精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

Some time ago I discovered that one of my chairs had a broken leg. I didn't think there would be any difficulty in getting it mended, as there are a whole lot of antique(古董)shops near my home. So I left home one morning carrying the chair with me. I went into the first shop expecting a friendly reception. I was quite wrong. The man wouldn't even look at my chair.
The second shop, though slightly more polite, was just the same, and the third and the fourth—so I decided that my approach must be wrong.
I entered the fifth shop with a plan in my mind. I placed the chair on the floor and said to the shopkeeper, “Would you like to buy a chair?” “Twenty pounds,” I said. “OK,” he said. “I'll give you twenty pounds.” “It's got a slightly broken leg,” I said. “Yes, I saw that. It's nothing.”
Everything was going according to the plan and I was getting excited. “What will you do with it?” I asked. “Oh, it will be easy to sell once the repair is done.” “I'll buy it,” I said. “What do you mean? You've just sold it to me,” he said. “Yes, I know but I've changed my mind. I am sorry. I'll give you twenty-seven pounds for it.” “You must be crazy,” he said. Then, suddenly the penny dropped. “I know what you want. You want me to repair your chair.” “You're right,” I said. “And what would you have done if I had walked in and said, ‘Would you mend this chair for me?’” “I wouldn't have agreed to do it,” he said. “We don't do repairs, not enough money in it and too much trouble. But I’ll mend this for you. Shall we say for a fiver?” He was a very nice man and was greatly amused by the whole thing.
(1)We can learn from the text that in the first shop the writer.
A.was rather impolite
B.was warmly received
C.asked the shopkeeper to buy his chair
D.asked the shopkeeper to repair his chair
(2)The underlined word “approach” in the second paragraph means .
A.plan for dealing with things
B.decision to sell tings
C.idea of repairing things
D.way of doing things
(3)The expression “the penny dropped” in the last paragraph means the shopkeeper .
A.changed his mind
B.accepted the offer
C.saw the writer's purpose
D.decided to help the writer
(4)How much did the writer pay?
A.£ 5.
B.£ 7.
C.£ 20.
D.£ 27.
(5)From the text, we can learn that the writer was .

(3)推理判断题。开始店主不明白作者为什么要花钱买回刚卖掉的椅子,但他很快醒过神来,从最后一段倒数第五行 “I know what you want.” 可知店主已知道作者的意图。
(4)细节理解题。从最后一段倒数第二句话Shall we say for a fiver? “咱们讲好,要付五英镑。”fiver是口语用法,意为“五英镑”。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—I may find a better job if I go abroad.

---Don’t be silly. ________,you know.

A. Actions speak louder than words.

B. Everyone has his feet of clay

C. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

D. A great hope makes a great man.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Anyone who has had a long-term disease knows that recovering at home can be lonely. This can be 1 (especial) true of children. They may feel 2 (leave) out. Now, these children may have a high-tech friend to help fed less alone. A small robot may help children who are recovering from long-term illnesses. The robot like human beings takes their place at school. And their school friends must help carry the robot between classes and place the robot on their desks.

Through the robot, a child can hear his or her teachers and friends. He or she can also attend classes from wherever they are recovering—whether at home 3 from a hospital bed. Dolva, one of the scientists who 4 (be) concentrating on developing the robot, explains 5 the robot AVI works. She says from home, the child uses a tablet or phone to start the robot, 6 (use) the same device, he or she can control the robot’s movements. Inside the robots there is a small computer linked 7 a 4G network. The robot is 8 (equip) with speakers, microphones and cameras, 9 makes communicating 10 (easy). So it’s the eyes and the cars and the voices at school. Hopefully AVI will help some children feel less lonely while they are absent from class.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Imagine looking f or your lost dog. You step into a cave. But instead of the dog, you find beautiful cave paintings. You see paintings of horses, deer, and bison drawn in black, brown, red and yellow. Your first question would probably be“Who did this? ”
This is what happened to four French boys in 1940. They found the Lascaux caves. The paintings the boys discovered in those caves are about 17, 000 years old. They were drawn by the ancient people called Cro-Magnon(克鲁马努人).
Cro-Magnons looked much like people of today. They used tools, such as fishing nets. But their art was extremely good. The main cave at Lascaux is called Great Hall of Bulls, which has a picture of bulls and horses in many colours. The largest animal is 18 feet long. There are smaller animals, such as bison, stags and a bear. There is also a strange spotted two-horned(两只角的)animal.
To the left of the main cave are the most famous paintings that are the drawings of animals in many different colours. One painting is called Little Horses. On the ceiling are horses and cows. The most unusual sight may be in the Shaft of the Dead Man where there is a rhinoceros, a carefully drawn dead man, an injured bison and a bird.
Why did Cro-Magnon artists do these beautiful drawings on cave walls? Did the drawings call upon some magic power? Did the Cro-Magnon people hope that the drawings would bring good luck? There is one thing the paintings seem to tell us. The Cro-Magnons were interested in the world. They looked at beauty and they understood it.
(1)The author uses the word“you”in Paragraph 1 to_________.
A.attract readers’ attention
B.make it clear that this is a true story
C.give readers good directions to find the caves
D.compare modern people wit h Cro-Magnon people
(2)Most of the drawings in the caves are about_________.
(3)What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.Cave paintings are beautiful.
B.Who found the beautiful cave paintings.
C.The Lascaux caves hold colourful ancient paintings.
D.Drawings of horses are on the walls of the Lascaux cav es.
(4)The passage is most probably taken from_________.
A.a research paper
B.a cultural magazine
C.a science newspaper
D.a travel guide


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Buy One Give One

Buy One Give One (BIG1) is a Singapore-based business and non-profit organization with a job to create a world full of giving. We help businesses around the world give back in meaningful ways so that they can create measurable and long-lasting influence. Since 2007, we have worked with more than 1,600 businesses creating more than 88 million giving activities.

Our business allows consumers, who may feel disconnected from the problems of the developing world, to become involved in social problems while still purchasing (购买)tor themselves. For example, shoe brands like TOMS promise to donate one pair of shoes for every pair purchased. Soapbox gives soap to a needy child with every purchase. Watch company WeWood plants a tree every time you buy a watch. They have helped socially-conscious consumers purchase products and feel good about providing help to others.

See what some of our members say about being a part of BIG1.

*Karen Ormerod

Every product purchased at our store influences the lives of disadvantaged people in the world. I had never imagined I would be operating a business that could change people’s lives. We are making a real difference by just doing what normally do. It is a wonderful experience.

*Ben Baker

What a good way of giving resources to where they need to be giving people the gifts of giving, and adding value to organizations along the wav. We have already made 160,000 giving activities through BIGI. Giving has become a necessary part of our everyday business. It's truly brilliant.

BIGI focuses on the influence of giving on people's lives rather than simply the amounts donated. Our programs stress giving habitually in order to create growing influence around the world. When you join the BIGI giving program, you create your own unique giving stories.

We do hope you can become a member of us! .

1According to the passage, what does BIGI do?

A. Donate the profits to the people in need.

B. Give away something extra when a product is sold. .

C. Help consumers purchase their favorite products.

D. Instruct owners how to operate businesses effectively.

2How do the members feel about themselves as a part of BIG1?

A. Proud. B. Confident.

C. Generous. D. Energetic.

3What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To describe the gifts BIGI gives.

B. To promote the products BIGI sells.

C. To invite businesses to B1G1.

D. To introduce the activities BIGI involves.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Nowadays there are some students use cellphones to copy teachers’ lecture notes. They think that taking notes with cellphones instead of by the hand can save time, that can be used in studies.

In my opinion, cellphones are either good nor bad. It depend on how we use it. We should make properly use of cellphones. Cellphones are much easy for us to copy notes and more convenient to search what we need. However, we should remember that cellphones in the classroom can lead to lazy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1 汉语是一种古老而美丽的语言,世界上大约有1/5的人在使用汉语。
2 汉语的书面语和口语有些不同,但如果你会讲普通话,在中国你就能和他人进行很好地交流。
Boys and girls,
Nice to meet you! Today I'm very pleased to introduce to you my mother language ,Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1The course aims to develop the children’s understanding and _____ (欣赏,鉴赏)of classical music.

2He o____ his shyness and went on stage to perform a song.

3Some children get a _____ (内疚)conscience about not learning enough lessons.

4It is considered good ____ (礼貌)in some countries to leave a little food on your plate.

5The reason why her novels enjoy great popularity among readers is that all the stories are a ____ in everyday experience.

6“How did he r____ to the news?” the manager asked earnestly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 中国的首都,是政治、经济、文化中心;

2. 主要景点有长城世界上最长的人工建筑)、故宫(世界最大、最完整的木质古建筑)颐和园(园林杰作等,它们均被列入了世界遗产名录。

注意:1. 词数100左右(开头已给出,但不计入总词数);

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 参考词汇杰作 masterpiece;故宫 the Imperial Palace;颐和园 the Summer Palace;世界遗产名录 the World Heritage List。

Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to Beijing.


