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【题目】 Earth Day is one of the world's largest environmental movements. Held every year on April 22, Earth Day turns 50 this year. It was created by US politician Gaylord Nelson, aiming to give a voice to people who wanted environmental protection. 1 Back then, it helped to bring clean air and water laws to the US. Now a global movement, it's facing even bigger environmental threats.

2 One of these is The Ocean Cleanup based in the Netherlands. It has successfully made a device that can gather and collect waste from our oceans and rivers, a majority of which is plastic. For us, plastic is an item we use and then throw away. But if you throw away a plastic bottle today, it is non-biodegradable (不可生物降解的).It will still be around for hundreds of years. Much of this plastic waste ends up in the sea, where it kills more than 100 million sea creatures every year. 3

It is not just our oceans that are under threat. Over time, deforestation (滥伐森林)improper farming, and livestock grazing (放牧)can stop green areas from growing. 4 A Chinese non-governmental organizations (NGO) — The China Green Foundation — is working to change this by planting millions of trees. Another NGO that is making big changes is Welfare Togo. Togo is a developing country in Africa. It faces many environmental problems, including air and water pollution and desertification. To help, Welfare Togo opened 31 schools across the country that focus on teaching sustainable development. Its aim is using education to bring positive environmental changes to Togo.

5 However, through small everyday changes, such as recycling correctly, we can also bring about considerable changes to our natural world.

A.This is called desertification.

B.It aims to support environmental protection around the world.

C.His idea was so successful that more than 20 million people joined in Earth Day events.

D.However, because of high demand, we still make more than 300 tons of new plastic every year.

E.It challenges people to promote environmental education.

F.Not all of us can make such large contributions.

G.Fortunately, many NGOs are stepping up to promote positive changes.









1上文It was created by US politician Gaylord Nelson, aiming to give a voice to people who wanted environmental protection.(它是由美国政治家盖洛德.尼尔森创立的,旨在为想要保护环境的人们发声)C. His idea was so successful that more than 20 million people joined in Earth Day events.(他的想法如此成功,以至于超过2000万人参加了地球日活动)承接自然,选项中的his idea就是上文提到的盖洛德.尼尔森的地球日的想法,故选C项。

2下文One of these is The Ocean Cleanup based in the Netherlands.(其中之一就是基于荷兰的“海洋清理”)G. Fortunately, many NGOs are stepping up to promote positive changes.(幸运的是,很多非政府组织都加入进来,推动积极的改变)承接自然,The Ocean Cleanup就是上文提到的非政府组织中的一个,故选G项。

3上文Much of this plastic waste ends up in the sea, where it kills more than 100 million sea creatures every year.(这些塑料废物中的很多最终都到了海洋,在那儿它们每年造成超过1亿海洋生物死亡)D. However, because of high demand, we still make more than 300 tons of new plastic every year.(然而,由于需求量很大,我们每年仍要生产300多吨新塑料)承接自然,上下文是明显的转折关系,plastic是关键词,故选D项。

4上文Over time, deforestation (滥伐森林)improper farming, and livestock grazing can stop green areas from growing.(随着时间的推移,森林砍伐、不当的农业和牲畜放牧阻止了绿色区域的增长)A. This is called desertification.(这叫作沙漠化)承接自然,选项是对上文所述情况的总结,this就指代上文的内容,故选A项。

5下文However, through small everyday changes, such as recycling correctly, we can also bring about considerable changes to our natural world.(然而,通过每天小的改变,例如正确回收利用,我们可以给我们的自然世界带来相当大的改变)F. Not all of us can make such large contributions.(不是我们所有人都能做出这么大的贡献)承接自然,虽然不能做出大的贡献,但我们可以从日常的小事做起,来保护环境,smalllarge是关键词,故选F项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why is the man shouting At his grandpa?

A. Because they are quarreling with each other.

B. Because his grandpa can’t hear well.

C. Because he is in a very bad mood today.

2Why does everybody respect the old man?

A. Because he is kind to everybody.

B. Because he always helps others.

C. Because he is the oldest man in the town.

3What does the man’s grandpa do every morning?

A. He does some gardening.

B. He does some cooking.

C. He does some exercise.

4How old was the man’s granny when she died?

A. 75. B. 67. C. 65.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处)不计分。

Dear Ms Smith,

I’m writing to ask that you could do me a favor. I’ve just finished essay named “Differences between traditional Chinese and Western festivals”, but I’m not sure whether it is well written. To be honestly, I’m not that familiar with some traditional west festivals. That’s because I’m turning to you for help. I’d be appreciate it if you could spare some time to look into my essay for possible mistakes and polish them. Also, I’m looking forward to your valuable advices. My essay has been sending to you along with this email. I hope it won’t cause you too many trouble.

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War .Her family was Jewish so they 1(hide) away for over two years in order not to 2(catch) by the German Nazis.During the twenty-five 3 (month) Anne wasn’t able to go outdoors for so long that she had grown crazy about everything to do 4nature.One evening, she stayed 5(wake) on purpose in order to have 6good look at the moon by herself.But as the moon gave far too much lightshe didn’t dare open the window.Another timeshe happened 7(be) upstairs when the window was open.She didn’t go downstairs 8the window had to be shut. 9(sad), for Anne it was no pleasure 10(do) that any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华,为了弘扬中华传统礼乐文化,传承古代礼仪仪式和歌舞音乐,你们城市将举办第七届中华礼乐大会(The 7th Chinese Ritual Music Conference),你打算邀请外教Flora和你一起参加。请给Flora写一封邮件,内容包括:








科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Last summer holiday, my mother and I visited Xi’an that she grew up. It was a well-planned trip, so we had great time for the most part. But one night, something strange was happened. My mom wan playing games on her mobile phone in bed and I was lying nearby. Tired and boring, I was kicking the bed to pass the time. A few minutes later, my mom had enough of it and asked her, “Could you stop it?” I stopped, so she asked me to stop kick again only a few moments later. I complained, “I’ve already stopped.” My mom quickly glanced at my still leg and then she suddenly jumped up and shouted, “Earthquake!” With lightning speed, she rushes to me, grabbed my hand and took me to a safe place outside. By then, I was widely awake.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】— As we know, keeping positive is beneficial to the process of our work and study.

—You can say that again.Struggle not to let negative ideas____.

A.take overB.come downC.drop outD.give in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is the man doing?

A.He is being interviewed.B.He is making a flash.

C.He is playing computer games.

2What do you think will happen after the conversation?

A.The woman will call Mr. Taylor.

B.The woman won’t make the website.

C.The woman won’t get in touch with Mr. Taylor.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Nearly two decades have passed since China sent the first Beidou satellite into space in 2000. During that time, more Beidou satellites were sent into orbit (轨道), 1 (form) the Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS). In late 2012, it began providing positioning, navigation, timing and messaging 2 (service) to people in China and other parts of the Asia-Pacific region. At the end of 2018, BDS started to serve users worldwide. Now with two more Beidou satellites 3 (launch) on Dec 16, 2019, BDS has 53 satellites in orbit.

