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1When did Einstein study the violin?

A. Between the age of 5 and 13. B. Between the age of 6 and 12.

C. Between the age of 6 and 13.

2What kind of boy was little Albert?

A. Shy. B. Naughty. C. Careless.

3What do we learn from the conversation?

A. Einstein got along well with the other boys.

B. Einstein learned less in school than on his own.

C. Einstein was poor in all subjects in primary school.










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Wang Peng felt very 1(frustrate) when he saw that there were few customers in his restaurant, because by then his restaurant 2 to be full of people. 3his friend didn’t come to eat in his restaurant. Wang Peng wanted to find out why, 4 he followed Li Chang into a new restaurant. There he saw a sign. 5 (curious) drove him to enter the restaurant, where the hostess gave him a menu, 6 showed that the restaurant only served rice, raw vegetables, fruit, and water. Wang Peng thought Yong Hui 7(tell) lies and he couldn’t have her 8 (get) away with it. He also thought with a discount he could win customers 9. So he wrote a sign, too. And the 10between the two restaurants was on!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A typical school day in the UK starts around 8:30 am. This is often even earlier elsewhere in the world, with students sitting down to their first lesson at 7:30 am in the US. The average teenager ideally needs eight to nine hours’ sleep each night, but in reality a lot of teenagers struggle to get this much. A lot of the problems arise because our sleep patterns are not fixed, and they change as we grow.

So a later school start time could help to solve this problem, by ensuring to get their eight plus hours of sleep and react properly to their body’s natural rhythms (规律). There has been a general shift over the past 25 years to shorten the school day. This is not at the cost of teaching time (which has remained constant) but at the cost of natural breaks, which has led to reduced lunch time and lesson breaks.

Later start times could help teens’ grades and health. This is mainly because it makes the management of children easier. Supervising (监管) hundreds of children “playing” requires effective staffing (人员配备). And there is always the fear that behavior worsens during breaks. So the theory goes that having them in class and strictly supervised must be better.

But this means that students barely have enough time to absorb what they were doing in maths before suddenly they are thrust into ancient history. And teaching staff also transit from one class to another, with hardly a rest or time to refocus.

Clearly rethinking the school day could benefit everyone involved. Anyway, it could also lead to better achievement in teenagers and less of a struggle for parents in the mornings. For teachers, it could also mean a less stressful day all around and what could be better than that?

1How do schools often shorten the school day?

A. They reduce children’s lunch time and lesson breaks.

B. They reduce the teaching time.

C. They properly adjust children’ natural rhythms.

D. They increase more holidays.

2What’s the purpose of the children’ short lesson breaks according to the text?

A. To supervise children more easily.

B. To make children quickly take in what they. Learned.

C. To reduce children’s excitement.

D. To make children behave better in class.

3What can we learn about later school start time from the text?

A. It will add to the teacher’s pressure.

B. It has always been there for 25 years.

C. Parents may support it.

D. It benefits the students only.

4What can be the best title for the text?

A. The benefits of a less stressful day.

B. The benefits of later school start time.

C. How to solve teenagers’ sleep problem.

D. The reasons why teenagers sleep differently.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What’s the problem with the woman’s watch?

A. It needs a new battery. B. It is ruined by water. C. It needs cleaning

2What does the man offer if one changes a battery?

A. An extra battery. B. A one-year guarantee C. Free cleaning service.

3Why can’t the woman get her watch back right away?

A. The man will go away now,

B. She hasn’t got enough money.

C. The man is very busy now.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华。你校将于下周六举行“我的拿手菜(My Special Recipe)”大赛,并举办健康饮食讲座。你的留学生朋友Jackson对中国饮食很感兴趣,请你用英语写一封email邀请他参加此次活动。内容包括以下要点:

1. 活动时间和地点;

2. 活动的内容和意义。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1With my __________(patient) running out, I shouted at her.

2His cartoon-books which are full of __________(imagine) are very popular with the young.

3Having taken a drink, I got a headache and felt rather __________(comfort).

4The porter was weighed down by large quantities of __________(行李).

5The room __________(measure) 6*6 meters actually houses up to 10 people.

6Our classroom __________(equip) with modern equipment, enabling us to learn effectively.

7Everyone __________(presence) at the meeting welcomed the decision.

8The boy looked __________(anxiety) at his parents, as if asking for forgiveness.

9The government has worked out a new regulation __________(aim) at reducing the road accidents.

10He had a car accident and the blood __________(flow) immediately from the cut on his head.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1He was in e_____(完全的) ignorance of what was being done.

2He pretends to be f______ with me, but I really don't know him.

3When scientists _______ (检查) he bones, they were surprised.

4I _____ (承认)to my parents that I was finding the course difficult.

5She thought of a way to have the dirty spot ________ (移除) from her skirt.

6He received a medal as a _______ (奖赏) for his courage.

7thirty-six passengers could not _________ (逃离) from the burning bus.

8________ (判断) from her accent, she must be from Sichuan.

9I like the way you ________(组织) the information in the report.

10This question _______ (频繁) came up.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Getting your p________ in order is a good way not to waste energy and time on meaningless matters.

2The hospital paid nearly 90 million dollars in damages to the victim who had u________ an unsuccessful operation.

3Unable to c_______ the living expenses of his family, the young artist was reduced to hiring himself out to feed pigs.

4Researchers are r________ judgment on the claim that taking Omega-3 fish oil supplements helps prevent heart diseases.

5Despite policies to encourage childbearing, many couples in China are r________ to have more kids.

6________ children in primary schools _________ the basic skills of literacy is high on the agenda.(使有准备)

7These early settlers ________ their survival ________ hard work and determination to succeed.(把……归功于……)

8Women are ________ to men at bringing up children for they are more gentle and patient.(优于……)

9The passenger who was _______ _______ occupying other’s seat on a train fired a public anger with many people calling him “shameless”.(被指责)

10Only about one quarter of Australians exercise enough, and the rest _______ _______ _______ just sit in their cosy armchairs and watch.(满足于)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如你是李华,高考(college entrance examination)前夕,你校组织高一、高二学生为高三学生加油助威活动。请你根据以下提示写一份关于此次活动的英文报道。

1. 活动时间和地点;2. 活动过程;3. 你的感想。

注表;1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。










