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It’s all       , isn’t? someone who is poor in this country might be considered well off in another.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Mother came from our home village. She stayed with us for ten days. When she was ___1____ to leave, she wanted to buy us something ____2___ a present.

   “You’ve got ___3____,” she said, “but you seem to have got ___4____. The TV set is yours, but the people who walk back and forth in it are all ___5____, even murderers, corrupt officials and thieves come in and ___6____ it from time to time. The radio cassette player is yours, but it’s all others who __7____ in it. The books on the shelf are yours, but they are all ___8____ by others. The fridge is yours, but all the year round it’s ____9____ frost that comes from God knows where. __10___they make your life easy and comfortable, ___11___ of them BELONGS to you in the real sense of the word.

   ___12___ the day she was to leave for home, she got up early in the morning and ____13____ back a pickle(泡菜) pot from the market.

   “___14____ some pickle in it,” she said, “and have something ____15____ suits your own taste.”

   Since then pickles of our own ____16_____ had been added to our diet. When we had guests, we often had pickles ____17____ wine. Slightly intoxicated(excited greatly), everyone would say, “A country flavor, not bad, Not bad, a country flavor (特别的风味)”.

   ____18___ we had something to our own taste. When we looked at the ___19____, it was standing quietly at the corner. Amid the hustle and bustle of our ____20___ life and in the apartment of reinforced concrete, the pot stood there by itself, brewing an old and simple flavor.

1.A. on           B. about        C. for         D. of

2.A. since         B. because      C. as          D. for

3.A. everything    B. something     C. nothing     D. anything

4.A. everything    B. something     C. nothing     D. anything

5.A. murderers     B. thieves       C. actors       D. strangers

6.A. out           B. out of        C. into        D. along

7.A. sing          B. dance         C. plays      D. act

8.A. writing        B. written        C. read       D. reading

9.A. full           B. filled of       C. filled with    D. full with

10.A. As            B. But           C. Because      D. Though

11.A. no one        B. none          C. neither        D. either

12.A. On           B. In             C. During       D. Of

13.A. took          B. brought        C. fetched       D. carried

14.A. Do           B. Cook          C. Make         D. Prepare

15.A. what         B. /               C. that          D. as

16.A. smell         B. sound          C. feel           D. taste

17.A. to go with     B. went with    C. to drink     D. drinking

18.A. But          B. So             C. And           D. Or

19.A. pot          B. TVset           C. radio          D. shelf

20.A. ordinary      B. usual        C. every day     D. everyday


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年四川省雅安中学高二下学期期中考试英语卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

You are near the front line of a battle. Around you shells (炮弹)are exploding; people are shooting from a house behind you. What are you doing there? You aren’t a soldier. You aren’t  36  carrying a gun. You’re standing in front of a  37  and you’re telling the TV  38  what is happening.
It’s all in a day’s work for a war reporter, and it can be very  39  . In the first two years of the  40  in former Yugoslavia(前南斯拉夫), 28 reporters and photographers were killed. Hundreds more were  41  .
What kind of people put themselves in danger to  42  pictures to our TV screens and  43  to our newspapers? Why do they do it ?
“I think it’s every young journalist’s  44  to be a foreign reporter,” says Michael Nicholson, “that’s  45  you find the excitement. So when the first opportunity comes, you take it  46  it is a war.”
But there are moments of  47  . Jeremy Bowen says, “Yes, when you’re lying on the ground and bullets(子弹)are flying  48  your ears, you think: ‘What am I doing here? I’m not going to do this again.’ But that feeling  49  after a while and when the next war starts, you’ll be  50  .”
“None of us believes that we’re going to  51  ” adds Michael. But he always  52  a lucky charm(护身符)with him. It was given to him by his wife for his first war. It’s a card which says “Take care of yourself.” Does he ever think about dying? “Oh, 53  , and every time it happens you look to the sky and say to God, ‘If you get me out of this, I  54  I’ll never do it again.’ You can almost hear God  55  , because you know he doesn’t believe you .”

A.directorsB.producersC.actors D.viewers
A.Stories B.scenesC.passagesD.contents
A.even ifB.as ifC.even soD.ever since
A.fear B.surpriseC.sadnessD.shame
A.past B.intoC.throughD.around
A.occurs B.returnsC.goesD.continues
A.awayB.outC.home D.there
A.seldom B.neverC.many timesD.some time
A.considerB.promise C.guessD.accept


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年山西省忻州一中高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Getting close to active or erupting volcanoes can be dangerous. But for Michael Rampino, it’s all in a day’s work. Rampino is a volcanologist, a scientist who studies volcanoes and how they affect our planet. Rampino has been close to red-hot lava flows (熔岩流) in Hawaii and explosive volcanoes in Indonesia. He knows when to get close to an active volcano and when to back away.
Rampino wasn’t always a volcanologist. He worked for NASA for seven years. He studied rocks until he began to research climate change and the effects that volcanoes have on climate. He became interested in the subject. “Once I started working with volcanoes,” Rampino said, “I was hooked.”
Rampino is a professor at New York University. As part of his job, he travels to areas where volcanoes have been active. “Active” means they have erupted within the past few centuries and probably will erupt again. Rampino studies the deposits (沉积物) of ash and other materials from the eruptions. The ash may hold clues to what happened to the Earth in the distant past. It may also help scientists predict what could happen to Earth’s climate in the future.
Rampino doesn’t work alone. He works with a team of scientists who use computers to stimulate (模拟) the effects volcanoes have on Earth’s atmosphere.
Being a volcanologist may be hard work, but it’s also fun. “It’s cool traveling the world studying volcanoes,” Rampino says. When he talks to students about his work, he tells them that his goal is “to understand the events that have shaped Earth’s history.”
【小题1】To Rampino, being close to active volcanoes is _____.

A.adventurous but meaningful
B.scary but necessary
C.impossible and unnecessary
D.dangerous but urgent
【小题2】The underlined word “hooked” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_____”.
A.trapped B.touched C.frightenedD.attracted
【小题3】Rampino’s study on volcanoes might help _____.
A.warn people to protect the environment
B.support the study of Earth’s future climate
C.tell the future eruption time of the volcanoes
D.reduce the possibility of the volcanoes’ eruptions
【小题4】In which part of a newspaper could we find this text?
A.Climate. B.History. C.People. D.Business.


科目:高中英语 来源:广西南宁市沛鸿民族中学2009-2010学年高一下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

People who speak or perform before the public sometimes may suffer from “Stage Fright. ” Stage fright makes a person nervous. In the worst case(情况) it can make one's mind go back and forget what one ought to say,  or to act. Actors, musicians, dancers, lawyers, even radio show hosts(节目主持人) have suffered from stage fright at one time or another.
Diana Nichols is an expert in helping people free from stage fright at a medical centre in New York City. She helps actors learn to control themselves. Miss Nichols says some people have always been afraid to perform before the audience. Others, she says, develop stage fright after a fearful experience.
She offers them ways to control the fear. One way is to smile before going onto the stage. Taking two deep breaths also helps. Deep breathing helps you get control of your body.
Miss Nichols persuades her patients to tell themselves that their speech or performance does not have to the perfect. It's all right to make a mistake. She tells them they should not be too cautions(谨慎的) while they are performing. It is important that they should continue to perform while she is helping them. After each performance, they discuss what happened and find out what advice helped and what did not. As they perform more and more, they will fear less and less as much as 50%. Miss Nichols says the aim is only to reduce stage fright, not to eliminate it completely. This is because a little stage fright makes a person more cautious, and improves the performance.
1 One who is suffering stage fright may        .
A. forget one's part before the audience
B. smile all the time on the stage
C. make a speech fast than ever
D. be cautious to improve his performance
2 The underlined word “eliminate” in the last paragraph means        .
A. keep          B. reduce           C. change          D. get rid of
3 The wrong way to overcome stage fright is        .
A. to smile before going to the stage.
B. to take two deep breaths to calm oneself
C. to pay less attention to one's mistakes in performance
D. to perform less and to watch more
4 Which of the following statements is right?
A. We can get rid of stage fright completely.
B. A little stage fright can make actors perform better.
C. We can reduce stage fright as much as one third.
D. A little stage fright leads to complete failure.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届甘肃省天水市一中高三第五次模拟考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

How the iron of tomorrow (the first Self Clean Iron)can change your lifestyle today?
General Electric introduces the iron of tomorrow. The iron can clean itself, inside where irons get dirty. Because it cleans itself each and every time you empty it.
How? With a push of a magic blue button.
The magic blue button
The first thing you’ll notice that’s different about this iron is the blue button on the side. It’s marked “Self Clean”. Push this blue button, and you can wash out loose mineral deposits that remain and block up inside. Push this button, and you’ve made life a lot easier.
Less chance of brown spots
Sure, Self Cleaning Iron is going to cut down on brown spots. (Those ugly spots that happen on nice, cleanly pressed clothes.) Because a Self Cleaning Iron becomes clean each time you press that magic blue button.
Steams much longer
Common sense tells you that if you’ve an iron that blocks less often it has to stay younger for a long period of time. In other words, it steams much longer. That’s another joy of owning General Electric’s Self Cleaning Iron.
What does it mean to you
Today you are doing so much more than just running a house and running after the kids.
You’re working. You’re going to school. It’s all part of your lifestyle. The iron can change that lifestyle. By giving you less trouble before you iron. If we can make it easier for you to be a better wife, a better mother, a better housemaker, we want to. The new Self Cleaning Iron is another one of Home-Makers from General Electric.
We’re with yours.
【小题1】This passage is ______.

A.an introduction to General Electric
B.an operating instruction of Self Cleaning Iron
C.an advertisement of Self Cleaning Iron
D.a description of the change of lifestyle
【小题2】This iron can clean itself by ______.
A.empting itself
B.washing out mineral deposits
C.blocking up mineral deposits
D.giving off more steam
【小题3】According to the passage, what is most likely to attract the customers?
A.It is made by General Electric.
B.The iron will not produce mineral deposits.
C.There will be fewer brown spots on pressed clothes.
D.Their clothes will be cleaned at the same time.
【小题4】Self Cleaning Iron can help change your lifestyle because ______.
A.you can run your house better
B.you don’t have to run after the kids
C.you can use it while you are working
D.we want you to be a better housemaker

