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2.Ulrich's friend Anne was missing at school. His mother said that perhaps she had gone into hiding. That was the hope anyway-that the family had left on their own and had not been sent on one of the prison trains to Germany or Poland.  So many people in his city had disappeared since the Nazis came to Amsterdam in 1940."It's not our home anymore,"Ulrich thought. The streets,once full of busy shoppers,were now filled with tanks and-soldiers. No one felt safe,except may-be the collaborators(叛徒,通敌者).
   Who were they?Who would betray(背叛) their friends and let their neighbors be captured?Ulrich remembered his friend Anne; her father had a small business right down the road from his house. Her sister,Margot,was in the upper school,where Ulrich's sister was in her class.
   When he walked to or from school,Ulrich studied the faces of the people on the street.Some looked concerned and cast their eyes downward as they walked,try ring not to be noticed.His own parents had that look,like ghosts walking and wondering what had happened to them,The ones that bothered him were those who smiled,who acted like nothing was wrong."Were they blind?"he wondered. Worse were those-who moved into the houses and took the businesses of their missing neighbors. They seemed too assured,too content. They may be Dutch,Ulrich thought,but they are the enemy,too. They were the ones who made the occupation easy. He hoped that when the war was over,the rightful owners would come back and throw them out on their ears.
   School was not the same either. It was ore than the missing students,though that was the biggest part of it. The teachers,who once seemed to know everything,were different,too.  They seemed afraid to teach history,afraid that the authorities would not like what they said. They jumped when a student dropped a book.  It was as if they al.l had to hold their breath.  It was nearly spring. Already tulips(郁金香) were fighting their way out of the cold ground. How many more winters,springs,summers",and falls would go by until they were free?Ulrich waited,and hoped that his friend Anne would soon come home.  

39.When Ulrich says,"It's not our home anymore?"he means.C
A. they've moved to a new city
B. the buildings don't look the same
C. the city feels strange and unfamiliar
D. spring flowers make the neighborhood unrecognizable
40.What has changed in Amsterdam?B
A. There is a new family next door.
B. The people's attitudes and security.
C. There is more freedom among the citizens.
D. The subjects Ulrich was studying in school.
41.What does the underlined sentence"No one felt safe,except maybe the collaborators."mean?D
A. People were afraid of an invasion.
B. There might be a natural disaster any time.
C. People who work together are more secure than others,.
D. Only the people who were  e ping the Nazis felt comfortable.
42.The part of the setting related to people instead of place has changed in all of the following EX-CEPT that.D
A.shopkeepers and neighbors have been replaced by other people
B.the Nazis have arrived and are threatening people
C.some former friends have become untrustworthy
D.the teacher seems to like teaching history.

分析 文章通过乌利齐的所见所闻,讲述了纳粹如期阿姆斯特丹后,这座城市的变化.满大街的纳粹士兵和坦克,朋友邻居间的背叛,大量失踪的学生,学校的变化等.特别是安妮的日记,这是纳粹消灭犹太人最好的见证.

解答 39.C 推理判断题.根据第一段中的The streets,once full of busy shoppers,were now filled with tanks and-soldiers可知城市变化很大,让乌利齐感觉很陌生,故选C.
40.B 推理判断题.根据第一段中"No one felt safe"及第三段中"Some looked concerned and cast their eyes downward as they walked,trying not to be noticed."可知人们没了安全感,对朋友的态度发生了改变,故选B.
41.D 句意理解题.本句话的意思是只有投靠了纳粹的那些叛徒才会感觉到安全,故选D.
42.D 细节理解题.根据第四段中The teachers,who once seemed to know everything,were different,too.They seemed afraid to teach history曾经无所不知的老师们现在也变了,他们害怕教历史了.故选D.

点评 阅读理解是考查语篇理解能力.常考的题型有:推理判断题;主旨大意题;细节理解题;猜测词意题.近几年又出现了两种新的考查方式:写作态度判断题和文章结构题.解题时,在读懂文章的基础上,还有特别注意掌握题型的特征,尤其是细节题和推断题不可混淆:细节题是文章信息的再现;推断题是文章信息的提取.本题是广告类文章,考查主要是以细节题为主,细节题要注意常用的出题陷阱有:夸大,缩小,张冠李戴,偷梁换柱,无中生有等,做题时要看清看准.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

7.I love running.When I turned 40 a few years ago,I entered the well-known New York City Marathon.
  There was a big(16)Cbetween the six miles I was used to and the hard 26.2 miles of the race.So I (17)Ahard all summer.But as I stood at the starting (18)Bthat November day,shaking with the morning (19)Awind,I thought,"Can I really do this?"
    Over the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge,from Staten Island into Brooklyn,we (20)D,the cheers of the crowd urging us (21)D.I ran with great strength at the five-mile mark.But I had (22)Agetting back into my groove(最佳状态)after making a restroom(23)C.
All at once my(24)Awas drawn to one particular woman on the sidelines.She had dark eyes and special features."Debi,(25)Bit up,"she yelled to me,clapping."I know you can (26)Cit."She must have read my name(27)Bon my T-shirt,I thought.
    We went through Queens County.Ten miles,fifteen,then I (28)Dthe woman again-that same eager face.How had she kept up?She looked (29)Aat me and gave a thumbs-up.
After I (30)Cthe 20-mile mark in Manhattan,there was six miles to go,and my (31)Dfelt like dead weights.I couldn't move another (32)Bfarther.Then came a voice from the crowd:"Bring out the best in you and I'm sure you'll make it,Debi!"My(33)Ccheerleader again!I saw her,the only face I could (34)B.I discovered a last hidden source of strength…The finish line!I did it with unexpected (35)Dfrom a stranger in her crowd.

34.A.hold onB.focus onC.make forD.carry out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.He is really like a gentleman and he usually          the door open to let the ladies go first.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

5.Want to attract and keep top talent?Here's a suggestion:Make a flexible work schedule part of the deal.
A survey this summer of 1,215 U.S.managers and employees across a variety of industries,by EY (formerly Ernst & Young),found those aged 18to 32rank flexibility among the perks (特殊待遇) they want most,with 33% saying they wouldn't work anywhere that didn't offer it.But it seems those aged 33to 48value flextime even more:38% of them consider it non-negotiable,with men who said so,at 40%,slightly outnumbering women (37%).
"Companies first started offering flexible schedules,in the late 80s and the 90s,as a way to recruit (招募) and keep talented women,but it's gone way beyond that now,"observes Karyn Twaronite,an EY partner who came up through the tax side of the business.
Noting that both men and women,in all age groups,ranked flextime (弹性工作制) tops among non-cash perks,Twaronite adds,"That result mirrors exactly what we're seeing here at EY."The accounting and consulting giant,No.57on Fortune's Best Companies to Work For,has had thousands of employees working flexible schedules for years-including,since 2004,six weeks'of paid leave for new dads.
"Flextime may have started out as a women's issue,but it's changed into something that people of both sexes have come to expect,"he adds."I think it's partly because of the large number of two-career households now,where people have to adapt to two demanding professional schedules instead of just one."
The EY survey suggests that,in the next decade or so,the opportunity for a life outside the office will become an even bigger draw than it already is.Most of those surveyed still work a set schedule,the report notes,but"respondents expect a shift in the coming years to more flexible hours,as 62% currently work standard office hours and only 50% expect to do so in five to ten years."
That doesn't surprise Twaronite."Work is changing,"she observes."The technology to connect anywhere and anytime means that people are expected to be on call 24hours a day,especially in global companies that operate across different time zones.The other side of that is that employers are adapting to people's lives outside of work-because they have to be."

(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
78.What is the main finding of the survey?Both men and women ranked flextime tops among non-cash perks
79.Flextime was originally aimed attalented women.
80.The result of the survey is caused by the fact thatthere are a large number oft wo-career households now/both sexes in a family have to work professionally now.
81.What makes flextime possible according to Twaronite?The technology to connect anywhere and anytime..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.I don't think his words simply mean this.He must be ______ something else.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.______ for a whole night,we still couldn't agree on when to start and where to go for the coming holiday.(  )
A.DiscussedB.Having discussed
C.DiscussingD.Being discussed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.It's strange that some fundamental professions in our society rarely receive the respect or acknowledgement they         (  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.____ the driving test,Kim was unwilling to face his disappointed wife.(  )
A.Not having passedB.Having not passed
C.Not passingD.Not passed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.The man pulled his hat low down_______ his eyes in order not to be recognized by his acquaintances(熟人).(  )

