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Tired from his work, the father seemed to be in no ______ to look at my school report.

A. mood B. attitude C. feeling D. mind


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江绍兴第一中学高三下学期开学回头考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and some chairs rose___ the floor as if by magic.

A. from B. under C. from under D. from up


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川双流中学高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Ad No.90374

Posted Nov 12,2014 13:27 by Amanda Expire Date: Dec 12, 2014

Tag; Beijing Language Teaching Part Time

We are looking for Teachers, whose Native Language is English, willing to teach in China.Mostly schools are in South of China.

The Benefit package for ESL Teachers includes:

One-year Contract: 1st Mar.2015 to 1st Jul.2015

Salary: 4,OOORMB to 5,OOORMB/Month

Teaching load & schedule: 20 teaching hours per week

A rent-free, fully furnished apartment for living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom

Kitchen facilities provided.Other, electric appliances will be supplied: water heater, microwave etc.) .

If you are interested, please read the information above and kindly send your application to attach the following documents (in .doc or JPEG format).The subject to be mentioned, as 'teach in China'


2.A copy of academic degree/diploma/certificate/or college transcript

3.A photocopy of the data page of valid passport

4.A recent color photo

5.A letter of recommendation/or release letter from your previous Chinese school (Only if you worked in China previously)

6.Any other relevant information that you think might help your application

1.This advertisement is about_______.

A.introducing a school

B.attracting foreign students

C.taking on English teachers

D.seeking a teaching position

2.What is NOT needed to apply for the job if you come to work in China for the first time?

A.Your resume.

B.Your personal passport data.

C.Your academic history.

D.A release letter.

3.If you are employed, you will_______.

A.work full time

B.not have to pay the apartment rent

C.prepare furniture yourself

D.work four months for two years

4.Where can you mostly probably read the advertisement?

A.In a telephone book. B.In a paper.

C.In a travel guide. D.In a textbook


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川双流中学高一下学期入学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



I was tired and hungry after a long day of work.

When I walked into the living room, my 12 -year-old son up at me and said, “I love you.” I didn’t know what to say. For several , all I could do was to there and looked down at him. My first thought was that he must need with his homework or he was trying to me for some news.

Finally I asked. “What was that all about?”

“Nothing.” He said, “My teacher said we should our parents that we love them and see what they say. It’s .”

The next day I called his teacher to find out more about this “experiment” and how the other parents had .

“Basically, most of the fathers had the reaction as you did.” The teacher said, “When I first we try this”, I asked the children what they thought their parents would say. Some of them thought their parents would have heart trouble. “The is,” the teacher explained. “feeling loved is an important part of . It’s something all human beings . What I am trying to tell the children is that it’s too we all don’t express those feelings. A boy should be to tell his dad that he loves him.”

The teacher, a middle-aged man, understands how it is for some of us to say the things that would be good for us.

When my son came to me that evening, I held on to him for second. And just before he away, I said in my deepest, most manly voice, “Hey, I love you, too.”

I don’t know if saying that made either of us healthier, but it did feel pretty good. Maybe next time one of my children says, “I love you.”, it would not take me a whole to think of the right .

1.A. watched B. observed C. looked D. noticed

2.A. weeks B. days C. hours D. seconds

3.A. stand B. sit C. see D. play

4.A. rest B. time C. help D. paper

5.A. report B. prepare C. answer D. excuse

6.A. help B. ask C. tell D. make

7.A. a matter B. an experiment C. a word D. a sentence

8.A. said B. done C. reacted D. explained

9.A. same B. different C. usual D. common

10.A. suggested B. agreed C. allowed D. planned

11.A. point B. idea C. way D. cause

12.A. body B. health C. life D. study

13.A. have B. know C. take D. require

14.A. bad B. good C. late D. early

15.A. fit B. ready C. worthy D. able

16.A. easy B. much C. often D. difficult

17.A. a more B. a full C. an exact D. an extra

18.A. pulled B. ran C. walked D. escaped

19.A. week B. day C. afternoon D. morning

20.A. reason B. key C. answer D. experiment


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川双流中学高一下学期入学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mr. Smith didn’t go to the movie. He went swimming, ______.

A. instead of B. instead C. too D. either


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年重庆市高三上学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Five Things You Should Know About Adult Asthma (哮喘)

About 44 million people in Asia Pacific suffer from asthma.The numbers are on the rise especially in China and India where there is rapid industrialization and urbanization.Dr Mariko Koh, Director of the Pulmonary Function Laboratory and Asthma Programme at Singapore General Hospital, tells us more about adult asthma:

1.Chronic inflammation (炎症) of the airways

When the airways are inflamed, mucus (粘液) forms, blocking airflow, causing breathlessness, wheezing (喘息) and tightness in the chest.

2.Common triggers

Exposure to allergens (过敏原) such as mites, cockroaches, pets and pollen can trigger asthma.Tobacco smoke, respiratory infections, exercise and some medications like aspirin and beta blockers are also possible triggers.

3.Effective treatment

Asthma can be controlled with medication.The main treatment of asthma is inhaled(吸入)corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and block of the airways.Reliever medications may be used to treat acute symptoms.Take note: it is not too late to take medication after an asthma attack.

4.Take medication daily

To ensure good control over asthma, medication must be taken daily on a long term basis to prevent attacks.Also, go to your doctor for regular checkups.

5.Quality of life

Asthma sufferers can lead normal active lives as long as the symptoms are well controlled.Taking medication as directed and avoiding triggers can make a big difference to the quality of life.

1.All of the following are possible factors causing asthma except _________.



C.polluted air


2.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.There is no possible cure for allergic asthma.

B.Asthma is caused by acute inflammation of the airways.

C.China and India have the largest number of asthma sufferers in the world.

D.Regular checkups and exercise can ensure you a life free from asthma symptoms.

3.The author would most likely to agree that __________.

A.asthma sufferers can lead a normal life as ordinary people

B.daily intake of medication in the long run is helpful in controlling asthma

C.rapid industrialization and urbanization are the leading causes of asthma

D.once asthma attacks, it is too late to take medication

4.What is the purpose of this passage?

A.To explain the cause of asthma

B.To stress the importance of keeping away from asthma

C.To confirm a successful research about asthma

D.To inform readers several aspects about asthma


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年重庆市高三上学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Great pity! His illness is ________ the treatment available so far.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年陕西西安临潼区华清中学高三一模考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Whether you’re eating at a fancy restaurant or dining in someone’s home,proper table manners are likely to help you make a good impression.According to a US expert,Emily Post,“All rules of table manners are made to avoid ugliness.”

While Henry Hitchings of the Los Angeles Times admits that good manners can reduce social conflict,he points out that mostly their purpose is protective – they turn our natural warrior-like selves into more elegant ones.

So where did table manners come from?

In medieval England,a writer named Petrus Alfonsi took the lead to urge people not to speak with their mouths full.And King David I of Scotland also proposed that any of his people who learned to eat more neatly be given a tax deduction (减除).

Disappointingly,that idea never caught on.It was during the Renaissance,when there were real technical developments,opinions of correct behavior changed for good.“None of these was more significant than the introduction of the table fork,” wrote Hitchings.“Gradually,as forks became popular,they brought the new way of eating,making it possible,for instance,to consume berries without making one’s fingers dirty.”

Forks were introduced to Britain in 1608 and 25 years later,the first table fork reached America.Yet while most of the essentials (基本要素) are the same on both sides of the Atlantic,there are a few clear differences between what’s normal in the US and what holds true in the UK.For example,in the US,when food needs cutting with a knife,people generally cut a bite,then lay aside the knife and switch the fork to their right hand.Then they pick up one bite at a time.By contrast,Britons keep the fork in the left hand and don’t lay the knife down.

Though globalization has developed a new,simpler international standard of table manners,some people still stick with the American cut-and-switch method.The Los Angeles Times noted,“They are hanging on to a form of behavior that favors manners above efficiency.”

1.What does the story mainly talk about?

A.The importance of proper table manners.

B.The development of table manners in Western countries.

C.Some unwritten rules of table manners in the US and UK.

D.Differences between American and British table manners.

2.The underlined phrase “caught on” in the passage probably means ______.

A.worked in practice

B.became popular

C.drew attention

D.had a positive effect

3.Which of the following events influenced people’s table manners most according to the article?

A.The introduction of forks.

B.The tax deduction policy.

C.The rise of the Renaissance.

D.Petrus Alfonsi’s efforts in promoting table manners.

4.What can we conclude from the article?

A.British and American table manners are completely different from each other.

B.American people pay more attention to their table manners than British people do.

C.With globalization,the American cut-and-switch method has been abandoned in the US.

D.British people’s way of using a knife and fork may be more efficient than American people’s.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年辽宁省朝阳市三校协作体高三一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错



The news which the English Entrance Examination will be reformed has caused a big “earthquake” in our country.Many people, included students, are for it.But there are also some people are against it.Then, is it better to do so or not? Personally, I think the reform has between advantages and disadvantages.On the one hand, it can reduce students’ learn burden and enable English to return back to its true function.On the other hand, it will cause students to spend less time on studying English and to attached less importance to English.If so, students will not have a good knowledge of English.What’s more, if students don’t have so a good ability, they will not be able to broaden our horizon and meet the future challenges.

