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26£®B ÍÆÀíÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕÂÄÚÈÝ"He can be on our team and we will try to put him up to bat in the ninth inning£®""Ëû¿ÉÒÔÔÚÎÒÃǵÄÇò¶Ó£¬ÎÒÃǻᾡÁ¦ÈÃËûÔڵھžֻ÷Çò£®¹ÊDÏîÕýÈ·"Shay didn't even know how to hold the bat properly£¬much less connect with the ball"ShayÉõÖÁ²»ÖªµÀÔõôÎÕÇò°ôÓëÇò¸üÉÙµÄÁ¬½Ó£¬¹ÊAÏîÕýÈ·£»¹ÊÑ¡B£®
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Application £¨ÉêÇ룩 date Students in New York should send their applications before July 18£¬2007£® Students of other cities should send their applications before July 16£¬2007£® Foreign students should send their applications before July 10£¬2007£® | Courses English Language Spoken English£º22 hours Reading and Writing£º10 hours American History£º16 hours American Culture£º16 hours |
Steps A letter of self-introduction A letter of recomme ndation£¨ÍƼö£© ©~The letters should be written in English with all the necessary information£® | Cost Daily lessons£º200 Sports and activities£º100 Travels£º200 Hotel service£º400 ©~You may choose to live with your friends or relatives in the same city£® |
Please write to£º Thompson£¬Sanders 1026 King's Street New York£¬NY 10016£¬USA E-mail£ºKC-Summer-School@yahoo£¬com |
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