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—Why is the university doing so much building?

     number of students      so rapidly.

A. The; have increased          B.A; have increased

C. The; has increased          D. A; has increased


the number of… …的数量。 A number of 许多。



科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省皖南八校2011届高三上学期摸底联考英语试题 题型:001




1.How much will the man pay for the four tickets?

A.15 pounds.

B.30 pounds.

C.45 pounds.

2.Why is the man late according to his words?

A.He knocked down an old man.

B.He sent an old man to the hospital.

C.His bike was broken on the way.

3.What's the date today?

A.16 th.

B.17 th.

C.18 th.

4.Where are the two speakers?

A.At a bookshop.

B.At a bank.

C.At a restaurant.

5.What does the woman think of the dishes?

A.Just so-so.

B.Too bad.

C.Very deliecious.




6.What kind of tea do the Cantonese like?

A.Green tea.

B.Black tea.

C.Jasmine tea.

7.Why Chinese people like tea in their lives?

A.To refresh themselves.

B.To get a good sleep.

C.To make life easy.


8.What is the man?

A.A guide.

B.An engineer.

C.A teacher.

9.What is the man's advantage in English?




10.How many English words has the man grasped according to himself?

A.Almost 500.

B.Almost 5000.

C.Almost 5500.


11.What did Joe do last night?

A.He saw film.

B.He worked for a design.

C.He had a meeting.

12.What will Joe catch the first bus for?

A.To meet an important customer.

B.To take part in an interview.

C.To be the first to arrive at the company.

13.What does the woman prepare for the man?

A.Boiled eggs.

B.Fried eggs.



14.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Best friends.



15.How long has Robot Robinson been a teacher here?

A.15 months.

B.14 years.

C.Over 15 years.

16.What makes Robot Robinson like to be a teacher?

A.The student's curiosity.

B.The student's naughtiness.

C.His mother's decision.


17.What is the age of Miss Bao?

A.In her 20s.

B.In her 30s.

C.In her 40s.

18.How much can Miss Bao carn one month in her company?




19.Which is China's largest CtoC(customer to customer)website?




20.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Buy it online, a whole new way of shopping!

B.Buy it on TV, a whole new way of shopping!

C.Buy it on a magazine, a whole new way of shopping!


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省淮安七校2011-2012学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:001


第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.When will the plane take off?

A.At 5∶15.

B.At 5∶30.

C.At 5∶00.

2.What does the man want to do?

A.He wants to know where the computers are.

B.He wants to sell computer disks.

C.He wants to buy computer disks.

3.What are they going to do?

A.To see an exhibition.

B.To have a meeting.

C.To listen to a lecture.

4.How much does the pen cost?

A.13 yuan.

B.27 yuan.

C.7 yuan.

5.Why is the man late?

A.He could not walk fast.

B.He failed to catch his bus again.

C.His clock stopped.

第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6.For whom does the woman probably want to buy a ski jacket?

A.For her husband.

B.For her son.

C.For her daughter.

7.Why doesn’t the woman buy the jacket?

A.It’s too expensive.

B.It’s too big.

C.She doesn’t like the colors.


8.What do they know about Bob’s illness?

A.He must have got it in India.

B.He must have worked too hard.

C.He must have been badly treated when ill in India.

9.What is NOT true about his illness?

A.He is getting better and better.

B.He should have seen a doctor earlier.

C.It was too late to send him to the hospital.


10.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a bookstore.

B.In a department store.

C.In a ticket office.

11.Does the man find what he wants?



C.He’s still looking for it.

12.Which of the following is not true when the man wants that thing?

A.It is sold out.

B.The man can come back for it after some days.

C.They don’t sell this here.


13.What does the boy want to celebrate?

A.His 18th birthday.

B.His 19 th birthday.

C.His 20th birthday.

14.Where does the boy want to celebrate his birthday?

A.In a bar.

B.At his home.

C.In a restaurant.

15.What does the woman suggest?

A.Making a salad.

B.Buying some flowers.

C.Buying some drinks.

16.When will the boy order a birthday cake?

A.On Saturday morning.

B.On Saturday afternoon.

C.On Sunday morning.


17.Who is the speaker?

A.An official.

B.A tourist.

C.A guide.

18.When can you come if you want to see how bread was baked 200 years ago?

A.On Sunday afternoon.

B.On Tuesday morning.

C.On Saturday afternoon.

19.Where did Sir Henry come from?


B.The USA.


20.How many interesting places are mentioned here?





科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省宣城中学2011-2012学年高二3月月考英语试题 题型:001




1.When can the man see the headmaster?

A.At 9∶30.

B.At 11∶45.

C.At 12∶40.

2.How is the woman feeling?




3.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Doctor and patient.

B.Patient and secretary.

C.Secretary and doctor.

4.What is the man's opinion of the festival?

A.Everything about it was excellent.

B.The dance music was better than last year's.

C.Most of it was OK.

5.Where is the bottle bank?

A.To the right of the school.

B.In the car park.

C.Near the supermarket.




6.Why is it hard for the woman to find a place to live?

A.She is a new student.

B.She has just started to work in a company.

C.Many young workers need to find somewhere to live..

7.How long did it take the woman to find a place to live?

A.Three weeks.

B.Four weeks.

C.Six weeks.


8.Where does the Children's Fun Club have offices?

A.In the US.

B.In India

C.In England.

9.What will the children get this month?

A.A video.

B.A magazine.

C.A pen.


10.Why won't Mr.Bass go to the clinic tomorrow?

A.He can't spare the time tomorrow.

B.The clinic will be closed tomorrow.

C.He is not on duty tomorrow.

11.What's the date today?

A.April 23rd.

B.April 24 th.

C.April 25 th..

12.What time will Mr.White go to the clinic?

A.At 8∶00 pm on Wednesday.

B.At 7∶00 pm on Wednesday.

C.At 7∶00 pm on Tuesday.


13.How old is the man's brother?




14.Where is Black's PC shop?

A.In Cambridge.

B.In London.

C.In Peterstown.

15.What is the last day you can get a second game free?




16.How much does the computer game City 2011 cost?





17.Where will the Motor Show be held this year?

A.In the Eastbrook Department Store.

B.On the Three Trees Show Ground.

C.On the Park School Field.

18.How long will the Motor Show last?

A.5 days.

B.7 days.

C.11 days..

19.Who is Michael Boreman?

A.The presenter of Fast Driver.

B.A race-car driver.

C.The author of Speed King.

20.What could a lady at the Motor Show win?


B.A sports car.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河南省扶沟县高级中学高一第三次考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Obama Still Smokes in Secret
US President Barack Obama has just made life more difficult for cigarette makers.He has just signed a law that will set tough new rules for the tobacco industry.The new law gives the US Food and Drug Administration the power to strictly limit the making and marketing of tobacco products.
At a White House signing ceremony Monday, Obama said that he was among the nearly 90% of smokers who took up the habit before their 18 th birthday.
Obama, who has publicly struggled to give up smoking, said he still hadn’t completely kicked the habit.Every now and then he still smokes in secret.
“As a former smoker I struggle with it all the time.Do I still smoke sometimes? Yes.Am I a daily smoker, a constant smoker? No.” Obama said at a news conference.
“I don' t do it in front of my lads.I don’t do it in front of my family.I would say that I am 95% cured, but there are times when I mess up, " he said.
"Once you go down this path, it' s something you continually struggle with, which is exactly why the law is so important.The new law is not about me, it' s about the next generation of kids coming up.What we don ' t want is kids going down that path," he said.
Nearly 20% of Americans smoke and tobacco use kills about 440,000 people a year in the United States due to cancer, heart disease, and other serious diseases.
【小题1】The new law makes life difficult for             .

A.ObamaB.tobacco industry
C.White HouseD.US Food and Drug Administration
【小题2】What do we know about Obama?
A.He no longer smokes.
B.He still smokes as usual.
C.He began to smoke at eighteen.
D.He is trying hard to give up smoking.
【小题3】According to the passage, Obama is most concerned about           .
A.childrenB.officialsC.his familyD.businessmen


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年广东省广州市高二上学期第二次月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Talking on a mobile phone is expensive, so a lot of people send text messages. Text messages are much cheaper than talking on a mobile phone, and you can make it cheaper by making the words shorter. You can do this by taking out “unimportant” letters in the words and using numbers instead of words (2 =" to," 3 =" free," 4 =" for," 8 =" ate," so h8 =" hate," etc.). You can also keep away from using punctuation (标点). Here is an example: Do U wnt 2 g 2 th cnma tnite (Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?)

What do you think these text messages mean?

Whr hv U bn? Iv bn wtng hrs fr a cll.

Im hm nw, why nt gv me a cll.

I gt a txt mssge frm my frnd. Shes hvng a prty on Strdy.

Mobile phone users have developed a group of symbols (符号) to show how they feel. They are called emoticons, and there are some examples below. To read an emoticon, you have to look at it sideways. For example, if you say something in a text message that is a joke, you can follow it with a smiling face. Like this: Why didt u call me? I’m so sad.   (

Here are some others. Can you think of text messages where you could use them?

) laughing     ( sad    < really sad

Ⅴ shouting    |·| asleep   :0 shocked

8·| surprised    \·o bored

1.Why are text messages popular?

A.Because they are expensive.

B.Because they are cheap.

C.Because they are hard to write.

D.Because they are not important.

2.The first paragraph tells us that we can make the text messages shorter in             ways.





3. What does this text message “Do U wnt 2 cm?” mean? It means “                   ?”.

A.Do you want to come

B.Do you wear two caps

C.Do you want two cakes

D.Do you go home early

4.Why do people use emoticons?

A.Because they can show how users feel.

B.Because the symbols are beautiful.

C.Because text messages are short.

D.Because the users can’t make the words shorter.


