精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】I had just spent the last 99 cents on my burger at Wendy’s drive-through (可开车点餐的外卖窗口)when my phone rang. My mind was still on the young man ______there, wearing just a T-shirt because he couldn’t ______a coat. My friend’s husband asked if I was home ______he had something he wanted to drop off.

I _____ home to find him standing in my entrance way with a big box. “Every Christmas our church does food baskets for a holiday meal. I ______you and your son,” he explained. Then he______ me two envelopes, inside one of which was a very _____gift card to the Walmart Supermarket. I tried ______to hold back the tears as I thanked him.

With my face still wet, I __ my son from his Christmas party and told him the ____of the night as he listened in __ . Then I looked at him and said. “Nathaniel, I think we need to go to Walmart.” “I was thinking the ___ thing, Mom.”

We examined every coat in the Men’s Zone before we______one and then made our way to the gift package area for a big bag. I pulled up to the drive-through for the second time that night. When the ______opened, I pushed the bag at the bewildered-looking(困惑的)young man. “It’s for you. Merry Christmas.”

“But you don’t even_____ me.”

“Doesn’t matter. I know you needed a _____ . Stay warm and have a good night.”

As I waved and______drove away, Nathaniel watched the young man try the coat on in front of his co-workers, who were smiling and admiring the coat, a few even ______quietly. My son spoke the words I was feeling: “Mom, I’ve never felt so______before!” “Me too, because no money could ever buy that feeling of helping someone who really ______it.”

1A. working B. living C. studying D. traveling

2A. change B. wear C. afford D. make

3A. although B. as C. while D. once

4A. raced B. called C. left D. remained

5A. cared about B. dealt with C. watched out D. thought of

6A. mailed B. sent C. handed D. showed

7A. beautiful B. generous C. decorated D. rare

8A. painfully B. gratefully C. purposefully D. unsuccessfully

9A. caught up B. picked out C. held up D. kept up

10A. accidents B. news C. events D. items

11A. fear B. anger C. disappointment D. amazement

12A. same B. opposite C. magical D. valuable

13A. preferred B. selected C. requested D. swapped

14A. curtain B. car C. window D. door

15A. recognize B. employ C. forget D. know

16A. bag B. coat C. card D. box

17A. hopelessly B. sadly C. slowly D. hurriedly

18A. crying B. jumping C. dancing D. sleeping

19A. sorry B. bad C. hopeful D. good

20A. needs B. ignores C. pays D. gets























1A 考查形容词。由wearing just a T-shirt because he couldn’t ___2___a coat. 可知我的思想仍然停留在在那里工作的那个年轻人身上。working 工作,living生活, studying 学习,traveling旅行。

2C 考查动词。这个年轻人穿一件T恤,因为他买不起一件外套。change 改变, wear 穿着, afford 买得起,make制作。

3B 考查连词。我朋友的丈夫问我是否在家,因为他想要放下一些东西。although 尽管,as 因为, while 然而,once一旦。

4A 考查动词。我急忙回家,发现他带着一个大箱子站在门口。raced使急走,使全速行进, called打电话,left 离开, remained保持。

5D 考查动词短语。我想到了你和你的儿子。cared about关心, dealt with处理,watched out 小心, thought of想到。

6C 考查动词。然后他递给我两个信封。mailed 邮寄, sent 送来, handed递给showed表现。

7B 考查形容词。其中一个信封里面装着一张慷慨的沃尔玛超市礼物卡。beautiful美丽的,generous慷慨的, decorated 装饰的,rare稀有的。

8D 考查副词。由With my face still wet可知当我感谢他时,我没能抑制住泪水。painfully痛苦地, gratefully感谢地,purposefully有目的地, unsuccessfully失败地。

9B 考查动词短语。我把我的儿子从他的圣诞晚会接出来。caught up抓起,picked out 接出来,held up 举起, kept up保持,继续。

10C 考查名词。我告诉他晚上发生的这些事情。accidents 事故, news 新闻, events 事件,items项目。

11D 考查名词。他听地非常吃惊。fear 害怕, anger生气,disappointment 失望, amazement惊奇。

12A 考查形容词。我也正在想同样的事情。same 相同的,opposite相反的,magical 有魔力的,valuable有价值的。

13B 考查动词。在我们最终挑选出一件之前,我们查看了所有的外套。preferred偏爱, selected挑选, requested要求, swapped交换。

14C 考查名词。由I pushed the bag at the bewildered-looking(困惑的)young man. 可知当窗户打开时。curtain窗帘, car汽车,window 窗户,door门。

15D 考查动词。由 “Doesn’t matter. I know you needed a ___16___ . Stay warm and have a good night.”可知这个年轻人说:“你甚至都不知道我。”recognize认出, employ 雇佣,forget 忘记, know知道。

16B 考查名词。由wearing just a T-shirt because he couldn’t ___2___a coat.可知我知道你需要一件外套。bag书包, coat外套,card 卡片,box盒子。

17C 考查副词。当我挥挥手告别,慢慢把车开走的时候。hopelessly 绝望地, sadly 悲哀地,slowly 慢慢地, hurriedly匆忙地。

18A 考查动词。这位男子在他的同事面前试穿这件外套,有些人微笑着,非常羡慕,有些人甚至悄悄地哭泣。crying 哭, jumping 跳,dancing 跳舞, sleeping睡觉。

19D 考查形容词。我以前从来没有感觉这么好。sorry 对不起的,bad 坏的,hopeful 有希望的,good好的。

20A 考查动词。没有钱能够买到帮助有需要的人的那种快乐。needs 需要, ignores忽略,pays 支付, gets得到。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1“Look at those pretty little girls’ dresses” is a__________, because it is not clear whether the girls or the dresses are ‘pretty’.

2The beautiful palace makes the city become a main tourist a__________ in that country.

3You could e__________ yourself to unnecessary risks when driving alone in an unfamiliar city.

4It is universally acknowledged that by reading the __________(摘要), you can determine which articles are worth reading in full.

5By investing wisely she __________(积累) a fortune, and she frequently donates large sums to charity.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I got a new job in Catholic University in Washington. In addition to a good chance, I 1(offer) a new flat to live in. One summer vacation, apart 2 going to the park, I had not been outside my flat so as3 (do) an experiment about a disease. The 4 (result) of the experiment were 5 (value) to me and they would contribute to the success of my research. It is really difficult to draw 6conclusion without enough evidence. I felt quite puzzled,7 even made me doubt that the experiment would make sense.8 (gradual), I was not enthusiastic about it. After all, too much hard work and too little rest led to illness. One night, I went out to attend a lecture by a famous philosopher.9 (inspire) by him, I went back to continue the experiment and eventually got the expected result. How happy I was! The next day, I proudly announced that the disease was 10control.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Science is always advancing over time. A self-driving car from the Google may be coming to a street near you. However, you won’t be able to buy it now. “We’re working to build the world’s most experienced driver,” Kraft, director of the project, said. “Everything that we learn in one of our cars gets passed to all of our cars. But you may need to get over the idea of traditional car ownership along the way.”

Google’s software has already driven 5 million miles in U.S. cities, including an “early rider” test in Phoenix last April. Since then Google has grown confident enough to remove the “auxiliary wheel”: a human “safety driver”. Powering the vehicle’s self-driving functions is a series of cameras, radars and sensors on the car’s roof, which detect everything nearby from other vehicles and passers-by to cyclists.

Kraft stressed that Google’s cars aren’t connected—they don’t need a 5G wireless link to go anywhere. “The car has everything it needs to drive on the car itself.” He said, “There are no signals coming from outer space or something telling it to turn right.” The resulting ride may not be too exciting but safe. Kraft added. “We can see three football fields down the road, we would come to a stop before we ran into these crowds.”

Google’s system has a major advantage over the semi-autonomous(半自主的)systems of Tesla and Cadillac, both of which need continued human attention. Kraft said Google plans to have service in every major city by 2028 with thousands of cars driving themselves.

1What does the underlined words “auxiliary wheels” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. A car that is very old.

B. A driver who has been trained well.

C. A part of a car used to sound the alarm.

D. A condition where a driver doesn’t know his role.

2Why is Google’s car thought to be safe in the text?

A. Because it can get away from danger easily.

B. Because it is equipped with 5G wireless link.

C. Because it can stop before the crowds occasionally.

D. Because it can keep a safe distance from everything nearby.

3What can we learn from the text?

A. Google’s software has not been tested.

B. Google’s cars have not been put into the market.

C. Driving the Google’s car may not be too exciting.

D. Google’s cars still need driver’s attention all the way.

4What does the author think of the Google’s car?

A. It’s affordable.

B. It’s still a theory.

C. It has a bright future.

D. It’s the most advanced by now.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】New Year’s Plans for First Graders

The first year in high school can be very difficult. 1. An unsuccessful first year can hurt a student’s GPA(平均成绩点数)and more importantly, destroy his or her confidence. At the halfway point here, let’s suggest a few New Year’s Plans.

●Become a part of your school

Join a club, a sport or other activity that will give you a chance to develop your leadership, creativity and organizational skills. All those are important skills to have in college and in life. 2 .

●Work on your grades

First year grades are one-fourth of your high school GPA, but one-third of the GPA that will be handed to colleges when you apply. If you’ve had a difficult first three months, now is the time to get help. 3. It may be reading, math, or a certain other class. Many classes build on what was learned before, so determine what you have difficulty with and master it. If necessary, turn to your teacher.


In high school, students must work more by themselves and manage their time well. If time management hasn’t been your strength, then make a system that will work for you. Many students need a homework notebook or electronic scheduling tool. 5 The attached article has great suggestions for managing time—a skill that if learned in high school, will be used for life.

A. Improve your time management skills.

B. Manage your after-class activities properly

C. You’d better first find out what your problem is

D. The help may come from teachers or your classmates

E. But it is an important building block on the road to college

F. These tools map out time for homework, studying and activities.

G. High school is a great time to learn these skills and perfect them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1She is friendly and has a goo a___________________(态度).

2Buses run f_____________(频繁地)between the city and the airport.

3The bird gradually recovered and then was r___________(释放)into the wild.

4Several people were badly i__________________(受伤的)in the accident.

5She was in India for 15 years, but she never really b______________(属于)there.

6I picked up a few good b________________(便宜货)in the store.

7The teacher s____________(发信号)Tom to be silent and began to tell a real story.

8The article c___________(包含)information on how to plan high school life and has attracted lots of readers like you.

9Overfishing and pollution are t_________________(威胁)the survival of certain fish species.

10They quickly get f_______________(熟悉的)with the basic rules.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1It’s not easy for you to r_________ from your illness in the room when it’s so dirty and dusty.

2Comparing the two big changes in English spelling at that time, the __________(后者) influenced American English spelling more.

3After g__________ from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip to the Mekong River.

4__________(祝贺)!We are pleased to tell you that you’ve won first prize in the competition.

5Elias was not w__________ to blow up government buildings at first, but he changed his mind after his conversation with Nelson Mandela.

6The Amber Room, which was a great gift to the Russian people, was also a treasure d__________ (装饰) with gold and jewels.

7She wanted to buy the bicycle at a lower price so she tried her best to make a b__________ with the shopkeeper.

8From then on, I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower so I could s__________ different kinds of mathematical problems.

9You are the only one I can turn to for help, so I would greatly __________(感激) it if you could drive me there.

10Their performances were so __________(幽默的) that they immediately won thousands of fans from all over the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1】【1What kind of flowers will the woman water this afternoon?

A. Tulips. B. Violets. C. Roses.

2】【2What will the woman do tomorrow?

A. Water the flowers. B. Cut the tree branches. C. Cut the grass.

3】【3What can the woman do when the lower branches are removed?

A. Sit under the tree. B. Plant more flowers. C. Play in the flower beds.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Yesterday, I posted a photo of a pile of cross stitch kits (十字绣) on my blog. To my ______, many readers say I do well in them. 1 couldn’t use them all,______ finally I decided to ______ the rest to ladies in my neighbourhood who like to ______ a project with their own hands.

I ______ them all up into a box and decided to start with the lady who ______ a pub. She’s perfectly ______ and she served me with a cup of coffee. I took her out to my car and showed her the ______. I was holding it in my arms beside my car when another car ______ up next to us with two other ______ in it. Within moments I was pushed against the ______ behind the weight of three elderly ladies and I had to ______ my way to pick up the empty box. The three ladies had taken every single item in that box with ______ expressions on their faces and lots of thanks. One of the ladies has a son who is a firefighter. She decided to give some cross stitch kits to the ______ station. Her decision did make me ______. I had in my mind a wonderful picture of all these ______ and strong firemen sitting around all working on their cute cross stitch Christmas stockings while they ______ for fire alarms to be called in.

Finally,______ and laughter all went around, and then I e-mailed another ______, who often visits me and also likes cross stitch kits. She promised to send me her extra cross stitch kits, too. I just know kindness will finally ______ on to others.

1A. mind B. joy C. sadness D. goal

2A. or B. but C. so D. because

3A. set down B. put off C. give away D. take apart

4A. use B. create C. buy D. sell

5A. broke B. employed C. got D. packed

6A. runs B. visits C. destroys D. invents

7A. confident B. cruel C. kind D. unfair

8A. magazine B. flower C. coat D. box

9A. pulled B. burst C. finished D. hung

10A. ladies B. men C. friends D. children

11A. car B. pub C. table D. wall

12A. take B. fight C. lead D. choose

13A. frightened B. satisfied C. disappointed D. upset

14A. bus B. police C. television D. fire

15A. pleased B. hopeless C. scared D. anxious

16A. little B. slow C. big D. thin

17A. look B. wait C. search D. stand

18A. shyness B. worry C. danger D. happiness

19A. stranger B. volunteer C. neighbor D. foreigner

20A. hold B. try C. look D. pass

