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 Sadly a woman was discovered, _______brought a serious problem to the Games.

A. who       B. what      C. that      D. which



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



Recently, my husband and I had the opportunity to do something good for two people who were complete strangers to us. It made us feel so good to be able to do it that I thought I should   21  . We were traveling down to Mexico for Thanksgiving week with our family.  22   we were sitting in the  23  first two seats in the first row of first class waiting for the plane to take off, I  24  heard one of the flight attendants(空乘) telling   25   that there was a couple sitting in the  26   of the plane who had just been married the previous day and were  27    off on their honeymoon. They had   28   their flight eight months in  29   but, owing to some schedule changes, had not been able to get  30   together, and no one else on the plane was   31   to move and the bride was in  32  .   

I turned to my husband and told him what I heard. We  33   agreed and I called the flight attendant  34   to tell her that we’d be happy to give up our seats to this couple. The flight attendant seemed amazed and said “Really? Are you sure?” We said “Absolutely !”

So, we  35  to the back of the plane in separate seats. The flight attendants were extremely  36   and took good care of us even though we were no longer sitting in first  37  , and we both made friends with the people sitting around us, who, as it   38   didn’t know why the young woman was crying or that they were newly married, and had a great flight. I had to go back to the front of the plane to  39   up a forgotten item at one point during the flight and   40   that the couple were sitting very close together, happily enjoying champagne. It really made my day and Thanksgiving week get off to such a wonderful start !

A. share         B. show          C. say            D. prove

A. Since         B. After          C. Before             D. Though

A. quite              B. same          C. very                D. just

A. carelessly         B. accidentally    C. happily           D. sadly

A. others        B. us            C. them           D. everyone

A. front          B. middle        C. head           D. back

A. getting        B. heading       C. taking              D. hurrying

A. fixed              B. booked       C. checked          D. got

A. air                B. time          C. church         D. advance

A. seats              B. champagne        C. food           D. tickets

A. interested         B. willing         C. eager           D. friendly

A. comfort       B. surprise       C. tears         D. fear

A. immediately   B. differently     C. finally       D. unbelievably

A. up            B. off           C. over         D. out

A. left               B. looked        C. returned      D. moved

A. beautiful          B. careful        C. thoughtful    D. grateful

A. class              B. flight         C. seat          D. plane

A. went on        B. turned out     C. got along      D. took off

. A. pick              B. give          C. clean         D. look

A. told           B. informed      C. observed      D. heard


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


While my friends went away to their universities in great delight, I restarted my senior high school life. My spirits   31  at the prospect of starting all over again.

  32   by strange classmates, I felt as though I was in a maze(迷宫)and felt  33   for my-self. There were some complex feelings in my mind. I was frightened, nervous and lonely.

To make  34   worse, I recalled my failure again and again,  35   put more pressure on me than I could bear. As a result, I was always feeling  36   during class.

One of my teachers noticed my depression and one day he asked me to come to his office, where he told me about his  37   towards life. He said we might  38   from making mistakes, but it’s important to model ourselves into people we  39   . All the growing  40   and the embarrassing things we  41   are parts of the process. We never stop  42   , so learn from it and keep up your spirits up! If you are optimistic, things you want may  43   to you!  44   feelings rushed through me. I  45   saw the sun shining again when I stepped out of his office.

With the teacher’s help, I finally  46   my depression. From then on, I no longer  47   my head but began smiling at my classmates. I put up my hand  48   in class and tried to answer the teacher’s questions correctly.

I  49   have a thirst to go to my dream university,  50   I’m not afraid of failure because I can benefit from it.

A.sank                B.failed                 C.disappeared               D.ran

A.Hit                       B.Surrounded        C.Struck                       D.Loved

A.unlucky                B.angry                 C.sorry                         D.afraid

A.scores                   B.studies               C.experiences                D.matters

A.which                     B.what                  C.that                           D.who

A.high                B.down                 C.lonely                       D.happy

A.way                B.method                     C.measure                    D.attitude

A.learn               B.suffer                 C.hear                          D.judge

A.reach                    B.enjoy                 C.like                           D.hate

A.aches                    B.pains                  C.joys                          D.injuries

A.feel                      B.experience          C.taste                          D.get

A.standing up         B.growing up         C.going up                   D.rising up

A.refer                     B.turn                   C.stick                         D.happen

A.Warm                   B.Thoughtful         C.Cool                         D.Regretful

A.suddenly        B.generally            C.naturally                   D.sadly

A.got on                 B.got over             C.got off                      D.got out

A.buried                  B.shook                 C.bowed                       D.nodded

A.freely                   B.hopefully           C.quickly                            D.confidently

A.even                   B.ever                   C.still                           D.yet

A.otherwise              B.or                      C.but                           D.instead


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



My wife was shouting at Sindu again.I threw the paper away and rushed to the scene.Mydaughter Sindu looked  36__.Her eyes were wet with tears.In front of her was a bowl  37___with bitter melon.Sindu particularly hated bitter melon, but my wife believed  38__ in the “cooling effects" of bitter melon. I tried to  39__ Sindu to take a fewmouthfuls.She   40__ down a bit and wiped her tears.Then she said she would eat the  41__bowl of bitter melon on condition that I gave her whatever she asked for.I agreed.Slowly and  42__ , she finished the whole bowl.After that, Sindu came to me with her eyeswide with  43__. To our surprise, she wanted to have her head   44__. "Impossible!"shouted my wife.However, I knew that if I   45__ on my promise, Sindu would neverlearn to   46   her own.So I decided to keep my promise.

    On Monday morning, I  47__ her off at school.Just then,a boy shouted, "Sindu,wait for me!" What struck me was   48   hairless head.I was about to leave when a ladycame to me and said, "Sir, your   49__is great indeed!" I didn't  50__.She continued, “That boy is my son.He is   51__ from Leukemia (白血病).He lost all his hair_  52__the side effects of the chemotherapy (化疗)?? He   53__ to come back to school because he was afraid that the kids at school would make fun of him.Sindu visited him last week andpromised to help him, but I   54__ imagined that she would sacrifice her lovely hair for thesake of my son! Sir, you and your wife are blessed to have such a(n)  55__ soul for a child.”

    I didn't know what to say.It was then that I knew what love really was.

   A.excited      B.frightened   C.moved        D. disappointed

   A.provided     B.covered      C.filled       D. equipped

   A.firmly       B.angrily      C.heavily      D. happily

   A.permit       B.forbid       C.persuade D. order

   A.went     B.calmed       C.came     D. fought

   A.sweet        B.entire   C.bitter       D. little

   A.angrily      B.worriedly        C.painfully        D. sadly

   A.expectation      B.happiness        C.satisfaction D. pride

A.nodded      B.cut      C.washed       D. shaved

   A.got off      B.went back        C.looked back  D. gave off

A.honor       B.remind       C.share        D. take

   A.dropped      B.sent     C.took     D. picked

   A.its      B.her      C.his      D. my

   A.wife     B.daughter     C.view     D. life

   A.insist       B.request      C.move     D. understand

   A.dying        B.escaping     C.suffering        D. recovering

   A.according to     B.instead of       C.thanks to        D. because of

   A.tended       B.promised     C.refused      D.determined

   A.nearly       B.never        C.ever     D. seldom

A.abstract        B.simple       C.noble        D. horrible


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届吉林省高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It was funny that when _______ Mary began to weep sadly.

A.praising           B.praised           C.to praise          D.having praised



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年海南省高三上学期教学质量监测(一)英语卷 题型:单项填空

Sadly a woman was discovered, _______brought a serious problem to the Games.






