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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

          I love reading very much. My elder cousin Susan is 21 (interest) in reading,too. We often borrow books from each other. One day last month while I 22 (look) around in her study,I w^s drawn to a book called The Wedding Dress. It was written by Rachel Hauck. Before opening it,I didnt know 23 it was good or not. However,I 24 (attract) to it after I read a few pages. What a treat I found inside!

          In The Wedding Dress there are several characters,but the main one is a wedding dress. We follow it 25 when it was created for a young bride in Birmingham in 1912 to the next owner in 1939 and then to another bride in 1968. Each one of the brides has 26 story that the current owner of the dress,Charlotte,attempts 27 (discover) . Besides being woven with pearls and delicate details,the dress is fitted together with faith and courage 28 seem to be passed on to each young lady who wears it.

This is 29 (certain) a great book for young girls who love reading love stories. Don’t miss it if you love reading 30 (romance) love stories.


21. interested。考查词性转换。be interested in …意为“对……感兴趣”。

22. was looking。考查时态。在while引导的从句中,描述过去正在进行的动作,故用过去进行时。

23. whether。考查连词。.whether …or not 意为“是否'

24. was attracted。考查时态、语态。主语I和attract是被动关系,且讲述过去发生的动作,舍用一般过去时的被动语态。

25. from。考查介词。from…to…意为“从到…”。

26. a。考查冠词。泛指每个新娘都有一个故事 (story ) ,故用不定冠词a。

27. to discover。考查非谓语动词。attempttodosth.意为“尝试去做某事”。

28. which/that。考查关系代词。设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词faith and courage ,并在从句中做主语。   

29. certainly。考查词性转换。修饰整个句子,故用certain的副词形式。     30. romantiC。考查词性转换。修饰名词短语love stories ,故用romance的形容词形式。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第37期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                              ★ ★ ★ ★

            Bom in Mississippi in 1897,William Faulkner is considered the master of stream-of-consciousness,a revolutionary literary technique. His novels rank among the most important books of the 20th century.

            It is clear that Faulkner,s Deep South (the most southern states of the US) roots greatly influenced his writing. He grew up surrounded by traditional folk tales,family stories,and accounts from the Civil War. His remarkable understanding of race relations and his clever satire(讽刺) of Southern characters came from his memories of growing up in Lafayette County,Mississippi. It was there that William Faulkner began to write on the great political,social,and economic transformation taking place in the Deep South. He set many of his short stories and novels in Yoknapatawpha County,a fictional place he developed from his hometown.

            In his works,Faulkner examined how traditional values and beliefs affected Southern society after the Civil War. Faulkner particularly hated the racism and abuse that African Americans suffered in the South. Although Faulkner,s novels do riot avoid describing the cruelty and pain that life can bring,his works are filled with sympathy and humor. His work explores,condemns,and analyzes barriers to human freedom and happiness by examining racism,shames fear,and false pride.

            Among his masterpieces is The Sound and the Fury,published in 1929. The novel tells the story of a well-known Southern family,relying most heavily on stream-of-consciousness writing,in which a character's thoughts and feelings are conveyed in a manner similar to the way the human mind actually works. (The technique,in other words,is the expression of thoughts and feelings exactly as they pass through your mind,without the usual structure they have in formal writing.) 

           Faulkner's  mastery of unique literary styles was formally recognized when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1949. Always his own fiercest critic,William Faulkner considered many of his books failures because they did not live up to his high expectations. However,it is clear that Faulkner's experimental literary techniques often puzzled and challenged his readers,who were more,often than not inspired by his in-depth analysis of the human spirit. Faulkner passed away in 1962.

9. According to the text,Yoknapatawpha County.

   A. is a county of Mississippi

   B. was Faulkner’s hometown

   C. is based on Lafayette County

   D. was a place in the Deep South

10. In Paragraph 3 ,the author mainly tells us about.

   A. the styles of Faulkner's works .

   B. the themes of Faulkner's works

   C. the influence of Faulkner's works

   D. the limitations of Faulkner's works

11. What do we learn about stream-of-consciousness?

   A. It is the theme of The Sound and the Fury,

   B. It has the usual structure of formal writing.

   C. It describes mental activities as they occur.

   D. Jt refers to how characters affect each other.

12. What can we know about Faulkner and his works?

   A. 台e felt eonflised about ihem.

   B. He was usually inspired by them.

   C. He considered them to be unique.

   D. He was extremely strict about them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



             Ever think of moving abroad? Whether it's  for a job,a better quality of life,or for love,there are ple^y of reasons why people make a big move. Expatriates(移居国外者) around the world have rated the following destinations as the top places to live abroad in 2015.

1. Ecuador 

   Ecuador emerges as the clear winner when it comes to expatriate destinations. It has been ranked as the top country in the world among both men and women.

2. Mexico 

   Safety concerns aside,over four out of five expatriates say that getting used to the local culture in Mexico is usually easy,and over 90 percent appreciate the friendliness of the Mexicans.

3. Malta 

   According to the expatriates,Malta is the best. destination for people who want to work abroad. Overall job satisfaction is high,and two-thirds of expatriates or more are generally happy with their career prospects,work-life balance,and working hours.

4. Singapore 

   Singapore is an attractive destination for those looking for high-income jobs. The excellent living standards,the quality of health care,as well as the lack of a language barrier,are what attract expatriates most there.

5. Luxembourg 

   Two-thirds of expatriates are generally happy with their job security in Luxembourg,but the career prospects and their work-life balance are also considered a plus by hard-working expatriates.

6. New Zealand 

   Most expatriates find the leisure options available in :New Zealand outstanding. The pleasant environment and relaxed local culture make expatriates feel very much at home.

7. Thailand 

    Despite costly schooling for expatriate children,the generally low cost of living,friendly locals and great weather are a few of the many reasons why 87 percent of expatriates are overall satisfied with life in Thailand.

13. According to the text,over 90  percent of expatriates in Mexico.

   A. think it's safe to live there

   B. consider the locals friendly

   C. fail to adapt to the local culture

   D. are satisfied with the weather there

14. Which of the following countries is best for working abroad according to the expatriates?

   A. Ecuador. B. Malta.

   C. Luxembourg. D. New Zealand.

15. Singapore would most probably attract those who want to .

   A. pay lower school fees

   B. learn a foreign language

   C. enjoy a high quality of life

   D. experience the relaxed local culture

16. The text is mainly meant to.

   A. encourage readers to go abroad

   B. explain why some countries are popular

   C. introduce the best countries to live abroad

   D. recommend some popular travel destinations


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

             Jennifer and her friends put on their Halloween costumes and went trick-or-treating for sweets around the neighbourhood.

             There was an old house right at the top of her street that was 21 to be often visited by ghosts. No one was sure,if anybody actually 22 in the house because nobody was ever seen 23 or leaving it.

             Jennifer's friends 24 her to go and knock on the door. Poor Jennifer really didnt want to,but she knew she couldn'1 tell her friends she was 25 .

             Jennifer checked her watch,it was nearly 26 . That made it even scarier!Using her 27 to guide her in the dark,she 28 made her way to the old house. When she was about halfway there,her flashlight 29!She almost turned around and ran all the way back, 30 she knew that would make her friends 31 her. With only the moonlight from above lighting her way,she gathered all her 32 and walked the remaining distance to the door. Her hands were 33 as she knocked. In the silence of the night the sound of the knock was so much 34 than she expected that she almost jumped back in 35 !She held her breath,crossed her fingers and hoped 36 would open the door. Just as she was about to turn and leave,the old door slowly 37 . Jennifer could not have been more 38 to see a beautiful old lady standing right in front of her.

             The old lady smiled warmly at Jennifer and explained that this was the 39 time someone had come trick-or-treating. Every year she bought sweets for children but no one ever came. The old lady was so 40 that she gave Jennifer a big bag of sweets and told her to come and visit her again.

21. A. said   B. judged   C. proved   D. expected

22. A. played   B. disappeared  C. lived   D. lay

23. A. passing   B. cleaning  C. decorating   D. entering

24. A. introduced   B. dared  C. supported   D. allowed

25. A. scared   B. excited  C. puzzled   D. disappointed

26. A. midnight   B. morning  C. afternoon   D. noon

27. A. dog   B. watch   C. phone   D. flashlight

28. A. proudly   B. carelessly   C. slowly   D. hopefully

29. A. fell off   B. took off   C. went out   D. went on

30. A. although   B. unless  C. so   D. but

31. A. argue with   B. talk about  C. look at   D. laugh at

32. A. weapons   B. patience  C. courage   D. clothes

33. A. moving   B. shaking   C. waving   D. bleeding

34. A. softer   B. louder   C. shorter   D. longer

35. A. anger   B. delight   C. fright   D. sorrow

36. A. no one   B. someone   C. anyone   D. everyone

37. A. appeared   B. widened  C. broke   D. opened

38. A. surprised   B. satisfied  C. moved   D. annoyed

39. A. first   B. best   C. last   D. next

40. A. nervous   B. anxious   C. happy   D. upset


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



            There were rumors (传闻) on the Internet on Thursday that Teen Voguey started in 2003,would be stopped. Vogue, however, announced on Thursday afternoon in a statement that it would absorb Teen Vogue only from the business side,with the editorial side of Teen Vogue remaining complete as of now.

            The younger magazine has become the most read magazine for both teenage and adult fashion lovers alike over its 13-year run. It has recently received high praise for featuring three models of color on its August 2015 cover.

            Teen Vogue will continue to roll out on digital platforms,in its monthly print form and on social media,according to a spokesperson for the magazine. A statement released by Vogue announces Jason Wagenheim,a publisher of the magazine,is leaving,and the teams at Vogue and Teen Vogue will be marketed together. Teen Vogue will continue to operate independently,and have its unique voice.

            The news came in a hopeless year for fashion magazines at parent company Conde Nast. The publisher announced back,in August,2015 that Lucky Magazine would be removed before finally closing the brand completely in Noyember,2015. Last week Conde-owned GQ (a monthly fashion magazine for men) reportedly suffered a round of lay-offs(裁员) in an effort to focus,more on digital,with another rumor that Glamour (a weekly fashion magazine for women) may soon face staff or budget cuts as well.

            Teen Vogue has long been considered a survivor in the teen magazine landscape. As The New York Times noted in 2013,the year the magazine celebrated its 10th anniversary, “It has outlasted(比…持续时间长) YM, Elle Girl,Teen People,Cosmo Girl!and Teen.”

           However,like many other print magazines,The New York Times also reported that the magazine had seen a drop in sale of “half of what they were when,the magazine began”. Only time can tell what will come next for the magazine,but for now,it lives to see another day.

13. What did the rumors mainly say about Teen Vogue?

   A. Its editorial side would be changed.

   B. It would be stopped from coming out.

   C. It attracted more adults than teenagers.

   D. Vogue would absorb it from the business side.

14. What has been changed about Teen Vogue according to Paragraph 3 ?

   A. Its marketing. B. Its unique voice.

   C. Its digital platforms. D. Its monthly print form.

15. Paragraph 4  mainly shows that fashion magazines.

   A. received high praise

   B. had quite a terrible year

   C. were popular on the Internet

   D. competed against each other

16. According to The New York Times,Teen Vogue .

   A. faced staff or budget cuts

   B. didn’t  sell as well as it began

   C. had a shorter histwy than Teen

   D. celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2003


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3. 个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

            One day when I was twelve years old,I visited the library in my city. At the library,a librarian asked me, “What are you going to do 21 you grow up?” I said, “I'm going to be a writer. I'm going to write books." The librarian smiled and said, “Well,when you do write a book,bring it to our library and we’ 11 put it 22 display. ” I was greatly inspired after 23 (hear) the librarian's words.

           After I left college,I believed I had something to say and started a book. One year later,I finally finished it. I sent it off to several publishers. However, 24 of them wanted to have it 25 (publish) . I put it away 26 (sad) . I thought that perhaps I didnt have a gift for writing. I wanted to give up. However,I thought of 27 the librarian once told me. So I decided to try again. Later,I got an agent and wrote another book in two years. I pulled the other out of hiding and soon both 28 (sell) by my agent.

          The day when a box arrived on my doorstep with some free author's 29 (copy) , I wept. The following day,I went to the library with each copy of my books. I hugged the librarian,thanking her for her 30 (inspire) words.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 她的声音听起来好像是喉咙痛。(as though)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


    Jilly the giraffe lived at the Morgan Zoo. She liked the zoo and was friends with all the other giraffes. There was just one problem. Jilly was too tall. When she walked slowly around the zoo,she had to (俯身) to get past "some of the trees. The other giraffes just walked along without any problem. “Why can't I be like them? I get so tired of bending down to get past some of the trees!” she thought.

    One day Jilly was eating eavey (叶子) when she saw one of her friends,Granite,struggling (努力) to reach some leaves on the other trees. Jilly went up to him and asked, “What's wrong?” iThe giraffe said ,“I'm having trouble reaching the leaves of these trees. I wish I were as tall as you so I wouldn’t have any trouble getting my food." “You want to b? as tall as I am?” asked Jilly. “I always wanted to be shorter so I wouldn’t have to bend down to get past all these trees With that,Jilly pulled down the leaves for Granite. Suddenly two more giraffes came along and asi^ed if Jilly could get them some leaves. “Sure ,” said Jilly. “I would be glad to help you."

    After all the giraffes had their food that day,Jilly started back to the other side of the zoo to rest. She felt so happy and pr?ud(骄傲的) that she was able to help the other giraffes get their food from the tall trees. “How silly it was of me to want to be shorter like them ,” she thought to herself.


() 56. What was Jilly’s probleri。

   A. She thought she was to?"tall.

   B. Other giraffes always made fun of her.

    C. There was something wrong with her neck. 

    D. She had difficulty in communicating with others.

() 57. What does the underlined phrase a pulled down” mean in Chinese?

   A. 脱下   B. 推下   C.滑下   D. 拽下

() 58. How many giraffes did Jilly help?

   A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

() 59. How did Jilly feel at the end of the story?

   A. Tired and lonely.

   B. Happy and proud,C. Funny and excited.

   D. Surprised and angry.

() 60. What lesson can we learn from the story?

   A. Better late than never.

   B. Be happy with who we are.

    C. A friend is easier lost than found.

   D. Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。


           My name is Petra. I volunteered for a program in South Africa in the summer last year. Coming to Knysna in South Africa was very exciting. The warm welcome,tasty food,free Wifi and laundry service were just some of the pleasant things in the volunteer house. The house was situated on a hill in a quiet area with an amazing view over the Knysna bay,which made our stay very nice.

           I booked Ihe Community Outreach & HIV Awareness program. But I was a little bit upset to find there was only one hour of HIV training on my schedule. I really looked forward to more training on HIV. But the program staff came up with some other projects instead which turned out to be funny and successful.

            We worked together in a constructive way,keeping at the back of our minds the success of the projects. Any good idea was welcomed,acknowledged and carried out. Though the work there was a bit tiring,we enjoyed ourselves.

            Not to forget about all the lovely,interesting and thankful people we met on our working tours. They really appreciated the work we did to help them live a better life. So as a volunteer you can gain so much appreciation and sincerity,which you will hardly find in our European society. There wealth is only defined by the value of the newest technical device(设备) the size of the car you drive and all the other things one owns.

            Please don't get me wrong; I don't want to romanticize their hard everyday lives. But the people V ve met there gave me the impression that they laiow what really matters: Caring about each other,being honest and confident,living in the present,and so on.

             So if you are open-minded and want to experience something great,don't hesitate to join such a program.

1. What disappointed the author in Knysna?

   A. Things in the volunteer house.

   B. The attitude of the program st^ff.

   C. The arrangements for HIV training.

   D. The location of the volunteer house.

2. The author's program in Knysna is most probably meant to.

   A. attract tourists to visit there

   B. help the locals live a better life

   C. help volunteers enjoy a great time

   D. bring work opportunities to the locals

3. After dealing with the locals in Knysna,the author.

   A. realized wealth was important

   B. wanted to receive more training

   C. thought they lived a romantic life

   D. formed a good impression of them

4. How does the author feel about her time in Knysna?

   A. Regretful.    B. Relaxing.

   C. Inconvenient. D. Awesome.

