





Dear Ralph,

I'm a senior student. I have be in love with a boy for three years. But he is a shy boy, so I wrote him a letter firstly to express my feeling. And he wrote back. In his letter he said, ¡°We are students. Our task is study. Let us wait to see until we have any chance after graduation.¡± So after graduation I telephoned to him, asking him about go out . But he said he didn't want to. He just wanted to sleep and watched TV. How do you think I should do? Do you think I should continue to love him and give up.

¡¾´ð°¸¡¿1. be¡úbeen

2. firstly¡úfirst

3. feeling¡úfeelings

4. studyÇ°¼Óto

5. until¡úif / whether

6. È¥µôto

7. go¡úgoing

8. watched¡úwatch

9. How¡úWhat

10. and¡úor

¡¾½âÎö¡¿1. be¡úbeen.¿¼²é¶¯´Ê¡£´Ë¾äÓÐʱ¼ä×´Óïfor three years£¬ÒªÓÃÏÖÔÚÍê³Éʱ̬£¬¹Êbe¸ÄΪbeen¡£

2. firstly¡úfirst.¿¼²é¸±´Ê¡£´Ë´¦ÊÇÖ¸ÎÒ¡°Ê×ÏÈ¡±¸øËûдÁËÐűí´ï¸ÐÇ飬firstlyÊǸ±´Ê£¬ÓÃÓÚÁоÙÊÂʵ»òÀíÓɵij¡ºÏ£¬´Ë´¦ÊÇÓÃÀ´ÅÅÐòµÄ£¬¹Êfirstly¸ÄΪfirst¡£

3. feeling¡úfeelings.¿¼²éÃû´Ê¡£Ãû´Êfeelingµ±¡°¸Ð¾õ¡¢ÇéÐ÷¡±½²Ê±ÊÇ¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬Í¨³£Óø´ÊýÐÎʽ£¬¹Êfeeling¸ÄΪfeelings¡£

4. studyÇ°¼Óto.¿¼²é²»¶¨Ê½¡£´Ë´¦ÒªÓò»¶¨Ê½to study×÷±íÓ²»ÄÜÓö¯´ÊÔ­ÐΣ¬¹ÊstudyÇ°¼Óto¡£

5. until¡úif / whether.¿¼²éÁ¬´Ê¡£¾äÒ⣺ÈÃÎÒÃǵȵȿ´ÊÇ·ñ±ÏÒµºóÓлú»á¡£±öÓï´Ó¾äÖÐȱÉÙif / whether¡°ÊÇ·ñ¡±Õâ¸öÒâ˼£¬¹Êuntil¸ÄΪif / whether¡£

6. È¥µôto.¿¼²é¶¯´Ê¡£¶¯´Êtelephoned£¨¸ø¡­¡­´òµç»°£©ÊǼ°Îﶯ´Ê£¬ºó¿ÉÒÔÖ±½Ó½Ó±öÓ¹ÊÈ¥µôto¡£

7. go¡úgoing.¿¼²é¶¯Ãû´Ê¡£½é´ÊaboutºóÒª½Ó¶¯Ãû´Ê×÷±öÓ¹Êgo¸ÄΪgoing¡£

8. watched¡úwatch.¿¼²é²»¶¨Ê½¡£´Ë´¦µÄto watchÊÇÓë²»¶¨Ê½to sleep²¢ÁУ¬ÓëÖ®¹²ÓÃÒ»¸ö²»¶¨Ê½·ûºÅto£¬¹Êwatched¸ÄΪwatch¡£

9. How¡úWhat. ¿¼²é´ú´Ê¡£´Ë´¦ÒªÓÃÒÉÎÊ´ú´Êwhat×÷¶¯´ÊdoµÄ±öÓ¹ÊHow¸ÄΪWhat¡£

10. and¡úor. ¿¼²éÁ¬´Ê¡£¸ù¾Ý¾äÒ⣬Ӧ¸ÃÊÇÑ¡Ôñ¹Øϵ£¬¡°ÊǼá³Ö»¹ÊÇ·ÅÆú¡±£¬¹Êand¸ÄΪor¡£


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿I sent a big bunch of flowers to the nurse as an ________ of thanks for her taking good care of my grandpa in the nursing home. £¨ £©


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Window Cleaning Available.

Professional traditional method only (mop and blade)! Cleaning glass for over 10 years! Prices start from ¡ê3.50 to ¡ê7.00. Disabled discounts available! No chemicals! We have space available on our round covering all areas of the west Midlands.

Phone: 07775 359361

Smart Home £ºAt Smart Home we provide our clients with a range of home assistant services, including pre move-in and post renovation cleaning, pest control, air-conditioning maintenance and deep cleaning services.

Phone: 08825 378451

Healing, Balance And Relaxing Massage(°´Ä¦)Therapies

Focus on high-quality service and customer satisfaction! A variety of offerings to choose from!

-Relaxing massage ¡ê25/hour

-Hot stone massage ¡ê35/hour

-Deep tissue massage ¡ê30/hour

Special offer! Add the Indian head massage for only extra ¡ê10

Phone : 07432 256741

Year 2-6Math And English Tutoring

I am an A level student currently studying Biology, Chemistry and Physics. I achieved a B in Math and a B in English GCSE level of education. I am keen on tutoring children from year 2 to year 6 in order to prepare them for their SATS in both year 2 and year 6 and help them achieve the best level possible.

Phone: 07446 251339

¡¾1¡¿If customers need thorough household cleaning service, they should _______.

A. call 07446 251339. B. call 07432 256741.

C. call 07775 359361. D. call 08825 378451.

¡¾2¡¿Two hours¡¯ hot stone massage and extra Indian head massage will cost you _________.

A. ¡ê45. B. ¡ê80.

C. ¡ê70. D. ¡ê35.

¡¾3¡¿Which advertisement can provide service to improve academic performance?

A. Smart Home.

B. Window Cleaning Available.

C. Year 2-6 Math And English Tutoring.

D. Healing, Balance And Relaxing Massage Therapies.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

Mr.Jones woke early one morning. It was a beautiful morning£¬so went to the window and looked out. He was surprised to see a neatly dressed£¬middleaged professor, worked in the university near his house. He had grey hair and thick glasses£¬and was carrying umbrella£¬a morning newspaper and a bag. Mr. Jones thought that he must ( arrive) by the night train and decided to walk to the university instead of (take) a taxi.
Mr. Jones had a big tree in his garden£¬and the children had tied a long rope to one of its branches£¬so that they could swing on it.
Mr. Jones was surprised to see the professor stop and look (care) up and down the road. he saw that there was nobody in sight£¬he stepped into the garden (there was no fence)£¬put his umbrella£¬newspaper£¬ bag and hat neatly on the grass and took hold of the rope. He pulled it hard (see) whether it was strong enough to take his weight£¬then (run) as fast as he could and swung into the air on the end of the rope.
At last the professor stopped and continued on his way the university£¬looking as quiet and correct as one would expect a professor to be.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿¼Ù¶¨ÄãÊÇÀ£¬ÄãºÍͬѧ×齨ÁËÒ»¸öÃûΪ¡°Starry Skies¡±µÄÀÖ¶Ó¡£ÄãµÄÅóÓÑÃÀ¹úÁôѧÉúMikeÉ󤼪ËûÑÝ×࣬ÇëÄã¸øËûдһ·âµç×ÓÓʼþ£¬ÑûÇëËû¼ÓÈëÀÖ¶Ó¡£ÄÚÈÝÒªµãÈçÏ£º

1.дÐÅÄ¿µÄ£» 2.ÀÖ¶Ó½éÉÜ£» 3.ÅÅÁ·Ê±¼äºÍµØµã¡£

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Dear Mike,

How are you doing?


Li Hua


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

Women who own cats are more likely to have mental health problems and kill themselves because they can be infected by a common parasite that can be caught from cat litter, a study has found.
Researchers found women infected with the Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) parasite(¸ÕµØ¹­Ðγæ), which is spread through contact with cat waste or eating undercooked meat or unwashed vegetables, are at increased risk of attempting suicide.
The study involved more than 45,000 women in Denmark. About a third of the world's population is infected with the parasite, which hides in cells in the brain and muscles, often without producing symptoms.
The infection, which is called toxoplasmosis(¹­Ðγ没), has been linked to mental illness, such as schizophrenia(¾«Éñ·ÖÁÑÖ¢), and changes in behavior.
The study's senior author Doctor Teodor Postolache, an associate professor of psychiatry(¾«Éñ²¡Ñ§) at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in the United States, said, ¡°We can't say with certainty that T. gondii caused the women to try to kill themselves, but we did find a predictive association between the infection and suicide attempts later in life that deserves additional studies.¡±
Doctor Albert Reece, vice president of medical affairs at the University of Maryland, said, ¡°T. gondii infection is a major public health problem around the world, and many people don't realize they're infected.
¡°Dr Postolache is a leading expert on suicide neuroimmunology(Éñ¾­ÃâÒßѧ). Suicide is a critically important mental health issue. About one million people commit suicide and another 10 million attempt suicide worldwide each year. We hope that this type of research will one day help us find ways to save many lives that now end too early in suicide.¡±
Dr. Postolache's research team at the University of Maryland was the first to report a connection between T. gondii and suicidal behavior in 2009. He is cooperating with researchers in Denmark, Germany and Sweden to confirm and investigate the way leading to this association.
The T. gondii parasite thrives in the intestines of cats, and it is spread through their waste. All warm-blooded animals can become infected through contact with it. Humans can become infected by changing their infected cats' litter boxes, eating unwashed vegetables, drinking water from a polluted source, or by eating undercooked or raw meat.
Not washing kitchen knives after preparing raw meat before handling another food item also can lead to infection. Pregnant women can pass the parasite directly to their unborn babies and are advised not to change cat litter boxes to avoid possible infection.
Babies don't produce antibodies to T. gondii for three months after they are born, so the antibodies present in their blood represented infection in the mothers. The scientists studied Danish health patients to determine if any of these women later attempted suicide, including cases of violent suicide attempts which may have involved guns, sharp instruments and jumping from high places.
The study found that women infected with T. gondii were one and a half times more likely to attempt suicide compared to those who were not infected, and the risk seemed to rise with increasing levels of the T. gondii antibodies.
Dr Postolache noted limitations to the study, such as the inability to determine the cause of the suicidal behavior.
The findings were published online in the Archives of General Psychiatry.
£¨1£©The objects of the research are women from _____.
B.the USA
£¨2£©The common way which is more likely to be infected with the disease is _____.
A.to eat unwashed vegetables or undercooked meat
B.to clean a place where a cat once lived for a time
C.to pass the infection to her unborn baby during a woman's pregnancy
D.to reuse kitchen tools which have been used to cut raw meat
£¨3£©What is the consequence if a woman is infected with the parasite in the passage?
A.Having a high fever.
B.Doing deliberate self-harm.
C.Keeping a depressed mood.
D.Becoming bad tempered.
£¨4£©What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Women have a higher risk to be infected by the parasite than men.
B.The result of the research may help the scientists to find ways to stop suicide in advance.
C.The scientists will continue their research into the possible connection.
D.The risk of being infected seems to rise with the decreasing levels of the antibodies.
£¨5£©Which of the following statements would probably be the best title of the passage?
A.Why are women more likely to commit suicide?
B.Women should keep away from cats.
C.Ways found to deal with women's mental problems.
D.Are women who own cats at a suicide risk?


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

д×÷Òªµã£º1 ºÏÀíµÄÒûʳ£» 2ÊʶȵĶÍÁ¶£»3 ......
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3 ¿ÉÊʵ±Ôö¼Óϸ½Ú£¬ÒÔʹÐÐÎÄÁ¬¹á¡£
Dear Li Hua,
I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling ill these days. ¡­¡­
Best wishes!


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿The man had died when the rescuers found her after the terrible earthquake. She was covered by a destroyed house. Through gaps (·ì϶) of those ruins£¬the rescuers could see her last posture (×ËÊÆ).It was something like an ancient person who was kowtowing (ߵͷ)£¬but it just looked strange because she was out of shape by pressure. The rescuers confirmed her death by touching her through the gaps of the ruins. They shouted at the ruins again and again£¬knocked the bricks using various tools£¬but no reply inside.
Then the rescuing team went to the next building. Suddenly the leader ran back£¬calling¡°Come here.¡± He came to the body£¬put his hands under the woman£¬feeling and touching£¬then shouted loudly and gladly£¬¡°There is someone£¬a baby£¬still living.¡±
T hrough some efforts£¬re scuers cleaned up the ruins which blocked her. Under her body lay her baby£¬who was covered by a small red quilt(ÃÞ±»).He was about 3 or 4 months¡¯ old. Since well protected by his mother¡¯s body£¬he was safe. He was in a deep sleep when the rescuer carried him out£¬and his lovely and peaceful face warmed everyone around him. The doctor£¬along with the rescuing team£¬took the baby out of the quilt to check if the baby was all right£¬and he found there was a mobile phone in the quilt. The doctor looked at the screen£»a written me ssage was already there£º¡°My dear baby£¬if you could live£¬don¡¯t forget how much I love you. ¡±As a doctor£¬he experienced much of this type of separation£»but at this moment£¬he cri ed. The mobile phone was passed£¬and every person who saw this message shed (Á÷³ö)tears.
£¨1£©When the rescuers found the mom£¬she.
A.was using her mobile phone to ask for help
B.begged the rescuers to save her baby first
C.was struggling with the pressure
D.didn¡¯t have the normal shape
£¨2£©The underlined word¡°confirmed¡± in Paragraph 2 may mean.
£¨3£©When the baby was rescued£¬he.
A.was smiling a lot
B.was fast asleep
C.was listening caref ully
D.was frightened to death
£¨4£©The passage is mainly about.
A.a story of saving a mother and her baby
B.the disaster of a terrible earthquake
C.the rescuers¡¯ hard work after an earthquake
D.the great love of a mother in the earthquake


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Every year, during the Lantern Festival, the Chinese village of Nuanquan hosts one of the ¡¾1¡¿ (much) beautiful shows in the world. The tradition ¡¾2¡¿ (call) Da Shuhua involves experienced blacksmiths showering ¡¾3¡¿ (them) with molten(ÈÛ»¯µÄ) iron.

Da Shuhua ¡¾4¡¿ (date) back to 300 years ago, ¡¾5¡¿ local blacksmiths came up with a unique alternative to fireworks. The rich would always celebrate New Year with firecrackers, but poor blacksmiths could not afford them, so they ¡¾6¡¿(find) a cheaper alternative. Inspired by iron striking, the blacksmiths started melting iron to a temperature of around 1,000¡æ and throwing it at a large stone wall to create an effect similar ¡¾7¡¿ fireworks.

The effect was so wonderful that Da Shuhua ¡¾8¡¿ (gradual) gained more appeal than firecrackers, attracting many people in the celebration. Throwing molten iron soon became a tradition in Nuanquan. Over the years the celebration has changed into ¡¾9¡¿ even more amazing show, as the blacksmiths start experimenting with other metals, like aluminium (ÂÁ), to create green and white ¡¾10¡¿ (flower) instead of just red.

