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17.You are more likely to get the job if you have any ________experience of this kind of     work.(  )

分析 如果你先前有过这种工作的经验,你更可能获得这份工作.

解答 答案是D.本题考查形容词词义辨析.curious好奇的;obvious明显的;cautious小心的,谨慎的;previous先前的;根据句意和常识判断,"先前的"经验有助于获得工作,所以答案选择D项.

点评 辨析形容词要在识记常见形容词及其搭配的基础上理解语境,根据具体语境推断合理的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.There is no doubt that he is a very ______ man; he always thinks very carefully whenever he makes a decision.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.The plane was ____________ to arrive at 9am.as planned,yet it was nearly three hours late.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Another cultural aspect of nonverbal communication is one that you might not think about-space.Every person perceives (意识) himself to have a sort of invisible shield (盾牌) surrounding his physical body.When someone comes too close,he feels uncomfortable.When he bumps onto someone,he feels obligated (负有义务) to apologize.But the size of a person's"comfort zone"depends on his cultural ethnic.For example,in casual conversation,many Americans stand about four feet apart.In other words,they like to keep each other"an arm's length".In contrast,people in Latin or Arab cultures,stand very close to each other,and touch each other often.If someone from one of those cultures stands too close to an American while in conversation,the American may feel somewhat uncomfortable and back away.
When Americans are talking,they expect others to respond to what they are saying.To Americans,polite conversationalists empathize by displaying expressions of excitement or disgust,shock or sadness.People with a"poker face",whose emotions are hidden,are looked upon with suspicion.Americans also indicate their attentiveness in a conversation by raising their eyebrows,nodding,smiling politely and maintaining good eye contact.Some cultures view direct eye contact as impolite or threatening,while Americans see it as a sign of genuineness and honesty.If a person doesn't look you in the eye,Americans might say,you should question his motives-or assume that he doesn't like you.Yet with all the concern for eye contact,Americans still consider staring-especially at strangers-to be rude.
28.The first paragraph is mainly aboutC.
A.classification of nonverbal communication
B.the reasons why people should think about space
C.another cultural aspect of nonverbal communication
D.the relationship between communication and space
29.When Arabians have conversations on informal occasions,D.
A."comfort zone"does not exist
B.they stand about four feet away
C.communication barriers may emerge
D.keeping close enough is preferred
30.The underlined words"poker face"in Paragraph 2refers to a face which isB.
A.attentive  B.expressionless      C.suspicious  D.emotional
31.In a conversation between friends,Americans regard it as sincere and truthful toC.
A.hide emotions with a deadpan expression
B.display excitement or sadness
C.maintain direct eye contact
D.raise their eyebrows,nod and smile politely.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Justin and Mary woke up early,even though they were vacationing at their uncle's lake house.The night before.Uncle Thomas told them about the Foggy Figure that was  seen  on the lake.Justin and Mary were determined to see the ghostly creature(怪物)before their vacation was over."Is it foggy outside?"Mary asked,as Justin looked from the window."Yup!,Let's go!"Justin noshed to the door with Mary.It was only 5:00AM,so everyone else in the house was still asleep.
    Mary followed Justin out the door,down the hack steps,and out onto the boat dock(码头).The fog (雾)had settled over the lake,making it impossible to see anything.
"Do you see anything?"Mary asked,leaning(倾斜)forward for.closer look.
"Nothing.Do you think Uncle Thomas was just trying to frighten us with that story?"Uncle Thomas did have a good imagination.He'd been telling Justin  and Mary stories for Years,but this was the first frightening story.Mary had a feeling it wasn't made up.
    Mary shook her head"Remember what Uncle Thomas said?The Foggy Figure was seen in the lake.We're on the dock.Maybe that's why we can't see him.The people in the story were in boats.""You want to,out on the water?"Justin asked.Mary looked around,trying to find Uncle Thomas's boat,but the fog was too thick.
"Mom and Dad will be really angry if we go out on the lake alone in this fog,"Justin said.Mary suggested."Maybe we don't have to go anywhere.We could sit in the boat while it's docked.That wouldn't be dangerous.""Okay."Justin climbed toward the end of the dock.He could hardly see一he outline of the boat."I'll go first."He carefully lowered himself into the boat and then reached for Mary's hand.Mary climbed into the boat and sat beside him.She was getting nervous now that they were on the water.‘'Sec anything?"They looked around,and gradually,the fog began to lift.Mary turned around and shouted."The Foggy Figure!"It was in the boat with them!Justin and Mary hugged each other in fear,but then they heard a laugh.Justin leaned toward the Foggy Figure."Uncle Thomas?""I knew that story would get you two out of bed early enough to take a boat ride with me."
31.Why did Justin and Mary get up so early?C
A.To escape from the house while people were asleep.
B.To prepare breakfast for the entire family.
C.To see the Foggy Figure before their vacation was over.
D.To row the boat in the fog by themselves.
32.Which of the following is true of Justin and Mary?D
A.Their parents got angry because they went out on the lake alone.
B.They frequently heard frightening stories from Uncle Thomas
C.They finally succeeded in seeing the Foggy Figure in the boat.
D.Their uncle told them the story about the Foggy Figure on purpose.
33.Who entered the boat first?C
A.Justin.B.Mary.C.Thomas.D.The Foggy Figure.
34.What do you think of Uncle Thomas?D
35.What do you think would happen later?D
A.Uncle Thomas brought them back home.
B.Justin and Mary said goodbye to their Uncle.
C.Justin and Mary were frightened to death.
D.Uncle Thomas took a boat ride with Justin and Mary.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.The passengers traveled from__ Shanghai Airport to _____railway station in two hours.(  )
A.the; aB.不填; theC.the; theD.不填;不填


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Daniel Defoe (about 1660~1731)was an important novelist in the English literature.When he was young,he served as a soldier and had been to Spain,Italy,France and Germany.At the same time,he went in for politics.He cared much about the development of capitalism(资本主义).He had written a lot of articles against it and he was put into prison twice for that.It was not until  he was nearly sixty that he began to write the famous novel"Robinson Crusoe",which was published in May,1709.It spread so rapidly that the story was known to every household soon.
"Robinson Crusoe"can be divided into three parts.The first part is about Crusoe's three voyages,the second part about his hunting,hiding in caves farming and his hard struggles against nature on a small island,the third about the things which happened after his return from the island.The second part is the body of the novel,in which Robinson's characters are clearly shown.
Defoe wrote his novel in a simple style and his language is easy to understand.His novel writing set a milestone of the modern English novel.In his later part of life,He was in poor health and lived very poorly.He died on April 24,1731.
67.Deniel Defoe wasD and the writer ofD.
A.an Englishman,"A Tale of Two Cities"
B.an American,"A Million Pound Note"
C.a French,"The Lost Necklace"
D.an English,"Robinson Crusoe"
68.How old was he when he began to write his famous novel Robinson Crusoe?B
A.He was in his sixties.
B.He was in his fifties.
C.He was over 60.
D.He was sixty.
69.Robinson Crusoe can be divided intoC parts and the first is aboutC.
A.two,his lonely life    
B.three,his characters
C.three,his journeys by sea    
D.four,his fame
70."Every household"in this passage meansB.
A.all members of a family
B.all people
C.every building
D.persons living in the same house
71What was Defoe's contribution to the English literature?C
A.He wrote a very interesting story.
B.He made people happy while reading his story.
C.He set a milestone of the modern English novel.
D.He was active in politics and was against capitalism.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.Do you know the girl with _______father I talked for the whole afternoon last Friday?(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Where do you keep ice?In the freezer,of course.That's what scientists might have thought when they were looking for a safe place to store ice from mountain glaciers from around the world.They've decided to store ice in Antarctica because global warming is causing some of the glaciers in places like the Alps to melt.
Jerome Chappellaz of the French National Centre for Scientific Research is involved in creating an ice vault (地下室) there.He says:"We are probably the only scientific community whose sample (样本) is in danger of disappearing from the face of the planet.If you work on rocks or on tree rings,the raw material is still here and will be for many centuries."
And why do scientists need to study ice from the Alps,for example?Ice formed on the top of a mountain is made of snow accumulated over thousands of years.Trapped air bubbles (气泡) contain samples of the atmosphere that existed when that ice was formed.Ice is a record of climate.By examining ice,we know carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher now than in the last three million years.Researchers use this kind of data to build computer models and try to predict what might happen in the future.
The ice vault will be housed in a snow cave at the Concordia Research Station,which is operated by scientists from France and Italy.The ice samples will be sealed in bags and placed 10meters below the surface,at a constant temperature of-50℃.This will put the scientists'minds at rest.Losing the ice samples would be a disaster,and nobody wants to see a mine of scientific knowledge lost forever in a giant pool.
32.What makes Antarctica a safe place to store ice?B
A.Its large mountains.
B.Its function as a freezer.
C.The abundant ice samples there.
D.The absence of global warming.
33.Jerome compares ice with rocks and tree rings to state thatA.
A.it's necessary to store ice
B.it's more valuable to study ice
C.ice disappears very quickly
D.ice should be stored at home
34.What is the researchers'purpose of studying ice?A
A.To learn about climate.
B.To learn about the Alps.
C.To trap air bubbles.
D.To reduce carbon dioxide.
35.What do scientists think of storing ice in Antarctica?D
A.They consider it an easy job.
B.They're not optimistic about it.
C.They think it will cause disasters.
D.They think it's a reliable way.

