精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
8.It was during those hard days in a small community. Food was in short supply. I used to stop by Mr.Miller's stand for(41)C  
    One particular day,while Mr.Miller was(42)Asome potatoes for me I noticed a small boy(43)Badmiring a basket of green peas. Soon I was also(44)Cto the fresh green peas.
    The boy left. Mrs.Miller(45)Dto me and said,"There are two other such boys in our(46)A,all from poor families. Jim always offers to(47)Aour produce for their marbles(弹珠). He somehow makes them believe he likes red marbles(48)B.Sometimes he even sends them home with some peas for(49)D."I left the stand,(50)Awith this man.
    Years later,I went back to visit some(51)Bin that community and while I was there I learned Mr.Miller had died. I agreed to(52)Cmy friends to see Mrs.Miller. Upon our arrival,we offered whatever words of(53)A. Ahead of us were three young men. They moved to the casket(棺椁). Mrs.Miller's eyes followed them(54)Deach young man placed his own(55)Bhand over the cold pale hand and then left.
    Our turn came to meet Mrs.Miller.I told her who I was and mentioned the(56)Cof the marbles. She said,"Those three young men were the boys. They told me how they(57)AJim's kindness."
"We've never had much(58)B,"she said,"but right now,Jim would consider himself the(59)Cman."Then she lifted her husband's lifeless fingers.(60)Dbeneath the hand were three shining,red marbles!
41.A. flowersB. grainsC.vegetablesD. fruits
42.A. baggingB. diggingC.sellingD. cooking
43.A. happilyB. hungrilyC.curiouslyD. seriously
44.A. carriedB. sentC.drawnD. led
45.A. pulled upB. picked upC. got upD. came up
46.A. communityB. townC. homeD. store
47.A. tradeB. bringC. changeD. get
48.A. in timeB. in particularC. on purposeD. on average
49.A. somethingB. everythingC. anythingD. nothing
50.A. impressedB. surprisedC. disappointedD. satisfied
51.A. relativesB. friendsC. businessmenD. workers
52.A. introduceB. sendC. accompanyD. assist
53.A. comfortB. thanksC. praiseD. encouragement
54.A. sinceB. whetherC. becauseD. as
55.A. coolB. warmC. redD. pale
56.A. priceB. colorC. storyD. number
57.A. appreciatedB. forgotC. neededD. helped
58.A. debtB. wealthC. hopeD. health
59.A. tallestB. dearestC. richestD. toughest

分析 本文讲了一个感人的小故事.在饥饿的年代,Miller先生假装喜欢弹珠,用自己的菜和孩子们交换弹珠,有时候,他甚至什么都不要,送他们一些豌豆.多年后,Miller先生去世,曾经的孩子们去和他告别.

解答 41-45 CABCD   46-50 AABDA   51-55 BCADB     56-60 CABCD
41C:考查名词. 根据One particular day,while Mr.Miller was some potatoes for me I noticed a small boyadmiring a basket of green peas.可知这里填蔬菜.Flowers花;grains谷粒;vegetables蔬菜;fruits水果,故选C.
42A:考查动词.根据I used to stop by Mr.Miller's stand for,可知Miller先生正在为我装土豆.Bagging装袋;digging挖掘;selling卖;cooking烹调,故选A.
43B:考查副词.根据Food was in short supply.以及admiring a basket of green peas.可知这里意思是一个小男孩饥饿地注视着一篮子绿色豌豆.Happily快乐地;hungrily饥饿地;curiously好奇地;seriously严肃地,故选B.
44C:考查短语.根据One particular day,while Mr.Miller was some potatoes for me I noticed a small boyadmiring a basket of green peas. Soon I was also to the fresh green peas.可知不久,我也被新鲜的绿色豌豆所吸引.be drawn to是固定用法,意思是被…所吸引,故选C.
45D:考查短语.根据Mrs.Miller _to me and said,"There are two other such boys in our_,all from poor families.可知这里意思是Miller夫人走到跟前.pulled up从土里拔出;picked up捡起;got up起床;came up走到跟前,故选D.
46A:考查名词.根据It was during those hard days in a small community.可知这里填community.Community社区;town城镇;home家;store商店,故选A.
47A:考查动词.根据our produce for their marbles(弹珠).可知是在交易.trade 交易;bring带来;change改变;get得到,故选A.
48B:考查短语.根据He somehow makes them believe he likes red marbles.可知这里意思是他让他们相信他特别喜欢红色的弹珠.in time及时;in particular特别;on purpose故意;on average
49D:考查代词.根据I left the stand,with this man.可知这里意思是有时候,他甚至什么都不要,送他们一些豌豆.Something某物;everything一切;anything任何东西;nothing没有东西,故选D.
50A:考查动词.根据前面Miller夫人说的话,给我留下很深的印象.Impressed给…以深刻印象;surprised吃惊;disappointed 失望;satisfied满意,故选A.
51B:考查名词.根据I agreed to my friends to see Mrs.Miller.可知这里填friends.Relatives亲戚;friends朋友;businessmen商人;workers工人,故选B.
52C:考查动词.根据I agreed to my friends to see Mrs.Miller. Upon our arrival,we offered whatever words of.可知这里意思是我同意陪同我的朋友们去看Miller夫人.Introduce介绍;send送;accompany陪同;assist协助,故选C.
53A:考查名词.根据Upon our arrival,we offered whatever words of.可知我们说了许多安慰的话.Comfort安慰;thanks感谢;praise赞扬;encouragement鼓励,故选A.
55B:考查形容词. 根据Mrs.Miller's eyes followed them each young man placed his ownhand over the cold pale hand and then left.和cold相对应是warm.Cool凉;warm温暖的;red红色的;pale苍白的,故选B.
56C:考查名词.根据I told her who I was and mentioned theof the marbles.可知这里意思是我告诉她弹珠的故事.Price价格;color颜色;story故事;number数目,故选C.
57A:考查动词.根据She said,"Those three young men were the boys. They told me how theyJim's kindness."可知这里意思是他们非常感谢Jim的善良.Appreciated感激;forgot忘记;needed需要;helped帮助,故选A.
58B:考查名词.根据"We've never had much,"she said,"but right now,Jim would consider himself the man."可知这里意思是我们没有很多财富.Debt债务;wealth财富;hope希望;health
59C:考查形容词.根据"We've never had much,"she said,"but right now,Jim would consider himself the man."可知这里意思是我们没有很多财富,但是我们是最富有的人.Tallest最高;dearest最亲爱的;richest最富有;toughest最坚强的,故选C.
60D:考查动词.根据beneath the hand were three shining,red marbles!可知这里填Resting.Rolling滚动;Fading消逝;Hanging挂着;Resting静止,故选D.

点评 完型填空,解题时要抓住文章的脉络,一定要读懂全文,弄清文章要表达的思想,注意前后段落之间的关系.答题中,一定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的关系,与前后单词的关系.对于一时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答案可以从下文内容体现出来.答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18._____time goes by,the computer will become smaller and smaller.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.A woman named Emily (25)renewing(renew) her driver's license was asked by a woman recorder to state her occupation.She hesitated,uncertain how to classify herself."What I mean is (26)whetheryou have a job."explained the recorder.
"Of course I have a job,"replied Emily."I'm a mother."
"We don't list‘mother'(27)asan occupation …‘Housewife'covers it,"said the recorder.
    I forgot all about her story (28)untilone day I found myself in the same situation at Town Hall.The clerk was obviously a career woman."What is your occupation?"she asked.
    I don't know what made me say it.The words simply got out."I'm a researcher in the field of Child Development and Human Relation."
    The clerk paused and looked up (29)as ifshe hadn't heard right.
"Might I ask,"said the clerk,"what do you do in your field?"
    Coolly,I heard myself reply,"I have a continuing program of research,in the laboratory and in the field.Normally,I would have said indoors and out.I'm working for my Master,the whole family,and already have four credits.Of course,the job is one of the (30)most demanding(demanding) in the humanities,and I often work 14 hours a day,but the job is more challenging and the rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money."
    There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she completed the form,stood up and personally showed me to the door.
    As I drove into our driveway,I was greeted by my lab assistant.Upstairs I could hear my new experimental model,a six-month-old baby,in the child-development program,(31)testing(test) out a new vocal pattern.
    I felt proud!Motherhood …What a glorious career!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.People in several American states may be surprised to see cars on city streets without a driver.Experimental driverless vehicles now are legal in Florida,Nevada and California.They are pointing the way to a future that is not far down the road.The high-tech company Google has a number of self-driving cars,which had covered 480,000 kilometers by August.Volvo is among the companies doing road tests and says it plans to sell driverless cars by 2020.
     In September,California Governor Jerry Brown signed an act to allow autonomous vehicles on the roads of his state."Today we're looking at science fiction becoming tomorrow's reality-the driverless car."The technology for these cars includes cameras,radar and motion sensors.The systems have been improved through competitions sponsored by the U.S.government agency DARPA.Engineer Richard Mason of the Rand Corporation helped design driverless vehicles for DARPA challenge races.
     Cars have become much more fuel-efficient,and new electronic features are'making Hondas safer,said Angie Nucci of Honda America."A camera on the passenger-side mirror actually engaged on your guiding screen so you can safely change lanes."Other safety features include warning systems on the front and the sides of the cars.These systems help drivers,but don't replace them.Curator Leslie Kendall of the Petersen Automotive Museum said autonomous cars will make the high ways safer.
"By taking out drivers,you also remove most risks of an accident,"Kendall said.He said consumers,however,may be unwilling to lose control."It may take them time to come to realize that the technology is indeed reliable,but it will have to prove itself first."
     Mason said the technology already works and the biggest challenge now is getting down the cost for driverless vehicles from hundreds of thousands of dollars to something more affordable.He said this will happen as the technology is improved.
61.What can we learn from Paragraph l?D
A.Driverless vehicles are now legal in the whole USA.
B.Volvo will be the first to sell driverless cars.
C.Driverless cars are pointing us a faraway future.
D.Google's self-driving cars have covered a long distance.
62.We learn that Governor of California Jerry BrownB.
A.helped design self-driving cars.
B.supports self-driving cars on roads.
C.considers self-driving cars science fiction.
D.improved the self-driving car systems.
63.What is the role of the systems mentioned in Paragraph 3?A
A.They can help people drive more safely.
B.They can take the place of drivers now.
C.They can make cars run without fuel.
D.They can help cars run much faster.
64.According to Richard Mason,what is the biggest challenge for driverless cars?
A.They are not allowed to run on the road.
B.Their technical problems remain to be solved.
C.They are now too expensive for consumers.
D.They are more dangerous for people on the street.
65.What's the best title of the passage?D
A.The benefits of the self-driving cars.
B.The biggest challenge of the self-driving cars.
C.Safer or more dangerous-self-driving cars.
D.Self-driving cars-science fiction future is near.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

3.Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways.(16)GSecond,your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test.Third,note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.
You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report.(17)EWhenever or however you take notes,keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process.(18)F    
The following methods may work best for you.
●Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.
●Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.
●Write your notes in your own words.
●Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.
As you take notes,you may want to use your own shorthand(速记).When you do,be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time.(20)D   
A.Use words,not complete sentences.
B.There are three practical note-taking methods.
C.You must write your notes on separate paper.
D.Otherwise,you may not be able to read your notes later.
E.You will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.
F.That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.
G.First,the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Have you ever noticed what happens to an idea once you express it?Just talking about it or writing it down causes you to make it clear in your own mind.How can you use this to increase your brain power?Start writing.
   By putting thoughts into words,you are telling yourself the logic (逻辑) behind what you think,feel,or only partly understand.Often,explaining a thought is the process of understanding.In other words,you increase your brain power by exercising your"explain power."
   Try this experiment.Explain how you'll increase your brain power,even if you have no idea right now.Just start with anything,and create an explanation.For example,start with"I'll learn chess,"or"I'll read an article on the mind every week."Explain how that will help.You'll be surprised how often this becomes a workable plan,and if you actually do this,you'll have a better understanding of your brain from now.
    Another benefit of writing is that it helps you remember.Many,if not most,highly productive people are always taking notes.You can try keeping it all in your head,but if you keep a journal of your ideas the next time you're working on a big project,you'll probably have more success.
   Want to understand a topic?Write a book about it.That's an extreme example,but if you are learning something new,write a letter to a friend about it,and you will understand it better.Want to invent something?Write an explanation of the problem,why you want to solve it,and why it is worth solving,and you're half-way there.
   Writers don't always write because they clearly understand something beforehand.Often,they write about something because they want to understand it.You can do the same.Writing will help bring you to an understanding.Give it a try.
68.What would be the best title for the text?B
A.A Way on How to Write
B.Increase Your Brain Power through Writing.
C.How to Start Your Writing
D.Brain Power Helps Improve Your Writing.
69.According to the text,writing can help you a lot in the following ways EXCEPTC
A.the increase of your brain power         
B.the ability to remember
C.the development of your interest in study  
D.the better understanding of a topic
70.The underlined sentence"you're half-way there"in the fifth paragraph implies
A.you are already successful              
B.you still need to work hard
C.writing can help you walk half way       
D.You have been on the way to success
71.What's the main purpose of the writer writing the text?A
A.To advise readers to start their writing
B.To explain the importance of writing
C.To persuade readers to become writers
D.To increase readers'brain power.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.____with rich experience can apply for the job.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.All their attempts to rescue the child from the burning building were _____,and he died soon.(  )
A.in placeB.in returnC.in vainD.in ruins

