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He soon drew other cartoon characters like Donald Duck.




科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江西省吉安一中高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

Hospital emergency rooms treat injured fingers all the time. Without treatment,a bad cut can lead to permanent damage. But how should a person know when a bleeding cut is serious enough to require medical attention? We asked Dr. Martin Brown. Chairman of the department of emergency medicine at Inova Alexandria Hospital in Virginia.   
First,the medical term for a cut or tear in the skin is a laceration(严重划破,撕裂伤). Dr. Brown says the length is usually not as important as the depth. He says a long cut on a finger can likely be treated without a visit to a doctor if the wound is not very deep. “If you have a short but deep laceration where there’s been a structure underneath that's been damaged a tendon,a nerve,a blood vessel,”says Martin,“it may, in fact,need professional attention. ”
Some injuries —like a fingertip that gets cut off might even require surgery to repair. That requires a specialist to either file(锉平) down the bone or reattach the fingertip. More often,filing down the bone is what is done because reattaching a fingertip is often not successful.
How a wound bleeds can be a sign of how serious it is. Minor cuts usually produce what is known as venous(静脉)bleeding. This means the blood flows steadily from the injury. The bleeding will often stop when pressure is put on the wound. Dr. Brown says in most cases holding direct pressure with clean gauze or a cloth for four to five minutes should stop the bleeding. With a cut finger, holding the hand above the heart can reduce the loss of blood. But if a cut appears to be pumping blood out with some force,this may be a sign of arterial(动脉)bleeding. This kind of injury should be treated by a medical professional as soon as possible.
Even a cut that does not require medical attention must be kept clean to prevent infection. Small cuts should be cleaned gently with clean water. Use a washcloth to clean the area if the wound is dirty. Dr Brown says cuts should be covered with a clean, dry bandage. 
【小题1】 What does the writer want to tell the readers in the first paragraph? 

A.Hospital emergency rooms always treat injured fingers.
B.A bleeding cut is serious enough to require medical attention.
C.Dr Martin Brown is in charge of Inova Alexandra Hospital.
D.It is important for us to be able to tell how serious a finger cut is.
【小题2】 According to the passage,_____________________.
A.a finger cut without treatment will certainly lead to permanent damage
B.the length of a cut on a finger is more important than the depth
C.a long but not very deep cut often doesn’t need professional attention
D.a short but deep laceration that’s been damaged need professional attention
【小题3】 The underlined word “reattach” in Para. 3 is closest in meaning to ________________.
【小题4】 Which of the following statements in NOT true according to the passage?
A.How a wound bleeds can show us how serious the wound could be.
B.Venous bleeding will often stop when we put pressure on the wound.
C.Holding up the hand with a finger cut can reduce the loss of blood.
D.Arterial bleeding should get professional treatment as soon as possible.
【小题5】 The best title of this passage should be ______________________.
A.Hospital Emergency Treatments For Injured Fingers
B.When a Cut Finger Is More Serious Than It Might Seem
C.Serious Finger Cut That Requires Medical Attention
D.Keep Finger Cuts Clean to Prevent Serious Infection


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江西省高二第四次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It’s impossible to determine how many people would have lost their lives without the contribution of African-American inventor Dr Charles Drew.

Charles Drew was born on June 3, 1904, in Washington, DC. His early interest was in education, but he was also an outstanding athlete. While in college, he was awarded as the man who contributed the most to sports during his four years in school. Drew’s sister Elsie suffered from tuberculosis(肺结核) and died in 1920. Her death influenced his decision to study medicine.

After becoming a doctor and working as a college instructor, Drew went to Columbia University, where he earned his Doctor of Medical Science degree. During this time he became involved in research on blood and blood transfusions.

At Columbia, he wrote a paper on “banked blood”, in which he described a technique he developed for the long-term preservation of blood plasma. Before his discovery, blood could not be stored for more than two days because of the rapid breakdown of red blood cells. Drew had discovered that by separating the plasma from the whole blood and then refrigerating them separately, they could be combined a week later for a blood transfusion. Drew became the first African American to receive a PhD in medical science.

After World War II broke out, Drew was called upon to put his techniques into practice. He was named a project director for the American Red Cross but soon quit his post after the government issued an order that blood taken from white donors should be separated from that of black donors.

On April 1, 1950, after he attended the annual free clinic at the John A. Andrew Memorial Hospital, he and other three physicians decided to drive back home. As he was tired from spending the night before in the operating room, he lost control of his car. Drew was badly injured and was taken to Alamance General Hospital in Burlington, North Carolina. He was pronounced dead half an hour after he first received medical attention. Drew's funeral was held on April 5, 1950, at the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church in Washington, DC.

But contrary to popular thought, he was not refused a blood transfusion by an all-white hospital. He indeed received a transfusion but was beyond the help of the doctors attending to him. As Dr. John Ford, one of the doctors who survived the accident, later explained, “We all received the very best of care. The fact that he was a Black did not in any way limit the care that was given to him.” Over the years, Drew has been considered one of the most honored figures in the medical field.

1.According to the passage, ________ might have contributed to the invention of blood banks.

A.the combination of blood cells

B.the rapid breakdown of red blood cells

C.the development of refrigerating technique

D.the technique of separating plasma from the whole blood

2.By saying “contrary to the popular thought” in the last paragraph, the writer _______.      

A.can’t understand the doctors’ decision

B.indicates his concern about the popular thought

C.feels disappointed with the all-white hospital

D.means what the doctors did was out of expectation

3.We can learn from the passage that Dr Charles Drew is best remembered by people as _______.       .

A.an outstanding athlete                   B.a college instructor

C.a medical researcher                    D.a project director

4.What conclusion can we draw from the passage?

A. Charles Drew died in a medical accident.

B. African Americans were still treated unfairly in the 1940s.

C. Charles Drew was the first African American to receive a PhD.

D. Physicians refused to give Charles Drew medical attention because he was a black.

5.In which section of a magazine can we most probably find the passage?

A.People           B.Health            C.Culture           D.Entertainment



科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省20092010学年高二下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解


Rome-Doctors and medical groups around the world last weekend reacted with strong opposition to the news that an Italian specialist is on the point of cloning the first human baby.  

Dr.Severino Antinori, who is the head of a hospital in Rome, has been referred to in an Arab newspaper as claiming that one of his patients is eight weeks pregnant (怀孕的)with a cloned baby.  

Antinori refused to comment on the reports, but in March 2001 he said he hoped to produce a cloned embryo (卵)for implantation within two years.So far seven different kinds of mammals have already successfully cloned, including sheep, cats and most recently rabbits.  

Doctors showed their doubt and were strongly opposed although they admit that human cloning would finally come true unless there was a world wide ban on the practice.  

Professor Rudolf Jaenisch of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said: “I find it astonishing that people do this where the result can be foretold that it will not be a normal baby.It is using humans as guinea pigs.It makes people feel sick.” But Ronald Green, director of the Ethics institute at Darmouth College in the US, said it is unlikely that an eight-week-old pregnancy would lead to a birth.  

So far all cloned animals have suffered from some different serious disorders, many of them dying soon after their births .  

Doctors are opposed to human cloning because they are worried about the welfare of the cloned child if there is one.  

“There are no benefits of cloned human beings, just harm,”said Dr.Michael Wilks of the UK.

45.What is the doctors’ general attitude to cloning of humans according to the passage?

A.They are against it.                    B.They support it.

C.They welcome it.                          D.They pay no attention to it.

46.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

   A.Doctor Severino Antinori is strongly opposed to cloning human beings.

   B.Up to now, seven kinds of animals have been cloned, including sheep, cats, humans and rabbits.

   C.Professor Rudolf Jaenisch is carrying on an experiment on cloning an eight-week-old embryo.

   D.Ronald Green doubts about the future successful birth of the so-called cloned embryo.

47.Which is the best title for the passage?

   A.The Success of Cloning Humans           B.The Anger at Cloning Humans

   C.Failure of Cloning Humans             D.First Cloned Human?



科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

1. What does the man think of the dinner?
A. Good.
B. Cheap.
C. Expensive.
2. What does the man plan to do this afternoon?
A. Go to a movie.
B. Buy a new pair of glasses.
C. Attend his classes.
3. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Husband and wife.
B. Boss and secretary.
C. Teacher and student.
4. What does the man mean?
A. He is Dr. Johnson.
B. He doesn't know why she came here.
C. The doctor will be with the man soon.
5. How much will the man pay?
A. 25 pence.
B. 30 pence.
C. 60 pence.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

1. What does the man think of the dinner?                      
A. Good.                                                        
B. Cheap.                                                      
C. Expensive.                                                  
2. What does the man plan to do this afternoon?                
A. Go to a movie.                                              
B. Buy a new pair of glasses.                                  
C. Attend his classes.                                          
3. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?  
A. Husband and wife.                                            
B. Boss and secretary.                                          
C. Teacher and student.                                        
4. What does the man mean?                                      
A. He is Dr.Johnson.                                            
B. He doesn't know why she came here.                          
C. The doctor will be with the man soon.                        
5. How much will the man pay?                                  
A. 25 pence.                                                    
B. 30 pence.                                                    
C. 60 pence.                                                    

