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用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次)    like,without,catch,run,ring,photo,four,kilometer,take,ago 

   The police in a big city were looking for a thief. At last they caught him. But while they 1 photos of him—from the front,from the left,from the right,with a hat,2 a hat—he suddenly hit (袭击) the policemen and 3 away. They tried 4 him,but he got away.

   Then a week later,the telephone 5 in the police office,and someone said ,“ You are looking for Bill Cross,aren’t you? ”

   “ Yes.

   “ Well,he left here for Water Bridge an hour 6 . ”

   Water Bridge was a small town about 100 7 away from the city. The city police at once sent different 8 to the police in the Water Bridge.

   “We have caught three thieves that look 9 the escaped (逃跑) one”’ they said proudly ,“and we think we’ll catch the 10 this evening. ”

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1. were taking   2. without   3. ran   4. to catch   5. rang

6. ago   7. kilometers   8. photos   9. like   10. fourth

题目来源:2016年启东中学作业本英语阅读理解与完形填空4 > 综合测试九


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Do you like South Korean actor Lee Min Ho? The handsome boy was born on June 22 ,1987. He is tall and kind of thin. His favorite food is meat. And he likes black,white and red. He is very popular with fams. He is called the “flower boy”,who plays a cool secret agent (特工) in his new TV drama City Hwwkr (《城市猎人》) . In the drama,Lee is a dead shot and works for the secret service (情报部门) . To play the part well,Lee did many unusual things like riding an elephant and standing on top of a big tree.

() 1. Lee Min Ho is from .

   A. China   B. Korea   C. South Korea   D. Japan

() 2. Lee Min Ho is years old now.

   A. 24   B. 25   C. 26   D. 27

() 3. What unusual things did Lee Min Ho do?

   A. Riding an elephant.

   B. Riding a horse.

   C. Standing on top of a big tree.

   D. Both A and   C.

() 4. What does the underlined phrase“dead shot” mean?

   A. 死神   B. 神枪手   C. 间谍   D. 特务


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Many students have hobbies,such as reading,painting,growing vegetables in their gardens,and looking after animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and 1 are creative (有创造性的) . Hobbies can develop your interests and help you learn new skills.

   David Smith is a student His hobby is writing. 2 the summer of 2000,he spent four weeks on a summer camp. As well as the usual activities,such as sailing,climbing and mounting biking,there was a writing workshop with a professional 3 “She asked us to imagine that we were in a story. Then we wrote about our 4 at the camp."

   In senior high school David wrote a story about teenage life,and it 5 as a book in 2003. Many teenagers love his book,and as a result,David has become a 6 young writer.

   David has been very lucky 7 his hobby has brought him enjoyment and success. But he is 8 interested in many other things. “I like playing volleyball,too,” says David. “I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team.9 I’ll write more books in the future,but Tm not sure.

   It's sometimes difficult 10 that we shouldn’t spend all our time on our favorite hobby. There are many other interesting things to do in life,and we should try to do something new or different.

() 1. A. other   B. others   C. the other   D. another

() 2. A. During   B. At   C. For   D. On

() 3. A. manager   B. doctor   C. singer   D. writer

() 4. A. experiences   B. examples   C. excuses   D. experiments

() 5. A. took out   B. tried out   C. came out   D. went out

() 6. A. successful   B. normal   C. polite   D. lonely

() 7. A. or   B. but   C. because   D. though

() 8. A. too   B. also   C. only   D. either

() 9. A. Usually   B. Immediately   C. Maybe   D. Once

() 10. A. remember   B. remembers   C. remembered   D. to remember


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


   After I left school,I didn't go to university (大学) . I 1 ,I spent a year t 2 around the world.

   I started my t 3 in London'the UK. I saw the Big Ben and visited the amazing churches. From there,I f 4 to Paris,and went down to the south of France,which is f 5 for its lovely beaches.

   Next,I flew to India,and travelled round the country for about three months. The cities in India were very crowded (拥挤的) ,but the countryside was beautiful. I stayed in a small fishing village b 6 the sea and it was the h 7 time of my life.

   I then came to China,a country I always wanted to visit. I saw Beijing,of course,and climbed up the Great Wall. I also took a trip to see some villages where I learned a lot about Chinese local c 8 .

   Then,at last,I flew all the way home. It was a great experience (经验) ,but it was good to be home. (江苏省无锡市新区2013 — 2014学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题)

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Tom is the son of a farm owner. One New Year^ Day,when he was 15 ,his father 1 him to work on the farm for one year when he was free. Tom was 2 with his father's idea. “That isn’t my job. I have 3 school work to do. ” Hearing this,his father said ,“I promise (许诺) to give you the best present (礼 物) if you 4 finish one year's work. ” Tom thought for a while and 5 .

   Starting one Saturday,the boy got up early and worked 6 until evening,just like any other farmer. Time passed quickly. Tom's crops (庄稼) grew well. 7 the last day of the year,the father said ,“I'm happy to see that you have worked very hard the whole year. Now,tell me 8 you want. ”

   The boy smiled and showed his father a big piece of bread made from his wheat (小麦) . “I've already got the 9 present. No pains,no gains (不劳无获) . I think this is what you wanted 10 to know. ”His father was quite pleased to hear that.(陕西省西安市庆安中学2011 — 2012学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试 题)

() 1. A. asked   B. let   C. made   D. stopped

() 2. A. happy   B. unhappy   C. excited   D. sorry

() 3. A. much too   B. so little   C. too much   D. a lot

() 4. A. shall   B. must   C. need   D. can

() 5. A. said   B. answered   C. agreed   D. began

() 6. A. hard   B. hardly   C. slowly   D. difficultly

() 7. A. At   B. On   C. In   D. By

() 8. A. where   B. which   C. how   D. what

() 9. A. least   B. worst   C. best   D. fewest

() 10. A. mine   B. I   C. my   D. me


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Have you ever been ill? When you are ill,you must be unhappy because your body becomes hot,and there are pains all over your body. You don't want to work,and you stay in bed,feeling very sad.

   What makes us ill? They’re germs (细菌) . Germs are everywhere. They are very small and you can't find them with your eyes,but you can find them with a microscope. They are very small and there could be lots of them on every small thing.

   Germs are always found in dirty water. When we look at dirty water under microscope,we will see them in it. So your our parents will not let you drink dirty water.

   Germs aren’t found only in water. They are found in the air and dust (灰尘) . If you cut your finger,and if some of the dust from the floor goes into the cut,some of the germs would go into your finger. Your finger would become big and red,and you will have much pain in it. Sometimes the germs would go into all of your body,and you would have pain everywhere.

1. What is a microscope used for?

2. Why don't your parents let you drink dirty water?

3. Where are germs?

4. What5s the main idea of the passage?


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁实验中学分校高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错






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With computers widely use in many fields, more and more people now type everything on the computer instead of write on paper, that has caused the level of students’ handwriting skills to drop sharp.

Some think handwriting contests are not necessary because we are in the computer age and we type more on the computer than writing by the hand. Beside, writing on the computer is quicker than writing on paper, and the printing words are more standard and beautiful.

Other think it’s necessary to hold such contests. For one thing, it can improve students’ handwriting skills and developed their interest the art of calligraphy. For another, it can make students love Chinese characters.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东惠来一中、揭东一中高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I’d like a room _____ window looks out over the sea.

A. that B. where C. whose D. which


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林实验中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The little boy sat _____ to his father, and listened ____ with great interest

A. close; close B. closely; close

C. close; closely D. closely; closely

