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 Not recognizing me at first, __________.

A. he closed the door        B. the door was closed

C. the door was close        D. I closed the door


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

“Don't smoke in the room,”he said.→He________

  1. A.
    tole me to not smoke in the room
  2. B.
    asked me to not smoke in the room
  3. C.
    told me not to smoke in the room
  4. D.
    made me not to smoke in the room


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself,but her parents did not______her to do so.

A.forbid                B.allow                 C.follow                D.ask


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Breathe, wave and smile.Along with more than 300 other seniors, I marched into the stadium on the afternoon of May 10. The audience burst into deafening cheers. The huge stadium shook with all the whistling and clapping.

It was as if a Hollywood superstar had walked on stage. And indeed, every single senior that day was a star of the moment. Each deserved it. The seniors had been preparing for four years for this once-in-a-lifetime moment—the commencement(graduation ceremony).

Seated, I waited anxiously for the opening address. As a foreign exchange student, I was not able to receive a diploma. However, I still had the wonderful feeling of being part of things. Like the other graduates, I was dressed in marron cap and gown.

Our principal, Mr Glover, delivered a short, warm greeting. The US national anthem followed and then, hands on chests, a solemn Pledge of Allegiance(美国的爱国誓言).

Students who had excelled academically gave farewell speeches. The tears in some eyes convinced me that many had deep feelings about the occasion. It was as the class motto says, “Life brings us tears, smiles and memories. The tears dry; the smiles fade; but the memories last forever.”

Then came the core(the most important part) of the commencement. Hundreds of names were announced. Each graduate walked across the stage to receive his or her diploma from the principal. From the different cheers each graduate got, we had the funny sense that it was a kind of competition of who could cheer the loudest.

To be honest, the presentation of diplomas got boring. A girl sitting next to me even started yawning. But it wasn’t boring for those receiving the diploma: they would treasure the moment the principal placed the sacred brown document in their hands for the rest of their lives.

A new page in the book of that person’s life had turned. They were glimpsing their futures: futures of challenge, hardship, perhaps loneliness too, which would take all of their courage.

What’s the article mainly about?

A.An American high school’s graduation ceremony.

B.The opening ceremony of a sports meeting.

C.A presentation of college diplomas.

D.A US college’s farewell party.

Which of the following statements about the author is FALSE?

A. She was one of the graduates.

B. She was a foreign exchange student.

C. She was excited to receive her diploma.

D. She felt it great to be at the ceremony.

The right order of the following events is______.

a.Diplomas were presented to graduates.   b.Students gave farewell speeches.

c.The US national anthem was played.     d.The principal gave a short, warm speech.

e.Seniors went into the stadium.

A. b,c,a,d,e       B. c,d,b,e,a         C. d,b,e,a,c         D. e,d,c,b,a

From the text, we can conclude that_______.

A.a diploma ensures a good job

B.a diploma guarantees a bright future

C.the commencement symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in life

D.everyone felt excited at the presentation of the diploma

According to the passage, which of the following statement is true?

A. Hollywood superstars went to attend the commencement.

B. Every single senior became a superstar on the commencement day.

C. All graduates would treasure the diploma for the rest of their lives.

D. When each graduate got his or her diploma, there were loud cheers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(安徽省马鞍山市2009届高三第一次教学质量检测) It was reported that as many as 50% of patients do not take medicine

       directed,     has drawn doctors’attention.

   A. when;it        B.as;what             C.as;which       D.that;and


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     A few days ago I got a call from my old college friend whom I haven't seen for a very long time.
The topic, which was about all the good old times that we had changed to a touching story when he
started talking about his father.
     His father's declining health made him stay at the hospital. Because of his illness, his father suffered
from insomnia(失眠) and often talked to himself. My friend, who had not been able to sleep for a few
days as he had to keep watching his father's condition, became irritated and told his father to keep silent
and try to get some sleep. His father said that he really wanted to sleep well because he was very tired
and told my friend to leave him alone in the hospital if he did not want to keep him company.
     After his father finished talking, he fell unconscious(失去知觉) . My friend was very sorry for
speaking the ill words towards his father. My friend, whom I knew as a tough person, cried as a baby
on the other end of the telephone. He said that from that moment on, he prayed every day, asking God
to let his father wake up from his coma. He promised himself that whatever words came out from his
father's mouth after he regained his consciousness, he would gladly take them. His only hope for God
was to give him a chance to rectify his past mistake.
     Often, we complain when we have to accompany or watch over our parents for years, months, days,
hours or even minutes. But do we realize that our parents keep us company and watch over us for as
long as we (or they)live? From the day we were born to our adulthood, and even when deaths come to
us, they are always at our side.
     Imagine how sad our parents will be when they hear a seemingly innocent word of "no" come out
from our mouths. We can make promises to ourselves that from now on there will be no more complaints
that come out from our mouths when we have to watch over or accompany our parents. No more
complaints come out from our mouths when we feel that our parents have treated us like little children.
There are so many unlucky ones who have neither fathers nor mothers. They long to have the things that
we most complain about, but never have them.
     Actually, it takes only a second to think and light the lamp that will bring us to a place where peace is
1. Which of the following word can be used to describe the writer's friend?
A. Sad              
B. Sorry              
C. Regretful        
D. Pitiful
2. What does the underlined word "rectify" mean in Para. 3?
A. put…right        
B. recite…by heart  
C. realize          
D. recogniz
3. What does the writer want to tell us in the passage?
A. Your parents will keep talking to themselves when they are old.
B. Be good to your parents when you still have the chance.
C. You will regret in your life if you don't show your kindness to your parents.
D. It is not easy to take good care of sick old parents.

