach. The attackers began to move in on the boy again when Ione’s husband shouted: “Get lost!” The two men walked quickly and quietly across the street and drove off in a dark car.

[4]“I have to get to the hospital!” the boy cried. He lifted his shirt, and Ione could see a bloody wound on his stomach. Oliver hugged the trembling(发抖的) boy while Ione caught her cell phone and car keys inside the house. She handed the phone to Oliver. “Call 911,” she told him. “I’m going after them.” Ione took off but was unable to find the car.

[5]The Klevens then learned what had happened . Earlier that night, as the boy waited for his parents to pick him up from the high school across the street from the Klevens’ house, two men approached and demanded his wallet. When he refused, one of the men hit him in the face. The boy ran across the street. The men caught up with him, and one hurt him in the back and stomach with a sharp knife. That’s when Ione stepped in.

56. When was Ione born? (within 2 words)


57. Why did Ione shout at the two struggling men? (within 8 words)


58. Whom does the underlined word “him” (in Para.3) probably refer to? (within 3 words)


59. Why did Ione hand the phone to Oliver? (within 8 words.)


60. What was the boy doing when the two men approached him? (within 10 words.)


