精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】A poor and old farmer lived in a village, who had a beautiful and young wife. The wife _______ wanted to enjoy life by spending lots of money on good clothes. Because of his old age and poor_______, the farmer hardly left his house and did not earn more than what was _______. So the wife often felt_______ and the couple often _______ each other.

One day, a thief heard their quarrel and saw the wife _______ out of the house in tears. He followed her and then came up to her to _______. “Dear, I’ve heard about your quarrel. You are very beautiful and young and old man can’t satisfy your demands. I have a lot of_______but no one to spend it. So, why not_______the old man and follow me to the city? We will start a(n)________life together.” the thief said. The wife agreed to his ________. That night, she gathered all her fine clothes and money and left with the thief for the ________.

Early the next morning, they reached a ________. The thief said to the woman, “Dear, please stay here on the bank ________ I swim to other side and ________ a boat to get you across. Hand over your money to me, for seeing you ________, somebody may try to take ________ away from you.”

The woman handed over the money to the thief and________on the bank. The thief had________what he wanted so he didn’t come back. Now, the woman had________her husband and everything.

Moral: Desire for more may let you lose what you have.

1A. sometimes B. always C. also D. still

2A. health B. appearance C. performance D. memory

3A. usual B. difficult C. important D. necessary

4A. afraid B. weak C. sad D. cold

5A. wounded B. disturbed C. followed D. fought

6A. riding B. looking C. running D. traveling

7A. talk B. trade C. teach D. explain

8A. time B. money C. advice D. energy

9A. leave B. treat C. help D. forget

10A. honest B. long C. new D. simple

11A. invitation B. feeling C. hope D. suggestion

12A. factory B. garden C. city D. farm

13A. cross B. bridge C. park D. river

14A. unless B. while C. though D. after

15A. look for B. think about C. find out D. build up

16A. ill B. alone C. young D. nervous

17A. one B. him C. me D. it

18A. waited B. slept C. worked D. counted

19A. noticed B. got C. discovered D. believed

20A. changed B. hidden C. lost D. broken
























考查副词。A. sometimes有时候;B. always总是C. also;D. still仍然农夫的妻子总想花很多钱买好衣服,以此来享受生活。。故选B。


考查名词。A. health健康;B. appearance外貌;C. performance表演D. memory记忆因为他年老多病农民很少离开他的家挣得钱很少故选A。


考查形容词。A. usual通常的;B. difficult困难的;C. important重要的;D. necessary必要的根据后文hardly left his house可推知,是因为他年老多病,所以他很少离开他的家挣得钱很少。故选D。


考查形容词。A. afraid害怕;B. weak虚弱的C. sad伤心的;D. cold冷的所以妻子经常难过,这对夫妇经常吵架。故选C。


考查动词。A. wounded使受伤B. disturbed干扰;C. followed跟随D. fought战斗,打架。所以妻子经常难过,这对夫妇经常吵架。故选D。


考查动词。A. ridingB. looking;C. running;D. traveling旅行贼听见他们争吵,并看见妻子流着泪跑出家故选C。


考查动词。A. talk谈论;B. trade交易;C. teach教;D. explain解释贼跟着她,靠近她,和她说话“我听到了你们的争吵。你年轻美貌,那个老男人不能满足你的需求,我有许多钱,但是没人花,为什么不离开那老头和我去城市呢?我们将一起开始新生活。”故选A。


考查名词。A. time时间;B. money金钱C. advice建议D. energy精力贼跟着她,靠近她,和她说话,“我听到了你们的争吵。你年轻美貌,那个老男人不能满足你的需求,我有许多钱,但是没人花,为什么不离开那老头和我去城市呢?我们将一起开始新生活。”故选B。


考查动词。A. leave离开;B. treat治疗,对待;C. help帮助D. forget忘记贼跟着她,靠近她,和她说话,“我听到了你们的争吵。你年轻美貌,那个老男人不能满足你的需求,我有许多钱,但是没人花,为什么不离开那老头和我去城市呢?我们将一起开始新生活。”故选A。


考查形容词。A. honest诚实的;B. long长的;C. new新的;D. simple简单的贼跟着她,靠近她,和她说话,“我听到了你们的争吵。你年轻美貌,那个老男人不能满足你的需求,我有许多钱,但是没人花,为什么不离开那老头和我去城市呢?我们将一起开始新生活。”故选C。


考查名词。A. invitation邀请;B. feeling感觉C. hope希望D. suggestion建议这个妻子同意了贼的建议。故选D。


考查名词。A. factory工厂;B. garden花园C. city城市D. farm农场这个妻子带着好衣服和钱与贼去了城市。故选C。


考查名词。A. cross交叉B. bridge;C. park公园;D. river小河第二天早上他们来到了一条小河边。故选D。


考查连词。A. unless除非;B. while……时候;C. though尽管;D. after……之后。你留在岸上的时候我游过去,然后找条船来接你。表示同时进行,故选B


考查动词词组。A. look for寻找B. think about考虑;C. find out弄清楚;D. build up增进,加强。我游过去之后,找条船来接你。故选A。


考查形容词。A. ill病的B. alone单独的C. young年轻的;D. nervous紧张不安的把钱交给我因为看见你独自一人有人会把它抢走的。故选B。




考查动词。A. waited等待;B. slept睡觉C. worked工作D. counted计数,重要。这个女人把钱交给贼,在岸上等。故选A。


考查动词。A. noticed注意到;B. got得到C. discovered发现;D. believed相信贼得到了他想要的,再没回来。故选B。


考查动词。A. changed改变;B. hidden躲藏;C. lost丧失D. broken弄坏这个妇女现在失去了丈夫和一切。故选C


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Today we had the honor of invite Professor Hudson, a foreign teacher from Beijing University, to give us an English lesson. All of us were deeply impressing by this unforgettable English lesson. The professor began the class with an amusing English story, that attracted our attention at once. He spoke slowly and clearly so that we could follow her well. Great inspired, most of us took an active part in classroom activities. After class, many students being interviewed spoke highly of him. They said that never they experienced such interesting a class. From his lesson, we came to a conclusion what it is not so difficult to learn English but we find a good way.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why did the son come back late?

A. He hurt his hands and knees.

B. He went to a pub with Linda.

C. He waited a long time for the bus.

2What was the old lady doing in the middle of the road?

A. Looking for something. B. Struggling to sand up. C. Trying to seek help.

3What happened to Linda?

A. She was fired. B. She got injured. C. She had an accident.

4Where was the witness?

A. Outside the pub. B. At a bus stop. C. In his car.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Most of us like the c____________ of using credit cards to buy things nowadays.

2What is especially ____________(令人影响深刻) and inspiring is the strong presence of young people in this volunteer effort.

3I got a note from Moria ____________(力劝) me to get in touch.

4This week he is to visit China to discuss the p____________ of military supplies.

5There are no ____________(便宜货) in the clothes shops at the moment.

6____________(决心) not to make the same mistakes, he continues working hard.

7The girl’s family have made a republic a____________ for help to try and catch her killer.

8The town is not of any s____________, but the mountain areas around is important.

9She accused him of ____________ (毁坏) her financially with his taste for the high life.

10A large e____________ can be extremely dangerous for people living near a volcano.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1】【1What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A. The difficulties in applying for a credit card.

B. Different types of credit cards.

C. Things to notice when choosing a credit card.

2】【2Why is it easy to apply for a credit card?

A. Credit card offers are everywhere.

B. Credit card offers often sound good.

C. There are different cards to choose from.

3】【3What kinds of cards should you apply for if you are new to credit cards?

A. Cards with a low interest rate.

B. Cards with a low annual fee.

C. Cards with a low credit limit.

4】【4How many questions should you consider before applying for a credit card?

A. 3. B. 4. C. 5.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】To ensure that children from poor areas can receive fair education, the government has planned to _______ more money to improve the miserable conditions of local schools.

A. announce B. allocate C. advocate D. accumulate


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—I heard that your wife spent all afternoon yesterday cooking a special dinner for your wedding anniversary.

—Actually she was really ________ when I came home three hours late.

A. on cloud nine B. over the moon

C. green with envy D. hot under the collar


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1At the end of the year everyone should think what has been a__________ and what is left undone.

2The building was p__________ used as a church, which is a scenic spot in the city.

3He gave me a g__________ that it would never happen again after being educated.

4The actor’s absurd behavior put an end to the last traces of a__________ his fans had for him.

5The disease is a__________ by cough and fever.

6Not many people agree with the government’s p__________ that the economy will improve soon.

7His f__________ with the local language helped him enjoy his stay a lot.

8Contrary to e__________, he should win the first prize in the competition.

9Out of work for 3 months, he decided to hunt for a t__________ job to support himself.

10S__________ by many plants and flowers, our school looks more beautiful in the sunlight.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


