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2.What is your recovery rate?How long does it(36)A you to recover from actions and behaviors that upset you?Minutes?Hours?(37)B?Weeks?The longer it takes you to recover,the more(38)A  that incident has on your actions,and the less able you are to perform to your personal best.Simply speaking,the longer it takes you to(39)C,the weaker you are and the poorer your performance.
You are well aware that you need to exercise to keep the body(40)D and,no doubt,accept that a reasonable measure of health is the(41)Bat which your heart and breathing system recovers after exercise.Similarly,the faster you(42)D  a problem that upsets you,the faster you return to a balance,the(43)C  you will be.The best(44)A   of this behavior is found with professional sportspeople.They know that the faster they can(45)Dan incident or missed opportunity and(46)C the game,the better their performance.In fact,most of them will measure the(47)A it takes them to overcome and forget an incident in a game,and most think that a recovery rate of 30seconds is too long!
Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the(48)C.Your aim is to(49)A,your part to the best of your ability.You have been given a script and at the end of each sentence is a full stop.Each time you get to the end of the sentence,you start a new one and(50)B the next sentence is related to the last,it is not affected by it.Your job is to deliver each sentence to the(51)B of your ability.
Don't live your life in the(52)A.!Learn to live in the present,to overcome the past.(53)D the past from influencing your daily life.Don't(54)D thoughts of the past to reduce your personal best.Learn to recover(55)C.

42.A.catch up withB.get close toC.pay attention toD.let go of
46.A.break up withB.run out ofC.get on withD.take charge of

分析 这篇文章主要讲的是一个人如何从不良情绪中恢复过来,作者给了几点的建议,而且鼓励人们尽快地从失望的情绪中恢复过来,避免这种失望的情绪,给自己的表现造成消极的影响.

36.A  根据语义可知,这里是问多长时间?所以,可以是How long does it take sb.to do sth.,本句的意思是"你需要多长的时间?从失望的情绪中恢复过来";
37.B  根据Minutes,hours,weeks可知时间是从分到周的顺序,应该是days;
38.A  这句话的意思是"你需要越长的时间恢复,这件事对你行动的影响也就越深",所以选A;
39.C  简单的说,你需要越长的时间恢复,你的表现就越差;所以选C;
41.B   名词的辨析,这里指运动后,心脏和呼吸系统的恢复速度,用speed 速度;
42.D  根据上下文的含义,可以推测,越靠近你的问题所在,你就能越快地恢复平衡,因此为get close to.
43.C   根据上下文语义,可以推测,越靠近你的问题所在,你就能越快地恢复平衡,可推知,你会越健康;
44.A   之后是作者举的一个例子,最好的例子是运动员,因此是for example;
45.D   根据空格后的后面一个句子,运动员能够很快地恢复过来,甚至认为,三十秒钟来恢复,是一段很长的时间,因此,可以推知前面意思是他们知道越快"忘记"之前发生的事情,给他们的影响就会越小;
46.C   理解句子意思,是忘记之前的事情,"继续"游戏,因此是get on with;
47.A  后面讲到运动员能很快恢复过来,甚至认为30秒才恢复是很长的时间;因此是运动员会测量时间,选time;
49.A 根据上下文语义可知,演员的目的是表演,因此为play;
50.B 根据空格前面的句子可知,当你要诠释一个新的句子之前,你就要结束上一个句子,因此可以推知,即使上面一个句子和下面一个句子有联系,你也不能受到影响;要做的事,要诠释好每一个句子;选although,表示让步;
51.B 上下文语义理解,你要展示好你的能力的最好的一面,所以选best;
52.A 最后一段是作者的呼吁,根据以上建议,以及第一段的内容,可知,作者希望,各位从过去中很快的恢复过来;
53.D 根据上下文的理解,作者呼吁,忘掉过去,活在现在,因此是停止过去的活动,停止过去的影响;
54.D 根据上下文理解可知,不要让过去来降低你现在最好的表现;
55.C 最后一句是主旨句,根据全文可理解,作者提倡--各位要很快地恢复过来,因此选quickly.

点评 完型填空考查学生的上下文语义理解能力以及语法知识,学生在平时应多阅读,多概括和进行推理练习,另外,巩固好语法知识.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.As a newspaper reporter,Inez's father traveled around the world.He wrote stories about the interesting people he met.On her fifteenth birthday,Inez could hardly believe it when her father announced that she was old enough to go with him on one of his trips!He said his next story would be about salt mining in Europe.Inez had never thought much about salt,she didn't know what to expect,but she knew she would love being with her father.
Months later,when Inez and her father arrived at the salt mine,they found themselves walking into the middle of a busy workday.Mrs.Walker,the owner,said she would not be available to talk until the workday was over.She suggested that Inez and her father should help out so Inez's father would have first-hand experience for his story.Before Inez realized what was happening,she was in the factory.This was not what she had imagined her trip would be like.
People rushed past her carrying hammers,nails,and wood to make boxes for the salt.Everyone seemed to be in such a hurry.As another newly constructed box was pushed at her,Inez spread a label with glue and stuck it on the side of the box.When she had agreed to go with her father on his newspaper assignment,she had pictured an adventure,not hard labor.
Inez looked at the salt covering her father's once-blue pants and sighed.She could taste the salt in her mouth and smell it in the air.Inez had been using salt all her life,but she had never imagined that it existed in such quantities or that it was so hard to package.
Inez's father rubbed his hands together and grinned at her.‘‘I know this probably isn't what you had in mind,"he said,"but sometimes the best days are the ones that don't go as planned.,
Best?she wondered.She had learned two lessons today.One was to value every grain of salt to fall from a shaker.The other was to hear the details before agreeing to go on a job with her father!
56.Why does Inez's father travel around the world?D
A.He relaxes after he finishes writing.
B.He enjoys moving around from place to place.
C.He likes to take his family on adventure trips.
D.He needs to collect information for stories.
57.What job does Inez help to do in the salt mine?A
A.To attach labels to the box.
B.To interview the workers.
C.To carry salt packages.I).To package the salt.
58.How does Inez feel while working at the salt mine?C
59.Why does the author most likely write this story?D
A.To discuss what it is like when a child travels with a parent.
B.To describe how places around the world are different.
C.To explain which tools are used when packaging salt.
D.To show that sometimes events turn out differently than expected.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.I'm very amazed that they knew nothing about ______ he was a thief.(  )
A.thatB.whichC.whatD.the fact that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.Hurry up!Bob,Time is      and I'm afraid you'll miss the deadline.(  )
A.getting upB.losing outC.giving outD.running out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.It was days or even weeks since I had been left on the island.My only companion was
a dog called Philly which had survived the shipwreck.Memories of what happened were
still fresh.
The magnificence of the ship had given us all a false sense of security.As the first
signs of the storm started,our captain announced it's nothing much,just another storm.
Yet,he was wrong!The storm hit the ship so badly that large holes were made at the
sides of the ship.As the freezing water started rushing in,our ship was consumed quickly by the dark water.
My train of thought was disturbed by Philly licking my hand dearly.Are you hungry?
I spoke my first words ever since the shipwreck occurred.Woof,woof!Barked Philly
enthusiastically.At this moment,my stomach gave a loud growl,too.I could not
remember when my last meal was,probably a ten-course dinner on the ship.As I had
never fished before!I thought maybe I could try something simpler,like picking fruits.
With Philly at my side,armed with a sharp branch,we walked into the forest on the
island together.Suddenly I thought I heard noises.Could there be anyone else on this island?I wondered.As we were looking for fruit trees,we chanced upon one that bore yellow,juicy-looking fruit.Philly started barking-we had company,It was a dark-
skinned woman,holding a sharp spear,dressed in fur and grass.I backed away from her,afraid that she would be aggressive.Then,I saw that she was trying to save us.Pointing her spear at the fruit tree,she shook her head strongly.
I nodded at her to show I understood what she was saying.Signaling to us to follow
her,she turned to walk along a small path that I had never noticed.At the end of the small path,there was a small village,Tears of joy filled my eyes.
28.What happened to the ship the writer had been on?D
A.It was frozen in the sea.
B.It was turned over by the storm.
C.It was deserted because it was insecure.
D,It sank due to the damage caused by the storm.
29.According to the passage,which of the following can best describe Philly?C
A.Active and brave.
B.Caring but impatient.
C.Smart and loyal.
D.Noisy but enthusiastic.
30.Why did the writer walk into the forest?D
A.To take shelter from the storm.
B.To go to a small village.
C.To find someone for help.
D.To look for something to eat.
31.The woman most probably tried to tell the writer that.B
A.the fruit tree wasn't the best choice 
B.the fruit was unfit for eating
C.the writer wasn't allowed to pick the fruit   
D.she wasn't afraid of the writer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.I have a friend Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro.He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs.
The last time I was there he introduced me by saying,"I want to tell you why I let Jack use my house.It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of an itinerant(游荡的) horse trainer who would go from stable to stable,race track to race track,farm to farm and ranch to ranch,training horses.As a result,the boy's high school career was continually interrupted.When he was a senior,he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up."
"That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of owning a horse ranch someday.He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch,showing the location of all the buildings,the stables and the track.Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch."
"He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to the teacher.Two days later he received his paper back.On the front was a large red F with a note that read,‘See me after class.'"
"The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked,‘Why did I receive an F?'"
"The teacher said,‘This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you.You have no money.You come from an itinerant family.You have no resources.Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money.You have to buy the land.You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later you'll have to pay large stud(马群)fees.There's no way you could ever do it.'Then the teacher added,‘If you rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal,I will reconsider your grade.'"
"The boy went home and thought about it long and hard.He asked his father what he should do.His father said,‘Look,son,you have to make up your own mind on this.However,I think it is a very important decision for you.'"
"Finally,after sitting with it for a week,the boy turned in the same paper,making no changes at all.He stated,‘You can keep the F and I'll keep my dream.'"
Monty then turned to the assembled group and said,"I tell you this story because you are sitting in my 4,000-square-foot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch.I still have that school paper framed over the fireplace."He added,"The best part of the story is that two summers ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week.When the teacher was leaving,he said,‘Look,Monty,I can tell you this now.When I was your teacher,I was something of a dream stealer.During those years I stole a lot of kids'dreams. Fortunately you had enough gumption not to give up on yours.'"
Don't let anyone steal your dreams.Follow your heart,no matter what.
56.What is the best title of the passage?C
   A.A dream-stealer              B.An unforgettable experience
   C.Fly with your belief         D.Struggling of life
57.The teacher thought Monty's dream was unrealistic becauseC.
A.He lived in a poor family.
B.The boy didn't have enough ability to do that.
C.The dream was too far away from him.
D.All of the above
58.What does the teacher mean by saying the underlined words in the last paragraph?B
A.The teacher was too greedy to steal many things from the kids.
B.The teacher failed to help many kids to achieve their goals.
C.The teacher always refused to praise kids.
D.The teacher treated the kids in an unfair way..
59.Why did Monty tell others his experience?C
A.He wanted other people to know more about his life experience.
B.He wanted to tell others his house was a best place to put on the events to raise funds.
C.He hoped people could understand what was important to help young people to achieve their goals.
D.He thought his story was good enough to attract others.
60.Which of the following can best describe my friend?C
A.stubborn and brave                B.intelligent but rebellious
C.farsighted and determined         D.rich and knowledgeable.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.The kid is crying,for he ______ jump over the ditch on his own.(  )
A.dares not toB.dare not toC.doesn't dare toD.dares not


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.---How would you like your beef,Miss?
---     (  )
A.Well done.B.Thank you.
C.I like it very much.D.Like what?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.The car passed through the streets__________we thought was a very dangerous speed.(  )
A.whichB.at whichC.at whatD.what

