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19."Where to?""Nowhere inparticular(特别),anywhere you like."

分析 "去哪?""没有特别的地方,你喜欢去哪都行."

解答 答案:particular
特别:in particular,常用的短语搭配.

点评 翻译题在解题是首先要确定好句子的时态,然后要把握好短语表达,最后要注意句子结构.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Online clothes shoppers will be told exactly what size is best.for them using new software which combines with their web camera or smart phone to form a"3D tape measure".
Scientists from Surrey University and design experts from the London College of Fashion are developing a program which can take precise (精确的) waist,hip,chest and other measurements from camera images.
Using the person's height as a starting point,the software will be able to build up a 3D image and estimate their size at various different points on the body,based on their overall proportions.
The result will be a more accurate sizing guide than previous systems based on waist size or a"small/medium/large"scale,which rely on limited measurements and the buyer's perception of their own body size.
Shoppers and retailers(零售商)who choose to sign up for the project could save millions of pounds a year in postage costs by removing the need to order multiple sizes of the same garment(服装) and send back ill-fitting clothes,researchers claimed.
The project,sponsored by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council(EPSRC),is expected to be brought to market within two years.
After choosing an item,the shopper will activate the software,enter their height,stand in front of their webcam or smart phone in their underwear and take a photograph.
The software will not store or transmit the image to the internet,but will use it to judge the person's dimensions at various points on their body.
Philip Delamore of the London College of Fashion said:"The potential benefits for the fashion industry and for shoppers are huge.Currently,it's common for online shoppers to order two or three different sizes of the same item of clothing at the same time,as they're unsure which one will fit best."
51.What is the essential part of a 3D tape measure?A
A.a software                           B.a webcam
C.a microphone                         D.a smart phone
52.What can we learn about the 3D tape measure?C
A.It will store or transmit the image to the internet.
B.It is based on the buyer's perception of their size.
C.It will be a co-working production.
D.It uses a person's weight as a starting point.
53.Compared with the traditional sizing system,a 3D tape measure isB.
A.quicker                              B.more precise
C.more beautiful                       D.more vivid
54.How can the 3D tape measure benefit online shoppers?D
A.Online shoppers will get their ordered garment in time.
B.Online shoppers will get their ordered garment more quickly.
C.Online shoppers will get an ordered garment of high quality.
D.Online shoppers will get an ordered garment to their measure.
55.What is the right order for a shopper to form a 3D tape measure?C
①to take a photo with a webcam
②to activate the software
③to enter his/her height
④to judge his size by analyzing his image


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.It was so cold last night that they had to have the fire____ all night long.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.一How often do you visit your aunt?一________(  )
A.Every three weeksB.Every third weeks
C.Each three weekD.Each third week


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

14.Several months ago,my 22-year-old niece phoned me."Aunt,"she said in her sweet voice,"the blood bank called and asked if I would donate blood.Would you come and donate with me?"I couldn't(21)Bher though I had never done that before.
         I didn't know before going to the blood bank(22)DI would be able to donate blood in the(23)Aof someone specific.There was a bulletin board with photos of children who were
(24)Cat the Children's Hospital where I lost my daughter to(25)Ctwo years ago,so my heart went out to these children who were(26)Dcancer.One photo was of a little black girl,only nine.I(27)Bto donate my blood in Alexis's name.A month later,I(28)C,and then a month after that,I went back again.I felt this was something I could do,(29)CI made a promise to myself to go as often as possible.
         One morning I heard a newscaster(播音员)(30)Aabout a young girl named Alexis on TV.(31)C,that's my Alexis from the blood bank who had lost her battle with cancer!My heart(32)A.As I sat with tears running down my face,I listened to Alexis's story she left behind.I wasn't(33)Bto hear what an extraordinary child Alexis was,(34)DI saw it in her eyes when I saw her(35)Aat the blood bank.She had the most angelic(天使般的)face,and a smile(36)Bof joy and courage.I never met this wonderful child,but she surely(37)Ame.
         I am always telling myself that even though I do something that doesn't take(38)Aof my time,effort or money,it doesn't mean that what I do has no(39)D.Every little thing we do to(40)Canother has value to the one who needs it
25.A.a fireB.waterC.cancerD.an accident
28.A.got throughB.got alongC.went backD.went round


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.-What do you think will be the future of your new invention?
-I'm sure it will have many different _________ in the industry.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

India is the world's largest market for gold jewellery.In much of Asia,the Middle East and India,around two-thirds of the jewellery purchased is used as a way of saving money as well as being worn as a decorative item.The use of jewellery as a way of saving money is often important in rural areas where finding a bank is difficult or even impossible.People buy gold because its value stays strong even when the value of money goes down.
Gold jewellery has often been a woman's only valuable possession,and in some families this is still true.A woman's gold can therefore be her only protection against personal misfortune.Today,all around the world,sales of gold jewellery have grown by over 20% per year,because everyone is confident that gold won't lose its value.Demand for gold is so high that gold mines cannot supply enough.
Gold's function as a decoration,as jewellery,has been evident for thousands of years.Since the earliest times,the beauty and richness of gold,along with the fact that it does not change its colour,has meant that it has always been the favourite metal of jewellers.The earliest gold jewellery dates from the Sumerian civilisation that was at its most powerful around 6,000years ago.In the Middle Ages,ancient people attempted to make gold from other metals.They used gold in medicines designed to fight old age and prolong life.
Gold also performs important functions in many aspects of everyday life.It does not react when it comes into contact with other substances and this,along with other unique properties,makes it useful in medicine and many other areas that we consider essential to our modern lives.
During heart surgery,gold-covered"stent"are put into blocked arteries to help the flow of blood.These gadgets need to be carefully positioned.Gold is ideal for this because it shows up clearly on X-rays and can easily be located by doctors.A pacemaker,a device inserted in the body to keep the heartbeat regular,also contains gold.Gold is used in all of these applications because of its high level of reliability.Gold also helps doctors to deliver precise doses of powerful drugs to the parts of the body where they are required.
Gold has many other applications in modern life as it conducts electricity very efficiently.The standard touch-tone telephone contains 33contacts made from gold.Air-bag systems fitted in more than 30million cars around the world rely on gold-coated electrical contacts.And every time you touch a key on your computer it strikes a gold circuit that sends your command to the computer's microprocessor.In fact,you have probably never realised how much gold there is in your everyday life.

(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
78.Compared with money,people prefers gold because ofits stroger value than money.
79.Gold were used in medicines because ancient people believed it couldfight old age and prolong life.
80.Why can gold be used in pacemaker?Because it has a high level of reliability
81.What makes the application of gold in electronic products possible?It is because it conducts electricity very efficiently.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达


With the rapid development of the mobile service,With the rapid development of the mobile service,more and more people are using WeChat in their daily life.Seeing her friend and neighors have circles of friends and chat anywhere and anytiem,my mother bought a new cell phone and wanted to do that as others.But she had no idea how to do that.Noticing that,I showed her how to do it.When I was not at home,she still got confused.(高分句型一) So I drew some pictures about the mobile,even each step for her.Day by day,she could operate it very smoothly.On watching her bright face when she chatted on WeChat or showed it to her neighbors,I felt satified because I could finally to something for my mother.(高分句型二).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.The club welcomes all new membersregardless of (不管) age.

