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Natural Resources
As a major centre for the global forestry industry,Vancouver is host to many international forestry conferences and events,and the natural home of the massive BC forestry business.Companies such as Canfor and West Fraser Timber Co.,the second and third largest lumber(木材)producers in the world,are headquartered in Vancouver.Vancouver is also a major centre for the mining industry.
International trade
International trade is a key part for Vancouver's economy.The city has Canada's largest port and is one of North America's major gateways for Pan-Pacific(泛太平洋)trade.The Port of Vancouver ranks first in North America in total foreign exports and second on the West Coast in total goods volume.
Banking and Financial
The headquarters for HSBC Canada (汇丰银行)is located in the Financial District in downtown.Canada's third largest commercial entity (实体),Jim Pattison Group is also based in Vancouver.
International relation
Vancouver is a major centre for diplomacy (外交) and foreign relations.Most countries of the world have consulate(领事馆)or general offices in the Central Business District.In fact,many major diplomatic conferences are hosted by the city-including the world famous G7summit with President Clinton,APEC,and the World Trade Organization.Greenpeace has its world headquarters in the city.Therefore,Vancouver was among the first North American cities to declare itself a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone.
Tourism is a leading industry to Vancouver.The Whistler-Blackcomb Resort is among the most popular skiing resorts in North America,and will be the site of the downhill events of the 2010Winter Olympics.Vancouver's beaches,parks,waterfronts,and mountain backdrops and its multi-cultural character attract more and more tourists.
Vancouver was the source of the sobriquet(绰号)"Hollywood North",for hosting the production of about ten percent of Hollywood's movies.Many U.S.television and films series are shot exclusively in Vancouver.This has partly been because of the favourable Canadian dollar exchange rate.

70.Which of the following description about Vancouver is NOT true according to the passage?D
A.The Port of Vancouver ranks first in North America in total foreign exports.
B.Vancouver is a film production centre and called"Hollywood North".
C.International forestry conferences and events were held in Vancouver.
D.Vancouver is a leading centre for the global agriculture and industry.
71.Which of the following organizations or events is not related to Vancouver?B
A.Jim Pattison Group
D.The 2010Winter Olympics
72.If you are a graduate from Shanghai Finance and Economics University,what is it thatCwill probably attract you to visit Vancouver?
A.Its international trade.
B.Its film industry.
C.HSBC Canada.
D.Its beautiful natural scenery.
73.We can inferD from the part:International relation.
A.Vancouver is a major centre for foreign relations.
B.Vancouver has hosted many major diplomatic conferences.
C.APEC and WTO are headquartered in Vancouver.
D.Canada is a peace-loving country.

分析 本文是一篇说明文,主要从自然资源、国际贸易、银行和金融、国际关系、旅游业等方面介绍了温哥华的相关城市.温哥华是森林业和矿业中心;国际贸易是温哥华经济的关键部分;汇丰银行的总部在温哥华的金融商业区,加拿大第三大贸易实体(实体),帕蒂森集团is also based in温哥华;温哥华是一个主要的外交中心(外交)和对外关系;在温哥华旅游业是领先的工业.温哥华有"好莱坞北"的美称,许多美国电视和电影镜头系列是专门在温哥华.

解答 70.D     细节理解题.从"Natural Resources    As a major centre for the global forestry industry"中可知,温哥华是森林业和矿业中心,不是工农业中心.其他三项文中均有对应表述.故选D.
71.B     细节理解题.从Banking and Financial中的"Jim Pattison Group is also based in Vancouver.",International relation中的"Greenpeace has its world headquarters in the city."以及从Tourism中的"The Whistler-Blackcomb Resort is …and will be the site of the downhill events of the 2010 Winter Olympics."可知 A,C,D三项均与Vancouver有关,文中没有提到WHO,只提到了WTO(International relation中).故选B.
72.C      推理判断题.题干说:一个上海财经大学的学生想去温哥华,最大可能的理由是什么?当然他对财经方面感兴趣.由"Banking and Financial"中可知,加拿大汇丰银行设在温哥华的金融商业区,故选C.
73.D      推理判断题.由"International relation"这一部分中"Vancouver was among the first North American cities to declare itself a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone."可以推出,加拿大没有核武器,是一个爱好和平的国家.故D为最佳答案.A,B文中有明确表述,不合题意;而C项本身表述错误,APEC 和 WTO的总部不在温哥华.

点评 解答细节理解题时,一个常用的方法就是运用定位法,即根据题干和选项中的关键词从原文中找到相关的句子,与选项进行比较从而确定答案;推理判断题既要求学生透过文章表面文字信息推测文章隐含意思,又要求学生对作者的态度、意图及文章细节的发展作正确的推理判断,力求从作者的角度去考虑,不要固守自己的看法或观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错


People often say that gold or silver are the most valuable things in the world.But I don't think.In my opinion,to read books are more valuable than anything else.The old saying"To open a book is always helpful"clear tells us that how good it is to read a book.Books are our friends.They introduce us to different kind of knowledge and lead us down the road to succeed.Books are our teachers.They teach our science,literature and so on.Books tell us what is good and what is evil.But only books can tell the good from the bad.Therefore,to read more books is the best policy for we young students.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.-Are you all right?
-________.(  )
A.I think soB.That's OK
C.Take it easyD.It's very kind of you


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.About 10million dolphins are said ________ in the past 15years.(  )
A.to have killedB.to kill
C.to have been killedD.to be killed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.After more than 3,000years,a statue of the Egyptian king Amenhotep III has been erected in the city of Luxor after being knocked down by an earthquake.
One of the great figures in the story of ancient Egypt,Amenhotep III was a boy king.He became king of Egypt at the age of only 12years.He ruled at a time when Egyptian civilization was at its very height.
Amenhotep III was given statues in his honor and among them this 13-meter-high statue stood on the bank of the Nile until it was knocked down by an earthquake 3,000years ago.So for 30centuries,it lay in pieces in the field,more than 80pieces.Now the statue has been restored and shown to the public.There is another very similar huge statue of Amenhotep III.It was also damaged by that earthquake.And it,too,has been repaired and put back in its place.These two statues stand at the gates of the famous funerary temple in Luxor,which has another two huge seated figures of the kings.
And the background for this is just that tourism is very important to the Egyptian economy after what's been happening recently.Years of disturbance (骚乱)has hit the Egyptian economy in many ways and any improvement of that economy will need to be helped by the tourist industry.The legacy(遗产)of ancient Egypt is so much,so important to that tourist industry.And the images coming from Luxor today show just how delighted and proud the archeologists and the local people are for what they've seen today.

8.What can we learn about Amenhotep III from the passage?C
A.He was deeply loved by Egyptians.
B.He created the brilliant civilization of Egypt.
C.He began to rule Egypt at a young age.
D.He had a lot of statues built for himself.
9.The underlined word in Paragraph 3meansB.
A.put down
C.given back
10.According to Paragraph 3,the two statues of Amenhotep IIID.
A.were the same size and shape
B.were put back inside the funerary temple
C.were knocked down by different earthquakes
D.were both standing before a famous temple in Luxor
11.How may repairing the statues benefit Egypt?A
A.It can promote the economic development of Egypt.
B.It drives the development of archeology in Egypt.
C.It can help to end the serious disturbance in Egypt.
D.It encourages people to build great statues in Egypt.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.The plan you came up with doesn't sound very practical.It will become the     of the attack.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.Columbus discovered America but did notexplore(探索)the new continent.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.A kitchen that gives step-by-step cooking instructions in French could inspire a revolution in language learning in the UK.By using a new technology,it speaks to you as you prepare a French dish.The kitchen breaks new ground by taking language learning out of the classroom and linking it with an enjoyable and rewarding real-life activity.
The new kitchen is designed to be used in schools,universities and even people's homes.It could also be an existing kitchen.The first version of the technology was tested in the kitchens of project partner Newcastle University.The kitchen could be available for schools and universities,and for the UK market by the June of 2014.
The Newcastle University team is now working on ways to put it on the market.And the European Union has given money to begin programs in six other languages,including English Italian and Spanish.Finally,versions could be developed for any language cuisine(烹饪法)in the world.
Professor Paul says,"By international standards,the UK students are now poor when it comes to learning languages-a problem that certainly has an economic influence.We believe that developing skills in a country's language and its cuisine will help change the trend."
On a computer fixed into the kitchen,the user first selects the French recipe(菜谱)they want to follow.Digital sensors built into dishes,containers and other equipment then communicate with the computer to make sure the right instructions are given at the right time,the user can ask the computer to repeat an instruction,or translate it into English,simply by pressing the touch screen.After cooking,the user can test what they have learned by carrying out a short test on the computer.
All grammar and vocabulary has been carefully selected to make sure that using the kitchen adds to basic proficiency(熟练)in understanding French.
Now three easy-carrying versions of the kitchen are being prepared.They're to be fixed in Newcastle University and at Institute Francais,a London-based charity devoted to teaching the French language.
57.The new kitchen is designed mainly toC.
A.increase people's interest in cooking
B.teach people how to cook French dishes
C.offer people a new way to learn languages
D.help cooks learn spoken French in the kitchen
58.Which of the following is TRUE about the kitchen?C
A.It has versions in six languages now.
B.It is already available for sale in the UK.
C.It has received strong support from the EU.
D.It can be used only in schools and university.
59.When a person is using the kitchen,B.
A.it will give him a test on his cooking skills
B.it can translate French into another language
C.the cooking process will stop if he goes wrong
D.he must be careful so as not to make mistakes
60.What would be the best title for the text?D
A.UK students have problems in language learning.
B.New technology helps students learning cooking.
C.An enjoyable and rewarding real-life activity.
D.A Talking Kitchen That Teaches You French.

