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1.Sorry I'm so late,but you cannot imagine  _______  great trouble I took to find your house.(  )

分析 对不起,我迟到了,可是你想象不到我费了多大劲才找到你家.

解答 答案:A.
imagine后是宾语从句,根据语序可知此处是感叹句做宾语从句,对名词感叹需要用what,结构为"what+形容词+名词+主语+谓语",本句中实际上是省略了it is,it为形式主语,后面的不定式to find your house作真正的主语;how直接修饰形容词或者副词;which指代范围,why指原因.take trouble to do sth很费劲的做某事;故答案选A.

点评 一、what引导的感叹句有三种结构形式
1、what+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!例如:What a good girl she is!她是个多么好的一个女孩啊!
2、what+形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语!例如:What bad weather it is!多么糟糕的天气啊!
3、what+形容词+可数名词复数+主语+谓语.例如:What good students they are!他们是多么好的学生啊!
1、How+形容词+主语+谓语!例如:How hot it is today!今天多么热呀!
 2、How+副词+主语+谓语!例如:How fast he runs!他跑得多么快呀!
3、How+主语+谓语!例如:How time flies!光阴似箭!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.-Hi,Jack.You look a bit fat now.
-Yes,I ______ five pounds recently.(  )
A.am putting onB.will put onC.have put onD.had put on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.A Book Review-The Snake-Stone by Berlie Doherty
The setting:Urban England (the cities),but also rural England (the countryside) including remote English villages.
The theme:The main theme is a teenage search of self-discovery,in this case the search for a mother from whom the hero was separated at an early age.Its other concerns are love,getting on with others,being persistent and courageous and trying to deal with doubts,troubles and worries.As the book moves to a close,James'swimming coach says to him:"You are not like a kid obeying instructions any more.You are diving like a young man who knows where he is going."
The characters:James is the hero of the story.He is a championship diver,and has a comfortable life with his foster parents (养父母).Yet he also has the qualities to take him on a long journey to find his birth mother.The other characters in The Snake-Stone,James'parents,his diving instructor,best friend,the villagers,people he meets on his journey,are pictured realistically.
The turning point:The turning point in the story comes while James'foster parents are away in London,and he wonders about the identity of his birth mother.The only clue he has is a fossil,"the snake stone"which she left behind along with a note on which she had written:"Take good care of Sammie.It was written on a torn envelope with parts of an address still there.
The journey:Instead of going to London,James decides to find his birth mother.With help from his geography teacher,James sets out for the remote country village where his mother might be found.James has painful,challenging,but also humorous and happy travels.The mother he finally meets,Anne,has a minor yet powerful voice in the novel.He comes to understand why she left him at a stranger's door fifteen years before.Although the meeting is not long,it leaves him with a feeling of completeness.As a journey of self-discovery The Snake-Stone also provides its readers with a happy ending.Its hero says,on returning to his foster parents,"I was home."

61.What is the main theme of the novel?C
A.Life with foster parents.
B.Life in the world of diving.
C.A journey of self-discovery.
D.A travel around the country.
62.What do the coach's words in Paragraph 2suggest?D
A.James is a successful diver.
B.James is a hopeful swimmer.
C.James is an outgoing young man.
D.James is an independent young man.
63.The snake stone in the novel isB.
A.a stone with an address on it
B.a clue left by the birth mother
C.a gift from the swimming coach
D.a fossil left by the foster parents
64.Which of the following is true about the novel?C
A.The story has a sad ending.
B.The story takes place in the city of London.
C.The characters are vividly described.
D.The turning point comes after the hero meets his birth mother.
65.It can be concluded that James'journey isA.
A.worthwhile B.boring
C.comfortable D.disappointing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.While in London,we paid a visit to the hospital founded _______ Florence Nightingale.(  )
A.in honor ofB.in line withC.in favor of'D.in place of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.药品没有广告说得那么有效,我服了药后,没有缓解我的咳嗽.(as…as)The medicine was not as effective as what the advertisement (had) claimed,for it didn't relieve my cough after I took it..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Following Christmas dinner,my family was relaxing around the kitchen table.The good cooking smells still stayed.My sister,our chef,was enjoying the compliments.一"Delicious meal!""Everything was wonderful."Dad had risen from his chair and was contentedly standing nearby.
My nephew,never one to sit still for too long,began playing his new basketball around the table and throughout the kitchen.Upon nearing Dad,he stopped-almost uncertainly.With shaking,wrinkled hands,Dad had reached out for the ball.He did not speak,and the boy,confused,looked up and over at us.It took some convincing,but the ball was lightly passed over.
 I watched my father closely to see what he would do.A playful smile appeared on his face.Holding the ball and reaching forward,Dad bounced it on the floor then caught it.This action was repeated.Nodding approvingly,he then turned towards our assembled group.Gently throwing the ball away,Dad began a game of catch.
The ball continued to be passed though eager pairs of outstretched hands.Cries of"Over here!"rang through the warm kitchen.Dad's active participation in this game was remarkable to me,since he had advanced Alzheimer′s disease.This disease had robbed him of many memories and the recognition of people,places and points in time.
In my younger years,playing with Dad was rare.To his credit,Dad worked hard and provided for us.He was very private and never showed nor shared much emotion.His game of choice was chess,which he did eventually teach me how to play.As an adult,I had become a caregiver and watched helplessly as Dad declined.Connecting moments between father and son had been few and far before he took the basketball.
I'm not sure how long we played catch.What I do know is that our game ended all too soon,and it was time to face the reality of dirty dishes piled high on countertops.The moment,though,will certainly last forever.On this Christmas,Dad gave me a special memory-one that I will always treasure.
65.Which of the following statements is true according to the first two paragraphs?C
A.The author's family praised his sister for the Christmas dinner.
B.The author's nephew liked sitting still for a long time.
C.The author's father reached out for the basketball easily.
D.The author's nephew passed the basketball to his father firmly.
66.What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?B
A.Why the author's father began a game of catch.
B.How the author's family took part in the basket game.
C.How the author's father played with basketball.
D.What the author's feeling was about his father's action.
67.How did the author feel on his father's active participation?B
A.Worried          B.Amazed           C.Annoyed        D.Interested
68.What can we learn about the author's father?B
A.He was outgoing and energetic.B.He seldom talked with his family.
C.He often played with the author.D.He taught the author to play basketball.
69.What is the main idea of the text?D
A.The disable people should never give up.
B.A Christmas dinner will be remembered forever.
C.Small holiday moments add up to lasting memories.
D.Communication with family is very important.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Great gifts don't have to be expensive.There are some gifts that kids can either make for free or without spending a lot of money.
A Decorative Flowerpot
l bought a bright-colored,glazed flowerpot and my brother and I wrote nice moments from the past in a spiral shape around the pot,along with some drawings.It looks great and won't wash off!Our grandparents will see what our handwriting looked like for a long time.-Brennan LaBrie
A Digital Photo Album
A digital photo album makes a cool gift.All you have to do is to burn a CD of photos stored in your computer.You can create a theme for the pictures or put them in order by date.Personalize the gift by creating your own cover art to insert into the CD case.-Cameron Young
A Person Poem
To make this gift,all you need is a pencil,colored pencils,a large pad of construction paper and a thick marker.
First,draw an outline of the person you are making the gift for.Then color the person in.Next,with a dark-colored marker,write words that describe the person and what he or she likes along the edge of the outline.Finally,trim(修饰)the sides of the drawing.Then stick it to colored paper to create a frame.-Claire Julian
A One-of-a-Kind T-Shirt
Try making a T-shirt with a photo of a family member,friend or pet on it.You'11need a digital camera,iron-on transfer paper,all iron,fabric paint and stencils.
Start by taking a digital picture.Print the picture on the iron-on paper,then ask an adult to help you iron it onto the shirt.Then print words or designs onto the shirt and use fabric paint to make the artwork stand out.-Curt Jorgensen

21.Which gift is related to one's personal wonderful experience?A
A.A Decorative Flowerpot.    B.A Digital Photo Album.
C.A Person Poem.             D.A One-of-a-Kind T-Shirt.
22.In how many gifts may the digital camera be used?B
A.1.    B.2.    C.3.     D.4.
23.Which of the following best describes the gifts mentioned in the passage?D
A.Impressive but fragile.    B.Creative but ugly.
C.Meaningful but expensive.  D.Special but cheap.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Drivers must stop when the traffic lights _____ red.(  )
A.turnB.will turnC.turnedD.were turning


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.--lt was really an exciting match yesterday.But you missed it.
-____.1got there ten minutes before it ended.(  )
A.Not at allB.Not exactlyC.Not especiallyD.Not really

