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14.For many young people,going to university is one of the most important (61)stages (stage)of their lives.It is the time when young people will move out of (62)their  (they)home to live with other people,often strangers.(63)Especially (especial)in the U.S,people often travel very far (64)from home to study.It is a time to be(65)independent  (independence).
At university,you will (66)be taught (teach)by lectures and professors who are leading figures in their study.The opportunity to learn from and to discuss with them is(67)what drives some people to apply to university.Students are required to choose a major that they wish to study.Apart from the (68)academic (academy)benefit,life at university also can allow students.(69)to develop (develop)their interests in many fields.
Therefore,university is a place(70)where you attain knowledge,to develop your values and to accept those who may be different.

分析 对许多年轻人来说,上大学是他们生活中最重要的阶段之一,是年轻人从自己的家搬出去和其他人经常是陌生人一起生活的时候.大学是一个让你获得知识,发展你的价值观,接受那些不同的人的地方.

解答 61.stages 考查名词复数.在英语中one of后要加可数名词的复数,故用stages.
62.their 考查形容词性物主代词.由于空格后是名词home,故根据句意其前面要用一个形容词性物主代词,故用their.
64.from 考查介词.在英语中,farfrom是固定搭配,意思是:远离…,故填from.
66.betaught 考查动词语态.根据句意,由于主语是you,与teach之间是被动关系,而在空格前是助动词will,故用be taught.
67.what 考查名词性从句.分析句子结构,可知这是一个表语从句,从句中缺少主语,根据句意可知要填what. 
69.to develop 考查动词不定式.在英语中,allow sb to do sth是固定搭配,意思是"允许某人做某事",故填to develop.
70.where 考查定语从句.分析句子结构,可知这是一个定语从句,从句中的主干成分没有残缺,由于先行词是表地点的place,故填关系副词where.

点评 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析,逐题解答.扎实的语法功底加上准确的理解是解答语法填空题的关键.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.I will never forget that unusual day!I kept hearing a strange noise while I was driving down a mountain in my car,so I stopped on the dirty road to check.There was a little green head looking at me in my backpack.
"What are you doing there,little frog?"I said to myself.Well,you can imagine my surprise when I heard this frog answering me in the voice of a frog."Madam,I love to travel so much that I just can't control myself when I see a backpack."
I just looked at him with my mouth open and didn't know what to say.
"Oh,dear Madam,"continued the frog,"I am Mongy.Nice to meet you!"
"Nice to meet you,too!You can call me Christa.How is it possible that I can hear you,Mongy?"
"You wanted to get to know nature and the living things in the world,and you started paying attention to nature.Most people never pay attention to nature,so they only listen when they are young.But you heard the voices of nature calling you.You went even further than that and you tried to get along well with nature.That's why you can hear me now."
It was at this moment that my life changed and I suddenly knew what my destiny (命运) would be from that day on.
60.The writer wasC when she heard the strange noise.
A.looking at a frog                      B.checking her car
C.driving down a mountain               D.talking to a frog
61.The writer looked at the frog with her mouth open becauseC.
A.it was making a strange noise
B.it looked at her like a human
C.it answered her in the voice of a frog
D.it loved to travel
62.The writer could hear the frog for all of the following reasons,EXCEPT becauseA.
A.she had a special ability to talk to frogs
B.she tried to get along well with nature
C.she paid attention to living things
D.she wanted to get to know nature
63.What does the writer want to tell us?D
A.What her unusual day was like.
B.About her special ability to talk with frogs.
C.To protect small animals.
D.To build a friendly relationship with nature.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Nowadays,the Internet,with its ability to connect people throughout the world,is changing  the way people learn languages.There is still no way to avoid the hard work through vocabulary lists and grammar rules,but the books,tapes and even CDs are being replaced by email,video chat and social networks.
     Livemocha,a Seattle company,has created a website devoted to helping people learn more than 38 languages by exchanging messages over the Internet and then correcting each other's messages.The lessons,whether they are flashcards,quizzes,audio recordings or written and spoken essays,are delivered through the Intemet.
    Michael Schutzler,Livemocha's chief executive(主管),says the website's advantage is the ability to practicel with a real person."The great irony(讽刺)is that even if you have learned a foreign language in the classroom for years,you don't have confidefice to go into a restaurant and have a conversation with a foreigner,"he said.The casual connection with real people throughout the world,however brief,are not just fun and surprising but show more about how the language is really used.
    Livemocha is now experimenting with a variety of ways that resemble the games on other social websites to motivate people.The flashcard exercises,for instance,are scored,and the totals earned by studying and teaching appear on the users'front page.
    Besides,each person can set up a profile(简历)which includes a short description of his age,location and what language he would like to learn.Therefore,if you want to study one language,you will easily find many people who are fluent in it.Andl an email or two is all it takes to find a study partner.
    There are more and more companies like Livemocha offeritig online language learning to students throughout the world.And instead of merely helping people practice different languages,they also enable people to share interests and make new friends.

56.For what purpose did Livemocha create the website?A
A.To offer new ways of language learning.
B.To make an advertisement for their company.
C.To share interests and make new friends.
D.To tell his inspiring story to more people.
57.What is the advantage of the Internet language learning?B
A.Books,tapes and even CDs are completely out of use.
B.Leamers can practice languages with real people.
C.People can learn more than 38 languages in all.
D.There is no need to learn vocabulary and grammar.
58.Why does the writer give us the example of flashcard exercise in Paragraph 4?A
A.To show what Livemocha is doing to inspire website users.
B.To introduce how Livemocha scores the website users'work.
C.To explain why Livemocha experiments with other social websites.
D.To tell what Livemocha prepares for the front page of the website.
45.How can one find a study partner on Livemocha?D
A.He needs to set up a profile about his past experience.
B.He should deliver his written essays to the website.
C.He needs to give lessons over the Internet.
D.He can select suitable people and email them.
60.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?C
A.Livemocha will open more branch companies.
B.Online learners can practice languages free of charge.
C.More learners will turn to online language learning.
D.Livemocha will be turned into a dating website.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.What would it be like to take a walk on the surface of Mars?If you could design the tallest building in the world,what would it look like?Do you dream of being the next J.K.Rowling?This summer,you can experience all of these things,and more.All you need is an Internet connection and your imagination.
   A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that kids spend an average of 1 hour and 29 minutes online each day.Many kids like to use that time to chat with friends,play games or check e-mail.But next time you get on the Web,try exploring the world instead."With the Internet,you can go back 11,000 years in time,or go 11,000 kilometers across the planet,"said Russell,Web search expert of Google."The whole scope of history and the world is open to you."
   There is a wealth of information to be found online.For example,if your family is going on vacation somewhere,do a quick online search on the area before you even get in the car."What's the background of the place; what's the history?"says Russell."I like to tell my kids,‘Whenever you have a question,whenever you have a doubt,search it out.'"
   Ready to launch a virtual(虚拟的) journey of your own?Here are a few starting points to get you thinking and to help you on your way.You can invite your parents along for the ride,too.Always ask for permission before downloading programs and software into your computer.And,check with a parent or adult before visiting any new Web site.
   Navigate the world in 3-D with Google Earth.Begin in outer space and zoom into the streets of any city,from Hong Kong to San Francisco.Or,visit ancient monuments and watch the changing rainforests over time.With the moon in Google Earth tool,you can walk in Neil Armstrong's famous footsteps.Take a guided tour of the moon's surface with Armstrong's fellow shuttle mate astronaut Buzz Aldrin.
56.According to Russell,the kidsC
A.spend too much time on the Internet           
B.should never chat and play games online
C.can solve their problems through the Internet    
D.should study hard instead of chatting online
57.From the passage we know thatA
A.we can find much information we need online   
B.Neil Armstrong traveled to the moon alone
C.the kids can download programs onto the computer freely
D.the kids can visit the new website freely without parents'guidance
58.According to the passage,if you want to go to Tropical Rainforests,you canD
A.take the time shuttle                                                 
B.go to the cinema to watch 3-D films
C.find a travel agency in Google                                 
D.use Google Earth
59.The passage is mainly intended forD
60.In which section of a website can we probably read this passage?C
C.Internet World


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Even Spider-Man knew it,since Peter Parker's uncle Ben told him:With great power comes great responsibility.But when you're a fan of high-tech,the temptation to abuse your powers is hard to resist.
At first we place this equipment mostly in the interest of"family security".For example,all of our external doors and windows are connected via a Vivint home security system.Nobody in our house carries keys anymore; instead,we open the WiFi-connected door locks with our own numerical codes.I get alerts to my phone when doors and windows are opened.Checking Vivint's website,I can see exactly who came or left,and when.
The Piper is just one of a handful of surveillance cams (监控摄像头) we have set up across the house.Its purpose is not to scare the wandering teenagers; it's for chasing off intruders (people who goes into a place where they are not supposed to be).But this surveillance equipment also doubles as an effective way to keep an eye on the kids.
In the old days,my parents used to hide in the dark so they could surprise my older sisters when they came carelessly home very early in the morning.Today there's an app (计算机应用程序) for that.We have the ability to know where our children are and what they're doing,if we choose to.
Over the years we have installed various apps on their phones,like Life 360and Glympse,which let us look up their location with a few taps.Since my son began driving two years ago,we've had an Audiovox Car Connection dongle plugged into the onboard computer of our aging family car.I get a text whenever he leaves or arrives home,and if I so choose I can trace his recent movements on a map.And when my wife and I are out of town,we can call up cams on our phones to see if a teen dance party is being held in our household.
Still,the decision whether to track your loved ones is not an easy one.But I believe the positives finally outweigh the negatives.Technology has enabled us to fasten our kids with a rope at an earlier age,to allow them more self-direction,not less.It has helped us guide them,at a distance,toward making smarter choices.Hopefully it will also allow us to stay in touch with them when they get older and leave the nest.

55.According to the passage,what function does Vivint home security system have?B
A.Numerical keys.B.Warning service.C.Free WiFi.D.Website codes.
56.Why does the writer set up the Piper surveillance cam?C
A.To frighten away the people traveling around his house.
B.To keep an eye on his kids.
C.To force housebreakers to leave.
D.To see exactly who came or left,and when.
57.Which equipment does the writer use to know what his kids are doing?D
A.The  Audiovox Car Connection dongle.B.Glympse.
C.Life 360.D.The Piper surveillance cam.
58.What's the writer's attitude towards the high-tech equipment?A


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

19.I have been blessed with the opportunity in my life.It took the near-death experience of my dad to make me realize that my purpose in life is to(1)C others.My dad suffered from leukemia(白血病) in 1998.(2)Bthe pain and treatment that he put up with inspired me to be a more kind and (3)Cperson.I realized life is just too(4)A  and it was time for me to make some changes-do the things in life that I wanted to do without making(5)Cwhy I couldn't do them.
My dad(6)Ba bone marrow transplant(骨髓移植) operation,and after that he was able to reuse his own"cleaned"marrow,so a donor(捐献者) was not needed.That was excellent (7)C because donors who are a match are hard to come by.That (8)Bme to become a bone marrow donor and hopefully help someone else one day.I also(9)A money for the cancer patients.Yet,I was not satisfied with just that.I had to do more,(10)C blood every other month and seek opportunities to do other acts of kindness daily.The opportunity,some days,presents itself very(11)Band some days I have to seek it out.Either way,it comes.
I would like to(12)Aone of my favorite quotes(名言)with you all:
"In an average lifetime,a person(13)Dabout sixty-five thousand miles.That's two and half times around the world.I wonder(14)Ayour steps will take you.I wonder how you'll use the rest of the(15)Byou're given."
I want to use my miles to create foot prints of love in this world.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.He cares so little about his meals that         will do so long as it fills his stomach.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Many people take it for granted that black is a color of bad things while white should always mean something good.This may be because,in their opinion,black is related to darkness and white to purity.However,that is not always the case.Did you know that the same one color may mean something differently in different places of the world?
In the English-speak ing world,black is the color of mourning-people wear black at the funeral.Red is concerned with danger or bloodshed(伤亡).Yellow is the word for fear.If you are afraid,you are yellow.Yet none of these sayings is true outside the English-speaking world.In China and Korea white is the color of mourning.In Russia,China and some other countries,red stands for beauty,life and excellence.In Italy and Germany,you are yellow with anger,not with fear.
Even within the English-speaking area,it is not difficult to find color contradictions(矛盾).A redcap in the United States is a porter in a railway station.In Britain,however,a redcap is a military policeman.Both names are logical,because both men wear red caps.Similarly,the British term for an American white-collar worker is sometimes called a black-coated worker.
One does not have to cross an area to find color differences.Would you rather be red-blooded or a blue-blooded?If we go back to the origin,we find that both terms are logical as both names suggest.The expression"blueblood"comes from Spain,where some noble families proudly told the world that they had"blue blood".Actually they meant that they had no Moorish or Jewish blood.But then why"blue"blood?Because they were fair-skinned,and it is only natural that their blood vessels (血管)stood out appearing blue.
56.Yellow is concerned with anger inD
A.India                        B.Britain
C.China                        D.Italy 
57.Both Britain and America would probably agree thatB
A.a redcap is a porter in a station
B.black is the color of mourning
C.red stands for beauty and excellence
D.a black-coated worker is employed in an office
58.In Britain,a redcap is aD         
A.porter   B.nobleman    C.clerk    D.military policeman
59.The best title for this reading selection isC.
A.The Origin of Blue Blood
B.Colors that Carry Bad Meanings
C.The Meaning Concerned with Certain Colors
D.The Development of the Symbolic Use of Colors.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.The Sino-U.S.relations,although they have experienced twists and turns in the past,______ have moved forward.(  )
A.in returnB.on the whole
C.in other wordsD.on the other hand

