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VI. 智力测试(IQ(共5小题,计5分)


106. What number should replace the question mark?

107. One letter in each word of a well-known saying has been changed. What is the saying?

                TAPE TIE PULL MY TOE CORNS

108. What letter should replace the question mark?


109. Tom beats Joe at pool (落袋台球戏) but loses to Sue. Hilary usually wins against Joe, sometimes against Tom, but never against Sue. Who is the weakest player?


 is to as is to: ________ .

106. 30. (7×4+2=30)

107. Take the bull by the horns.

108. O. (Opposite letters are the same number of letters from the beginning and end of the alphabet respectively.)

109. Joe.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

  Maggie was assigned to this public school in the middle of the year, and the headmaster asked her to teach Class 4?B right away. She heard that the former teacher had  1 suddenly, but the headmaster didn't tell her  2 .All he told her was that this was a class of “ 3 ” students.?

  First day, she walked into the classroom, spitballs(废纸团) 4 through the air, feet on desks, the noise deafening. She walked to the front of the classroom and  5 the attendance book(点名册).Next to 20 names on the list was IQ scores: 140,141, 142...160.Oh,she thought to herself. 6 they are so high-spirited. These children have exceptional IQs. She  7 and brought them to order,?8 that she could teach such high-quality students.?

  At first Maggie found the students 9 to turn in work, and assignments(作业)that were handed in were done ?10?,full of mistakes. She spoke to everyone, “With your IQ,I 11 nothing short of the best work from you.”?

  The whole term Maggie continually 12 them of their responsibility to use all the extra intelligence(智力)God had given them. Things began to  13 .The children worked diligently. Their work was creative and precise(准确的).?

  At the end of the term, the headmaster 14 Maggie into his office. “What magic have you done to these kids?” he asked?15 ,“Their work has surpassed(超越) all the regular classes.”?

  “It is just 16 .They're smarter than regular students! You said yourself they are special students.” Maggie was 17 .?

  “I said they are special because they are the special-need students—behaviorally disordered.”?

  “Then why are their IQs so _18 on the attendance sheet?” Maggie pulled out the sheet and passed it to the headmaster.?

  “Those aren't their IQs. Those are their locker(小橱柜) 19 at the gym. Sorry, Ms. Maggie, your kids are not geniuses(天才).”?

  Maggie paused a bit, and smiled, “if someone  20 himself to be a genius, he will become one. I'm teaching them as geniuses again next year.”?

1.A.left               B. dismissed

C. disappeared           D.stopped

2. A. how                B. when?

C. who                  D. why

3. A. naughty             B. common?

C. special                D. poor

4. A. throwing             B. going?

C. flying                 D. coming

5. A. closed               B. opened?

C. checked               D. found

6. A. No wonder           B. It's because?

C. Not at all               D. No way

7. A. wondered           B. smiled?

C. calmed                D. waved

8.A. grateful              B. angry ?

C. pitiful                 D. doubtful

9. A. delayed             B. managed?

C. hesitated              D. failed

10. A. hurriedly            B. carelessly?

C. carefully               D. attentively

11. A. suppose            B. expect?

C. imagine               D. suggest

12. A. reminded           B. warned?

C. scolded               D. told

13. A. turn               B. happen?

C. change               D. end

14. A. led               B. showed?

C. ordered               D. called

15. A. angrily             B. excitedly?

C. hopefully             D. calmly

16. A. natural             B. right?

C. fine               D. possible

17. A. disappointed           B. encouraged?

C. surprised             D. pleased

18. A. low               B. much?

C. high                 D. many

19. A. numbers             B. orders?

C. lists                 D. keys

20. A. wishes              B. believes?

C. trains                D. helps


科目:高中英语 来源:必修一全优英语外研版 外研版 题型:055











科目:高中英语 来源:重庆市2010届高三下学期第二次质量检测试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解



Does your older brother think he’s cleverer than you ? Well, he’s probably right. According to a new research published in the journal Intelligence, the oldest children in families are likely to have the highest IQs and the youngest the lowest ,

A number of studies have suggested that IQ scores decline with birth order. In the most recent study, at Vrije University, Amsterdam,researchers looked at men and women whose IQ had been tested at the ages of 5,12 ,and 18.

The results , which show a trend for the oldest to score better than the youngest in each test, involved about 200,000people. That showed that first-borns had a three-point IQ advantage over the second-born, who was a point ahead of the next in line.

The order of birth can also affect personality, achievement, and career, with first-borns being more academically successful and more likely to win Nobel prizes. However,eldset children are less likely to be radical and pioneering . Charles Darwin, for example, was the fifth child of six.

Exactly why there should be such differences is not clear, and there are a number of theories on environmental influences on the child.

The so-called dilution(稀释法) theory suggests that as family resources, both emotional and physical, as well as economic, are limited, it follows that, as a result , as more children come along, the levels of parental attention and encouragement will drop. Another theory is that the intellectual(智力) environment in the family favors the first-born who has, at least for some time, the benefit of individual care and help.

The theory which enjoys the most support is that the extra time and patience that the earlier-borns get from their parents, compared with those arriving later, gives them an advantage.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.IQ scores have little to do with the order of birth.

B.Intellectual families favor the first-born

C.The order of birth can have an effect on IQ

D.The order of birth can affect personality, achievement, and carrer.

2.By using Charles Darwin as an example, the author wants to prove that         

A.eldest children are the smartest in a family

B.youngest children will usually become experts

C.first-borns are more likely to win Nobel prizes

D.eldest children are less likely to try something new

3.What do we know about the dilution theory?

A.Intellectual parents love the first –born better

B.Parents’ attention will drop with more children coming

C.Family resources,both emotional and physical are endless.

D.First-born get less care and help from their parents.

4.The passage is developed mainly by         

A.offering opinion with further explanation

B.pointing out similarities and difference

C.comparing opinions from different fields

D.providing typical examples



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

VI. 智力测试(IQ (共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

回答下列问题。(Answer the following questions.)

96. What number should replace the question mark?

       21, 20, 18, 15, 11,     ?    

97. Have a look at these strange watches. By cracking the logic which connects them you should be able to work out what time should be shown on the face of the fifth watch.

98. Spell out a 7-letter word by using each letter only once.

99. Four girls have a basket with four apples in it. How can you divide the apples so that each girl gets a whole apple and one still remains in the basket?

100. What is that which has a mouth, but never speaks, and a bed, but never sleeps in it?

