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    A few months ago,when I was reading a story to my 4-year-old granddaughter,she looked away and said that my breath was terrible. I didn't think much of it until it happened again the next week,and it wasn't long after I had brushed my teeth.

    I've always kept up with oral hygiene(口腔卫生) ,so bad breath wasn't something that plagued me. I didn't notice it myself,but I asked my dentist about it soon after. According to him,bad breath is very common among old people. One of the major problems is that less saliva (唾液) is produced as we get older,which helps clean our mouth.

    In the past,V ve used plenty of products that I thought would help with bad breath,but I didn't understand the real problem. Most ordinary mouthwashes that promise to kill bacteria(细菌) and give you fresh breath contain alcohol(酒精)    They help fight bacteria,but it's only about an hour before your breath starts to stink(发臭) again. Even worse,the alcohol dries out your mouth,actually causing bad breath.

      My dentist suggested an alcohol-free mouthwash. I did some research,and then tried a few products. SmartMouth Advanced Clinical Formula offered all of the advantages I was looking for,including a promise of 12 hours of fresh breath every time I used the product. It is alcohol-free,so it doesn ’t dry my mouth,but it still kills bacteria.

     I knew SmartMouth was unusual because it was the only mouthwash on the shelf that came in a box,with two bottles inside. You combine the two in one cup right before using: that's what makes it so different from other mouthwashes. It does provide long-lasting fresh breath. This step “activates” the mouthwash,and the results speak for themselves. My granddaughter lovingly tells me that I'm no longer stinky.

1. While the author was reading to her granddaughter, .

   A. a bad tooth was almost killing her

   B. something was wrong with her breath

   C. she kept making some stupid mistakes

   D. she found the story was difficult to understand

2. The underlined word “plagued” in Paragraph 2

probably means “

   A. worried              B. amazed

   C. satisfied             D. fooled

3. Different from most ordinary mouthwashes, SmartMouth.

   A. is too expensive for the author

   B. dries the author' s mouth quickly

   C. does not contain any alcohol

   D. comes with a big bottle inside

4. What does the author think of her dentist's suggestion?

   A. She is doubtful of it.

   B. She thinks it is helpful.

   C. She thinks nothing of it.

   D. She is uncertain about it.

5. What is the purpose of this text?

   A. To tell an interesting story.

   B. To report a research result.

   C. To introduce a dentist.

   D. To suggest a product.

1.B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D

1.B. 细节理解题。由第一段中的 she ... said that my breath was terrible 可知,作者在给孙女讲故事的时候,孙 女说自己有口臭,故选B项。

2. A. 词义猜测题。由该词前的I've always kept up with oral hygiene 可知, 作者经常保持口腔卫生,所以从未担心自己会得口臭,故选A项。

3. C. 细节理解题。由第三段中的Most ordinary mouthwashes ... contain alcohol ordinary mouthwashes …contain alcohol

和第四段中的It is alcohol-free可知, SmartMouth这款产品不含酒精,故选C项。

4. B.推理判断题。由最后一段中的It does provide long-lasting fresh breath I和 My granddaughter lovingly tells me that I'm no longer stinky 可 A.作者会 认为医生的建议很有帮助,故选B项。

5. D.写作目的题。作者通过讲述自己 治疗口臭的经历,旨在向我们推荐一 款产品,即SmartMouth ,故选D项。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课标 > 第45期2015-2016年高一新课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

          I rented a car yesterday and drove about 5C miles from Paris to Chartres. The area around Chartres is very flat. That's probably 1. it was built here. At first,I wasn’t sure 2. I should take a guided tour of the cathedral(大教堂) .I like to wander around on my own. But this time I decided to go for it,and I'm really glad that I did — the guide was excellent!She talked a lot about 3. the cathedral was built — it was begun before 1200 — and told us 4. the building materials came from. Some of the stone was transported from hundreds of miles away — I’ 11 never understand 5. they managed to do that.

           6. designed the cathedral isn't known.It is clear 7. in those days architecture(建筑艺术) was a  cooperative(合作的) effort. She also gave us some idea of 8. conditions were like for the builders. It sounds like an extremely hard life. I thought 9.  the stained-glass windows were impressive. After the tour,I looked again at my guidebook and noticed 10. it mentioned the climb” up the north tower,so off I went. For me it was a long,exhausting climb,and there were times when I didn’ t know 11. r  d make it. The great view was certainly worth the effort when I got to the top.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

How parents can help children with reading skills 

     Making sure that your children read well can help them perform better in school and increase their confidence in their ability to communicate well. The following ways can be very helpful.

Have your children read to you

      Have your children choose their favorite book and sit down to read with you each evening. 36 It doesn't matter whether that starts after dinner or around the time your children go to sleep.

Stock:(储备) your house with reading materials.

         37 It is reported that children who have different kinds of books and magazines to choose from at home actually score higher on standardized tests.

37 It is reported that children who have different kinds of books and magazines to choose from at home actually score higher on standardized tests.


     Researchers suggest having your children read signs on the road,menus,game directions,movie listings and other daily things. This will help your children try to understand the importance and applicability(适用性) of being

able to read well.

Pay attention to reading problems.

     See how well your children can sound out words,understand what they have read and use reading context (上下文) to understand the meaning of new words. 39 For example,you can take them to reading learning centers.

Use other reading tools.

         40 Take games as an example,try to use them as much as you can,since they can make children look forward to and enjoy the process (过程) of improving their reading ability.

   A. Read wherever it is possible.

   B. Takeyourchildrentoalibrary.

   C. Make reading an important part of each day.

   D. Keep some reading materials available in your house. 

   E. Games,textbooks and books on tape are good choices.

   F. If your children have difficulty reading,get them some help.

   G. You should watch your children’s progress with their reading skills.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. Although he is one of China's most famous scientists,Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer for he works the land to do his research. (P10)


①本句是 4一个主从复合句。

Although 引导  从句,主句是由for连接的并列句。





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. The football team (is / are) having baths and (is / are) then coming back for tea. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. 这本书是专为第一年学习英语的青年人用的。

The book     youngsters in their first year of learning English.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. As we all know,metals e when they are heated.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. Mike hoped to r his weight from 98 to 92 kilos.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. (fortunate) , I didn't have cash on meor I'd certainly have bought it.

