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  Flags have existed for over 3000 years.The earliest flags were wooden or metal poles topped with a carving(雕刻品).About 2000 years ago pieces of fabric were added to some poles for decoration.Over the next 500 years the free-flying part of the flag became more important.

  Every country today has its own flag.Many groups and organizations also have a flag which stands for, or symbolizes, the aims of the group.

  The UN flag depicts(描绘)a world map, centered on the north pole.The map is surrounded by an olive(橄榄)wreath(花环)symbolizing peace and co-operation.The flag is blue and white.


Flags have been in existence for ________

[  ]


500 years


more than 3000 years


about 2000 years


between 500 and 2000 years


A very old flag is likely to ________

[  ]


be made of fabric


have a map on it


have white shapes on it


be made of carved wood


An olive wreath is used to represent ________

[  ]










科目:高中英语 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:050


  Lakeland, Fla. April 29 Two cars got out of sight, dropping to the bottom of a 30-foot sinkhole (灰岩坑) that appeared so suddenly that the drivers could not avoid it.

  No one was hurt, but the incident was the fifteenth of its kind reported in this area so far this year.

  At a town 13 miles from Lakeland, two bedrooms of one house dropped into a hole 60 feet across and 35 feet deep. Part of the next house was dangerously over the hole. The people in both houses had to be taken to safety.

  Sinkholes have been happening without warning in this part of Florida for years. So far there is no way to tell when or where one will appear. But when one does, others usually follow in the same area, usually along a straight line.

  The worst sinkhole in recent years appeared in 1965. It was 70 feet across and 150 feet deep. It destroyed one house, damaged several others and cracked walls a block away.

  One hole, 15 feet deep, opened up this year in the middle of a highway 19 seconds after a car had driven by. Others in the same area happened at night, damaging houses, swallowing up trees and parts of streets and causing 23 frightened people to run away from their homes in nightclothes.

  Sinkholes happen when the weather is very dry. The earth at the surface begins to drop into holes underneath, like sand falling in a big hourglass (沙漏). This is how a sinkhole is formed.

1.Sinkholes do not happen ________.

[  ]

A.after a rainstorm

B.in a straight line

C.when the weather is very dry

D.at night

2.When one sinkhole appears, others usually follow ________.

[  ]



C.in the neighborhood

D.on straight highways only

3.Sinkholes happen because ________.

[  ]

A.there are large holes under houses

B.Lakeland has an underground lake

C.wet mud draws in heavy things such as cars and houses

D.dry earth moves and fills underground holes

4.Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?

[  ]

A.Sinkholes have caused destruction in the Lakeland area.

B.Sinkholes always happen suddenly without any warning.

C.Drivers can not avoid sinkholes.

D.Sinkholes are of huge sizes.

5.The average number of sinkholes happening in Lakeland each month this year is ________.

[  ]



科目:高中英语 来源:天利38套《2008全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(大纲版)》、英语 大纲版 题型:050


  JACKSONVILLE, Fla, Jan.10-A 14-year-old boy was arrested today after the rotten body of an 8-year-old girl who was his neighbor was found hidden in his bedroom.She had been stabbed and beaten.

  The boy, Joshua Earl Patrick Philip, admitted and was charged with murder in the death of the girl, Maddie Clifton, who disappeared on Jan.3, Sheriff Nat Glover said.

  Joshua, who has no criminal record, would not be eligible(符合条件)for the death punishment because of his age.Detectives found a knife and a baseball bat believed to be the weapons used to kill the girl, the Sheriff said.

  The girl had been stabbed at least nine times and was struck in the head, Sheriff Glove said at a news conference.The authorities did not say whether she has been attacked sexually, nor did they give motive for the attack.

  The boy's mother, Melissa Philips, grew suspicious after the police searched her home on Monday and detected an odor(怪味),the Sheriff said.This morning she pulled aside the frame of the bed, saw a child's feet and called an officer, he said.

  Maddie's body was found under a sheet of wood supporting the frame of the water bed, which was filled, Sheriff Glover said, adding, “He put her under the bed and taped her up in it.”

  Investigators believe the third-grader was killed in the boy's house shortly after she disappeared last Tuesday, touching off a widespread search.

  On Friday, Maddie's parents, Steve and Shelia Clifton, made an earnest request for her return.

  The boy's house, like others in the neighborhood, had been searched three times.During the third search on Monday, the mother had at first said she thought the odor came from family pets.

  Hundreds of volunteers had distributed thousands of leaflets with Maddie's picture since she disappeared that evening, about 30 minutes after she went out to play with friends.

  The girl's house is one of the well-kept, single-family homes in the older working-class of Jacksonville, Yellow ribbons still hung from the trees this morning.


It can be inferred from the report that ________.

[  ]


The boy won't be sentenced to death


The girl was stabbed many times and struck by a baseball bat


It is the first time that the boy has been charged


The girl was killed in the boy's home


The man, Sheriff Glover, may be ________.

[  ]


a reporter


a government official


the girl's father


a person in charge of the case


What does the underlined word earnest mean?

[  ]










科目:高中英语 来源:哈师大附中2008-2009学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:050


  SANDESTIN, Fla.-A 14-year-old girl died last Saturday after a shark attacked her while she and a companion were swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, authorities said.

  The teenagers were swimming on boards about 100 yards off shore when they noticed a dark shadow in the water.The other swimmer was not injured, Walton County Sheriff's spokeswoman Donna Shank said.According to Shank, both girls swam to the shore, and the victim was taken to a hospital where she was pronounced dead.The girl was on vacation from Gonzales, La., but her name was not immediately told.

  It was not clear what type of shark attacked her, said Stan Kirkland, spokesman for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.“The girl was some distance off from the shore,”Kirkland said.“I don't think anyone got a good view of the shark.”

  The attack happened near the Camping on the Gulf Holiday Travel Park, about 45 miles east of Pensacola on the Florida Panhandle.Authorities closed about 20 miles of crowded beaches to swimming shortly after the attack.It was not immediately clear when they would reopen.

  Robert Goodwin, 12, said he was ordered out of the water by authorities.“I didn't know it was because of a shark when I was told to get out,”he said.Goodwin's father, Mark, said the family comes to the beach every year.“It was just a strange feeling to see folks sitting there on the beach,”he said.

  Florida averaged more than 30 shark attacks a year from 2004 to 2007, but there were only 12 attacks off the state's coast last year, according to statistics offered by authorities.


The passage was written to ________.

[  ]


tell the danger of sharks in the sea


persuade local authorities to protect swimmers


remind teenagers of a lesson from the accident


report the story of a shark attack


According to the authorities, we can know that ________.

[  ]


one of the two injured swimmers was on vacation


most people know the sufferer's name


nobody really saw clearly the shark attack the girl


nobody will be allowed to stay on the beach


In the past five years, how many shark attack accidents happened in Florida?

[  ]


More than 30.


More than 132.


More than 120.


More than 150.


The best title for the passage would be ________.

[  ]


Shark kills 14-year-old girl in Florida


Swimming in the sea is dangerous


Authorities keep travelers out of the beach


Shark attacks cause worry in Florida


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省济宁市重点中学2011-2012学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  JACKSONVILLE, Fla, Nov.10-A 14-year-old boy was arrested today after the rotten body of an 8-year-old girl who was his neighbor was found hidden in his bedroom.She had been stabbed and beaten.

  The boy, Joshua Earl Patrick Philips, admitted and was charged with murder in the death of the girl, Maddie Clifton, who disappeared on Nov.3, Sheriff Nat Glover said.

  Joshua, who has no criminal record, would not be eligible(合格的)for the death punishment because of his age.Detectives discovered a knife and a baseball bat believed to be the weapons used to kill the girl, the Sheriff said.

  The girl had been stabbed at least nine times and was struck in the head, Sheriff Glover said at a news conference.The authorities did not say whether she has been attacked sexually, nor did they give motive for the attack.

  The boy's mother, Melissa Philips, grew suspicious after the police searched her home on Monday and detected an odor(strange smell), the Sheriff said.This morning she pulled aside the frame of the bed, saw a child's feet and called an officer, he said.

  Maddie's body was found under a sheet of wood supporting the frame of the water bed, which was filled, Sheriff Glover said, adding, “He put her under the bed and taped her up in it.”

  Investigators believe the third-grader was killed in the boy's house shortly after she disappeared last Tuesday, touching off a widespread search.

  On Friday, Maddie's parents, Steve and Sheila Clifton, made an earnest request for her return.

  The boy's house, like others in the neighborhood, had been searched three times.During the third search on Monday, the mother had at first said she thought the odor came from family pets.

  Hundreds of volunteers had sent thousands of leaflets with Maddie's picture since she disappeared that evening, about 30 minutes after she went out to play with friends.

  The girl's house is one of the well-kept, single-family homes in the older working-class of Jacksonville.Yellow ribbons(丝带)still hung from the trees this morning.


Which of the following statement is not fit for the report?

[  ]


After the girl disappeared, the police searched on a large scale(大规模地).


Quite a lot of people handed out lots of papers to look for the girl.


The girl's parents are still waiting for their girl to come home safely on Friday morning.


The police searched the boy's house and found the girl's body by a strange smell.


It can be inferred(推断)from the report that ________.

[  ]


the girl was killed in the boy's home


the girl was stabbed many times and struck by a baseball bat


it is the first time that the boy has been charged


the boy won't be put into prison


The words “motive” probably means ________.

[  ]










The man, Sheriff Glover, may be ________.

[  ]


a reporter


a government official


the girl's father


a person in charge of the case


科目:高中英语 来源:2013年浙江省六校联考英语 题型:050


  FRIDAY, Aug.3(Health Day News)-Middle school students who are physically fit are likely to score higher on standardized tests measuring reading and math abilities, a new study has found.And, the average scores went up in connection with levels of fitness, the findings showed.

  “The more physically fit kids were, the higher their scores,” said the study's lead author, Trent Petrie, director of the Center for Sport Psychology at the University of North Texas in Denton.“Parents should encourage their kids to be physically active.There are some real cognitive(认知的)and academic benefits that come from physical fitness,” Petrie said.

  Results of the study are scheduled to be presented Friday at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Orlando, Fla.The study included more than 1,200 middle school students from five schools in a suburban area of Texas, with 561 boys and 650 girls.About 57 percent of the children were white, and nearly one-quarter were Mexican American.Nine percent were black and about 2 percent were of Asian descent.

  The school district provided the researchers with information on the children's race, age, grade level and whether they qualified for the free school lunch program, which was an indicator of the family's socioeconomic status.The schools also provided scores to the tests, which were given between one and four months after the researchers had assessed the children's levels of fitness.Fitness tests were administered during physical education classes to determine the youngsters' heart and lung health(cardiorespiratory fitness), as well as their body mass index(BMI), an indicator of how much body fat a person has.The children also filled out questionnaires that helped the researchers determine factors such as self-esteem and social support.

  After accounting for factors such as age, sex, family income and self-esteem, the researchers found that for both boys and girls, higher levels of heart and lung health predicted better scores on both the math and reading tests.

  For boys, perceived(感观的)social support also seemed to increase their reading scores, the investigators found.In girls, while being physically fit predicted higher reading scores, so too did a higher BMI-which indicates more body fat.“We were a little surprised by this finding,” Petrie said.

  “It was not as strong an association as the one with physical fitness,” he added.The authors suspect it may have something to do with girls this age entering adolescence, which may be related to a higher BMI and slightly higher brain development.He said he plans to make great effort to look for this relationship again in larger studies to see if it was a chance finding, or if the association holds up.

  “While we can't say 100 percent that physical fitness causes better academic performance, we can say that there is a strong and predictive relationship between physical fitness and academic performance,” Petrie said.

  “It's hard to tease apart(梳理)the exact reason for this association,” said Becky Hashim, an attending clinical psychologist and assistant professor in the departments of psychiatry and pediatrics at the Children's Hospital of Montefiore, in New York City.

  “It may be that the children are getting more oxygen.When the heart and lungs are working at a higher capacity, it may allow the brain to work at peak performance.Children who are less fit may be sleepier during school,” she noted.“I personally feel that there's probably a strong relationship between the confidence you get from being able to do something physical well and academic performance.”

  Whatever the reason behind this association may be, “there's certainly no harm in pushing physical fitness,” Hashim added.“Physical fitness may make you feel better, give you more confidence and improve your performance across the board,” she said.

  Petrie agreed.“Physically fit kids are happier, have higher self-esteem and, tend to have better relationships, and now we're beginning to see that there also seem to be benefits cognitively and academically.Our study sends a strong warning to policymakers to reconsider the service program of physical education classes for kids,” he said.


How did the school district help the researchers carry out the study?

[  ]


By analyzing the data of fitness tests.


By giving some basic information.


By completing some questionnaires.


By offering a certain amount of Money.


According to the passage, the result of the study will be published ________.

[  ]


in a book


in a journal


at a conference


on the Internet


What's the suitable title of the passage?

[  ]


Parents should be aware of the benefit of fitness.


Fitter kids are likely to make better grades.


Fitness affects kids' social behavior greatly.


Teachers should value physical education classes.


What's Becky Hashim's attitude towards the relationship between physical fitness and academic performance?

[  ]










What does the underlined word “one” in Paragraph refer to?

[  ]


The BMI.


The body fat.


The brain development.


The test score.


From the last paragraph we can infer that physically fit kids ________.

[  ]


deserve to be treated well


live much longer than others


get along well with others


enjoy a peaceful life

