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【题目】 It’s great fun with your favorite four-legged friend outdoors. But unfortunately for humans and pets alike, spending an abundance of time outdoors can have a troublesome downside: tick (扁虱) bites. “Tick season” actually takes up most of the year. 1 The following safety tips may help you protect your pet from harmful tick bites.

Lessen Your Pets Exposure to Ticks

2 Usually they are particularly fond of tall grasses and brush. If possible, clear your yard regularly to create a safer environment for your pet to play in. If you think that your pet may be exposed to ticks, speak to your vet to discuss safe, effective products that may be able to prevent the attachment of ticks.

Check Your Pet for Signs of Ticks

Check your pet for ticks daily, especially if he or she has been playing outside or in a wooded or grassy area.3 Run your hands along your pets body, feeling for small bumps (肿块) and looking for dark spots. Ticks can be black, brown, and can range in size.

Know How to Safely Remove a Tick from Your Pet

Removing a tick from your pet can be a terrible task, but it’s important to act quickly if you find evidence of a tick on it, as diseases can be spread from the creatures within a few short hours. 4 Among them using the tick remover is the most commonly used one.


A single bite from a disease-carrying tick can spread disease to your unsuspecting pet. Symptoms of diseases include fever, loss of appetite and reduced energy. If your pet shows any of these signs, seek veterinary (兽医的) help as soon as possible.

A. Know the Symptoms

B. Ticks can live in all types of environments.

C. Wash away the ticks you’ve removed in the toilet

D. Areas to check include most parts of the body.

E. And summer months tend to see an increase in bites.

F. After removing a tick from your pet, always clean the wound.

G. There are varieties of removal methods that can be found online.









1根据前文. “Tick season” actually takes up most of the year. _可知实际上一年的大部分时间都是“蜱虫季节”。根据后文The following safety tips may help you protect your pet from harmful tick bites.可知以下的安全提示可以帮助你保护你的宠物免受蜱虫的叮咬。承上启下,E项(而在夏季,(蜱虫的)叮咬次数往往会增加。)切题,故选E项。

2根据后文Usually they are particularly fond of tall grasses and brush. If possible, clear your yard regularly to create a safer environment for your pet to play in.可知通常他们特别喜欢高的草和灌木。如果可能的话,经常清理你的院子,为你的宠物创造一个更安全的环境。承接下文,B项(蜱虫可以生活在所有类型的环境中。)切题,后文中的they指代的就是B项中的ticks

3根据上文Check your pet for ticks daily, especially if he or she has been playing outside or in a wooded or grassy area.可知每天检查你的宠物是否有蜱虫,特别是当他或她一直在户外或树木繁茂的地方玩耍时。D (要检查的地方包括身体的大部分。)能够连接上文,跟本段标题(检查你的宠物是否有蜱虫的迹象)相呼应,故选D项。

4根据上文Removing a tick from your pet can be a terrible task, but it’s important to act quickly if you find evidence of a tick on it, as diseases can be spread from the creatures within a few short hours.可知清除宠物身上的蜱虫是一项艰巨的任务,但如果你发现了蜱虫存在的证据,就必须迅速采取行动,因为疾病可以在短短几小时内从动物身上传播。根据下文Among them using the tick remover is the most commonly used one.可知其中,使用蜱虫去除剂是最常用的一种。连接上下文,G项(网上可以找到各种各样的清除方法。)切题,后文中的them指的G项的varieties of removal methods,故选G项。



分析本文的语篇结构,可以知道第一段是文章的主题句,然后接下来各段的语篇结构都是主题句(总)+支撑句(分)(分述主题的具体内容/说明原因/举例证明等)。所以第3小题本段的主题句是Check Your Pet for Signs of Ticks,而空格前文Check your pet for ticks daily, especially if he or she has been playing outside or in a wooded or grassy area和后文Run your hands along your pets body, feeling for small bumps (肿块) and looking for dark spots.都是讲检查宠物身体的,D项跟检查动物身体有关,故选D项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A Frenchman had arrived at a small Italian town and was staying with his wife at the best hotel there. One night he went out for a walk alone. He was late and the small street was dark and lonely. Suddenly he heard footsteps behind him. He turned his head and saw an Italian young man who quickly walked past him. The man was nearly out of sight when the Frenchman suddenly found that his watch was gone. He thought that it was the Italian who had taken his watch. He decided to follow him and force him to return the watch. Soon the Frenchman caught up with the Italian. Neither of them understood the other’s language. The Frenchman showed his fist to the Italian and pointed to his watch-pocket. The Italian thought that the Frenchman was demanding his own watch. In the end the Italian gave up his watch to the Frenchman. When he returned to the hotel the Frenchman told his wife what had happened. He was greatly surprised when his wife pointed to the watch on the table. Now he realized that by mistake he had robbed the Italian of his watch.

1When did the Frenchman find his watch missing?

A. When he returned to the hotel.

B. After the Italian went by.

C. When he was staying at the hotel with his wife.

D. As soon as he arrived at the small Italian town.

2Why did the Frenchman catch up with the Italian?

A. Because he thought that the Italian had stolen his watch.

B. Because he found that the Italian’s watch was the same with his.

C. Because the Italian was a thief.

D. Because the Italian was walking too fast.

3What really happened to the Frenchman’ s watch?

A. His wife had hidden the watch.

B. He had left the watch in the hotel.

C. The Italian had stolen his watch.

D. His wife gave the watch to the Italian.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假设你是李华,上周你校为高三学生隆重地举行了成人礼。你以前的外教Kate得知这消息后很感兴趣。请你给她写封信,描述这一盛事。 要点包括:

1. 活动时间:上周五上午9:00-11:30

2. 活动地点:学校大礼堂

3. 活动内容:齐唱国歌、父母期望……

4. 活动意义:感恩、奉献……

注意:1. 词数100左右。

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 开头和结束语已为你写好。

参考词汇:成人礼 coming-of- age ceremony

Dear Kate,

I'm so glad to learn that you show great interest in the coming-of-age ceremony held by our school recently.



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A couple of years ago, when my older daughter was 8,she gently told my wife and me that she’d gotten too old for us to read her books anymore. We didn’t try to talk her out of it or tell her many benefits of reading aloud to a child (even after they can do so themselves). 1

Two weeks after stopping our bedtime readings, though, my older daughter asked whether we could start again. 2 As she later explained, “Everyone likes to be read to, even adults.” We’ve continued uninterrupted since. Right now, we’re deep into Philip Pullman’s “The Golden Compass.”

3 In most of the studies, people found that reading aloud appeared to strengthen parents’ feelings of competence, improve the quality of their relationships with their children and even reduce parental stress or depression.

Reading aloud to children improves a young mind’s cognitive development (thinking, problem-solving, decision-making) and reduces behavior problems, research shows. As with playing board games, reading to them increases concentration and attention spans.

And yet, too many of us stop before the kids want us to. 4

The conversations children have around themes and ideas in books help them make sense of the world. And it’s a joyful way to connect and be close with your kid. While reading in bed, my daughters and I lie next to each other, sometimes leaning into one another. 5 It’s as high a quality as quality time gets.

A. She simply enjoyed the practice too much to let it go yet.

B. When she was a young child, we began a nearly daily reading called Milk & Books.

C. We were disappointed but respected her.

D. Reading aloud was significantly beneficial to children and their parents.

E. In Australia, more than a third of children aged 6 to 1l whose parents had stopped reading to them wanted to continue.

F. We laugh and are surprised together and have deep conversations about the novels.

G. It’s one of the most virtuous circles of parenting and teaching.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

This afternoon, I saw an interesting thing while I am walking home from school. I noticed a schoolboy walking in the front of me. When he passed by a white wall, he left his two footprints on the wall. See this, an old man shouted at the boy angry. The boy felt afraid and ran out quickly. A few minutes later, other boy passed by the wall and saw the footprints on the wall. He thought a moment and took out a pencil from her schoolbag. When I was wondering, I saw the boy painting a panda on the wall. And the footprints become the panda’s black eyes. What smart the boy was!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 With obesity rats on the rise among Americans and their pets two California women have come up with an all-in-one solution — a foggy boot camp where dog owners and their dogs work out together Thank Dog Boot camp is the nation's first outdoor fitness program where both humans and dogs get a full-body workout while the dogs also learn basic skills Founded two years ago by twins Jill and Jamie Bowers the program has grown to include classes at various Los Angeles and Orange County locations and most recently in Northern California

Classes begin as early as 6 am With instructors yelling out commands in the traditional boot camp style The difference here is that instructors are certified in both fitness and dog training and each boot camper happens to have a four-legged partner by their side at all times“People need to exercise and dogs need to be trained and exercised” said Jill Bowers

The class takes place on a field in a public park with 30 minutes of running and 30 minutes of weight training Each person has a mat Their dogs have their own mats and water bowls beside their owner Various squats bends jumps and dashes are combined for the humans Meanwhile dogs are told to engage in a series of numbered commands ranging from “sit” to “go” “to” “come”.

“A lack of exercise and training causes logs to have behavioral problem” said Bowers “If they don't have enough activities to exhaust their energy they take it out on your favorite sofa of your designer shoes With the boot camp your dog is too tired to be bad

Attorney Taylor joined six months ago “My dog always gets me out of bed” said Taylor “It's so used to going now that it's the one making sure I'm up and go out of the door I've lost 15 pounds and have gained much confidence

1What's the purpose of the Thank Dog Boot camp?

A.To show more concern for pet dogs

B.To make boot campers and their dogs take exercises together to lose weight

C.To improve the relationships between humans and their pets

D.To call on Americans and dogs to participate in camping

2According to the writer the instructors ____________.

A.are companions with a dog by their side at all times

B.are particularly strict with the dogs

C.are soldiers who come from the army

D.are experts on both fitness and training dogs

3When energetic dogs have nothing to do they would ____________.

A.eat too much

B.have mental problems

C.destroy things

D.run away from home

4We can infer from the passage that ____________.

A.Americans have too many pets

B.the dog boot camp is free of charge

C.the dog boot camp also welcomes people without dogs

D.boot campers and their dogs can urge each other to take exercise


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Translate the following sentence English, using the words given in the brackets.






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



1. 举行英语剧的目的;

2. 比赛的时间、地点等;

3. 邀请外教当评委;

4. 联系人:李华(手机……

Dear Mr. King,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The UN’s Millennium Development Goals included the ambition that by 2015 all the world’s children would complete primary school. This has largely been achieved: nine out of ten children are now enrolled. 1 Even though most of the world’s children go to school, an awful lot of them learn pretty much nothing there. According to a recent World Bank study of seven sub-Saharan African countries, half of nine-year-olds cannot read a simple word and three-quarters cannot read a simple sentence. 2

Several recent studies suggest education technology can help. It seems to bring about bigger improvements in poor countries than in rich ones.

3 That doesn’t mean buying computers for schools in the hope that children will understand how to use them, a stupidity on which plenty of money has been wasted. Instead, it means providing schools with software that children can use with minimal help from an adult. The software gets things right more often than the teachers do, adjusts itself to the child’s ability, and sends teachers instructions about what they are supposed to be teaching. 4

Technology is no panacea(万灵药) . 5 And authorities need to take teachers into account. But education technology can help greatly — by monitoring pupils and teachers alike, assisting the best teachers and, most important, making up for the failings of the worst.

A. The reason is terrible teaching.

B. The achievements are really great.

C. However, the figure is not as impressive as it sounds.

D. Technology plays more and more important role in teaching.

E. Good traditional teachers are not outdated, and are never likely to be.

F. Meanwhile it allows the authorities to check on whether the teacher is in the classroom.

G. Some of the scarce resources being spent on teachers could therefore be better spent on education technology.

