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 Time he has devoted in the past ten years          the disable is now considered           of great value.

A. to help; being              B. to helping; to be       

C. to help; to be               D. helping; being


科目:高中英语 来源:2011年普通高校招生考试浙江卷英语 题型:050


  It was Satuday.As always, it was the one, for “Six days, shall you labar and all your work”was taken senously back then, Outside, Father and Mr.Patnce ncxt door were bxsy conny tcood lnside the wiel users Mother ane Mrs.Patrick were enpted in seeng cleaning

  Somehow the boy s had shipped away to the back lot with their kites.Now, evet at the reis of having Brother caught to beat carpets.they had sent him to the kitchen tox exsre xding, sccmed there was no limt to the heights to which kites would fly today

  My mothe looked at the sitting room, its furndign disordered for a tborough sweeting.Again she cast a look toward the window “Come on, girls! Let's take sing to the beer and theem a tutue”

  On the way we met Mrs.Patrick, Ianghing guiltily as if she wrig doing woeig wrong

  The never was such a day for flying kites! We played all our frsh string into the boys' kites up higher and higher, We could hardly distingwish the orang-coloced sports of the kites Now and then we slowly pullked one kite back, watching it dancing upo and down in the wind and finally bringing it down to earth, just for the joy of sending yt up again

  Even out fathers dropped their tools and joined us.Out mothers look their turn, laughing like schoolgirls Ithink we were all beside ourselves Parents forgx their daty and their dignity; children for everyday fights and little jealousies."Perhaps it's like this in the some of heafer,"I thought confusedly.

  It we growing dark before we all walked sleepily back to the housew.Isuppose we had some chean and orderly enough.The strange thing was, we didn't mention that ady afterward Ifelt a little embarrasse.Surely none of the of the others had been as exceted as I Ikxked the memory up in that deepest part of me where we keep “the things that cannot be and yet they are”

  The years went on, then one day Iwas hurrying about my kitchen in a city apartment, trying to get some work out of the way while my three-year-old, sisrently cried her desire to go park, see duck

  “I can't go!”I said.”“I have this angt and when I'm through I'll be too rired to walk that far

  My mother, who was visiting us, go up from the peas she was shelling It's a wllderful day, she offered, really warm, yet there's a fine breeu.Do you remimber that day we flew kites?

  I stoppoed in my dash between store and sink.The locked door flew open and with it a rush of memorese Come on, I told my little girl You're right, it's too good d day to miss.

  Another decade passed, We were in the aftennath(余波)of a great war, All evening we had been asking our returned soldier, the youngest Patrick Boy, about his experiences as a prisone war, He has ked freely, but now for a long time he had been silent, What was he thinking of-what dark and horrible things?

  "Sany!"A smile shpped out frow his jips."Do you remem-no, of course you wouldn't make the impression on you as it did on me.”

  I hardly dared speak,”Remrmber what?

  “I used to think of that day a lot in POW camo(战俘营),when things weren's too good, DO you remember the we flew the kites?


mrs.patnck was laughing gultily because she thought ________

[  ]


she was too old to fly kites


her husband would make fun of her


she shoule have been doing her how


supposed to the don't game


by “we were all beside ourselves writer means that they all ________

[  ]


felt confused


went wild with joy


looked on


forfot their fights


what did the think atfer the kite flying?

[  ]


boys must hace had nore fun than the firls


shoule have finished their work before playing


her parents should spend more time with them


all the others must have forgotten that day


why did the writer finally agree to jtake her little girl for an outing?

[  ]


she suddenluy renmenbered ther duty as mother


she was reminded of the day thety felw kits


she ha dfinished her


she thought it was a


the youngest patrick boy iss mentioned to show that ________

[  ]


the write was not alone in treasuring her fond menories h


his expenience in POW camp threw a shadow over his life


childhood friend\ship means so much to the writer


people like him really changed a lot after the war


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省邢台一中2011-2012学年高二下学期第四次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Two year s ago, Wendy Ha snip, 47,experienced a brain injury that left her speechle s s for two week s.When she finally recovered, she found her self talking with what seemed to be a French accent.“I phoned a friend the other day, and she spent the fir st ten minute s laughing, ” Ha snip said at the time, “while I have nothing again st the French.”

  Ha snip suffered from foreign accent syndrome(外国口音综合症), a rare condition in which people find them selve s speaking their own language like someone from a foreign country.The condition u sually occur s in people who have experienced a head injury or a stroke-a sudden lo s s of con sciou sne s s, sen sation, or movement cau sed by a blocked or broken blood ve s selin the brain.

  The condition wa s fir st identified during the Second World War in a Norwegian woman who se head wa s injured during an attack by the German military.The woman recovered but wa s left with a German-sounding accent, to the horror of fellow villager s who avoided her after that.

  Re searcher s have di scovered that the combined effect of the damage to several part s of the brain make s victim s lengthen certain syllable, mi spronounce sound s, and change the normal pitch(音高)of their voice.Tho se change s in speech add up to what sound s like a foreign accent.

  Another re searcher, a phonetician, say s victim s of the syndrome don't acquire a true foreign accent.Their strangely changed speech only re semble s the foreign accent with which it ha s a few sound s in common.

  When an Engli sh woman named Annie recently developed foreign accent syndrome after a stroke, she spoke with what seemed to be a Scotti sh accent.However, Annie' s Scotti sh coworker s said she didn't sound at all like a Scot.


According to the pa s sage, people ________ may have foreign accent syndrome.

[  ]


who se parent ha s experienced a head injury


who have lived in a foreign country for a long time


who have lo st their con sciou sne s s owing to a stroke


who have learned foreign language from their coworker s


If a per son suffer s foreign accent syndrome, ________.

[  ]


hi s coworker s will be afraid of him and avoid contacting with him


he ha s more chance of suffering stroke again


he will speak a fluent foreign language like native speaker s


hi s speech only ha s a few sound s in common with the foreign accent


Writing thi s pa s sage, the writer' s main purpo se i s to ________.

[  ]


introduce foreign accent syndrome and some related information


warn people not to be at the ri sk of experiencing a stroke


make it clear that foreign accent syndrome can be cured


tell a story of an injured woman during the Second World War


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省南京市第一中学2010届高三下学期模拟训练最后冲刺英语试题 题型:完型填空

What is it about maths, anyway? Why is it that a ___36___ who would rather die than ___37___ they found reading difficult at school will happily say he is brain-dead when it ___38___ to numbers?
“I was ___39___ at maths at school,” they say. “still am. Can’t ___40___ up to save my life. My little girl takes after____41___. Thinks take-aways are something to do with fish and chips. Ha-ha!” Oh, how we all laugh.
But how many of us remember it being ___42___ at the time? How many of us remember the blind panic of the Monday morning maths test when the ___43___ we could hope for was a miracle(奇迹) to make the numbers we ___44___ without thinking as answers somehow ___45___ the questions?
On the face of it, today’s children can ___46___ be considered happier and more satisfied. They have a daily numeracy lesson ___47___ to improving their maths skills. But if that sounds like hell to you, you may ___48__ find that your child surprises you by actually quite ___49__ it.
One of the __50___ is that over the last ten years or so, there has been a ___51___ in the way maths is taught. And many of those who teach it feel it’s been a ___52__ for the better. There’s generally much more emphasis now on __53___ arithmetic, getting children used to doing calculations without forever having a pen in one hand and a calculator in the other. Often the first question a teacher will ask is: can you do this in your___54___? And if they can, they do.
The whole approach is more___55___, the goal to get children understanding numbers, not just putting them through the uninteresting process of learning something by repeating it until they remember it.
36    A.    teacher    B.    parent     C.    pupil       D.    teenager
37    A.    understand      B.    admit      C.    observe   D.    pretend
38    A.    add  B.    relate      C.    comes     D.    reject
39    A.    good       B.    expert     C.    special     D.    rubbish
40    A.    add  B.    make       C.    look D.    pick
41    A.    stranger   B.    me   C.    herself     D.    somebody
42    A.    funny      B.    easy C.    attractive D.    remote
43    A.    worst      B.    prize       C.    best  D.    surprising
44    A.    missed     B.    lost  C.    found      D.    chose
45    A.    get   B.    foresee    C.    fit    D.    evaluate
46    A.    however  B.    frequently       C.    mostly     D.    hardly
47    A.    suggested B.    devoted   C.    intended  D.    adapted
48    A.    well B.    sometimes      C.    seldom    D.    extremely
49    A.    enjoying  B.    hating     C.    objecting D.    mastering
50    A.    consequences  B.    reasons    C.    findings   D.    incidents
51    A.    mistake   B.    program  C.    policy     D.    revolution
52    A.    preparation     B.    reputation       C.    requirement    D.    change
53    A.    difficult   B.    general    C.    mental     D.    basic
54    A.    class B.    head C.    textbook  D.    own
55    A.    logical     B.    unbelievable   C.    direct      D.    conservative


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年广东省广州市第五中学高一下学期期中英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

I really hadn’t meant to yell at them. But that grey afternoon saw it just as my son and daughter were making a terrible mess on the floor in the kitchen.
With a tiresome report to write, I felt bothered at my desk. Suddenly, it occurred to me that my kids were at fault. A voice inside me insisted that I do something quickly.
“Ok, you two here, but what an awful thing you are attempting!” I was shouting angrily. I made for them, while it became evident that the boy wanted no part of me. “Get away from us!” he shouted back, there being an expression of support from his sister.
All of a sudden, I found the fault in myself. Quickly I shaped my hands into pincers and crawled towards them, “Crabby Daddy is here. Ha, Ha, Ha, he likes to yell at children, and then eat them!” My son continued to keep me away, but now he was laughing and crying at the same time. My mission to repair the damage caused by my yelling seemed to work well. Still, I regretted not having controlled myself first in a right way.
Need I let them know how badly they were acting by blaming? This is a lesson that serves myself. It only shows just how to get rid of something (ill-feelings, responsibility…) by blaming others. It’s not my “best self”.
We have to search for our “best self” when with our children. They don’t need perfect parents, but they do need parents who are always trying to get better. Here, I am reminded of the words of a great thinker. “When a man lives with God, his voice shall be as sweet as the murmur of the book…” Then, in our lifetime, couldn’t we always speak to our kids in such a sweet voice since most of us consider them as the most precious in the world? And before we reach this level, what should we do when we come across various difficult cases with our children?
【小题1】The author couldn’t help yelling at his kids this time probably because________.

A.the weather was so unpleasantB.he was tired of his boring work
C.the kids didn’t ask him to join themD.a Daddy has his right to do so
【小题2】Which of the following made the author aware of his fault?
A.No obvious reason.
B.The boy’s yelling back.
C.His self-awareness.
D.The girl’s shouting back.
【小题3】According to the passage, the author will _____ in another similar situation.
A.play a crab again like this time
B.apologize to kids in a sincere way
C.avoid blaming kids in a hurry
D.beat them up about such things
【小题4】What will the writer go on to write about in the next paragraph(s)?
A.How to behave ourselves properly when kids are at fault.
B.How to play with our children in a more interesting way.
C.How to deal with the housework with children around us.
D.How to persuade children to do what they are told to.
【小题5】What does “the boy wanted no part of me” in the third paragraph mean?
A.The boy was happy because I loved them.
B.The boy was curious because I wanted to help them.
C.The boy was very happy for I was angry.
D.The boy didn’t want me to join them.


科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年江西省高一下学期第一次月考英语卷 题型:完型填空


Life is not always smooth. There was a man who had    36    numerous failures in his life. But he said, "One success is    37    for me!"

    When he was five years old, his father died of illness without leaving him any    38    . Since then, his mother worked outside  39   he had to stay at home and take care of his siblings, He learnt cooking since then.

    When he was fourteen, he dropped  40   and began his life of roving.

    When he was eighteen, he married a girl, who,   41   , sold out all his properties and went back to her home several months after their marriage.

    When he was twenty, he    42   his job from electrician to ferry staff to railway worker. All his jobs were   43   for him.

    When he was thirty-five, misfortune again   44   on him. When he was driving across a huge bridge, the steel ropes along the edge of the bridge were broken and he fell into the river with his car. He suffered such severe injuries that he could no longer continue his   45  .

    When he was    46    , he opened a gas station in a town. However, he   47  dispute(争端)because he beat his competitors    48   the billboard hanging problems.

    When he was forty-seven, he   49  his second wife, which had    50    stricken his three children.

    When he was sixty-six, he made a living by   51   his chicken-frying techniques to various restaurants in different places.

    When he was seventy-five, he felt  52  to maintain his company, so he transferred his brand and patent to others. The new owner suggested giving him ten thousand stock shares as part of the purchasing price. But he   53   the suggestion. Later the price of the stocks of the company soared and he lost the chance of being a billionaire.

    When he was eighty-eight, he achieved great success and became well-known to the whole world.

    He was exactly the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Ha Lunde Sandoz. He often said, "People always complain about the bad  54   . Actually it is not bad at all. As long as you are   55  and confident all the time, you will have a good weather every day."

1.A. achieved           B. undergone                     C. tried                                 D. undertook

2. A. great                          B. important             C. valuable              D. enough

3. A. words            B. money                C. property             D. families

4.A. while               B. but                  C. when                 D. so

5. A. in                                 B. out                   C. down                 D. up

6. A. meanwhile         B. moreover             C. however               D. therefore

7.A. started                       B. took                   C. lost                   D. changed

8. A. fit                B. tough                C. unusual               D. adequate

9.A. fell                 B. hit                     C. put                   D. rested

10.A. life            B. major                  C. job                   D. education

11. A. forty          B. thirty-five              C. fifty-three             D. seventy

12.. A. went through    B. came into           C. came about           D. went against

13.A. contributing to    B. judging from             C. owing to               D. leading to

14.A. changed                 B. married               C. missed               D. divorced

15.A. deeply         B. highly                C. generally              D. thickly

16. A. learning         B. promoting             C. developing             D. teaching

17.A. powerless      B. depressed           C. disappointed           D. hopeless

18.. A. turned up               B. turned to             C. turned down           D. turned in

19.. A. difficulties      B. misfortune           C. life                   D. weather

20.. A. hard-working    B. brave              C. cautious              D. optimistic



