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A blocked airway(呼吸道) can kill someone in three to four minutes, but it can take more than eight minutes for an ambulance to arrive. So a simple procedure such as opening someone's airway can save their life while they're waiting for emergency medical help. This means you're more likely to give first aid to someone you know than a stranger.

There are many misconceptions(误解) surrounding first aid. Below are the ‘most popular’ ones with details of what you should do.

You should put butter or cream on a burn. The only thing you should put on a burn is cold water - keep the butter for cooking. Put the affected area under cold running water for at least ten minutes.

The best way to treat bleeding is to put the wound under a tap. If you put a bleeding wound under a tap you wash away the body's clotting agents(凝血剂) and make it bleed more. Instead put pressure on the wound with whatever is available to stop or slow down the flow of blood. As soon as possible call 999. Keep pressure on the wound until help arrives.

Nosebleeds are best treated by putting the head back. If you put the head back during a nosebleed, all the blood goes down the back of the airway. Instead advise them to tilt(倾斜) their head forwards and ask the person to pinch(捏) the end of their nose and breathe through their mouth.

You need lots of training to do first aid. You don’t - what you mostly need is common sense. You can learn enough first aid in a few minutes to save someone's life – whether it’s from a book, attending a course or watching videos online.

Remember: anyone can save a life

66. The most important point to save a person’s life is to ensure _____.

A. his smooth breath           B. ambulances’ arriving time 

C. the quiet surroundings       D. emergency medical help

67. If a person is burnt, what you should do immediately is to _____.

A. put some cream on the burn area         B. cook some butter for the burn 

C. place the burn under cold running water   D. wash the affected area for a long time

68. If a bleeding wound is put under a tap, what should happen?

A. It will help the bleeding stop at once.        B. It will help produce more clotting agents.

C. It will produce more pressure on the wound   D. It will bleed more and hard to stop

69. Which of the following statement is RIGHT?

A. When a person’s nose bleed, please put the head back.

B. You can learn first aid in quickly in different ways.

C. When a person is burnt, crap the burn until help arrives.

D. Not everyone can do first aid to save a life.

70. The passage mainly tells us _____.

A. how to learn first aid by yourself      B. some misunderstanding about first aid

C. the importance of first aid            D. how to help medical team save a life


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



My father and I were standing at the top of a church tower. He 36 me to this place in a small Italian town not far from our home in Rome. I 37 why he did so.

“Look down, Elsa,” Father said to me. I looked down and 38 the square in the centre of the village and I saw many turning streets 39 to the square.

“ See, my dear. There is more than one 40 to the square. Life is like that. If you can’t get to the place 41 you want to go by one road, 42 another,” he said to me.

Now I 43 why I was there. My father wanted to tell me how to 44 and deal with the difficulties.

In the years that 45 I often remembered the lesson Fathere taught me. I knew where I wanted to go in 46 . I wanted to be a fashion 47 . And on the way to my first small success I found the road 48 . What could I do ? Accept the failure? Or use my imagination and wisdom to find another road to my 49 ?

I had come to Paris, the 50 of the world of fashion , with some clothes I 51 . But none of the famous fashion designers seemed 52 in them. Then one day I met a friend who was wearig a very beautiful sweater. It had a lovely and 53 stitch (针法).

“Did you knit that sweater ?” I asked her.

“No,”she answered. “ It was done by a woman here in Paris.”

“ What an interesting stitch !” I continued.

My friend had an 54 . “The woman’s name is Mrs Vidian    she learned the stitch in Armenia, her motherland.”

Suddenly a good idea 55 me. why not open my own house of fashion? Why not design, make and sell clothes? I would do it, and I would begin with a sweater.

A . carried

B. got

C. took

D. brought

A. doubted

B. guessed

C. wondered

D. knew

A. saw

B. realized

C. noticed

D. observed

A. going

B. leading

C. turning

D. directing

A. path

B. method

C. road

D. way

A. why

B. which

C. where

D. when

A. attempt

B. experiment

C. manage

D. try

A. imagined

B. supposed

C. witnessed

D. understood

A. face

B. handle

C. settle

D. solve

A. approached

B. caught

C. followed

D. wasted

A. life

B. class

C. work

D. heart

A. seller

B. worker

C. teacher

D. designer

A. blocked

B. approved

C. passed

D. smoothed

A. comfort

B. intelligence

C. failure

D. success

A. country

B. attraction

C. centre

D. capital

A. designed

B. performed

C. recommended

D. chose

A. buried

B. occupied

C. absorbed

D. interested

A. unusual

B. perfect

C. ordinary

D. rough

A. reason

B. explanation

C. description

D. cause

A. thought

B. entered

C. came

D. struck


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省南昌市2010届高三下学期4月联考 题型:阅读理解

Attitude isnt quite everything when it comes to being successful, but attitude plays a part in every stage of your life. A poor attitude gets more people fired than any other single factor, and a good attitude gets people jobs and helps them keep those jobs more than any other factor.
Your attitude affects many people, from your family to the stranger on the street corner. Your attitude is particularly important when you face seemingly hopeless situations. Losing a job or friend because of a poor attitude is unfortunate -especially because a bad attitude can be fixed.
You can find at least two ways to look at everything. A pessimist ( 悲观主义者) looks for difficulty in the opportunity, while an optimist looks for opportunity in difficulty . A poet of long ago put the difference between optimism and pessimism this way: Two men looked out from prison bars -one saw mud; the other saw stars.
Unfortunately, many people look only at the problem and not at the opportunity that lies within the problem. Many employees complain about the difficulty of their jobs, for example, not realizing that if the job were simple, the employer would hire someone with less ability at a lower wage. A small coin can hide even the sun if you hold the coin close enough to your eye. So when you get too close to your problems, to think objectively(客观地 ) about them, try to keep in mind how your vision can be obstructed. Take a step back, and look at the situation from a new angle.
You can’t do anything to change the fact that a problem exists, but you can do a great deal to find the opportunity within that problem. You’re guaranteed a better tomorrow by doing your best today and developing a plan of action for the tomorrows that lie ahead. Just remember to maintain a positive mental attitude.
64. What does the author mean by saying the first sentence in Paragraph 1?
A. If you have a good attitude, you will be successful.
B. Your attitude makes a great influence on your life.
C. Your attitude has nothing to do with your success.
D. Your success is very important to your life.
65. In Paragraph 3, the author shows us_________.
A. two ways to look at everything      B. the definition of pessimist and optimist
C. the ways to look for opportunity     D. the ways to look out from prison bars
66. The author mentions the example of many employees in Paragraph 4 to tell people to_____.
A. ignore the problem               B. look for opportunity in the problem
C. wait for the problem to be solved    D. make their jobs easy to do
67. The underline word “obstructed” in Paragraph 4 probably means________.
A. blocked         B. dropped          C. improved         D. Shared


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届黑龙江省哈三中高三上学期12月月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

     An allergy (过敏反应) is a strong reaction to a substance. Many things can cause allergies. The most common cause is pollen (花粉), which is usually produced by trees in the spring, grasses in the summer and weeds in the fall, as part of their reproductive process.
Other causes include organisms, chemicals, plants and dead skin particles (微粒) from dogs and cats can also cause allergic reactions. So can insect stings and some food.
The most common kind of allergic reactions is itchy (痒的), watery eyes and a blocked or watery nose. Allergies can also cause red, itchy skin. Some reactions can be life-threatening, for example, when breathing passages become blocked.
It is not always easy to avoid allergies. Drugs may offer an effective treatment. Another treatment used in some cases is called immunotherapy (免疫疗法). A patient is injected with small amounts of the allergy-causing substance. The idea is that larger and larger amounts are given over time until the patient develops a resistance in his body.
In the United States, experts estimate that up to 8% of young children have food allergies. Every year these allergies cause about 30,000 cases with severe reactions that require immediate treatment. It can result in breathing trouble and in some cases death. It is said that about 100 to 200 people will die. It says most of the reactions are caused by peanuts and tree nuts like walnuts.
People can also be allergic to medicines. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology says about 10% of bad reactions to commonly used medicines are allergic. In other words, a person’s immune system overreacts and produces an allergic reaction. The most common reactions include skin rashes (皮疹), itching, breathing problems and swelling in areas such as the face.
【小题1】 Allergies seldom occur in winter because ______.

A.plants don’t flower in cold weatherB.people usually wear thick clothes
C.pollen is active below freezing pointD.the weather is not too cold for viruses
【小题2】What will happen if one’s breathing passages get blocked?
A.It is nothing serious.B.One’s life is at risk.
C.One has to be sent to hospital.D.One is sure to breathe easily.
【小题3】 According to immunotherapy, the patient is supposed to ______.
A.take some medicines to produce antibodies
B.have immediate operations
C.be given the allergy-causing substance until he develops a resistance
D.be exposed to enough allergy-causing substances
【小题4】The best title would be “________”.
A.The ABCs of AllergiesB.The Cause of Allergies
C.The Treatment of AllergiesD.The Prevention of Allergies


科目:高中英语 来源:20102011辽宁开原高中高二第二学期第二次月考英语试题 题型:完型填空

One day I jumped into a taxi and took off for the airport.

We were driving in the right lane   36   suddenly a black car jumped out of a

parking space   37   in front of us. My taxi driver immediately put his foot on the   38  . The taxi slid a short distance quickly and   39   the other car by just inches! The driver of the black car moved his head around and started   40   at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy; and I mean he was   41   friendly, which is truly beyond my expectation.

   42   I asked, “Why did you just do that? This guy almost  43   your car

and sent us to the   44  !” This is when my taxi driver   45   me what I now call “the Law of the Garbage Truck.”

He   46   that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, disappointment, frustration (挫败感) and   47  . As their garbage   48  , they need a place to dump (丢弃) it and sometimes they’ll dump it on   49  . Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move   50  . Don’t take it   51  . Don’t take their garbage and   52   it to other people at work, at home or on the streets.                                

         The   53   line is that successful people don’t let garbage trucks take over their day. Life’s too short to wake up in the morning with   54  , so “Love the people who treat you   55  . Pray for the ones who don’t”.


A. as                                          B. when                           C. before                         D. while


A. even                                     B. still                              C. right                            D. only  


 A. brakes                               B. airbags                       C. seats                           D. gases


 A. left                                      B. hit                                C. attacked                    D. missed


 A. nodding                             B. looking                        C. yelling                         D. frowning


 A. really                                  B. exactly                        C. almost                        D. rarely 


A. Since                                     B. So                                 C. But                              D. Yet 


 A. blocked                              B. ruined                         C. passed                        D. followed


 A. airport                               B. prison                         C. court                           D. hospital


A. returned                              B. showed                     C. taught                        D. brought


A. imagined                             B. explained                   C. argued                        D. advised


 A. doubt                                 B. eagerness                 C. anger                          D. panic


A. piles up                                B. breaks down             C. runs out                     D. cuts down


A. none                                     B. me                               C. themselves               D. you


A. on                                          B. along                           C. in                                  D. out


A. formally                               B. personally                  C. immediately      D. permanently


A. save                                      B. present                      C. offer                            D. spread


A. finish                                   B. life                               C. front                            D. bottom


 A. losses                                B. regrets                      C. dreams                       D. plans


A. well             B. differently           C. actively         D. hard



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年湖北省高二下学期期中考试英语卷 题型:完型填空



    It was a cold winter morning. Half asleep at the train station, I stared into the distance,   31   for the train to take me to my   32   in Boston. The world was quiet. The very few people on the street kept to themselves,   33   their steaming cups of coffee.

Reaching into my pocket as the   34   was approaching, my numb hand searched for the $ 20 bill to pay my fare. The pocket was   35  ! I searched through my bag and then I felt   36  . Unless the money dropped from the sky, I’d be   37   there.

“What’s the matter?” A short, elderly man stood before me.

“Oh, nothing…Well, I   38   my money and now I can’t pay for the ticket. I’m going to   39   my math class and the train is leaving.”

“Here, use this.”

The man held a $ 20 bill. I looked up,   40  . People just didn’t do that any more. Everyone worried about their own   41  , rarely stopping to think about others, especially teenage strangers.

“Thank you, but no, I can’t.”

  42   it—go!” The man pushed me   43   the train. I bought a round-trip ticket, and he refused the change I   44   to give him back. I did not know what to say — a million thoughts raced through my mind, yet I stood   45  .

For the train ride I was silent. I began to see the world through   46   eyes. That man made a difference with such a simple   47  .

A week later I was at the train station again, with an extra $20   48   I saw the man. And there he was.

“Excuse me, sir, I believe I owe you this.” I   49   the money into his hand.

Failing to refuse, he said, “Just remember to do the same for someone in your shoes some day.” I smiled,   50  .

The elderly man is my hero. For many, heroes are famous, but my hero is a giving stranger who taught me a lesson in life. I will never forget his kindness.


1.A. watching           B. looking          C. reaching         D. arranging

2.A. home               B. class            C. office           D. factory

3.A. serving            B. carrying         C. minding          D. making

4.A. chance             B. crowd            C. driver           D. train

5.A. deep               B. empty            C. messy            D. tight

6.A. hopeless           B. useless          C. relieved         D. dissatisfied

7.A. blocked            B. drawn            C. stuck            D. tied

8.A. wasted             B. counted          C. spent            D. lost

9.A. miss               B. skip             C. fail             D. stop

10.A. frightened        B. disturbed        C. surprised        D. concerned

11.A. problems          B. complaints       C. positions        D. challenges

12.A. Seize             B. Get              C. Catch            D. Take

13.A. in                B. beyond           C. toward           D. on

14.A. offered           B. managed          C. happened         D. attempted

15.A. unconsciously     B. silently         C. seriously        D. uncomfortably

16.A. curious           B. changed          C. bright           D. widened

17.A. task              B. act              C. example          D. performance

18.A. so that           B. even if          C. now that         D. in case

19.A. dropped           B. pushed           C. pressed          D. placed

20.A. content           B. scared           C. annoyed          D. numb



