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19.________ I can see,there is only one way to solve this problem.(  )
A.As far asB.Even ifC.As long asD.As soon as

分析 据我所见,解决这个问题的方法只有一个.

解答 答案A.
as far as"远到…;依照/据…",引导限制状语从句.even if"尽管,即使",引导让步状语从句;as long as"只要",引导条件状语从句.as soon as"一…就",引导时间状语从句.as far as I can see意思是"据我所见/以我来看",根据句子表达的意思可知答案选A.

点评 本题考查从属连词的用法.连词的用法辨析,要注意分析主从句之间的逻辑关系,再确定相应的连词,同时注意不同的连词的语义及用法区别.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Cost of American Wars
war namecost of the warcost as a percent of annual GDP
Revolutionary WarUS﹩2.2 billion(in 2002 dollars)63%
War of 1812US﹩1.1 billion13%
Mexican WarUS﹩1.6 billion3%
Civil WarUS﹩62 billion104%
Spanish American WarUS﹩9.6 billion3%
World War IUS﹩190.6 billion24%
World War IIUS﹩2.9 trillion103%
Korean WarUS﹩335.9 billion15%
Vietnam WarUS﹩494.3 billion12%
First Gulf WarUS﹩76.1 billion1%
billion 十亿     trillion 万亿

69.Which wars cost more than a year's worth of the GDP?B
A.First Gulf War and World War I.
B.The Civil War and World War II.
C.World War II and Revolutionary War.
D.Mexican War and Civil War.
70.The American annual gross domestic product in 1951wasA.
A.2.239trillion  B.2.9trillionC.3.25trillion  D.76.1billion
71.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?D
A.Mexican War cost more than War of 1812.
B.First Gulf War cost the least in term of the percentage of the annual of GDP.
C.World War II cost more than Korean War.
D.Mexican War cost as much money as Spanish American War.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.-I hope that you can remove the difference between you and Susan and become good friends.
-      If only Susan had the same idea.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Measures have been taken to solve the problem,but it may be some time ___________the situation improves.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.With a special train ticket,you can travel ______ you'd like to go in England for just over 100pounds.(  )
A.whatB.in whichC.whereD.which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.My dear girl,
The day you see I'm getting old,I ask you to please be patient,but most of all,try to understand what I'm going through.When we talk,I repeat the same thing a thousand times,don't interrupt(61)to say(say),"You said the same thing a minute ago'Just listen,please.Try to remember the times when you were little and I would read the same story night(62)afternight until you fell asleep.
When you see how ignorant I am(63)whenit comes to new technology,give me the time to learn
and don't look at me that way.Remember,honey,I patiently(64)taught(teach)you how to do many things like eating appropriately(恰当地)getting(65)dressed(dress) and dealing with life issues.The day you see I'm getting old,I ask you to please be patient,but most of all,try to understand what I'm getting through.
If I occasionally(偶尔)lose track of(66)what〔we're talking about,give me the time to remem her,and if I can't,don't be nervous or(67)impatient(patience).And when my old tired legs don't let
me move as(68)quickly(quick)as before,give me your hand the same way that I offered(69)mineto you when you first walked.When those days come,don't feel sad,and just be with me.I'11cherish and thank you for(70)the time and joy we shared.With a big smile and the hug love I've always had for you,I just want to say,"I love you,my darling daughter."


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.George has travelled a lot.He _______ speak four languages(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.The professor's lecture has left a deep___________ on me and up till now I can still remember every word of it.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Nicolai Calabria has already become one of the best 106-pound wrestlers.He has successfully climbed to the top of the highest mountain in Africa,and most importantly,he's changed the attitude of any normal person who watches him compete.
The 17-year-old teenager has one leg.He was born that way,but his goal is to show it's not the one thing that defines him.He would also be the first one to tell you that he just wants to prove to others and himself that he's just like other normal ones.
When Calabria was young,his parents tried different prostheses(假肢)to find out which was most comfortable for their son as he tried to keep up with a family,who has a preference for sports.
At first,the Calabrias had their middle child in a prosthesis that looked and functioned like a"real"leg,but soon they decided to choose a different path when they found it wasn't beneficial to his movement.Then the family moved him to arm crutches(手杖)and from there a new burst of energy was found.
Getting others to believe that he could take off on the soccer field took a little bit longer.When the Calabrias moved to Concord,they had a hard time convincing the town soccer program to allow a child like him to compete with able-bodied kids.After months and months of debates and meetings,the family received the answer they were looking for.Since then,witnessing a young man on crutches who competes against those with two legs has become a fixed event in the Concord community.
"At that time I had nothing but discouragement working with the soccer community,however,now I have nothing but admiration for the fact that he's been allowed to play,and people see that he adds value to game,"his father said."I just think it's a great result."

21.This passage shows us a boy with one legA.
A.can do what a normal teenager can
B.is realizing as many dreams as he can
C.can make a sport event more valuable
D.can add value to society
22.We can learn from Paragraph 5 thatB
A. Calabria proved to be the most excellent player of the team
B.it was not easy for Calabria to be accepted to the town soccer team
C.Calabria's parents didn't allow him to play soccer at first
D.there are some other disabled children in the soccer team
23.In Paragraph 5,the underlined part probably meansA
A.a must-see                       
B.a planned programme
C.an extra game                    
D.a special occasion
24.It is implied in the last paragraph that Nicolai's fatherC.
A.has been discouraged since Nicolai played soccer
B.thinks that Nicolai is playing a key role in the team
C.is very delighted that Nicolai can play soccer in the team
D.hasn't expected that Nicolai can be allowed to play soccer.

