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One morning all the employees reached the office as usual. And on the wall they saw a big1on which it was written: Yesterday, the person who has been2your growth in this company passed3. We invite you to join the funeral(葬礼) prepared in the4.
In the beginning, they all got5for the death of one of their colleagues(同事).6after a while they started getting7to know who was the man that limited the growth of his colleagues and the company itself.
The8in the gym was such that security guards were9to control the crowd within the room. The more people reached the coffin(棺材), the more the excitement10up. Everyone whispered to each other: “11on earth is this guy?”
One by one the excited employees got closer to the coffin, and when they12inside it, they13became speechless. They stood nearby the coffin, shocked and in14, as if someone had15the deepest part of their soul.
There was a16inside the coffin; everyone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also a sign next to the mirror that17: there is only one person who is18to set limits to your growth: IT IS19! Your life doesn't change when everyone around you changes. Your life changes when YOU change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs inside. Don't be afraid of20; build yourself and your reality. It's the way you face life itself that makes the difference!
(1)A.post B.card C.letter D.sign
(2)A.encouraging B.limiting C.building D.helping
(3)A.on B.away C.by D.down
(4)A.gym B.office C.way D.meeting room
(5)A.afraid B.excited C.sad D.calm
(6)A.And B.Or C.But D.So
(7)A.curious B.pleased C.ready D.serious
(8)A.surprise B.anger C.sadness D.excitement
(9)A.admitted B.ordered C.forbidden D.forced
(10)A.kept B.woke C.turned D.heated
(11)A.Who B.What C.How D.Where
(12)A.walked B.got C.looked D.turned
(13)A.suddenly B.gradually C.only D.extremely
(14)A.sorrow B.order C.person D.silence
(15)A.attacked B.stolen C.touched D.seen
(16)A.letter B.mirror C.book D.colleague
(17)A.read B.reflected C.showed D.typed
(18)A.sure B.eager C.able D.afraid
(20)A.punishment B.praises C.blame D.changes


(1)考查名词。根据下文“There was also a sign next to the mirror that___17___”可判断出这是写在墙上的一个指示牌。post“ 岗位”; card “ 卡片”;1etter“ 信”; sign“指示牌”。选D。
(2)考查动词。根据下文“who was the man that limited the growth of his colleagues and the company itself. ”可知这里意思是在这个公司里,限制你发展的人已经去世了。encouraging “鼓励”; limiting “限制”; building “建立”;helping“帮助”。选D。
(3)考查副词。根据下文“We invite you to join the funeral prepared in the___4___.”可知这句话的意思是在这个公司里,限制你发展的人已经去世了。pass away固定短语,“去世”,选B。。
(4)考查名词。根据“The___8___in the gym was such that security agents(保安) were___9___to control the crowd within the room.”可知葬礼在体育馆举行。gym “体育馆”; office“办公室”; way “道路”; meeting room“会议室”。选A。
(5)考查形容词。根据“for the death of one of their colleagues.” 可知一开始,他们对于同事的去世很悲伤。afraid “害怕的”; excited “ 激动的”;sad “悲伤的”; calm“平静的”。选C。
(7)考查形容词。根据“to know who was the man that limited the growth of his colleagues and the company itself. ”判断出他们开始很好奇。curious “好奇的”;pleased “高兴的”;ready“ 准备好”;serious“严肃的”。选A。
(8)考查名词。根据“he more the excitement___10___up. ”可知这里填excitement。surprise “ 惊奇”; anger “生气”;sadness“悲伤”; excitement“激动”。选D。
(9)考查动词。根据“to control the crowd within the room. ”可知保安被命令维持秩序。admitted “ 承认”;ordered “命令”; forbidden“ 禁止”; forced“强迫”。故选B。
(10)考查动词短语。人们激动的心情不断升温。heat up“升温”,是固定短语。选D。
(11)考查代词。每个人都悄悄的低声耳语:“这家伙到底是谁?” Who“ 谁”; What “什么”; How “如何”; Where“哪里”。选A。
(12)考查动词。当他们向里面看时,突然说不出话来。walked “走路”; got“ 得到”;looked “ 看”;turned“转动”。选C。
(13)考查副词。当他们向里面看时,突然说不出话来。suddenly “突然”; gradually“ 渐渐地”; only “只有”;extremely“极端地”。选A。(14)考查固定短语。当他们靠近棺木时,震惊并且沉默了。in silence固定短语,“沉默地”,选D。
(15)考查动词。好像有人触动了她们灵魂的最深处。attacked “攻击”; stolen “偷窃”;touched “ 触动”;seen“看见”。选C。
(16)考查名词。根据下文“There was also a sign next to the mirror that___17___”可知棺木里放了一面镜子。1etter“ 信”; mirror“ 镜子”; book “书”, colleague“同事”。选B。
(17)考查动词。根据“there is only one person who is___18___to set limits to your growth”可知这里意思是镜子旁边也有一个指示牌,读起来是:“只有一个人能够限制你的成长,那就是你自己。”read “读起来”; reflected “反射”; showed “显示”; typed“打字”。选A。
(18)考查固定用法。这里意思是镜子旁边也有一个指示牌,读起来是:“只有一个人能够限制你的成长,那就是你自己。”be able to do固定用法,“能够做某事”。选C。
(19)考查代词。根据“Your life changes when YOU change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs inside. ”可知限制自己成长的人正是你自己。选B。
(20)考查名词。根据“Your life changes when YOU change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs inside. ”可知不要害怕改变。punishment“惩罚”;praises “表扬”;blame “责备”;changes“改变”。选D。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Every day born a decade from now will have its genetic code(基因编码)mapped at birth, the head of the world’s leading genome sequencing(基因图谱)company has predicted.

A complete DNA read – out for every newborn will be technically possible and affordable in less than five years, promising a revolution in healthcare, says Jay Flatley, the chief executive of Illumina. Only social and legal problems are likely to delay the age of “genome sequences,” or genetic profiles. By 2019 it will have become routine to map infants’ genes when they are born, Dr Flatly told The Times.

This will open a new approach to medicine, by which conditions such as high blood pressure and heart disease can be predicted and prevented and drugs used more safely and effectively.

A baby’s genome can be discovered at birth by a blood test. By examining a person’s genome, it is possible to identify raised risks of developing diseases such as cancers. Those at high risk can then be screened more regularly, or given drugs or dietary advice to lower their chances of becoming ill.

Personal genomes could also be used to ensure that patients get the medicine that is most likely to work for them and least likely to have side – effects.

The development, however, will raise legal concerns about privacy and access to individuals’ genetic records.

“Bad things can be done with the genome. It could predict something about someone – and you could possibly hand the information to their employer or their insurance company.” said Dr Flatley.

“People have to recognize that this horse is out of the barn, and that your genome probably can’t be protected, because everywhere you go you leave your genome behind. Complete genetic privacy, however, is unlikely to be possible”, he added.

As the benefits become clearer, however, he believes that most people will want their genomes read and interpreted. The risk is nothing compared with the gain.

1In the first two paragraphs, the author mainly wants to tell us about__________.

A. the significant progress in medicine

B. the promise of a leading company

C. the information of babies’ genes

D. the research of medical scientists

2Which of the following is a problem caused by this approach?

A. The delaying in discovering DNA.

B. The risk of developing diseases at birth.

C. The side effects of medicine on patients.

D. The letting out of personal genetic information.

3What does the underlined sentence “… this horse is out of the barn” mean?

A. Genetic mapping technique has been widely used.

B. people can’t stop genetic mapping technique advancing.

C. People are eager to improve genetic mapping technique.

D. Genetic mapping technique is too horrible to control.

4What’s Dr Flatley’s attitude towards the technology?

A. Tolerant. B. Conservative. C. Positive. D. Doubtful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

When the population of the port town began to suffer from poisoning, the police came to find the cause of the poison. They thought someone was poisoning the people on purpose but no one knew how it was possible. Soon people took the position that the pork was poisoned. It was a popular food everyone ate and it could have possibly made everyone sick. Anyone who had possession of pork would throw it out. Even the poorest of the poor wouldn't eat pork. Signs were posted on poles and letters were sent to everyone to warn people of the pork. Shortly afterwards, even policemen in high positions were also getting sick.
Soon it became political and popular. Politicians rushed to the town to talk about politics and promised how they would find the solution if they were elected. Everyone was so sick that they didn't care about politics. Everyone was in a position where he or she didn't know what to do anymore. They went to the post office to mail posts out asking for help. The poor town didn't know how to deal with the situation.
One day, a well-known scientist from New York came to the town with a huge box containing many instruments and his possessions. He went to pools and the port and made measurements. He was quiet and polite. Then one day he made a speech at a newspaper meeting-room to announce his findings.
“I'm sorry to say your water supply is so heavily polluted; it is poisoned. I know who has been poisoning you all for such a long time. It is you who have been poisoning yourselves with pollution. A great deal of rubbish has been thrown into the water day after day. No one here has taken good care of the environment. It is no wonder all of you have been sick.” Shocked at the news, the people present were lost in thought.
(1)Which is the correct order of the events that took place in the story?
a. People suffered from poisoning
b. Politicians came to make promises
c. People began to realize the real cause
d. Pork was thrown away
e. The water there was polluted
f. scientist came to check the water
A.e, a, d, c, f, b
B.e, a, d, b, f, c
C.a, e, b, d, f, c
D.f, c, d, b, e, a
(2)What does the underlined phrase “took the position” mean in the passage?
A.held the opinion
B.took the place
C.took the job
D.made the plan
(3)Which of the following statements is correct?
A.Everyone was so sick of politics that they didn't care about those politicians.
B.According to the scientist from New York, not all the population in the town have taken good care of the environment.
C.The reason why the people in the town got sick was that they ate the pork poisoned by heavily polluted water.
D.If the people in the town hadn't polluted the water supply, they would not have suffered from poisoning or sickness.
(4)After reading the passage, we can infer that ______.
A.pork was the main food of the people in the town
B.politicians took every chance to make themselves elected
C.people in the town were not well-educated
D.even some police officers were getting ill


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Advertisements, c of two main types, are all around us. A(n) (商业的)advertisement is one people have paid for to advertise a product or a service while a public service advertisement is made for free to teach us and help us lead better lives, which is b to the public.
The type of language used in advertisements is very (独特的).For example,most adjectives in advertisements have positive meanings so that they can help the (观众)remember the products the advertisements p.
Advertising dates back to the Christian Era(公元).One of the first known methods of advertising was outdoor signs,which would be painted on the wall of a building and were usually (引人注目的).Archaeologists(考古学家)have found signs in the ruins of ancient Rome and Pompeii,a city which was completely d by the volcano (爆发)near the city in AD79.
Nowadays, advertisements appear in many types of media(媒体),making it more c for people to get information.But some false and irrelevant(不相关的)advertisements appear in our lives.So we should rationally(理性)deal with advertisements.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读理解The Square
Jack Dorsey, the co-inventor of Twitter, is promoting his latest invention called the Square. The square is a small plug-in attachment to your mobile phone that allows you to receive credit card payments.
The idea starting from Dorsey's friend Jim McKelvey who was unable to sell some glass work to a customer because he couldn't accept a particular card being used.
Accepting credit card payments for something you're selling isn't always easy, especially if you are mobile like a tradesman, or delivery service at a trade show.
This latest invention uses a small scanner that plugs into the audio input item on a mobile device. It reads information on a credit card when it is swiped(刷卡). The information is not stored on the device but sent over secure channels to banks. It basically makes any mobile phone a cash register for accepting card payments.
As a payer, you receive a receipt via email that can be instantly accessed securely online. You can also use a text message to authorize payment in real time. Retailers can create a payer account for their customers which speeds the payment process. For example, a cardholder can assign a photo to their card so their photo will appear on the phone for visual identity confirmation. Mobile devices with touch screens will also allow you to sign for goods.
There are no contracts, monthly fees, or hidden costs to accept card payments using Square and it is expected the plug-in attachment will also be free of charge.
As with Twitter, it's expected that Dorsey will direct the company based upon feedback from users. Square Inc. has offices in San Francisco, Saint Louis and New York and is currently beta testing the invention with retailers in the United States.
(1)Why is Jack Dorsey promoting his latest invention?
A.To test a plug-in attachment.
B.To identify a particular credit card.
C.To sell some glass work to a customer.
D.To allow people to receive credit card payments.
(2)What can we infer from Paragraph 4?
A.The service performs only on special mobile phones.
B.The latest invention is just a small scanner.
C.The Square contains information on a credit card.
D.It is safe for your information to be sent to banks.
(3)How can a cardholder receive a receipt?
A.By email online.
B.By oral message.
C.By a payer account.
D.Over safe channels to banks.
(4)What does the writer imply in the last paragraph?
A.The invention may be used in the future.
B.The Square has already put into use widely.
C.The invention hasn't been tested these days.
D.The Square is popular among people in the US.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Will there be a time in our lives when cars don't crash? When we can just sit back and relax and our cars will drive themselves. Auto technology experts say “yes”. And they say that some of those advances may happen quicker than you might think.
They will require the users to input the name of the destination or the complete address of the location that they want to go and the cars' artificial intelligence takes them there automatically without a driver. They will run on solar power in the daytime and ethanol fuel (乙醇燃料) at night. Toyota, BMW and Honda will completely control the trade of driverless car business together and will have the cheapest driverless cars. Fossil fuels will be completely incompatible (不相配的) with these cars.
Driverless cars will not require a driver's license of any grade to operate. Anyone with basic literacy and computer skills who are at least 16 years of age will be legally allowed to operate the vehicle with absolutely no limits.This would give the young users permission to operate the driverless cars on major highways as well as secondary roads without needing a separate classification. In addition to all this, drunken people will be able to use their own automobiles to return home because they are not “driving”, the vehicle.
What's more, car insurance will become obsolete(淘汰的) because there will be no more automobile accidents after the year 2025. This is because the driverless car will have all safety methods in place by the car's artificial intelligence to prevent automobile accidents. Global positioning systems will become mandatory (强制的) in all newly-produced cars after 2010, and will be the most important part in the driverless car.
(1)Who will not be able to use driverless cars?
A.Adults with basic literacy and computer skills.
B.Adults who are drunk.
C.Adults without a driver's license.
D.Adults without computer skills.
(2)We can infer from the second paragraph that driverless cars.
A.will need fewer fossil fuels
B.will not need a human's instructions
C.will run on solar power only
D.will be environmentally friendly
(3)What will prevent the driverless car from crashing?
A.The people inside.
B.Global positioning systems.
C.Artificial intelligence.
D.Car insurance.
(4)Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?
A.Car safety.
B.Driverless cars.
C.The future cars.
D.New technology in cars.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】(2017届湖北部分重点中学高三新考试大纲适应性考试)After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. That Friday after work, I drove over to pick her up.

We went to a restaurant that, although not 21 , was very nice and cozy. My mother took my arm ___22 __she were the First Lady. During the dinner, we had an agreeable conversation nothing 23 but catching up on recent 24 of each other’s life. We talked so much that we missed the 25 .As we arrived at her house later, she said, "I’ll go out with you again, but only if you let me 26 you." I agreed.

"How was your 27 ?" asked my wife when I got home. "Very nice. Far 28 my wildest imagination" I answered.

A few days later, my mother died of a heart attack. It happened so 29 that I didn’t have a chance to do anything for her. Some time 30 , I received an envelope with a copy of a restaurant 31 from the same place where mother and I had dined. An 32 note said: "I paid this bill 33 . I wasn’t sure that I 34 be there; but I still paid for two plates one for you and the other for your 35 .You will never know what that night 36 for me. I love you, son."

At that moment, I 37 the importance of saying in time: "I LOVE YOU" and to give time to our family. ___38___ in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they 39 , because these things cannot be___40 till "some other time."

【1】A. grand B. comfortable C. shabby D. delicate

【2】A. even if B. as though C. so that D. in case

【3】A. unbelievable B. attractive C. interesting D. extraordinary

【4】A. accidents B. events C. coincidences D. conditions

【5】A. bus B. appointment C. movie D. time

【6】A. accompany B. order C. satisfy D. invite

【7】A. date B. dinner C. film D. mother

【8】A. from B. beyond C. beneath D. out of

【9】A. immediately B. abruptly C. absolutely D. awfully

【10】A. before B. ago C. later D. after

【11】A. receipt B. bill C. reception D. notice

【12】A. extra B. additional C. attached D. approved

【13】A. by chance B. on purpose C. for myself D. in advance

【14】A. might B. should C. could D. would

【15】A. son B. wife C. friend D. colleague

【16】A. meant B. paid C. provided D. made

【17】A. advocated B. appreciated C. admired D. applauded

【18】A. Something B. Anything C. Everything D. Nothing

【19】A. demand B. need C. deserve D. desire

【20】A. put off B. called off C. taken off D. turned off


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:











参考词汇:穷游 travel on a budget 穷游族 budget travelers



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


make a difference, in favour of, have an effect on,
in response to, consist of, look forward to,
take turns, be caught in,
on the way out, bring up

(1)What teachers say in class their students.
(2)If something is it's going to disappear.
(3)Our class 52 students, including 25 girls.
(4)We are all your idea: forming study groups to help each other.
(5)All the Chinese the Big Military Parade which was to be held in Beijing on Sept 3,2015.

