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Do be careful while crossing the street. If not you may get _______ by a 
passing car. 



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

February 28th, 2009 2:54 am GMT

I have to say that am shocked at just how bad the new music is. This cannot be the same band that produced great albums such as HTDAAB and ATYCLB! This is awful! They either do not care anymore, or have completely lost it. I never thought U2 would become irrelevant, but they have officially become one of those bands that you will now say, “Remember when they were great?”

----- Posted by Ronald Harris

February 28th, 2009 8:29 pm GMT

Total drivel, Mr Harris. The new album is great, far better than the safe, cynical HTDAAB and ATYCLB. U2 have become inventive again, like they were in the 1990s. thank goodness!

----- Posted by Dan

March 3rd, 2009 12:09 pm GMT

Agree, Dan. The new album is the best since Actung Baby. Magnificent is an anthem in the waiting, Breathe is unbelievable, and Stand Up Comedy is absolutely outstanding----- to name just three! Loving the new sound, pure class as usual.

----- Posted by Martin

March 4th, 2009 7:43 pm GMT

Totally agree with you guys. This album is unbelievable. Breathe is definitely a great song, same with Moment of Surrender. I bet their upcoming tour will be amazing. If you haven’t bought the CD yet, you should. I bought mine on Amozon.com for $3.99. I couldn’t believe it.

----- Posted by Josh Briggs

According to Ronald Harris, U2’s new album is _________.

A. pretty good    B. so bad    C. the same as before    D. completely fresh

whose comment is contrary to the others?

A. Martin’s     B. Dan’s       C. Josh Briggs’      D. Ronald Harris’

Martin and Josh Briggs both like the song _________.

A. Magnificent    B. Moment of Surrender    C. Breathe     D. Stand Up Comedy

Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?

A. Most fans felt disappointed at the new album.

B. The new album is available on the Internet.

C. The people who made comments are fans of U2.

D. U2’s upcoming tour may be a great success.

The passage is most probably from ________.

A. a concert poster     B. a TV review     C. a newspaper     D. the Internet


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省云峰中学09-10学年度高二下学期3月月考试英语 题型:完型填空

“Hi, Mommy, what are you doing?” asked Susie, who was only six years old. “I’m making a casserole(炖锅菜) for Mrs. Smith next door, __36__ Mrs. Smith is very sad. She lost her daughter and has a __37__ heart. We need to take care of her a little while.” Said her mother. “ Why, Mommy?” 
“You see, Susie, when someone is very, very sad, they have __38__ doing the little things like making dinner or other housework. Because we’re __39__ of a community and Mrs. Smith won’t ever be able to talk with her daughter or hug(拥抱) her. You are a very __40__ girl, Susie; maybe you’ll think of __41__ way to help take care of Mrs. Smith.”
Susie thought __42__ about this challenge and how she could do her __43__ on caring for Mrs. Smith. A few minutes later, Susie knocked on her door. After a few moments, Mrs. Smith __44__ the knock with a “Hi, Susie.”
Susie noticed that Mrs. Smith didn’t have that familiar musical __45__ about her voice when she __46__ someone.
“What can I do for you, Susie?” asked Mrs. Smith.
“My mommy says that you lost your daughter and you’re very, very sad with a broken heart.” Susie __47__ her hand out shyly. In it was a Band-Aid. “This is for your broken heart.” Mrs. Smith knelt down and hugged Susie. Through her __48__ she said, “Thank you, darling girl, this will __49__ a lot.”
Mrs. Smith __50__ Susie’s act of kindness and took it one step __51__. She bought a small key ring with a picture frame(框架) ---- the ones __52__ to carry keys and display a family __53__ at the same time. Mrs. Smith placed Susie’s Band-Aid in the frame to __54__ her to heal a little every time she sees it. It has become her symbol(象征) for healing, while not __55__ the joy and love she experienced with her daughter.
36. A. although      B. because      C. when D. so
37. A. broken  B. absent C. sick    D. gentle
38. A. trouble B. time    C. interest       D. danger
39. A. owners        B. whole C. part    D. relatives
40. A. naughty       B. little   C. pretty  D. smart
41. A. the other      B. the very     C. our     D. some
42. A. seriously      B. deeply C. much        D. little
43. A. job       B. work   C. part    D. deed
44. A. replied  B. answered to      C. greeted       D. responded
45. A. sound   B. quality       C. gift     D. note
46. A. praised B. helped C. greeted       D. saw
47. A. gave     B. set      C. took    D. held
48. A. tears     B. sadness       C. excitement  D. glasses
49. A. do B. care    C. mean  D. help
50. A. refused B. accepted     C. received     D. took
51. A. more    B. forward      C. further       D. ahead
52. A. made    B. bought       C. invented     D. designed
53. A. photo   B. scene  C. gathering   D. life
54. A. force    B. remind       C. get      D. advise
55. A. forgetting    B. missing      C. losing D. remembering


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届山东省淄博市重点中学高三上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

February 28th, 2009 2:54 am GMT
I have to say that am shocked at just how bad the new music is. This cannot be the same band that produced great albums such as HTDAAB and ATYCLB! This is awful! They either do not care anymore, or have completely lost it. I never thought U2 would become irrelevant, but they have officially become one of those bands that you will now say, “Remember when they were great?”
----- Posted by Ronald Harris
February 28th, 2009 8:29 pm GMT
Total drivel, Mr Harris. The new album is great, far better than the safe, cynical HTDAAB and ATYCLB. U2 have become inventive again, like they were in the 1990s. thank goodness!
----- Posted by Dan
March 3rd, 2009 12:09 pm GMT
Agree, Dan. The new album is the best since Actung Baby. Magnificent is an anthem in the waiting, Breathe is unbelievable, and Stand Up Comedy is absolutely outstanding----- to name just three! Loving the new sound, pure class as usual.
----- Posted by Martin
March 4th, 2009 7:43 pm GMT
Totally agree with you guys. This album is unbelievable. Breathe is definitely a great song, same with Moment of Surrender. I bet their upcoming tour will be amazing. If you haven’t bought the CD yet, you should. I bought mine on Amozon.com for $3.99. I couldn’t believe it.
----- Posted by Josh Briggs
【小题1】According to Ronald Harris, U2’s new album is _________.

A.pretty goodB.so badC.the same as beforeD.completely fresh
【小题2】 whose comment is contrary to the others?
A.Martin’sB.Dan’sC.Josh Briggs’D.Ronald Harris’
【小题3】Martin and Josh Briggs both like the song _________.
A.MagnificentB.Moment of SurrenderC.BreatheD.Stand Up Comedy
【小题4】 Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?
A.Most fans felt disappointed at the new album.
B.The new album is available on the Internet.
C.The people who made comments are fans of U2.
D.U2’s upcoming tour may be a great success.
【小题5】The passage is most probably from ________.
A.a concert posterB.a TV reviewC.a newspaperD.the Internet


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学江苏省年高一上学期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Few people realize that there is a big difference between formal English and informal English. Formal English is used for most writing, and often in public speaking and formal meetings. It pays close attention to grammar rules, because if we use proper grammar, our meaning is often more precise. Also, on important occasions, we do not want to appear uneducated or to offend (冒犯) others, so we are very careful about how we speak. Informal English is used in speaking or writing to our friends and family. It often does not pay such close attention to grammar rules, because when we speak or write to them, we want our words to flow quickly. Also, with our friends and family, we are usually not so worried about appearing uneducated or about offending them by how we write or speak.

A big difference between formal and informal English is the use of contractions. A contraction is where we make a word shorter or where we put two words together and take away some of the letters. For example, instead of saying “do not”, many people say “don’t”. Using contractions in our speech is fine because it sounds natural, especially when we speak to our friends. In formal writing, however, contractions are usually avoided because people might think that you have made a mistake, or that you do not know proper grammar.

In the same way we might make words shorter, in informal English we often make sentences shorter as well. For example, if someone asks you your name, you will likely answer with one word: your first name. However, in formal English we usually use complete sentences. For example, we might write “My name is John”. In most speaking, we may not need to use every word in a sentence because the person we are speaking to will probably still understand us. In most writing, however, every word in a sentence must be written out in order to make sure that we can be understood.

1.When we use formal English, _______.

A.we will offend others

B.we will appear educated on important occasions

C.we needn’t pay more attention to grammar rules

D.we can express ourselves more directly and more quickly

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “precise”?

A.clear             B.direct            C.puzzling           D.simple

3.Contractions are best used when we are _______.

A.speaking at a formal meeting               B.speaking in public

C.speaking to our friends                   D.writing an application (申请) letter

4.In speaking, we do not always use complete sentences because ______.

A.we do not care about grammar             B.we do not want to sound stupid

C.we can still be understood                D.we don’t want to waste time



科目:高中英语 来源:天津市2010届高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解


    In the college-admissions wars, we parents are the true fighters. We’re pushing our kids to get good grades, take SAT preparatory courses and build resumes so they can get into the college of our first choice. I’ve twice been to the wars, and as I survey the battlefield, something different is happening. We see our kids’ college background as a prize demonstrating how well we’ve raised them. But we can’t acknowledge that our obsession(痴迷) is more about us than them. So we’ve created various justifications(辩解)that turn out to be half-truths, prejudices or myths. It actually doesn’t matter much whether Aaron and Nicole go to Stanford.

We have a full-developed panic; we worry that there won’t be enough prizes to go around. Fearful parents urge their children to apply to more schools than ever. What causes the hysteria(歇斯底里) is the belief that scarce elite(精英)degrees must be highly valuable. Their graduates must enjoy more success because they get a better education and develop better contacts. All seems right but mostly wrong. We haven’t found any convincing evidence that selectivity or prestige matters. Selective schools don’t systematically employ better instructional approaches than less selective schools. On two measures—professors’ feedback and the number of essay exams selective schools do slightly worse.

By some studies, selective schools do enhance(提高) their graduates’ lifetime earnings. The gain is reckoned at 2-4% for every 100-point increase in a school’s average SAT scores. But even this advantage is probably a statistical fluke(偶然). A well-known study examined students who got into highly selective schools and then went elsewhere. They earned just as much as graduates from higher-status schools.

Kids count more than their colleges. Getting into Yale may signify intelligence, talent and ambition. But it’s not the only indicator and, surprisingly, its significance is declining. The reason: so many similar people go elsewhere. Getting into college is not life’s only competition. In the next competition—the job market and graduate school—the results may change. Princeton economist Alan Krueger studied admissions to one top Ph.D. program. High scores on the GRE helped explain who got in; degrees of famous universities didn’t.

So, parents, take it easy(lighten up). The stakes (利害关系) have been vastly exaggerated. Up to a point, we can rationalize our pushiness. America is a competitive society; our kids need to adjust to that. But too much pushiness can be destructive. The very ambition we impose on our children may get some into Harvard but may also set them up for disappointment. One study found that, other things being equal, graduates of highly selective schools experienced more job dissatisfaction. They may have been so conditioned to being on top that anything less disappoints.

1. Why does the author say that parents are the true fighters in the college-admissions wars?

         A. They have the final say in which university their children are to attend.

         B. They know best which universities are most suitable for their children.

         C. They have to carry out intensive surveys of colleges before children make an application.

         D. They care more about which college their children go to than the children themselves.

2. Why do parents urge their children to apply to more schools than ever?

         A. They want to increase their children’s chances of entering a prestigious college.

         B. They hope their children can enter a university that offers attractive scholarships.

         C. Their children will have a wider choice of which college to go to.

         D. Elite universities now enroll fewer student than they used to.

3. What does the author mean by “kids count more than their colleges” Line1, para.4?

         A. Continuing education is more important to a person’s success.

         B. A person’s happiness should be valued more than their education.

         C. Kids’ actual abilities are more important than their college background.

         D. What kids learn at college cannot keep up with job market requirements.

4. What does Krueger’s study tell us?

         A. Getting into Ph.D. programs may be more competitive than getting into college.

         B. Degrees of prestigious universities do not guarantee entry to graduate programs.

         C. Graduates from prestigious universities do not care much about their GRE scores.

         D. Connections built in prestigious universities may be kept long after graduation.

5. One possible result of pushing children into elite universities is that______

         A. they earn less than their peers from other institutions  

         B. they turn out to be less competitive in the job market

         C. they experience more job dissatisfaction after graduation 

         D. they overemphasize their qualifications in job application


