精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
15.-What makes your sister,unhappy?
-the ping-pang match.(  )

分析 --什么事使得你妹妹不开心?

解答 答案是A.本题考查动名词做主语;题干中是省略的回答,完整的句子是______ the ping-pang match makes my sister unhappy;可见句子需要的是主语,只有动名词losing可以做主语;过去分词不做主语,排除B;谓语动词不做主语,排除C和D;故选A.

点评 首先判断选项中的动词在句中是以谓语还是非谓语形式出现,然后根据选项在句中的功能结合非谓语的基本用法做出合理的判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5."Dad!He took a book without paying!"I yelled.
My father looked surprised.Before the boy could say anything,his mother grabbed his arm and shook it."Is it true?You stole?Tell me!"
Everyone was quiet.The boy began to cry,and he nodded his head.He pulled out the comic book (漫画书) from under his shirt.
"Oh,Mr.Kim.I am sorry!My Ted made a big mistake!"Mrs.Diaz told my father.She tried to take the comic book,but Ted wouldn't let go.
"It's OK.He can keep it,"my father said with a smile.
"Oh no,"Mrs.Diaz said."Let me pay right now…"She dug in her purse."How much?"
"Three seventy-five."
Mrs.Diaz's eyes widened,and she dug deeper.I saw her mouth make a small line."Three seventy-five?"she asked.
"It's OK.You can pay later,"my father said.
"No,"Mrs.Diaz said.She kept looking in her purse."I have money here."
I felt bad for yelling,for I realized that Ted had tried to steal the comic book because he didn't have the money.Maybe the boy could have a job,I thought.
I had an idea.
"What if he worked with me?"I asked.They turned to me.
I said,"He can work with me to pay for the comic book."
"Good,"my father said smiling at me.Mrs.Diaz nodded.She turned to her son,"You hear?You will work and buy the comic book!"
"Yes,Mama,"Ted said,hanging his head.
As they left,Ted looked back,and though he still seemed sad,he stuck out (伸出) his tongue at me.
Ted has been working here for two weeks.He has paid for the comic book,but my father says he is such a good worker that he can work with me as long as he wants.We are friends now.
33.Where did the story most probably take place?D
A.In a classroom.
B.In a supermarket.
C.At a library.   
D.At a bookstore.
34.By saying"but Ted wouldn't let go"in Paragraph 4,the author means TedB.
A.took the book by mistake      
B.wanted to keep the book
C.didn't want to go home 
D.didn't think he was wrong
35.From the underlined sentences in the eighth paragraph,we may infer that Mrs.DiazA.
A.couldn't afford to pay for the book
B.had been out of work for a long time
C.forgot to take money with her that day
D.didn't think her son stole the book.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

6.Last evening,I went to teahouse with my best friend Susan.Before the tea was serving,we talked to each other happily.When the waiter went to us with the tea,we didn't see him.Unfortunately,Susan rose her hand to comb her hair just while the waiter bent to put the plate on the table.His hand hit the cup,and the tea was spattered (溅) on her trousers.In my surprise,instead of complaining,Susan smiled,"So lucky that it's not on my shirt,and I can't even clean it."Her words were very inspired.We can't foresee what will happen,but looking at it in a positive way can let us happy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.As US President Barack Obama _____London,fresh figures showed US house prices were falling at their fastest pace on record.(  )
A.set up forB.set intoC.set off forD.set down to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.She's the student ________ handwriting is the best in my class.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.I will tell a story about a man and a woman who live in the same neighborhood.The woman is interested in the man.She uses many methods to catch his eye,or to get him to notice her.Once he sets eyes on her,or sees her,she might try to get him interested in her by being playful.In other words,she might try to make eyes at him or give him the eye.
Let us suppose that this man gets hit between the eyes.In other words,the woman has a strong effect on him.He wants to spend time with her to get to know her better.He asks her out on a date.She is so happy that she may walk around for days with stars in her eyes.She is extremely happy because this man is the apple of her eye.
On their date,the couple might eat a meal together at a restaurant.If the man is really hungry,his eyes might be bigger than his stomach.He might order more food than he can eat.When his food arrives at the table,his eyes might pop out.He might not even believe his own eyes when he sees the amount of food provided.
During their dinner,the couple might discuss many things.They might find that they see eye to eye.For example,they might agree that every crime or injury should be punished.That is,they strongly believe in the idea of an eye for an eye.They might also agree that it is wrong to pull the wool over a person's eyes.This means to try to trick a person by making him believe something that is false.

54.What's the writer's purpose in writing this passage?C
A.To show us the right ways to look at other people.
B.To tell us an interesting story between a man and a woman
C.To introduce some English expressions related to the word"eye".
D.To explain why the word"eye"has so many different meanings.
55.According to the passage,if we say that someone has stars in his/her eyes,we mean he/she isC.
A.angry     B.worried     C.happy   D.disappointed
56.By saying the man's eyes might pop out,the writer wants to show that the manA.
A.is really hungry               B.might be surprised
C.eats like a horse               D.likes wasting money
57.If we say that two people see eye to eye,we probably mean theyA.
A.share the same opinions         B.look like each other
C.don't get along well            D.like each other.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.The second he heard the news,a(n) ______ of surprise appeared on his face.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.Whatever you do wrong,your mother will forgive you,which doesn't mean you can do anything without limits.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.A man was selling medicine at a fair(集市).At first he sold bottles of a cure(药剂)for colds for just a dollar a bottle.
Many people wanted to buy it and the man's young assistant moved quickly through the crowd collecting money and handing out bottles of the cure.
Then,when he had a big crowd,the man held up a very small bottle.
"And now,ladies and gentlemen,he shouted,"Here is the medicine you have been waiting for.The cure for old age.Drink just one bottle of this and you will live forever.
"And,ladies and gentlemen,the man continued,"I'm not going to charge you a hundred dollars a bottle for this wonderful medicine.I'm not going to charge you fifty dollars a bottle.I'm not going to charge you twenty-five dollars a bottle.Now,ladies and gentlemen,I'm going to charge you just ten dollars a bottle. Think,my friends,for ten dollars you can live forever.
    Most of the people in the crowd did not believe this.
One person shouted,"If it can make you live forever,why don't you drink it?
Then another person cried,"Yes,you look as if you're at least sixty years old.
"Thank you,sir,thank you."the man answered,"I'm so glad you said that. My real age is three hundred and twenty-nine.
The crowd laughed at this but there were still some people who wanted to believe the man.One of them spoke to the man's assistant as she passed by,"Is that true?he asked."Is he three hundred and twenty-nine?
"Don't ask me,the assistant said,"I've only worked for him for a hundred and fifty years.
25.What did the man sell at first at the fair?B
B.a cure for colds  
C.a medicine that made people live forever 
D.a cure for old age
26.How much did the man charge for the cure for old age?D
A.twenty-five dollars a bottle      
B.one dollar a bottle
C.fifty dollars a bottle             
D.ten dollars a bottle
27.What does the word"assistant"mean in this passage?C
A.朋友  B.仆人  C.助手  D. 同伴
28.What does this passage really mean?A
A.The man is not honest,and nor is his assistant.
B.The cure for old age is very useful and not so expensive.  
C.The two men are very honest,and they would like to help people live forever.
D.The cheaper the medicine is,the more people will buy.

